fckeditor.cfc 8.4 KB
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<cfcomponent output="false" displayname="FCKeditor" hint="Create an instance of the FCKeditor.">

 * FCKeditor - The text editor for Internet - http://www.fckeditor.net
 * Copyright (C) 2003-2010 Frederico Caldeira Knabben
 * Licensed under the terms of any of the following licenses at your
 * choice:
 *  - GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL")
 *    http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
 *  - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL")
 *    http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html
 *  - Mozilla Public License Version 1.1 or later (the "MPL")
 *    http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/MPL-1.1.html
 * == END LICENSE ==
 * ColdFusion MX integration.
 * Note this CFC is created for use only with Coldfusion MX and above.
 * For older version, check the fckeditor.cfm.
 * Syntax:
 * <cfscript>
 * 		fckEditor = createObject("component", "fckeditor.fckeditor");
 * 		fckEditor.instanceName="myEditor";
 * 		fckEditor.basePath="/fckeditor/";
 * 		fckEditor.value="<p>This is my <strong>initial</strong> html text.</p>";
 * 		fckEditor.width="100%";
 * 		fckEditor.height="200";
 * 	 	// ... additional parameters ...
 * 		fckEditor.create(); // create instance now.
 * </cfscript>
 * See your macromedia coldfusion mx documentation for more info.
 * *** Note:
 * Do not use path names with a "." (dot) in the name. This is a coldfusion
 * limitation with the cfc invocation.

<cfinclude template="fckutils.cfm">

	hint="Outputs the editor HTML in the place where the function is called"

	hint="Retrieves the editor HTML"

	<cfparam name="this.instanceName" type="string" />
	<cfparam name="this.width" type="string" default="100%" />
	<cfparam name="this.height" type="string" default="200" />
	<cfparam name="this.toolbarSet" type="string" default="Default" />
	<cfparam name="this.value" type="string" default="" />
	<cfparam name="this.basePath" type="string" default="/fckeditor/" />
	<cfparam name="this.checkBrowser" type="boolean" default="true" />
	<cfparam name="this.config" type="struct" default="#structNew()#" />

	// display the html editor or a plain textarea?
	if( isCompatible() )
		return getHtmlEditor();
		return getTextArea();


	hint="Check browser compatibility via HTTP_USER_AGENT, if checkBrowser is true"

	var sAgent = lCase( cgi.HTTP_USER_AGENT );
	var stResult = "";
	var sBrowserVersion = "";

	// do not check if argument "checkBrowser" is false
	if( not this.checkBrowser )
		return true;

	return FCKeditor_IsCompatibleBrowser();

	hint="Create a textarea field for non-compatible browsers."
	<cfset var result = "" />
	<cfset var sWidthCSS = "" />
	<cfset var sHeightCSS = "" />

	if( Find( "%", this.width ) gt 0)
		sWidthCSS = this.width;
		sWidthCSS = this.width & "px";

	if( Find( "%", this.width ) gt 0)
		sHeightCSS = this.height;
		sHeightCSS = this.height & "px";

	result = "<textarea name=""#this.instanceName#"" rows=""4"" cols=""40"" style=""width: #sWidthCSS#; height: #sHeightCSS#"">#HTMLEditFormat(this.value)#</textarea>" & chr(13) & chr(10);
	<cfreturn result />

	hint="Create the html editor instance for compatible browsers."
	<cfset var sURL = "" />
	<cfset var result = "" />

	// try to fix the basePath, if ending slash is missing
	if( len( this.basePath) and right( this.basePath, 1 ) is not "/" )
		this.basePath = this.basePath & "/";

	// construct the url
	sURL = this.basePath & "editor/fckeditor.html?InstanceName=" & this.instanceName;

	// append toolbarset name to the url
	if( len( this.toolbarSet ) )
		sURL = sURL & "&amp;Toolbar=" & this.toolbarSet;

	result = result & "<input type=""hidden"" id=""#this.instanceName#"" name=""#this.instanceName#"" value=""#HTMLEditFormat(this.value)#"" style=""display:none"" />" & chr(13) & chr(10);
	result = result & "<input type=""hidden"" id=""#this.instanceName#___Config"" value=""#GetConfigFieldString()#"" style=""display:none"" />" & chr(13) & chr(10);
	result = result & "<iframe id=""#this.instanceName#___Frame"" src=""#sURL#"" width=""#this.width#"" height=""#this.height#"" frameborder=""0"" scrolling=""no""></iframe>" & chr(13) & chr(10);
	<cfreturn result />

	hint="Create configuration string: Key1=Value1&Key2=Value2&... (Key/Value:HTML encoded)"
	<cfset var sParams = "" />
	<cfset var key = "" />
	<cfset var fieldValue = "" />
	<cfset var fieldLabel = "" />
	<cfset var lConfigKeys = "" />
	<cfset var iPos = "" />

