PRR_PayrollReconcileOP.jsp 10.2 KB
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<jsp:useBean id="ASR002" scope="page" class=""/>
ASR002.setChannel(request ,response);
ReportEntry screen=null;
UProfile uf=screen.getUProfile();
CscCalendar cs=new CscCalendar();

CscCalendar cDate = new CscCalendar();
String monthtxt="";
String cdate ="";
String month="";
String year ="";
String language = uf.get("lang");
// int dayS=1,dayE=1;
String getScreen = request.getParameter("__screen");
month = (Integer.parseInt(cDate.getMM())+1 )+"";
year = cDate.getEngYYYY()+"";
monthtxt = cDate.getEngLongMonth().toUpperCase();
<html ng-app="myHR">
<title>ReportOption PayrollReconcile</title>
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<script language='javascript'>setLang('<%=screen.getUProfile().get("lang")%>');</script>

<!-- Call DWR -->
<script type='text/javascript' src='/hr/dwr/interface/CalculateReconcile.js'></script>
<script type='text/javascript' src='/hr/dwr/engine.js'></script>
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<script language="JavaScript" type="text/JavaScript">


function getInitial(){
    var payrollGroup = $('select[name=__prgcode]').find(":selected").val();
    var lang = "<%=screen.getUProfile().get("lang")%>";

function back(){
    var getformula = __getformula.value;
    var reconcileid = __reconcileid.value;
    var flag = __flag.value;
      }else {
          if (elements[z].checked)  {
            setParent(elements[z].name, elements[z].value);
        }else {
    //var prgcode = $('select[name=__prgcode]').find(":selected").val();
    var filterheal = "reconcileid = '' and employeeid in (select employeeid from memployee)";
    var getScreen = "<%=getScreen%>";
    var flagfilter = "";
    if(reconcileid != ""){
      if(getScreen == "PRR_PayrollReconcile_FormB"){
        /*filterheal = "employeeid in (select employeeid from tpayrollreconciliation1 where reconcileid = '"+reconcileid+"' and formulaid in ("+getformula+") and status not in ('B'))";
        __fixfiltermemployee.value = filterheal;
        filterheal = "reconcileid = '"+reconcileid+"' and formulaid in ("+getformula+") and status not in ('B')";
        __fixfiltertpayrollreconciliation1.value = filterheal;*/

        if(flag !== ""){
          flagfilter = "and status in ('"+flag+"')";

        var dbtype = '<%=screen.getUProfile().getDbType()%>';
        if(dbtype === "PGSQL" || dbtype === "ORACLE"){
          __fixfiltertpayrollreconciliation1.value = "reconcileid = '"+reconcileid+"' and employeeid in (select employeeid from tpayrollreconciliation1 where base64decoder(difference_amount) != '0.0' and formulaid in ("+getformula+")) and employeeid in (select employeeid from memployee) and status not in ('B') "+flagfilter+" ";
        } else {
          __fixfiltertpayrollreconciliation1.value = "reconcileid = '"+reconcileid+"' and employeeid in (select employeeid from tpayrollreconciliation1 where dbo.Base64decoder(difference_amount) != '0.0' and formulaid in ("+getformula+")) and employeeid in (select employeeid from memployee) and status not in ('B') "+flagfilter+" ";

        filterheal = "reconcileid = '"+reconcileid+"' and employeeid in (select employeeid from memployee)";
        __fixfiltertpayrollreconciliation1.value = filterheal;
      __fixfiltertpayrollreconciliation1.value = filterheal;

function setParent(inputName,inputValue){
    for(var  z=0;z<elements.length;z++){
          for(var k=0;k<__language.length;k++){

function goHelp(helpName,inputName){
    var helpReturn;
    //var fixcon=__fixCon.value;
    if (inputName=="__reconcileid") {
      __reconcileid.value ="";

