import { Component } from '@angular/core'; import { OwlOptions } from 'ngx-owl-carousel-o'; import { Image, ModalGalleryService, ModalGalleryRef, PlainLibConfig, PlainGalleryStrategy, LineLayout, } from '@ks89/angular-modal-gallery'; import { fromEvent } from 'rxjs'; import { DomSanitizer } from '@angular/platform-browser'; @Component({ selector: 'app-filedetails', templateUrl: './filedetails.component.html', styleUrls: ['./filedetails.component.scss'], }) export class FiledetailsComponent { customOptions: OwlOptions = { loop: true, rtl: false, autoplay: true, mouseDrag: true, touchDrag: true, pullDrag: true, dots: false, navSpeed: 2000, navText: ['<', '>'], center: true, responsive: { 0: { items: 1, }, 450: { items: 3, }, 768: { items: 3, }, 900: { items: 4, }, }, nav: false, }; slidesStore = [ { id: '1', src: './assets/img/files/9.png', alt: 'img', title: 'projects.doc', size: '120kb', }, { id: '2', src: './assets/img/files/2.png', alt: 'img', size: '120kb', title: 'projects.pdf', }, { id: '3', src: './assets/img/files/3.png', alt: 'img', size: '120kb', title: 'projects.png', }, { id: '4', src: './assets/img/files/5.png', alt: 'img', size: '120kb', title: 'projects', }, { id: '5', src: './assets/img/files/3.png', alt: 'img', size: '120kb', title: 'projects.png', }, { id: '6', src: './assets/img/files/5.png', alt: 'img', size: '120kb', title: 'projects', }, ]; constructor( private modalGalleryService: ModalGalleryService, private sanitizer: DomSanitizer ) {} ngOnInit(): void { const ltr = document.querySelectorAll('#switcher-ltr'); const rtl = document.querySelectorAll('#switcher-rtl'); fromEvent(ltr, 'click').subscribe(() => { this.customOptions = { ...this.customOptions, rtl: false }; // this will make the carousel refresh }); fromEvent(rtl, 'click').subscribe(() => { this.customOptions = { ...this.customOptions, rtl: true }; // this will make the carousel refresh }); if (document.body.classList.contains('rtl')) { this.customOptions = { ...this.customOptions, rtl: true }; // this will make the carousel refresh } } emptyImagesArray: Image[] = []; imageData: any; imagesRect: Image[] = [ new Image( 0, { img: './assets/img/gallery/1.jpg' }, { img: './assets/img/gallery/1.jpg' } ), new Image( 1, { img: './assets/img/gallery/2.jpg' }, { img: './assets/img/gallery/2.jpg' } ), new Image( 2, { img: './assets/img/gallery/3.jpg' }, { img: './assets/img/gallery/3.jpg' } ), new Image( 3, { img: './assets/img/gallery/4.jpg' }, { img: './assets/img/gallery/4.jpg' } ), new Image( 4, { img: './assets/img/gallery/5.jpg' }, { img: './assets/img/gallery/5.jpg' } ), new Image( 5, { img: './assets/img/gallery/6.jpg' }, { img: './assets/img/gallery/6.jpg' } ), new Image( 6, { img: './assets/img/gallery/7.jpg' }, { img: './assets/img/gallery/7.jpg' } ), new Image( 7, { img: './assets/img/gallery/8.jpg' }, { img: './assets/img/gallery/8.jpg' } ), ]; libConfigPlainGalleryRow: PlainLibConfig = { plainGalleryConfig: { strategy: PlainGalleryStrategy.ROW, layout: new LineLayout( { width: '80px', height: '80px' }, { length: 8, wrap: true }, 'flex-start' ), }, }; onShow(id: number, index: number, images: Image[] = this.imagesRect): void { const dialogRef: ModalGalleryRef ={ id, images, currentImage: images[index], }) as ModalGalleryRef; } thumbsSwiper: unknown; setThumbsSwiper(swiper: unknown) { this.thumbsSwiper = swiper; } controlledSwiper: any; setControlledSwiper(swiper: any) { this.controlledSwiper = swiper; } }