app_mbo.firstHalf.html 8.58 KB
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Thitichaipun Wutthisak committed
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<div id="objective_first_half_review">
	<fieldset ng-disabled=" 
		(!(state == 1 && isAppraisee) || dateNow > TapsstateList[1].dateend) 
		&& (!(state == 2 && approverLevel == 1) || dateNow > TapsstateList[2].dateend) 
	<form name="myForm">
	<div class="row" ng-show="isApsyear2016">
		<div class="col-md-12" ><strong>2.0 Global basic condition:</strong> {{ global_basic_condition }}</div>
	<div class="row">
		<div class="col-md-12" ><strong>{{ kpi_category_name[0].tdesc }}</strong></div>
	<table class="table table-bordered" style="width: inherit;">
		<col width="15%" />
		<col width="18%" />
		<col width="7%" />
		<col width="7%" />
		<col width="26%" />
		<col width="27%" />
			<th class="bold-center bluehead">BU/Region<br>/Function</th>
			<th class="bold-center bluehead">OBJECTIVES</th>
			<th class="bold-center bluehead" style="min-width: 110px;">Weight </th>
			<th class="bold-center bluehead">Result</th>
			<th class="bold-center bluehead">Appraisee Comment</th>
			<th class="bold-center bluehead">Appraiser Comment</th>
		<tr ng-repeat="item in ObjectiveSetting | filter:{kpi_category:kpi_category_name[0].kcatid} | orderBy:'kpi_idx'" class="more-data-sm">
			<td>{{ item.bu }}</td>
			<td>{{ item.obj }}</td>
			<td style="text-align:center;">{{ item.weight+'%' }}</td>
			<td style="text-align:center;">
				<!-- <select ng-model="item.halfresult" ng-disabled="!isAppraiser" ng-if="state == 2 && isAppraiser || state > 2 "> -->
				<select ng-model="item.halfresult" ng-disabled="!(isAppraiser || isAppraisee)" ng-if="(isAppraiser || isAppraisee)|| state >= 2 ">
					<option value="0.00">0.00</option>
					<option ng-if="isApsyear2016" value="0.50">0.50</option>
					<option ng-if="isApsyear2016" value="0.60">0.60</option>
					<option ng-if="isApsyear2016" value="0.70">0.70</option>
					<option ng-if="isApsyear2016" value="0.80">0.80</option>
					<option ng-if="isApsyear2016" value="0.90">0.90</option>
					<option value="1.00">1.00</option>
			<td><textarea class="text-md"  ng-model="item.halfAppraiseeComment" ng-disabled="!isAppraisee"></textarea></td>
			<td><textarea class="text-md"  ng-model="item.halfAppraiserComment" ng-if="state == 2 && isAppraiser || state > 2 " ng-disabled="!isAppraiser"></textarea></td>
	<div class="row">
		<div class="col-md-12" ><strong>{{ kpi_category_name[1].tdesc }}</strong></div>
	<table class="table table-bordered" style="width: inherit;">
		<col width="15%" />
		<col width="18%" />
		<col width="7%" />
		<col width="7%" />
		<col width="26%" />
		<col width="27%" />
			<th class="bold-center bluehead">BU/Region<br>/Function</th>
			<th class="bold-center bluehead">OBJECTIVES</th>
			<th class="bold-center bluehead" style="min-width: 110px;">Weight </th>
			<th class="bold-center bluehead">Result</th>
			<th class="bold-center bluehead">Appraisee Comment</th>
			<th class="bold-center bluehead">Appraiser Comment</th>
		<tr ng-repeat="item in ObjectiveSetting | filter:{kpi_category:kpi_category_name[1].kcatid} | orderBy:'kpi_idx'" class="more-data-sm">
			<td>{{ item.bu }}</td>
			<td>{{ item.obj }}</td>
			<td style="text-align:center;">{{ item.weight+'%' }}</td>
			<td style="text-align:center;">
				<!-- <select ng-model="item.halfresult" ng-disabled="!isAppraiser" ng-if="state == 2 && isAppraiser || state > 2 "> -->
				<select ng-model="item.halfresult" ng-disabled="!(isAppraiser || isAppraisee)" ng-if="(isAppraiser || isAppraisee)|| state >= 2 ">
					<option value="0.00">0.00</option>
					<option ng-if="isApsyear2016" value="0.50">0.50</option>
					<option ng-if="isApsyear2016" value="0.60">0.60</option>
					<option ng-if="isApsyear2016" value="0.70">0.70</option>
					<option ng-if="isApsyear2016" value="0.80">0.80</option>
					<option ng-if="isApsyear2016" value="0.90">0.90</option>
					<option value="1.00">1.00</option>
			<td><textarea class="text-md"  ng-model="item.halfAppraiseeComment" ng-disabled="!isAppraisee"></textarea></td>
			<td><textarea class="text-md"  ng-model="item.halfAppraiserComment" ng-if="state == 2 && isAppraiser || state > 2 " ng-disabled="!isAppraiser"></textarea></td>
