EMV_ONLINE.jsp 5.24 KB
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<!DOCTYPE html>
<%@ page contentType="text/html; charset=UTF-8" language="java" %>
<%@page import="com.csc.library.entry.EmvHelpEntry,com.csc.library.system.*,com.csc.library.utilities.*"%>
<%@ page import="com.csc.library.entry.*,com.csc.library.database.*,com.csc.library.session.*"  %>
<%@ include file="../CHECKPROFILE.jsp" %>
<% request.setCharacterEncoding("UTF-8"); %>
<jsp:useBean id="EMV" class="com.csc.library.system.Task" scope="page"/>
<jsp:setProperty name="EMV" property="appname" value="empview" />
	EMV.setChannel(request, response);
	EmvHelpEntry screen = (EmvHelpEntry) EMV.process("EmvHelpEntry","EMV_ONLINE"); 
	String lang = screen.getUProfile().get("lang");
	CheckNull chk=new CheckNull();
	ThaiUtilities thail = new ThaiUtilities();  
	String screenName=thail.ASCII2Unicode(chk.chkNullString(request.getParameter("__screen")));     
	String userid=screen.getUProfile().get("user");     
	String whereCuz=" (logout_date is null or logout_date = '') ";
	whereCuz +=" and login_status = 'P' ";
	whereCuz +=" and module_name is not null ";  

	int beginRow=((Integer.parseInt(screen.goPage)-1)*screen.maxLine)+1;
    int endRow=(Integer.parseInt(screen.goPage))*screen.maxLine;
    screen.getInquiry().setBetween(beginRow, endRow);

<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" ng-app="myHR">
		<title>Employee View</title>
		<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=TIS620" />
	<body onload="MM_preloadImages('../IMAGES/BUTTON/SWAP/CALENDAR_SWAP20.gif','../IMAGES/BUTTON/SWAP/SEARCH_SWAP20.gif')">
		<div class="bg-com"></div>	
		<jsp:include page="EMV_HEADMENU.jsp" flush="true" />

			var swap = new swaplang();
            var titlename = swap.swap2String("SW011260");

			function setSubmit(){

			<div class="container csc-content">
				<form name="cscform" class="form-horizontal" method="post" action="EMV_ONLINE.jsp">
					<input name="__screen" type="hidden" value="EMV_ONLINE">	
					<input name="__cmd" type="hidden" value="">
					<input type="hidden" name="__calendar">
					<script language="javascript">getInputFormatDate();</script>
					<input type="hidden" name="__language" value="<%=screen.getUProfile().get("lang")%>">
					<input type="hidden" name="__help" value="">
					<input type="hidden" name="__goPage" value="">
					<input type="hidden" name="__orderBy" value="">
					<input type="hidden" name="__helpReturn" value="">
					<input type="hidden" name="__helpName" value="">
					<input type="hidden" name="__pageCall" value="">
					<input type="hidden" name="__referPage" value="">
					<input type="hidden" name="__lockPage" value=""> 
					<input type="hidden" name="__companyid"  value="<%=screen.getUProfile().get("companyid")%>"> 

					<span class="detail-table">
						<span swlang code='SW001771'>Found Data</span> :&nbsp;&nbsp;<%= screen.getInquiry().recCount() %>&nbsp;
						<span swlang code='SW001780'>records</span> 
					<span class="detail-table label-right">
						<span swlang code='SW001120'>Page</span> : <%=screen.getPageTagNew()%> 

					<div class="table-responsive">
						<table class="table table-head table-hover table-bordered table-title-left">
									<th colspan=6 class="table-title">
										<%=((lang.equalsIgnoreCase("tha"))?"ข้อมูลผู้กำลังใช้งาน":"Online User")%> 
									<th swlang code='SW001393'>No.</th>
									<th><%=((lang.equalsIgnoreCase("tha"))?"ชื่อ - นามสกุล":"Name - Surename")%></th>
									<th><%=((lang.equalsIgnoreCase("tha"))?"เครื่องที่ใช้งาน":"Client IP")%></th>
									<th><%=((lang.equalsIgnoreCase("tha"))?"เวลาที่เข้าใช้งาน":"Login Time")%></th>
									<th><%=((lang.equalsIgnoreCase("tha"))?"หน้าจอที่ใช้งาน":"On page")%></th>
									int i =1;
									while (screen.nextRec()) { 
									<td><%=screen.getString("login_date")+"   "+screen.getString("login_time")%></td>
										 if(screen.outLinePage()){ break; }
			<a href="#top" id="top-button">
				<i class="fa fa-angle-up"></i>
				<div class="top-word">Back to top</div>
		<jsp:include page="FOOTER.jsp" flush="true" />