EMP_LEAVE.jsp 8.04 KB
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<%@page contentType="text/html; charset=UTF-8" language="java" %>
<%@page import="com.csc.library.entry.HelpEntry,com.csc.library.system.*,com.csc.library.utilities.*,java.util.*"%>
<%@page import="com.csc.library.utilities.CscCalendar,com.csc.library.entry.HelpEntry,com.csc.library.system.*"%>
<%@page import="com.csc.library.entry.*,com.csc.library.database.*,com.csc.library.session.*,com.csc.library.formula.FormulaString"  %>
<%@page import="com.csc.library.timeattendance.DayShift,com.csc.library.timeattendance.Shift,com.csc.library.timeattendance.WorkingShift"  %>
<%@page import="java.text.DecimalFormat"  %>
<%@ include file="../CHECKPROFILE.jsp" %>
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<jsp:useBean id="EMV" class="com.csc.library.system.Task" scope="page" />
<jsp:setProperty name="EMV" property="appname" value="empview" />
	ThaiUtilities thaicode=new ThaiUtilities();
	CheckNull chk = new CheckNull();
	String empID=thaicode.ASCII2Unicode(chk.chkNullString(request.getParameter("__empID")));
	//out.println("empID : "+empID+"<br>");
	HelpEntry screen = (HelpEntry) EMV.process("HelpEntry","PI_LEAVEHELP");
	screen.inq.setFilter("employeeid = '"+empID+"' ");
	CscCalendar cs = new CscCalendar();
	DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("0.00");
	DecimalFormat df2 = new DecimalFormat("00.00");
	FormulaString fs = new FormulaString();
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" ng-app="myHR">
<title>Employee View</title>
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			var swap = new swaplang();
            var titlename = swap.swap2String("SW001825");

			function chkDateTime1(valueSearch){ 
				var tmpval="";
					var valueSearch1=valueSearch.split("-");
						return valueSearch=valueSearch1[2]+"-"+valueSearch1[1]+"-"+valueSearch1[0];
		<div class="bg-com"></div>
			<div class="container csc-content">
				<form name="cscform" class="form-horizontal" method="post" action="EMP_LEAVE.jsp">
					<input type="hidden" name="__cmd" value="">
					<input type="hidden" name="__screen"  value="EMP_LEAVE"> 
					<input type="hidden" name="__help" value="">
					<input type="hidden" name="__helpReturn" value="">
					<input type="hidden" name="__helpName" value="">
					<input type="hidden" name="__pageCall" >
					<input type="hidden" name="__referPage" value="">
					<input type="hidden" name="__calendar">
					<script language="javascript">getInputFormatDate();</script>
					<input type="hidden" name="__companyid"  value="<%=screen.getUProfile().get("companyid")%>">
					<input type="hidden" name="__fixCon"  > 
					<input type="hidden" name="__language" value="<%=screen.getUProfile().get("lang")%>">
					<input type="hidden" name="__childFilter" >
					<input type="hidden" name="__empID" value="<%=screen.getString("employeeid")%>"> 
					<input type="hidden" name="__empName" value="<%=screen.getString("fullname")%>">   
					<div id="toolTipLayer" style="position:absolute; visibility: hidden"></div>
						String d1 = "";
						String d2 = "";
						CscCalendar c1 = null;
						CscCalendar c2 = null;
						try {
							d1 = (String) StaticConfig.getConfigCompany(screen.getUProfile(), "TA1001");
							d2 = (String) StaticConfig.getConfigCompany(screen.getUProfile(), "TA1002");
							if (d1!=null && d2!=null && !d1.equals("") && !d2.equals("")) {
								c1 = new CscCalendar(d1);
								c2 = new CscCalendar(d2);
						} catch (Exception e) {}
					<div class="csc-block-white">
						<div class="center">
							<h4><label swlang code='SW001825'>Employee Privilege Leave</label> <%=screen.getString("employeeid")%>&nbsp;<%=screen.getString("fullname")%>&nbsp;</h4>
						<div class="container csc-content">
							<table class="table table-head table-hover table-bordered table-title-left table-content-center">
										<th class="table-title" colspan=4>
												//out.println(c1+" : "+c2);
												if (c1!=null && c2!=null && !c1.equals(c2)) {
													if (screen.getUProfile().get("lang").equalsIgnoreCase("tha")) {
														out.println(c1.getDDThaiYYYY()+" - "+c2.getDDThaiYYYY());
													} else {
														out.println(c1.getDDEngYYYY()+" - "+c2.getDDEngYYYY());
										<th rowspan=2 swlang code='SW000300'>Leave Type</th>
										<th swlang code='SW012474'>Limit</th>
										<th swlang code='SW000575'>Used</th>
										<th swlang code='SW000377'>Remain</th>
										<th swlang code='SW000378'>DD HH SS</th>
										<th swlang code='SW000378'>DD HH SS</th>
										<th swlang code='SW000378'>DD HH SS</th>
										String cFont = "", dis_limit = ""; /* dis_limit การแสดงสิทธิ  */
										String fld = getMConfigValue(screen.getUProfile(), "TALVFD");

										DbInquiry inq = new InitialInquiry(screen.getUProfile()).getDbInquiry("Meventgrp1");	
										inq.setFilter(" daytype!='1' and daytype !='5' and daytype !='6' and daytype !='9' and branchid = (select " + fld + " from MEMPLOYEE where EMPLOYEEID = '" + screen.getString("employeeid") + "')");
										/*inq.setFilter("daytype!='1' and daytype !='5' and daytype !='6' and daytype !='9' ");*/
											String a="simmemployee_tadjtime0$"+ inq.getString("eventgrpid");
											String b= inq.getString("eventgrpid");
											dis_limit = inq.getString("display_limit");
											if (screen.inq.getString(a+"_remain").indexOf('-')>-1) {
												cFont = "error";
											} else cFont = "";
										<td class="table-title <%=cFont%>"><%=screen.inq.getString(a+"_desc")%></td>
										<td class="<%=cFont%>"><%=screen.inq.getString(a+"_limit")%></td>
										<td class="<%=cFont%>"><%=screen.inq.getString(a+"_used")%></td>
										<td class="<%=cFont%>"><%=screen.inq.getString(a+"_remain")%></td>
									<% } %>
							<input type="hidden" name="date1" value="<%=screen.inq.getString("$date_begin")%>">
							<input type="hidden" name="date2" value="<%=screen.inq.getString("$date_end")%>">
							<div class="center">
								<a class="btn btn-primary" swlang code="SW012104" onclick="javascript:window.close()">Close</a>
public String getMConfigValue(UProfile upf, String filed){
	String srt = "";
	try {
		srt = (String) StaticConfig.getConfigCompany(upf, filed) ;
	}catch(Exception e){
	return srt ;