/* Start notifications Styles */ #awn-popup-wrapper .awn-popup-body.awn-popup-confirm .fa { @apply text-warning #{!important}; } #awn-popup-wrapper .awn-buttons .awn-btn-success { @apply bg-success #{!important}; } #awn-popup-wrapper .awn-buttons .awn-btn-success:hover { @apply bg-success #{!important}; } #awn-popup-wrapper .awn-buttons .awn-btn-cancel { @apply bg-info #{!important}; } #awn-popup-wrapper .awn-buttons .awn-btn-cancel:hover { @apply bg-info #{!important}; } .awn-toast { @apply bg-gray-50 text-slate-700 dark:bg-bgdark dark:text-white #{!important}; } .awn-toast-label { @apply text-slate-700 dark:text-white #{!important}; } .awn-toast-icon .fa { @apply text-slate-700 dark:text-white #{!important}; } .awn-toast-wrapper { @apply border-gray-50 dark:border-bgdark #{!important}; } .awn-toast-progress-bar:after { @apply bg-gray-50 dark:bg-bgdark #{!important}; } .awn-toast.awn-toast-success { @apply text-success bg-success/20 #{!important}; } .awn-toast.awn-toast-success .awn-toast-wrapper { @apply border-success/50 #{!important}; } .awn-toast.awn-toast-success .fa, .awn-toast.awn-toast-success b { @apply text-success #{!important}; } .awn-toast.awn-toast-success .awn-toast-progress-bar:after { @apply bg-success #{!important}; } .awn-toast.awn-toast-info { @apply text-info bg-info/20 #{!important}; } .awn-toast.awn-toast-info .awn-toast-wrapper { @apply border-info/50 #{!important}; } .awn-toast.awn-toast-info .fa, .awn-toast.awn-toast-info b { @apply text-info #{!important}; } .awn-toast.awn-toast-info .awn-toast-progress-bar:after { @apply text-info bg-info/20 #{!important}; } .awn-toast.awn-toast-alert { @apply text-danger bg-danger/20 #{!important}; } .awn-toast.awn-toast-alert .awn-toast-wrapper { @apply border-danger/50 #{!important}; } .awn-toast.awn-toast-alert .fa, .awn-toast.awn-toast-alert b { @apply text-danger #{!important}; } .awn-toast.awn-toast-alert .awn-toast-progress-bar:after { @apply bg-danger #{!important}; } .awn-toast.awn-toast-warning { @apply text-warning bg-warning/20 #{!important}; } .awn-toast.awn-toast-warning .awn-toast-wrapper { @apply border-warning/50 #{!important}; } .awn-toast.awn-toast-warning .fa, .awn-toast.awn-toast-warning b { @apply text-warning #{!important}; } .awn-toast.awn-toast-warning .awn-toast-progress-bar:after { @apply bg-warning #{!important}; } #awn-popup-wrapper .awn-popup-body { @apply bg-white dark:bg-black/80 #{!important}; } #awn-popup-wrapper .awn-popup-body.awn-popup-async-block { @apply text-slate-700 dark:text-white #{!important}; } .awn-popup-loading-dots { @apply text-slate-500 dark:text-white/70 #{!important}; } #awn-popup-wrapper .awn-popup-body.awn-popup-async-block { @apply text-2xl font-semibold text-gray-500 dark:text-white/70 #{!important}; } @keyframes awn-loading-dots { 0%, 80%, to { @apply shadow-gray-500; } 40% { @apply shadow-gray-500; } } .dark { @keyframes awn-loading-dots { 0%, 80%, to { @apply shadow-white/70; } 40% { @apply shadow-white/70; } } } #awn-popup-wrapper { @apply text-center bg-bgdark/80 #{!important}; } #awn-toast-container { @apply right-0 sm:right-[24px] rtl:left-0 rtl:right-auto rtl:sm:left-[24px] z-10 #{!important}; } .awn-toast-wrapper { @apply rtl:pr-[16px] rtl:pl-[88px]; } .awn-popup-loading-dots { @apply rtl:mr-[24px] rtl:ml-0; } /* End notifications Styles */