Commit 526e362d by TongZuu


parent 93b0c959
## Git Command
\ No newline at end of file
## Git Command
#### create file .gitignore
touch .gitignore
#### initial git
git init
#### link git server
git remote add origin
#### pull data from git server
git pull origin master
#### add to index stages All
git add -A
#### add to index stages new and modified, without deleted
git add .
#### add to index stages modified and deleted, without new
git add -u
#### set default user
git config --global ""
git config --global "support_myhr"
#### commit with message
git commit -m initial
#### commit with user
git -c'Paul Draper' -c'' commit -m '...'
#### other
git config --global credential.helper 'cache --timeout=3600'
#### new branch from master. modify success
git format-patch --stdout master > my.patch
#### patch diff commit between n..n1
git format-patch --stdout bb25e649fcbc539d99945600c262636621b48a3f..a427ce27eee37982312b7d7b8f2600c406109f20 > my.patch
#### zip file ที่มีความแตกต่าง ระหว่าง commit ce1f8df - 8a22bd8
git archive -o HEAD $(git diff ce1f8df 8a22bd8 --name-only)
#### apply patch to project
git apply my.patch
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