		<tr ng-if="!isApsyear2016" ng-repeat="item in ObjectiveSetting | filter:{kpi_category:kpi_category_name[2].kcatid} | orderBy:'kpi_idx'" class="more-data-sm">
			<td>{{ item.bu }}</td>
			<td>{{ item.obj }}</td>
			<td style="text-align:center;">{{ item.weight+'%' }}</td>
			<td style="text-align:center;">
				<!-- <select ng-model="item.halfresult" ng-disabled="!isAppraiser" ng-if="state == 2 && isAppraiser || state > 2 "> -->
				<select ng-model="item.halfresult" ng-disabled="!(isAppraiser || isAppraisee)" ng-if="(isAppraiser || isAppraisee) || state >= 2 ">
					<option value="0.00">0.00</option>
					<option ng-if="isApsyear2016" value="0.50">0.50</option>
					<option ng-if="isApsyear2016" value="0.60">0.60</option>
					<option ng-if="isApsyear2016" value="0.70">0.70</option>
					<option ng-if="isApsyear2016" value="0.80">0.80</option>
					<option ng-if="isApsyear2016" value="0.90">0.90</option>
					<option value="1.00">1.00</option>
			<td><textarea class="text-md"  ng-model="item.halfAppraiseeComment" ng-disabled="!isAppraisee" ></textarea></td>
			<td><textarea class="text-md"  ng-model="item.halfAppraiserComment" ng-if="state == 2 && isAppraiser || state > 2 " ng-disabled="!isAppraiser"></textarea></td>
	<div ng-if="isApsyear2016" class="row">
		<div class="col-md-12" ><strong>{{ kpi_category_name[2].tdesc }}</strong></div>
	<table ng-if="isApsyear2016" class="table table-bordered" style="width: inherit;">
		<col width="15%" />
		<col width="18%" />
		<col width="7%" />
		<col width="7%" />
		<col width="26%" />
		<col width="27%" />
			<th class="bold-center bluehead">BU/Region<br>/Function</th>
			<th class="bold-center bluehead">OBJECTIVES</th>
			<th class="bold-center bluehead" style="min-width: 110px;">Weight </th>
			<th class="bold-center bluehead">Result</th>
			<th class="bold-center bluehead">Appraisee Comment</th>
			<th class="bold-center bluehead">Appraiser Comment</th>
		<tr ng-repeat="item in ObjectiveSetting | filter:{kpi_category:kpi_category_name[2].kcatid} | orderBy:'kpi_idx'" class="more-data-sm">
			<td>{{ item.bu }}</td>
			<td>{{ item.obj }}</td>
			<td style="text-align:center;">{{ item.weight+'%' }}</td>
			<td style="text-align:center;">
				<!-- <select ng-model="item.halfresult" ng-disabled="!isAppraiser" ng-if="state == 2 && isAppraiser || state > 2 "> -->
				<select ng-model="item.halfresult" ng-disabled="!(isAppraiser || isAppraisee)" ng-if="(isAppraiser || isAppraisee) || state >= 2 ">
					<option value="0.00">0.00</option>
					<option ng-if="isApsyear2016" value="0.50">0.50</option>
					<option ng-if="isApsyear2016" value="0.60">0.60</option>
					<option ng-if="isApsyear2016" value="0.70">0.70</option>
					<option ng-if="isApsyear2016" value="0.80">0.80</option>
					<option ng-if="isApsyear2016" value="0.90">0.90</option>
					<option value="1.00">1.00</option>
			<td><textarea class="text-md"  ng-model="item.halfAppraiseeComment" ng-disabled="!isAppraisee" ></textarea></td>
			<td><textarea class="text-md"  ng-model="item.halfAppraiserComment" ng-if="state == 2 && isAppraiser || state > 2 " ng-disabled="!isAppraiser"></textarea></td>
	<div class="row">
		<div class="col-md-12" ><strong>Total</strong></div>
	<table class="table table-bordered" style="width: 50%;">
		<col width="60%" />
		<col width="20%" />
		<col width="20%" />
			<th class="bold-center bluehead">Total</th>
			<th class="bold-center bluehead">Weight</th>
			<th class="bold-center bluehead">Overall</th>
		<tr class="more-data-sm">
			<td style="text-align:center;"><span ng-if="isApsyear2016">Total of 1.1, 1.2, and 1.3</span><span ng-if="!isApsyear2016">Total of 1 and 2</span></td>
			<td style="text-align:center;">{{ sum(ObjectiveSetting, 'weight')+'%' }}</td>
			<td style="text-align:center;">{{ sumResult(ObjectiveSetting, 'halfresult') }}</td>
	<div class="col-md-12" style="text-align:center;padding-bottom:50px;" ng-hide='Invalid'>
		<button type="button" class="btn btn-primary" ng-if="(state == 1 && isAppraisee) || (state == 2 && isAppraiser)" ng-click="save()">Save Draft</button>
		<button type="button" class="btn btn-success" ng-if="isAppraisee && state == 1" ng-click="Next()">Send To Appraiser</button>
		<button type="button" class="btn btn-success" ng-if="isAppraiser && state == 2" ng-click="Next()">Assessment completed</button>