package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * @author xerox * * To change this generated comment edit the template variable "typecomment": * Window>Preferences>Java>Templates. * To enable and disable the creation of type comments go to * Window>Preferences>Java>Code Generation. */ public class Simmemployee_tadjtime1 extends Memployee { MyHashMap hm_data = new MyHashMap(); int count = 0; double hr = 0; String employeeid; public int assignField(DataSet rs) { int temp = super.assignField(rs); this.hm_data.clear(); employeeid = this.getString("employeeid"); if (!this.getString("employeeid").trim().equals("")) { // MyLog.debug(this, "employeeid--->>>>>"+this.employeeid); //hr=Double.valueOf(this.getString("hour_d")).doubleValue(); this.getHour_Day(); this.setEventgrp(); this.setDaytype(); this.setSumData(); this.setSubData(); //MyLog.debug(this, "hm_eventgrp-->"+this.hm_data); } return temp; } public void setEventgrp() { MyLog.debug(this, "<<<<<--------setEventgrp--------->>>>>>"); try { String DataEventgrp = "", lang = "ENG"; if (this.param.containsKey("LANGUAGE")) { String codeL = (String) this.param.get("LANGUAGE"); if (!codeL.trim().equals("")) { lang = codeL; } } //MyLog.debug(this, "param_lang---> "+this.param.get("LANGUAGE")); //MyLog.debug(this, "lang---> "+lang); DbInquiry in2 = new InitialInquiry(this.getUProfile()).getDbInquiry(); in2.initMyTable("Meventgrp", "daytype!='1' and daytype !='5' and daytype !='6' and daytype !='9'", ""); in2.setColumn("eventgrpid,limit,edesc,tdesc"); in2.refresh(); while ( { if (lang.equals("ENG")) { this.hm_data.put(in2.getString("eventgrpid"), in2.getString("edesc")); } else { this.hm_data.put(in2.getString("eventgrpid"), in2.getString("tdesc")); } this.hm_data.put("id_" + in2.getString("eventgrpid"), in2.getString("eventgrpid")); this.hm_data.put("limit_" + in2.getString("eventgrpid"), this.lToL(in2.getString("limit"))); DataEventgrp += in2.getString("eventgrpid") + ","; } } catch (Exception e) { MyLog.error(this, e); } } public void setDaytype() { // MyLog.debug(this, "<-------------------setdayType------------------->"); try { count = 0; String codecol = ""; String data = "0:0:0"; MyLog.debug(this, "param--->" + this.param); codecol = "01"; MyLog.debug(this, "param--->" + this.param.get("CODEID")); if (this.param.containsKey("CODEID")) { String code = (String) this.param.get("CODEID"); if (!code.trim().equals("")) { codecol = code; } } DbInquiry in1 = new InitialInquiry(this.getUProfile()).getDbInquiry(); in1.initMyTable("Mleave_report", "", ""); in1.setColumn("*"); in1.setFilter("codeid = '" + codecol + "'"); in1.refresh();; for (int i = 1; i <= 10; i++) { if (i == 10) { if (!in1.getString("col10").equals("")) { count++; } if (in1.getString("col10").trim().equals("")) { continue; } this.hm_data.put("id_col10", in1.getString("col10")); this.hm_data.put("col10", this.hm_data.get(in1.getString("col10")).toString()); this.hm_data.put("limit_col10", this.hm_data.get("limit_" + in1.getString("col10")).toString()); this.hm_data.put("lv_col10", data); this.hm_data.put("total_col10", data); continue; } if (in1.getString("col0" + i).trim().equals("")) { continue; } if (!in1.getString("col0" + i).equals("")) { count++; } MyLog.debug(this, "Data Inq0" + i + "-->"+ in1.getString("col0" + i)); this.hm_data.put("id_col0" + i, in1.getString("col0" + i)); this.hm_data.put("col0" + i, this.hm_data.get(in1.getString("col0" + i)).toString()); this.hm_data.put("limit_col0" + i, this.hm_data.get("limit_" + in1.getString("col0" + i)).toString()); this.hm_data.put("lv_col0" + i, data); this.hm_data.put("total_col0" + i, data); } } catch (Exception e) { MyLog.error(this, e); } } public void setSumData() { //MyLog.debug(this, "<-------------------setSumData------------------->"); // MyLog.debug(this, "STARTD--->"+this.param.get("STARTD")); // MyLog.debug(this, "ENDD--->"+this.param.get("ENDD")); try { double lt = 0; String tlv = ""; int rec = 0, lv = 0, lv1 = 0, lvSum = 0; String startD = "", endD = "", sql = ""; CscCalendar cs = new CscCalendar(); FormulaString fs = new FormulaString(); startD = String.valueOf(cs.getYear()) + "-01-01"; endD = cs.getYYYYMMDD(); if (this.param.containsKey("STARTD")) { String st = (String) this.param.get("STARTD"); if (!st.trim().equals("")) { CscCalendar csS = new CscCalendar(st); startD = csS.getYYYYMMDD(); } } if (this.param.containsKey("ENDD")) { String