	 * CFML doesn't store casesensitive names for structure keys, but the configuration names must be casesensitive for js.
	 * So we need to find out the correct case for the configuration keys.
	 * We "fix" this by comparing the caseless configuration keys to a list of all available configuration options in the correct case.
	 * changed 20041206 hk@lwd.de (improvements are welcome!)
	lConfigKeys = lConfigKeys & "CustomConfigurationsPath,EditorAreaCSS,ToolbarComboPreviewCSS,DocType";
	lConfigKeys = lConfigKeys & ",BaseHref,FullPage,Debug,AllowQueryStringDebug,SkinPath";
	lConfigKeys = lConfigKeys & ",PreloadImages,PluginsPath,AutoDetectLanguage,DefaultLanguage,ContentLangDirection";
	lConfigKeys = lConfigKeys & ",ProcessHTMLEntities,IncludeLatinEntities,IncludeGreekEntities,ProcessNumericEntities,AdditionalNumericEntities";
	lConfigKeys = lConfigKeys & ",FillEmptyBlocks,FormatSource,FormatOutput,FormatIndentator";
	lConfigKeys = lConfigKeys & ",StartupFocus,ForcePasteAsPlainText,AutoDetectPasteFromWord,ForceSimpleAmpersand";
	lConfigKeys = lConfigKeys & ",TabSpaces,ShowBorders,SourcePopup,ToolbarStartExpanded,ToolbarCanCollapse";
	lConfigKeys = lConfigKeys & ",IgnoreEmptyParagraphValue,FloatingPanelsZIndex,TemplateReplaceAll,TemplateReplaceCheckbox";
	lConfigKeys = lConfigKeys & ",ToolbarLocation,ToolbarSets,EnterMode,ShiftEnterMode,Keystrokes";
	lConfigKeys = lConfigKeys & ",ContextMenu,BrowserContextMenuOnCtrl,FontColors,FontNames,FontSizes";
	lConfigKeys = lConfigKeys & ",FontFormats,StylesXmlPath,TemplatesXmlPath,SpellChecker,IeSpellDownloadUrl";
	lConfigKeys = lConfigKeys & ",SpellerPagesServerScript,FirefoxSpellChecker,MaxUndoLevels,DisableObjectResizing,DisableFFTableHandles";
	lConfigKeys = lConfigKeys & ",LinkDlgHideTarget,LinkDlgHideAdvanced,ImageDlgHideLink,ImageDlgHideAdvanced,FlashDlgHideAdvanced";
	lConfigKeys = lConfigKeys & ",ProtectedTags,BodyId,BodyClass,DefaultLinkTarget,CleanWordKeepsStructure";
	lConfigKeys = lConfigKeys & ",LinkBrowser,LinkBrowserURL,LinkBrowserWindowWidth,LinkBrowserWindowHeight,ImageBrowser";
	lConfigKeys = lConfigKeys & ",ImageBrowserURL,ImageBrowserWindowWidth,ImageBrowserWindowHeight,FlashBrowser,FlashBrowserURL";
	lConfigKeys = lConfigKeys & ",FlashBrowserWindowWidth,FlashBrowserWindowHeight,LinkUpload,LinkUploadURL,LinkUploadWindowWidth";
	lConfigKeys = lConfigKeys & ",LinkUploadWindowHeight,LinkUploadAllowedExtensions,LinkUploadDeniedExtensions,ImageUpload,ImageUploadURL";
	lConfigKeys = lConfigKeys & ",ImageUploadAllowedExtensions,ImageUploadDeniedExtensions,FlashUpload,FlashUploadURL,FlashUploadAllowedExtensions";
	lConfigKeys = lConfigKeys & ",FlashUploadDeniedExtensions,SmileyPath,SmileyImages,SmileyColumns,SmileyWindowWidth,SmileyWindowHeight";

	for( key in this.config )
		iPos = listFindNoCase( lConfigKeys, key );
		if( iPos GT 0 )
			if( len( sParams ) )
				sParams = sParams & "&amp;";

			fieldValue = this.config[key];
			fieldName = listGetAt( lConfigKeys, iPos );

			// set all boolean possibilities in CFML to true/false values
			if( isBoolean( fieldValue) and fieldValue )
				fieldValue = "true";
			else if( isBoolean( fieldValue) )
				fieldValue = "false";

			sParams = sParams & HTMLEditFormat( fieldName ) & '=' & HTMLEditFormat( fieldValue );
	return sParams;

