chat.component.html 3.72 KB
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<!-- Mobile toggle button -->
<a [ngClass]="(showSidebar)?'ti-close':'ti-menu'" class="btn btn-success show-left-part d-block d-md-none"
	href="javascript:void(0)" (click)="mobileSidebar()"></a>
<div class="main-part">
	<div class="left-part bg-white fixed-left-part" [ngClass]="{'show-panel': showSidebar}">
		<div class="position-relative" style="height:100%;">
			<div class="p-l-15 p-r-25 py-3 d-flex align-items-center mt-1 border-bottom">
					<img src="assets/images/users/8.jpg" width="45" alt="user" class="rounded-circle">
				<div class="text-dark m-b-0 m-l-15 font-18">
					Bruce Banner
					<p class="m-b-0 font-12">
						<i class="fa fa-circle text-success font-10 m-r-5"></i>
			<ul class="mailbox list-style-none">
					<div class="message-center" style="height: calc(100vh - 267px);" [perfectScrollbar]="config">
						<div *ngFor="let contact of contactList">
							<a class="message-item" []="activeChatUserId ===" (click)="setActive(">
								<span class="user-img">
									<img src={{contact.imagePath}} alt="user" class="rounded-circle" width="100">
									<span class="profile-status online pull-right"></span>
								<div class="mail-contnet">
									<h5 class="message-title">{{}}</h5>
									<span class="mail-desc">{{contact.signature}}</span>
									<p class="time text-uppercase">{{contact.time}}</p>
	<div class="right-part">
		<div class="card mb-0">
			<div class="p-l-15 p-r-25 py-3 d-flex align-items-center border-bottom bg-info">
				<div class="mr-3">
					<img [src]="[activeChatUserImg]" alt="user" class="rounded-circle" width="50" />
					<h5 class="text-white mb-0">{{ activeChatUser }}</h5>
					<p class="mb-0 text-white">{{ activeChatUserStatus }}</p>
			<div class="card-body py-0 pr-0">
				<div class="chat-box p-r-15" #scrollMe [scrollTop]="scrollMe.scrollHeight"
					style="height:calc(100vh - 350px); overflow-y: auto;">
					<!--chat Row -->
					<ul class="chat-list">
						<li class="chat-item" [ngClass]="[chat.chatClass]" *ngFor="let chat of savedMessages">
							<div class="chat-img">
								<img [src]="[chat.imagePath]" alt="avatar" />

							<div class="chat-content" *ngFor="let message of chat.messages">
								<div class="box bg-light-info">
									{{ message }}

							<div class="chat-time text-lowercase" *ngIf="chat.time !='' ">{{chat.time}}</div>
						<li class="chat-item odd type-msg" *ngIf="messages.length > 0">
							<div class="chat-img" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="right" title="" data-original-title="">
								<img src="assets/images/users/8.jpg" alt="user-images" />
							<div class="chat-messages">
								<div class="chat-content" *ngFor="let message of messages">
									<div class="box bg-light-info">{{ message }}</div>
							<div class="chat-time">{{ now | date: ' a' }}</div>
			<div class="card-body border-top">
				<form class="chat-app-input row">
					<div class="col-9">
						<input type="text" class="form-control border-0" id="iconLeft4" placeholder="Type your message and enter"
							(keydown.enter)="onAddMessage();$event.preventDefault()" #messageInput>
					<div class="col-3">
						<button type="button" class="btn-circle btn-lg btn-cyan float-right text-white border-0"
							<i class="fas fa-paper-plane"></i>