en = (String) this.param.get("ENDD"); if (!en.trim().equals("")) { CscCalendar csE = new CscCalendar(en); endD = csE.getYYYYMMDD(); } } MyLog.debug(this, "date---> " + startD + " <> " + endD); CscCalendar cs1 = new CscCalendar(startD); CscCalendar cs2 = new CscCalendar(endD); sql = "employeeid='" + this.getString("employeeid") + "' " + "and (dateid between '" + startD + "' and '" + endD + "') " + "and (doctype='A' or doctype='S')"; DbInquiry in1 = new InitialInquiry(this.getUProfile()).getDbInquiry(); in1.initMyTable("tleave_summary", sql, "employeeid,dateid"); in1.setColumn("*"); in1.refresh(); while ( { //MyLog.debug(this, "*docdate--->"+in1.getString("docdate")); //this.setHourD(in1.getString("docdate"),in1.getString("time0id")); //lt += Double.valueOf(in1.getString("lt")).doubleValue(); for (int i = 1; i <= 10; i++) { if (i == 10) { if (in1.getString("lv_type").equals(this.hm_data.get("id_col10"))) { lv = fs.DhmToM(this.hm_data.get("lv_col10" + i).toString()); lv += fs.Tm_To_Min(Double.valueOf(in1.getString("m_lv")).doubleValue()); tlv = fs.MTODhm(lv, hr); this.hm_data.put("lv_col10", tlv); MyLog.debug(this, "lv_data----> "+ this.hm_data.get("id_col10") + " >"+ this.hm_data.get("lv_col10")); } continue; } // MyLog.debug(this, "id_col"+i+"--->"+this.hm_data.get("id_col0"+i)+"<>"+in1.getString("eventgrp")); if (in1.getString("lv_type").equals(this.hm_data.get("id_col0" + i))) { // MyLog.debug(this, "<-------------if-------------->"); lv = fs.DhmToM(this.hm_data.get("lv_col0" + i).toString()); lv1 = fs.Tm_To_Min(Double.valueOf(in1.getString("m_lv")).doubleValue()); lvSum = lv + lv1; tlv = fs.MTODhm(lvSum, hr); this.hm_data.put("lv_col0" + i, tlv); rec += 1; //MyLog.debug(this, ">>>>>>>>>>lv_col0"+i+"<<<<<<<<<<<<< "+tlv+" hr-> "+hr); //MyLog.debug(this, "lv start --> "+lv+" + "+lv1+" --> "+lvSum); //MyLog.debug(this, "lv_data --> "+this.hm_data.get("lv_col0"+i)+" + "+in1.getString("lv")+" -->"+this.hm_data.get("lv_col0"+i)); } } lv = 0; } startD = cs1.getDD() + "/" + cs1.getMM() + "/"+ String.valueOf(cs1.getYear()); endD = cs2.getDD() + "/" + cs2.getMM() + "/"+ String.valueOf(cs2.getYear()); //this.hm_data.put("lt_col",new Double(lt)); this.hm_data.put("rec_col", new Integer(rec)); this.hm_data.put("startd", startD); this.hm_data.put("endd", endD); } catch (Exception e) { MyLog.error(this, e); } } public void setSubData() { // MyLog.debug(this, "<-------------------subData------------------->"); String dhm; int sub = 0; // MyLog.debug(this, "count----->"+count); FormulaString fs = new FormulaString(); for (int i = 1; i <= count; i++) { if (i == 10) { //sub=fs.DhmToM(this.hm_data.get("limit_col10").toString(),hr); //sub-=fs.DhmToM(this.hm_data.get("lv_col10").toString(),hr); //this.hm_data.put("total_col10",fs.MTODhm(sub,hr)); dhm = fs.subDhm(this.hm_data.get("limit_col10").toString(),this.hm_data.get("lv_col10").toString(),; this.hm_data.put("total_col10", dhm); //MyLog.debug(this, "total_col10--->"+this.hm_data.get("total_col10")); continue; } //sub=fs.DhmToM(this.hm_data.get("limit_col0"+i).toString(),hr); //sub-=fs.DhmToM(this.hm_data.get("lv_col0"+i).toString(),hr); //this.hm_data.put("total_col0"+i,fs.MTODhm(sub,hr)); dhm = fs.subDhm(this.hm_data.get("limit_col0" + i).toString(),this.hm_data.get("lv_col0" + i).toString(),; this.hm_data.put("total_col0" + i, dhm); //MyLog.debug(this, "total_col0"+i+"--->"+this.hm_data.get("total_col0"+i)); } } private String lToL(String a) { String dt = ""; FormulaString fs = new FormulaString(); if (a.indexOf(":") > -1) { dt = fs.MTODhm(fs.DhmToM(a, hr), hr); } else { dt = a + ":00:00"; } return dt; } private void getHour_Day() { try { DbInquiry inq1 = new InitialInquiry(this.getUProfile()).getDbInquiry(); inq1.initMyTable("mtime0", "", ""); inq1.setColumn("time0id,companyid,edesc,tdesc,hour_d"); inq1.refresh(); DbInquiry inq = new InitialInquiry(this.getUProfile()).getDbInquiry(); inq.initMyTable("memployee", "", ""); inq.setColumn("employeeid,companyid,time0"); inq.setFilter("employeeid='" + this.employeeid + "'"); inq.putChild(inq1); inq.refresh();; = Double.valueOf(inq.getString("mtime0", "hour_d")).doubleValue(); // MyLog.debug(this, "hour_d------->>>" +; } catch (Exception e) { MyLog.error(this, e); } } public String getString(String field) { if (this.hm_data.containsKey(field)) { return this.hm_data.get(field).toString(); } else { return super.getString(field); } } }