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<jsp:useBean id="EMV" class="" scope="page" />
<jsp:setProperty name="EMV" property="appname" value="empview" />
	EMV.setChannel(request, response);
	EmvHelpEntry screen = (EmvHelpEntry) EMV.process("EmvHelpEntry", "STAT_TOTHELP");

	CheckNull chk = new CheckNull();
	String fixcon = chk.chkNullString(request.getParameter("__fixCon"));
	String employeeid = chk.chkNullString(request.getParameter("__employeeid"));
	String emp_name = chk.chkNullString(request.getParameter("MEMPLOYEE@FULLNAME"));
	CscCalendar sdate = new CscCalendar(chk.chkNullString(request.getParameter("date_start")));
	CscCalendar edate = new CscCalendar(chk.chkNullString(request.getParameter("date_end")));

	// actor detail
	String lang = screen.getUProfile().get("lang");
	String actorid = screen.getUProfile().get("employeeid");
	String actor_name = (lang.equalsIgnoreCase("tha"))?screen.getUProfile().get("tfullname"):screen.getUProfile().get("efullname");

	// employee display
	String emp_display = (employeeid.length() > 0)? employeeid:actorid;
	String name_display = (employeeid.length() > 0)? emp_name:actor_name;

	screen.getInquiry().setFilter(fixcon);	// set filter to tot_m_date0
	int beginRow=((Integer.parseInt(screen.goPage)-1)*screen.maxLine)+1;
    int endRow=(Integer.parseInt(screen.goPage))*screen.maxLine;
    screen.getInquiry().setBetween(beginRow, endRow);

<html xmlns="" ng-app="myHR">

		<title>Employee View</title>

		<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />

		<div class="bg-com"></div>
		<jsp:include page="EMV_HEADMENU.jsp" flush="true" />


				//datepicker function
				var myLang='<%=screen.getUProfile().get("lang")%>';

				var swap = new swaplang();
	            var titlename = swap.swap2String("SW012357");

				if (myLang=="tha"){

						changeMonth: true,
						changeYear: true

					if ($("input[name=date_start]").val()>$("input[name=date_end]").val()){
					} else if ($("input[name=date_start]").val()==""){

						minDate: new Date(ConvertDate($("input[name=date_start]").val())),
						changeMonth: true,
						changeYear: true

			function goHelp(helpName,inputName){
				var helpReturn;
				var actid = "<%=actorid%>";
				//var con = "employeeid = '1000180'";
				var con = "employeeid = '" + actid + "' or employeeid in (select employeeid from msupervisor where supervisor like ',%25"+actid+"%25,')";

			function GoSearch(){
					//__fixCon.value = "employeeid = '" + __employeeid.value + "' and (wf_ref_doc is not null or wf_ref_doc != ' ')";
					__fixCon.value = "start_date between '" + getConDate(date_start) + "' and '" + getConDate(date_end) + "' and otid in (select otid from tot_m_date0 where employeeid = '" + __employeeid.value + "')";

			function getConDate(obj){
					var d = obj.value.split("-");
					return d[2] + "-" + d[1] + "-" + d[0];

			function pageDesc(empCode, empName){
					var a=chkDateTime1(date_start.value);
					var b=chkDateTime1(date_end.value);"EMP_SWIPETIME.jsp?__cmd="+

			function goPage(select_page){
				with( document.cscform ){
					if( select_page != "#" ){
						__goPage.value = select_page;

			<div class="container csc-content">
				<form name="cscform" class="form-horizontal" method="post" action="STAT_TOT_VIEW.jsp">
					<input type="hidden" name="__cmd" value="">
					<input type="hidden" name="__screen"  value="STAT_TOT_VIEW">
					<input type="hidden" name="__help" value="">
					<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="__goPage" VALUE="">
					<input type="hidden" name="__helpReturn" value="">
					<input type="hidden" name="__helpName" value="">
					<input type="hidden" name="__pageCall" >
					<input type="hidden" name="__referPage" value="">
					<input type="hidden" name="__calendar">
					<script language="javascript">getInputFormatDate();</script>
					<input type="hidden" name="__companyid"  value="<%=screen.getUProfile().get("companyid")%>">
					<input type="hidden" name="__fixCon" value="<%=fixcon%>">
					<input type="hidden" name="__language" value="<%=lang%>">
					<input type="hidden" name="__childFilter" >
					<div id="toolTipLayer" style="position:absolute; visibility: hidden"></div>

					<div class="csc-block">
						<div class="center">
							<h2 class="csc-block-head" swlang code='SW012357'>Statistic of OT Requisition</h2>

						<div class="form-horizontal">
							<div class="row">
								<div class="form-group">
									<div class="col-md-2 col-sm-2"></div>
									<div class="col-md-2 col-sm-2 col-xs-2">
										<label class="control-label label-right" swlang code='SW000307'>Employee</label>