function linkHelp_Return(help,input){
    var param="PRU084.jsp?__helpName="+help+"&__helpReturn="+input+"&__pageCall="+__screen.value+"&__checkVerify=off";,"Help","left=150,top=150,width=600,height=400,toolbar=no,status=yes,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes");

function getYYYYMMDD(dd, dDate){
  var splitdate = dd.split("-");
  var size = splitdate.length;
  var result = dd;
  var msg = "Date is not in a valid format.";
  //if(document.cscform.__language.value == "tha") msg = "รูปแบบวันที่ไม่ถูกต้อง";
  if(size == 3){
    result = "";
    if(splitdate[0].length == 4 && splitdate[1].length == 2 && splitdate[2].length == 2){
      return splitdate[0]+"-"+splitdate[1]+"-"+dDate;
      return splitdate[2]+"-"+splitdate[1]+"-"+dDate;
    result = result.substring(1,result.length);
  return result;


<body leftmargin="0" topmargin="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" onload="getInitial()">
<form name="cscform" method="post" >
<input type="hidden" name="__cmd" value="">
<input type="hidden" name="__language" value ="<%=screen.getUProfile().get("lang")%>">
<input type="hidden" name="__dateformat" value ="DD-MM-YYYY">
<input type="hidden" name="__calendar">
<input type="hidden" name="__getformula">
  <div align="center">
    <table  cellpadding="0"  cellspacing="0">
      <tr >
        <td  class="header"> PayrollReconcile,
		  <script language="javascript">swapLang('Report Option');</script>&nbsp;</td>
      <tr >
        <td  colspan="2">
          <div align="center">
            <table  cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" >


              <tr >
                <td height="13" colspan="2" class="blankspace"></td>
			  <%=screen.getTagComponent("columnlabel") %>
          <td class="columnlabel" width="45%" swlang code="SW011657">Reconcile ID</td>
          <td class="columnobject1" width="55%"><!-- Reconcile ID -->
            <input type="Text" name="__reconcileid" size="10" maxlength="10" value="" onkeypress="chkSpecialKey(event);" onkeyup="sysIsEdit();" onblur="trimValue(this);" onfocus=";" alt="Reconcile Code" onmousemver="toolTip('Reconcile Code')" onmouseout="toolTip()">&nbsp;
              <a href="javascript:goHelp('TPAYROLLRECONCILIATION0HELP','__reconcileid');" onmouseout="MM_swapImgRestore()" onmouseover="MM_swapImage('__reconcileid_image','','../IMAGES/BUTTON/SWAP/SEARCH_SWAP20.gif',1)">
                <img src="../IMAGES/BUTTON/MAIN/SEARCH20.gif" alt="SEARCH" name="__reconcileid_image" width="20" height="20" border="0" align="absmiddle">
            <tr <%if(getScreen.equalsIgnoreCase("PRR_PayrollReconcile")){%>style="display:none"<%}%>>
            <td align="right"><%=language.equals("tha")?"สถานะ":"Flag"%>&nbsp;</td>
              <select name="__flag">
                <option value=""><%=language.equals("tha")?"ทั้งหมด":"All"%></option>
                <option value="D"><%=language.equals("tha")?"แตกต่าง":"Difference"%></option>
                <option value="R"><%=language.equals("tha")?"ลาออก":"Resigned"%></option>
                <option value="N"><%=language.equals("tha")?"พนักงานเข้าใหม่":"New Employee"%></option>
                <option value="S"><%=language.equals("tha")?"หยุดจ่าย":"Stop Payment"%></option>
                <td  class="buttonline" colspan="7"><div align="center">
                  <button type="button" class="btn btn-primary width100" swlang code="SW013169" onClick="back();">OK</button>&nbsp;
                  <button type="button" class="btn btn-primary width100" swlang code="SW012132" onClick="window.close();">BACK</button>
                <tr >
                  <td colspan="2" class="blankspace"></td>
          <tr bordercolor="0069B3">
            <td  class="bottom"></td>
      <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="__screen" VALUE="<%=request.getParameter("__screen")%>">