package; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /* * ���ʴ������š�÷ӧҹ �����š���� �����š�÷ӧҹ * �˹�Ҩ� EMV_VIEW �ͧ NSTDA */ public class Simmemployee_view_statisticleave extends Memployee { private String employeeid = ""; private double hour_d = 8; private MyHashMap hm_Col = new MyHashMap(); private MyHashMap hm_Month = new MyHashMap(); private CscCalendar cscLeaveStart = null; private CscCalendar cscLeaveEnd = null; private FormulaString fs = new FormulaString(); private String leave_clear = ""; //�纻������ѹ����ͧ����������������� private String leave_not_clear = ""; //�纻������ѹ��������ͧ����������������� public int assignField(DataSet rs) { int temp = super.assignField(rs); if (this.foundData()) { if (this.param!=null && this.param.containsKey("__employeeid")) { this.employeeid = (String) this.param.get("__employeeid"); } else this.employeeid = this.getString("employeeid"); CscCalendar cStart = new CscCalendar((String) StaticConfig.getConfigCompany(this.userPro, "ta1001")); CscCalendar cEnd = new CscCalendar((String) StaticConfig.getConfigCompany(this.userPro, "ta1002")); //this.cscLeaveStart = new CscCalendar("2007-04-01"); //this.cscLeaveEnd = new CscCalendar("2007-05-28"); if (this.param!=null && this.param.containsKey("__year") && !this.param.get("__year").toString().equals("")) { int year = Integer.parseInt((String) this.param.get("__year")); this.cscLeaveStart = new CscCalendar(year+"-"+cStart.getMM()+"-"+cStart.getDD()); if (cStart.getYear()!=cEnd.getYear()) { this.cscLeaveEnd = new CscCalendar((year+1)+"-"+cStart.getMM()+"-"+cStart.getDD()); } else this.cscLeaveEnd = new CscCalendar(year+"-"+cEnd.getMM()+"-"+cEnd.getDD()); } else { this.cscLeaveStart = cStart; this.cscLeaveEnd = cEnd; } this.hour_d = this.getHour_Day(); this.initMonth(); this.selectEvent(); /*String fFilter = ""; if (!this.leave_not_clear.equals("")) { StringTokenizer str = new StringTokenizer(this.leave_not_clear,","); while (str.hasMoreTokens()) { String s = str.nextToken(); if (fFilter.equals("")) { fFilter = "lv_type='"+s+"'"; } else fFilter += " or lv_type='"+s+"'"; } }*/ this.sumLeave(); //this.sumLeave("", "1"); //this.sumLeave(fFilter, "0"); this.sumWorkPlan("ttime_current1"); this.sumWorkPlan("ttime_history1"); this.sumLateAndWork("ttime_current1"); this.sumLateAndWork("ttime_history1"); MyLog.debug("===>"+this.hm_Col); } return temp; } private double getHour_Day() { double value = 8; try { DbInquiry inq1 = new InitialInquiry(this.getUProfile()).getDbInquiry(); inq1.initMyTable("mtime0", "time0id='"+this.getString("time0")+"'", ""); inq1.setColumn("time0id,companyid,edesc,tdesc,hour_d"); inq1.refresh(); if ( { value = inq1.getCurrentDbRecord().getDouble("hour_d"); } } catch (Exception e) { MyLog.error(this, e); } return value; } private void initMonth() { int i=1; CscCalendar cBegin = new CscCalendar(this.cscLeaveStart.getYYYYMMDD()); CscCalendar cEnd = new CscCalendar(this.cscLeaveEnd.getYYYYMMDD()); while (cBegin.before(cEnd)) { this.hm_Month.put(cBegin.getMM(), String.valueOf(i)); i++; cBegin.incMonth(1); } } private void selectEvent() { try { String limit = ""; FormulaString fs = new FormulaString(); DbInquiry inq = new InitialInquiry(this.getUProfile()).getDbInquiry(); inq.setSchemaName(this.getUProfile().getSchemaName()); inq.initMyTable("meventgrp","daytype!='1' and daytype !='5' and daytype !='6' and daytype !