MD-DISPLAY.jsp 6.49 KB
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<%@ page contentType="text/html; charset=UTF-8" language="java"%>
<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="jp" %>
<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="wcf" %>
<%@ taglib prefix="c" uri="" %>


  JPivot / WCF comes with its own "expression language", which simply
  is a path of properties. E.g. #{} is
  translated into:
  WCF uses jakarta commons beanutils to do so, for an exact syntax
  see its documentation.

  With JSP 2.0 you should use <code>#{}</code> notation to define
  expressions for WCF attributes and <code>\${}</code> to define
  JSP EL expressions.

  JSP EL expressions can not be used with WCF tags currently, all
  tag attributes have their <code>rtexprvalue</code> set to false.
  There may be a twin library supporting JSP EL expressions in
  the future (similar to the twin libraries in JSTL, e.g. core
  and core_rt).

  Check out the WCF distribution which contains many examples on
  how to use the WCF tags (like tree, form, table etc).


  <title>Mondrian/JPivot Test Page</title>
  <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="jpivot/table/mdxtable.css">
  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="jpivot/navi/mdxnavi.css">
  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="wcf/form/xform.css">
  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="wcf/table/xtable.css">
  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="wcf/tree/xtree.css">

<style type="text/css">
		width: 790px;

<body bgcolor=white>
<form action="MD-DISPLAY.jsp" method="post">	
<%-- include query and title, so this jsp may be used with different queries --%>
<wcf:include id="include01" httpParam="query" prefix="/WEB-INF/queries/" suffix=".jsp"/>
<c:if test="${query01 == null}">
  <jsp:forward page="/MD-INDEX.jsp"/>

<%-- define table, navigator and forms --%>
<jp:table id="table01" query="#{query01}"/>
<jp:navigator id="navi01" query="#{query01}" visible="false"/>
<wcf:form id="mdxedit01" xmlUri="/WEB-INF/jpivot/table/mdxedit.xml" model="#{query01}" visible="false"/>
<wcf:form id="sortform01" xmlUri="/WEB-INF/jpivot/table/sortform.xml" model="#{table01}" visible="false"/>

<jp:print id="print01"/>
<wcf:form id="printform01" xmlUri="/WEB-INF/jpivot/print/printpropertiesform.xml" model="#{print01}" visible="false"/>

<jp:chart id="chart01" query="#{query01}" visible="false"/>
<wcf:form id="chartform01" xmlUri="/WEB-INF/jpivot/chart/chartpropertiesform.xml" model="#{chart01}" visible="false"/>
<wcf:table id="query01.drillthroughtable" visible="false" selmode="none" editable="true"/>

<h2><c:out value="${title01}"/></h2>

<%-- define a toolbar --%>
<wcf:toolbar id="toolbar01" bundle="com.tonbeller.jpivot.toolbar.resources">
  <wcf:scriptbutton id="cubeNaviButton" tooltip="toolb.cube" img="cube" model="#{navi01.visible}"/>
  <wcf:scriptbutton id="mdxEditButton" tooltip="toolb.mdx.edit" img="mdx-edit" model="#{mdxedit01.visible}"/>
  <wcf:scriptbutton id="sortConfigButton" tooltip="toolb.table.config" img="sort-asc" model="#{sortform01.visible}"/>
  <wcf:scriptbutton id="levelStyle" tooltip="" img="level-style" model="#{table01.extensions.axisStyle.levelStyle}"/>
  <wcf:scriptbutton id="hideSpans" tooltip="toolb.hide.spans" img="hide-spans" model="#{table01.extensions.axisStyle.hideSpans}"/>
  <wcf:scriptbutton id="propertiesButton" tooltip=""  img="properties" model="#{table01.rowAxisBuilder.axisConfig.propertyConfig.showProperties}"/>
  <wcf:scriptbutton id="nonEmpty" tooltip="toolb.non.empty" img="non-empty" model="#{table01.extensions.nonEmpty.buttonPressed}"/>
  <wcf:scriptbutton id="swapAxes" tooltip="toolb.swap.axes"  img="swap-axes" model="#{table01.extensions.swapAxes.buttonPressed}"/>
  <wcf:scriptbutton model="#{table01.extensions.drillMember.enabled}"	 tooltip="toolb.navi.member" radioGroup="navi" id="drillMember"   img="navi-member"/>
  <wcf:scriptbutton model="#{table01.extensions.drillPosition.enabled}" tooltip="toolb.navi.position" radioGroup="navi" id="drillPosition" img="navi-position"/>
  <wcf:scriptbutton model="#{table01.extensions.drillReplace.enabled}"	 tooltip="toolb.navi.replace" radioGroup="navi" id="drillReplace"  img="navi-replace"/>
  <wcf:scriptbutton model="#{table01.extensions.drillThrough.enabled}"  tooltip="toolb.navi.drillthru" id="drillThrough01"  img="navi-through"/>
  <wcf:scriptbutton id="chartButton01" tooltip="toolb.chart" img="chart" model="#{chart01.visible}"/>
  <wcf:scriptbutton id="chartPropertiesButton01" tooltip="toolb.chart.config" img="chart-config" model="#{chartform01.visible}"/>
  <wcf:scriptbutton id="printPropertiesButton01" tooltip="toolb.print.config" img="print-config" model="#{printform01.visible}"/>
  <wcf:imgbutton id="printpdf" tooltip="toolb.print" img="print" href="./Print?cube=01&type=1"/>
  <wcf:imgbutton id="printxls" tooltip="toolb.excel" img="excel" href="./Print?cube=01&type=0"/>

<%-- render toolbar --%>
<wcf:render ref="toolbar01" xslUri="/WEB-INF/jpivot/toolbar/htoolbar.xsl" xslCache="true"/>

<%-- if there was an overflow, show error message --%>
<c:if test="${query01.result.overflowOccured}">
  <strong style="color:red">Resultset overflow occured</strong>

<%-- render navigator --%>
<wcf:render ref="navi01" xslUri="/WEB-INF/jpivot/navi/navigator.xsl" xslCache="true"/>

<%-- edit mdx --%>
<c:if test="${mdxedit01.visible}">
<h3>MDX Query Editor</h3>
  <wcf:render ref="mdxedit01" xslUri="/WEB-INF/wcf/wcf.xsl" xslCache="true"/>

<%-- sort properties --%>
<wcf:render ref="sortform01" xslUri="/WEB-INF/wcf/wcf.xsl" xslCache="true"/>

<%-- chart properties --%>
<wcf:render ref="chartform01" xslUri="/WEB-INF/wcf/wcf.xsl" xslCache="true"/>

<%-- print properties --%>
<wcf:render ref="printform01" xslUri="/WEB-INF/wcf/wcf.xsl" xslCache="true"/>

<!-- render the table -->
<wcf:render ref="table01" xslUri="/WEB-INF/jpivot/table/mdxtable.xsl" xslCache="true"/>
<wcf:render ref="table01" xslUri="/WEB-INF/jpivot/table/mdxslicer.xsl" xslCache="true"/>

<!-- drill through table -->
<wcf:render ref="query01.drillthroughtable" xslUri="/WEB-INF/wcf/wcf.xsl" xslCache="true"/>

<!-- render chart -->
<wcf:render ref="chart01" xslUri="/WEB-INF/jpivot/chart/chart.xsl" xslCache="true"/>

