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Thitichaipun Wutthisak committed
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		SendMail mail = new SendMail( "", from, to, cc, subject, message);
		result = mail.send();
  UProfile  UPro= (UProfile) session.getAttribute("userprofile"); 
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function goHelp(helpName,inputName){
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function sendMail(){
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function goBack(){

function sendMailComp() {

function template(type){
	var text ="";	
	if(type == "accept"){ 	
		//Job Offering Email to candidate / เมล์แจ้งผ่านการสัมภาษณ์และแจ้งข้อมูลการจ้างงาน
		text="Dear "+aname.value+"\n\n"+com_ename.value+"  is pleased to offer you posision  of "+position.value+". We \ntust that you khowledge , skill and  experience will be among our most valuable  \n\nAs we discussed, you starting date will be . The starting \nsalary is 42,000 per with 1,500 Baht per month for cost of cost of living allowance after \npassing probation and is paid a weekly basis .Direct deposit is available.\n\nMedical coverage ,dental and insurance will be provided through our company's \nemployee benefit plan and will be effective on your stating date "+com_ename.value+" \noffers a fiexible paid-time off plan which inciudes vacation,personal,and sick leave.\n\nWe are looking   forward to welcome you to "+com_ename.value+"\n\nPlease let me khow if you have any questions or l can provide any additional\ninformation\n\nBest Regards,\n\nHuman Resources - Recruitment\nPhatra Securities Public Company Limited\nTel. (02) 305-9249\nFax (02) 305-9511\nE-mail : "+email.value+"\n\n";

	}else if(type == "reject" || type == "reserve" ){
		//Rejection Email to candidate / เมล์แจ้งไม่ผ่านการสัมภาษณ์ สำรองและปฎิเสธ
			text ="Dear "+aname.value+"\n\n"+com_ename.value+" would like to thank you for taking your time to participate in our \nhiring process. This letter is to inform you that we have selected another candidate.\n\nYou were an exceptional candidate for our job and we hope that you apply for openings\nat "+com_ename.value+" for which you qualify in the future. While you were not selected for \nthe current opening, the interview team did not make this decision lightly. Your future \napplications will receive thorough review.\n\nAgain, thank you for taking the time to meet our interview team. We enjoyed meeting \nyou and our discussions indicated that you have much to offer your next employer.\n\nWe wish you both personal and professional success in your job search and in the \nfuture. We appreciate your interest in our organization.\n\nBest Regards,\n\nHuman Resources - Recruitment\nPhatra Securities Public Company Limited\nTel. (02) 305-9249\nFax (02) 305-9511\nE-mail : "+email.value+"\n\n ";
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