='9' ",""); inq.setColumn("*"); inq.referLangOn(); inq.refresh(); while ( { if (inq.getString("daytype").equalsIgnoreCase("7")) { DbInquiry inqEmp = new InitialInquiry(this.getUProfile()).getDbInquiry(); inqEmp.initMyTable("memployee", "", ""); inqEmp.setColumn("employeeid,companyid,vacation0,vacation1"); inqEmp.setFilter("employeeid='" + this.employeeid + "'"); inqEmp.refresh(); int i=0; if ( { try { i = fs.DhmToM(inqEmp.getString("vacation0"), this.hour_d) + fs.DhmToM(inqEmp.getString("vacation1"), this.hour_d); limit = fs.MTODhm(i, this.hour_d); } catch (Exception e) { MyLog.error(this, e); limit = "00:00:00"; } } } else { limit = inq.getString("limit")+":00:00"; } if (inq.getString("clear_leave").equals("0")) { this.leave_not_clear += inq.getString("eventgrpid")+","; } else if (inq.getString("clear_leave").equals("1")) { this.leave_clear += inq.getString("eventgrpid")+","; } int i=1; MyHashMap hmMonth = null; if (this.hm_Col.containsKey(String.valueOf(i))) { hmMonth = (MyHashMap) this.hm_Col.get(String.valueOf(i)); } else hmMonth = new MyHashMap(); CscCalendar cBegin = new CscCalendar(this.cscLeaveStart.getYYYYMMDD()); CscCalendar cEnd = new CscCalendar(this.cscLeaveEnd.getYYYYMMDD()); while (cBegin.before(cEnd)) { MyHashMap hm = null; if (this.hm_Col.containsKey(String.valueOf(i))) { hm = (MyHashMap) this.hm_Col.get(String.valueOf(i)); } else { hm = new MyHashMap(); hm.put("type", inq.getString("daytype")); hm.put("clear", inq.getString("clear_leave")); hm.put("hour_d", this.hour_d); hm.put("late", "00:00:00"); hm.put("absent", "00:00:00"); hm.put("work_plan", "00:00:00"); hm.put("work_actual", "00:00:00"); hm.put("month", cEnd.getMM()); if (this.userPro.get("lang").toString().equalsIgnoreCase("tha")) { hm.put("month_name", cBegin.getThaiLongMonth()); } else { hm.put("month_name", cBegin.getEngLongMonth()); } } hm.put(inq.getString("eventgrpid"), inq.getString("eventgrpid")); hm.put(inq.getString("eventgrpid") + "_desc", inq.getString("edesc")); //���͡���� hm.put(inq.getString("eventgrpid") + "_limit", limit); //�Է������� hm.put(inq.getString("eventgrpid") + "_used", "00:00:00"); //�ӹǹ������ hm.put(inq.getString("eventgrpid") + "_remain", limit); //�ӹǹ�������� hmMonth.put(inq.getString("eventgrpid"), hm); this.hm_Col.put(String.valueOf(i), hm); i++; cBegin.incMonth(1); } } } catch (Exception e) { MyLog.error(this, e); } } /* * �ӡ�����ѹ����ͧ�ӧҹ������������� (���Ἱ) */ private void sumWorkPlan(String tableName) { try { int i=1; String tmp_csc=""; String filter = "employeeid='"+this.employeeid+"' and " + "(dateid between '"+this.cscLeaveStart.getYYYYMMDD()+"' " + "and '"+this.cscLeaveEnd.getYYYYMMDD()+"') " + "and (eventgrp<>'O' and eventgrp<>'H' and eventgrp<>'I')"; DbInquiry inq = new InitialInquiry(this.getUProfile()).getDbInquiry(); inq.initMyTable(tableName, filter, "dateid"); inq.setColumn("*"); inq.refresh(); while ( { DbRecord rec = inq.getCurrentDbRecord(); CscCalendar csc = new CscCalendar(rec.getString("dateid")); if (i==1) { tmp_csc = csc.getYYYYMMDD(); } if (i>1 && !tmp_csc.equals(csc.getYYYYMMDD())) { if (this.hm_Month.containsKey(csc.getMM())) { if (rec.getDouble("hour_s")>0) { String col = this.hm_Month.getString(csc.getMM()); MyHashMap hm = (MyHashMap) this.hm_Col.get(col); String tmp = (String) hm.get("work_plan"); int minute = fs.DhmToM(tmp, this.hour_d) + fs.Tm_To_Min(rec.getDouble("hour_s")); String DHM = fs.MTODhm(minute, this.hour_d); hm.put("work_plan", DHM); } } } i++; tmp_csc = csc.getYYYYMMDD(); } } catch (Exception e) { MyLog.error(this, e); } } /* * �ӡ�����ѹ����ҷӧҹ��� ����ѹ����ҷӧҹ��ԧ */ private void sumLateAndWork(String tableName) { try { String filter = "employeeid='"+this.employeeid+"' and " + "(dateid between '"+this.cscLeaveStart.getYYYYMMDD()+"' " + "and '"+this.cscLeaveEnd.getYYYYMMDD()+"') and (lt>0 or eventgrp='T'or eventgrp='J')"; DbInquiry inq = new InitialInquiry(this.getUProfile()).getDbInquiry(); inq.initMyTable(tableName, filter, "dateid"); inq.setColumn("*"); inq.refresh(); while ( { DbRecord rec = inq.getCurrentDbRecord(); CscCalendar csc = new CscCalendar(rec.getString("dateid")); if (this.hm_Month.containsKey(csc.getMM())) { if (rec.getDouble("lt")>0) { String col = this.hm_Month.getString(csc.getMM()); MyHashMap hm = (MyHashMap) this.hm_Col.get(col); String tmp = (String) hm.get("late"); int minute = fs.DhmToM(tmp, this.hour_d) + fs.Tm_To_Min(rec.getDouble("lt")); String DHM = fs.MTODhm(minute, this.hour_d); hm.put("late", DHM); } if (rec.getString("eventgrp").equals("T") && rec.getDouble("hour_d")>0) { String col = this.hm_Month.getString(csc.getMM()); MyHashMap hm = (MyHashMap) this.hm_Col.get(col); String tmp = (String) hm.get("work_actual"); int minute = fs.DhmToM(tmp, this.hour_d) + fs.Tm_To_Min(rec.getDouble("hour_d")); String DHM = fs.MTODhm(minute, this.hour_d); hm.put("work_actual", DHM); } if (rec.getString("eventgrp").equals("J")) { String col = this.hm_Month.getString(csc.getMM()); MyHashMap hm = (MyHashMap) this.hm_Col.get(col); String tmp = (String) hm.get("absent"); int minute = fs.DhmToM(tmp, this.hour_d) + fs.Tm_To_Min(rec.getDouble("m_lv")); String DHM = fs.MTODhm(minute, this.hour_d); hm.put("absent", DHM); } } } } catch (Exception e) { MyLog.error(this, e); } } /* * �ӡ�����ѹ����� */ private void sumLeave() { try { String filter = "employeeid='"+this.employeeid+"' and " + "(dateid between '"+this.cscLeaveStart.getYYYYMMDD()+"' " + "and '"+this.cscLeaveEnd.getYYYYMMDD()+"')"; DbInquiry inq = new InitialInquiry(this.getUProfile()).getDbInquiry(); inq.initMyTable("tleave_summary", filter, "dateid"); inq.setColumn("*"); inq.refresh(); while ( { DbRecord rec = inq.getCurrentDbRecord(); CscCalendar csc = new CscCalendar(rec.getString("dateid")); if (this.hm_Month.containsKey(csc.getMM())) { String lv_type = rec.getString("lv_type"); String col = this.hm_Month.getString(csc.getMM()); MyHashMap hm = (MyHashMap) this.hm_Col.get(col); String tmp = (String) hm.get(lv_type+"_used"); int minute = fs.DhmToM(tmp, this.hour_d) + fs.Tm_To_Min(rec.getDouble("m_lv")); String DHM = fs.MTODhm(minute, this.hour_d); hm.put(lv_type + "_used", DHM); hm.put(lv_type + "_remain", this.getRemainTime(lv_type, hm.getString(lv_type+"_limit"), hm.getString(lv_type+"_used"))); this.hm_Col.put(col, hm); } } } catch (Exception e) { MyLog.error(this, e); } } private void sumLeave(String fFilter, String clear) { try { String filter = "employeeid='"+this.employeeid+"' and " + "(dateid between '"+this.cscLeaveStart.getYYYYMMDD()+"' " + "and '"+this.cscLeaveEnd.getYYYYMMDD()+"')"; if (!fFilter.equals("")) { filter = "employeeid='"+this.employeeid+"' and ("+fFilter+")"; } DbInquiry inq = new InitialInquiry(this.getUProfile()).getDbInquiry(); inq.initMyTable("tleave_summary", filter, "dateid"); inq.setColumn("*"); inq.refresh(); while ( { DbRecord rec = inq.getCurrentDbRecord(); CscCalendar csc = new CscCalendar(rec.getString("dateid")); if (this.hm_Month.containsKey(csc.getMM())) { String lv_type = rec.getString("lv_type"); String col = this.hm_Month.getString(csc.getMM()); MyHashMap hm = (MyHashMap) this.hm_Col.get(col); if (hm.getString("clear").equals(clear)) { String tmp = (String) hm.get(lv_type+"_used"); int minute = fs.DhmToM(tmp, this.hour_d) + fs.Tm_To_Min(rec.getDouble("m_lv")); String DHM = fs.MTODhm(minute, this.hour_d); hm.put(lv_type + "_used", DHM); hm.put(lv_type + "_remain", this.getRemainTime(lv_type, hm.getString(lv_type+"_limit"), hm.getString(lv_type+"_used"))); this.hm_Col.put(col, hm); } } } } catch (Exception e) { MyLog.error(this, e); } } private String getRemainTime(String type, String limit, String used) { FormulaString fs = new FormulaString(); int result = fs.DhmToM(limit, this.hour_d) - fs.DhmToM(used, this.hour_d); String value = fs.MTODhm(result, this.hour_d); return value; } public String getString(String fieldName) { if (fieldName.indexOf("$") > -1) { return this.getStringChild(fieldName); } else { return super.getString(fieldName); } } private String getStringChild(String fieldName) { if (fieldName.indexOf("$") > -1) { String tName = fieldName.substring(0, fieldName.indexOf("$")); String fName = fieldName.substring(fieldName.indexOf("$") + 1, fieldName.length()); if (this.hm_Col.get(tName) != null) { MyHashMap hm = (MyHashMap) this.hm_Col.get(tName); return String.valueOf(hm.get(fName)); } } return super.getString(fieldName); } }