Commit cfa8852e by LAPTOP-CV4JFSHE\kantavee

Merge branch 'DEV' of into DEV

parents 8fb0c4e5 d04e41b3
......@@ -87,8 +87,8 @@
*ngFor="let item of dataListFilter() | slice:((currentPage-1) * 10) : (((currentPage-1) * 10) + 10);let i = index">
<td class="text-center">
<input *ngIf="!='100'" type="checkbox" class="ti-form-checkbox cursor-pointer" id="checkbox-{{}}"
<input *ngIf="!='100'" type="checkbox" class="ti-form-checkbox cursor-pointer"
id="checkbox-{{}}" [(ngModel)]="item.check">
<label for="checkbox-{{}}">&nbsp;{{}}</label>
......@@ -192,7 +192,7 @@
<label for="input-label" class="ti-form-label mt-2rem">รหัสบริษัท *</label>
<input type="text" id="input-label" class="ti-form-input w-1/2"
[ngClass]="{'bg-input-readonly':modalStatus=='edit'}" [readonly]="modalStatus=='edit'"
[(ngModel)]="dataSelect.code" [maxLength]="5">
<label for="detail_th" class="ti-form-label mt-2rem">รายละเอียด (ไทย) *</label>
<input type="text" id="detail_th" class="ti-form-input h-16" [(ngModel)]="dataSelect.tdesc">
<label for="detail_eng" class="ti-form-label mt-2rem">รายละเอียด (อังกฤษ)</label>
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