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<jsp:useBean id="APS_EMV006" class="com.csc.library.system.Task" scope="page" />
	APS_EMV006.setChannel(request, response);
	HelpEntry screen = (HelpEntry) APS_EMV006.process("HelpEntry","APS_EMV006");
	screen.getInquiry().setFilter(" astid = 'RC10' and apsassessor = '"+screen.getUProfile().get("employeeid")+"'");
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<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" ng-app="myHR">

		<title>Employee View</title>

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		<div class="bg-com"></div>
		<jsp:include page="EMV_HEADMENU.jsp" flush="true" />

			var swap = new swaplang();
            var titlename = swap.swap2String("SW002252");
			function GoSave(){confirmSave();}
			function GoUpdate(){update();}
			function GoDelete(){alert(MyCode[150]);}
			function GoSearch(){search();}
			function addMulti(){
			function childMulti(record){
			function goForm(apsid,apsassessor,apsassessy){
			function goReForm(apsid,apsassessor,apsassessy){
			<div class="container csc-content">
				<form name="cscform" class="form-horizontal" method="post" action="APS_EMV006.jsp">
					<input type="hidden"name="__screen"  value="APS_EMV006">
					<input type="hidden" name="__fixCon" value="">
					<input type="hidden" name="__help" value="">
					<input type="hidden" name="__cmd"  value="">
					<input type="hidden" name="__gorec"  value="">
					<input type="hidden" name="__calendar">
					<input type="hidden" name="__language" value="<%=screen.getUProfile().get("lang")%>">
					<input type="hidden" name="__user" value="<%=screen.getUProfile().getUserId()%>">
					<input type="hidden" name="__companyid"  value="<%=screen.getUProfile().get("companyid")%>">
					<div class="table-responsive">	
						<table class="table table-head table-hover table-bordered table-title-left">
									<th class="table-title" colspan="6" swlang code='SW002252'>Interview Appraisal</th>
									<th swlang code='SW007745'>Name Surname</th>
									<th swlang code='SW000134'>Job Description</th>
									<th swlang code='SW000057'>Position</th>
									<th swlang code='SW012171'>Eng language</th>
									<th swlang code='SW012172'>Spatial</th>
									<th swlang code='SW012131'>Interview Results</th>
									ReportUDF reutil = new ReportUDF();
									for(int i=1;screen.nextRec();i++){ 				
									<td><a href="javascript:go<%=screen.getString("apsstatus").equals("A")?"Re":""%>Form('<%=screen.getString("apsid")%>','<%=screen.getString("apsassessor")%>','<%=screen.getString("apsassessy")%>');"><%=screen.getString("mapplicant","fname")+" "+screen.getString("mapplicant","lname")%></a></td>
			<a href="#top" id="top-button">
				<i class="fa fa-angle-up"></i>
				<div class="top-word">Back to top</div>
		<jsp:include page="FOOTER.jsp" flush="true" />