import { Component, OnInit } from "@angular/core"; import { ToastrService } from 'ngx-toastr'; @Component({ selector: "app-notifications", templateUrl: "notifications.component.html" }) export class NotificationsComponent implements OnInit { staticAlertClosed = false; staticAlertClosed1 = false; staticAlertClosed2 = false; staticAlertClosed3 = false; staticAlertClosed4 = false; staticAlertClosed5 = false; staticAlertClosed6 = false; staticAlertClosed7 = false; constructor(private toastr: ToastrService) {} showNotification(from, align){ const color = Math.floor((Math.random() * 5) + 1); switch(color){ case 1:'<span class="tim-icons icon-bell-55" [data-notify]="icon"></span> Welcome to <b>Black Dashboard Angular</b> - a beautiful freebie for every web developer.', '', { disableTimeOut: true, closeButton: true, enableHtml: true, toastClass: "alert alert-info alert-with-icon", positionClass: 'toast-' + from + '-' + align }); break; case 2: this.toastr.success('<span class="tim-icons icon-bell-55" [data-notify]="icon"></span> Welcome to <b>Black Dashboard Angular</b> - a beautiful freebie for every web developer.', '', { disableTimeOut: true, closeButton: true, enableHtml: true, toastClass: "alert alert-success alert-with-icon", positionClass: 'toast-' + from + '-' + align }); break; case 3: this.toastr.warning('<span class="tim-icons icon-bell-55" [data-notify]="icon"></span> Welcome to <b>Black Dashboard Angular</b> - a beautiful freebie for every web developer.', '', { disableTimeOut: true, closeButton: true, enableHtml: true, toastClass: "alert alert-warning alert-with-icon", positionClass: 'toast-' + from + '-' + align }); break; case 4: this.toastr.error('<span class="tim-icons icon-bell-55" [data-notify]="icon"></span> Welcome to <b>Black Dashboard Angular</b> - a beautiful freebie for every web developer.', '', { disableTimeOut: true, enableHtml: true, closeButton: true, toastClass: "alert alert-danger alert-with-icon", positionClass: 'toast-' + from + '-' + align }); break; case 5:'<span class="tim-icons icon-bell-55" [data-notify]="icon"></span> Welcome to <b>Black Dashboard Angular</b> - a beautiful freebie for every web developer.', '', { disableTimeOut: true, closeButton: true, enableHtml: true, toastClass: "alert alert-primary alert-with-icon", positionClass: 'toast-' + from + '-' + align }); break; default: break; } } ngOnInit() {} }