# Asking for help and featuresThough I am really happy to provide help, I am not your mom nor your instructor. Any request without enough detail and any bug report without a code example (live example is preferred) won't get any answer.Be exhaustive, describe your needs, show what you tried, it's the best way to get a rapid answer/bug fix.# How to contribute## Core vs PluginsI want to keep the core clean of extra (and certainly awesome) functionalities. That includes, but is not limited to, export/import plugins, visual aids, etc.Check the doc about [creating plugins](http://mistic100.github.io/jQuery-QueryBuilder/dev/plugins.html).I reserve the right to refuse any plugin I think is not useful for many people. Particularly, only import/export plugins for mainstream data storages will be intergated in the main repository. Others should be in a separated repository. But it's totally possible to add a link to your repository in the documentation.## Unit testsAny big feature must have it's own QUnit tests suite. Of course existing tests must still pass after changes.I won't merge any branch not passing the TravisCI build (this include JShint compliance).## dist filesKeep it simple, don't commit any files in the `dist` directory, I build these files only before a release.## TranslationsSource language files are plain JSON files which will be converted to executable JS files by the build task. The `__locale` key must be filled with the international name of the language + 2-chars code and the `__author` key can be used to give information about the translator.