									<div class="col-md-2 col-sm-2 col-xs-4">
										<div class="input-group">
											<input class="form-control" name="__employeeid" readonly value="<%=emp_display%>" size="10">
											<a class="input-group-addon" href="javascript:goHelp('MEMPLOYEEHELP','__employeeid')">
												<i class="fa fa-search"></i>
									<div class="col-md-3 col-sm-3 col-xs-5">
										<input class="form-control" type="text" name="MEMPLOYEE@FULLNAME" value="<%=name_display%>" readonly size="40"></td>

							<div class="row">
								<div class="form-group">
									<div class="col-md-2 col-sm-2"></div>
									<div class="col-md-2 col-sm-2 col-xs-2">
										<label class="control-label label-right" swlang code='SW001033'>Date</label>

									<div class="col-md-2 col-sm-2 col-xs-4">
											CscCalendar cs = new CscCalendar();
											if (request.getParameter("date_start")==null) {
												CscCalendar csNow = new CscCalendar();
										<input class="form-control" name="date_start" type="text" value="<%=csNow.getDDMMYYYY()%>" size="9" maxlength="10" onKeyup = "formatDate(this)" onBlur = "chkInputDate2(this,date_end)" onKeypress = "chkIntegerOfDate(this.value)" >
										<% } else {%>
										<input class="form-control" name="date_start" type="text" value="<%=request.getParameter("date_start")%>" size="9" maxlength="10" onKeyup = "formatDate(this)" onBlur = "chkInputDate2(this,date_end)" onKeypress = "chkIntegerOfDate(this.value)">
										<% }%>
									<div class="col-md-1 col-sm-1 col-xs-1">
										<label class="control-label label-right" swlang code='SW002095'>To</label>

									<div class="col-md-2 col-sm-2 col-xs-4">
										<% if (request.getParameter("date_end")==null) { %>
										<input class="form-control" name="date_end" type="text" value="<%=cs.getDDMMYYYY()%>" size="9" maxlength="10" onKeyup = "formatDate(this)" onBlur = "chkInputDate2(date_start,this)" onKeypress = "chkIntegerOfDate(this.value)" >
										<% } else {%>
										<input class="form-control" name="date_end" type="text" value="<%=request.getParameter("date_end")%>" size="9" maxlength="10" onKeyup = "formatDate(this)" onBlur = "chkInputDate2(date_start,this)" onKeypress = "chkIntegerOfDate(this.value)" >
										<% }%>

							<div class="center">
								<a class="btn btn-primary" href="javascript:GoSearch();" swlang code='SW003537'>Search</a>
						int browse_page = 0;
							int row = 0;

							if(fixcon.length() > 0){


								browse_page = Integer.parseInt(screen.goPage);
								row = screen.inq.recCount();

					<span class="detail-table">
						<span swlang code='SW001771'>Found Data</span> :&nbsp;&nbsp;<%=row%>&nbsp;
						<span swlang code='SW001780'>records</span>
					<span class="detail-table label-right">
						<span swlang code='SW001120'>Page</span> : <%=screen.getPageTagNew()%>

					<div class="table-responsive">
						<table class="table table-head table-hover table-bordered table-title-left table-content-center">
									<th class="table-title" colspan=7>
										<script>swapLang('Stat ot')</script>
											CscCalendar c1 = new CscCalendar();
											CscCalendar c2 = new CscCalendar();
											if (request.getParameter("date_start")==null && request.getParameter("date_end")==null) {
											} else {
												c1 = new CscCalendar(request.getParameter("date_start"));
												c2 = new CscCalendar(request.getParameter("date_end"));
											if (screen.getUProfile().get("lang").equals("tha")) {
												out.println(c1.getThaiFull()+" - "+c2.getThaiFull());
											} else {
												out.println(c1.getEngFull()+" - "+c2.getEngFull());
									<th swlang code='SW002342'>OTID</th>
									<th swlang code='SW000022'>Start date</th>
									<th swlang code='SW000023'>End date</th>
									<th swlang code='SW000296'>Start time</th>
									<th swlang code='SW000297'>End time</th>
									<th swlang code='SW000302'>Remark</th>
									<th swlang code='SW002347'>Wf ref doc</th>

									if(fixcon.length() > 0){


										browse_page = Integer.parseInt(screen.goPage);
										row = screen.inq.recCount();
										while( screen.nextRec() ){
											DbInquiry child = (DbInquiry) screen.getInquiry().getCurrentDbRecord().getChild("tot_m_date0");

			<a href="#top" id="top-button">
				<i class="fa fa-angle-up"></i>
				<div class="top-word">Back to top</div>
		<jsp:include page="FOOTER.jsp" flush="true" />