package; import; import; import; import java.rmi.RemoteException; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Vector; import org.jdom.Element; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * <PRE> * �� Base Cls �����㹡�� Process * �� Method ��ѡ� ��� ����� ���¡�� ��� * - public void initData(HashMap data) throws Exception * - public Vector getProcessList() throws Exception * - public void process() throws Exception * </PRE> */ public class MyProcess implements DbProcess { protected UProfile upf=null; private String msg = ""; private String full_msg = ""; private InitialEnvironment env; protected HashMap data; protected Vector processList = new Vector(); protected String xmlName = "", processId = "", subIndex = "", pName = "",parentId; protected WriteXml wx; private String processStatus = "C";// default is Complete HashMap param = new HashMap(); private String path = new InitialEnvironment("GLOBAL").getValue("temp-dir") + "/process/condition/"; private String fileType=""; private StringBuffer remark=new StringBuffer(); private String expName =""; private String subFolder=""; protected String referKey=""; protected String processCode=""; public MyProcess() { } public void setProcessCode(String code){ this.processCode=code; } public String getReferKey() { return referKey; } public void setReferKey(String referKey) { this.referKey = referKey; } /** * ��֧���ʶҹ�㹡�� process * @return String ʶҹ�㹡�� process C ��� Complete F ��� Fail */ public String getProcessStatus() { return processStatus; } public void setProcessId(String processId){ this.processId=processId; } /** * ���絤��ʶҹ�㹡�� process * @param processStatus ��� ʶҹ�㹡�� process �ռ��㹡�� ��ʶҹ�� Lprocess_sub * ��� C �� write ����� complete state ��ǹ F �� write ����� error state */ public void setProcessStatus(String processStatus) { this.processStatus = processStatus; } /** * ��㹡�ô֧��Ң�������ͤӹǹ �������� Process ��ͧ�ӡ��ᵡ Thread �͡�繡�� Thread * ������������ ������� ���á��������� Vector �� this.processList.add("process"); * @return Vector ���й��ᵡ Thred ����� ProcessService �� invoke Method Process ��� */ public Vector getProcessList() { return this.processList; } public void setProcessList(Vector processList) throws Exception { this.processList = processList; } /** * ���ʹ��������¡��� Process �ӧҹ ������зӹ����� */ public void process() throws Exception { } public void setParam(HashMap data) { try{ if(data.containsKey("UProfile")) this.upf = (UProfile) data.get("UProfile"); else this.upf = (UProfile) data.get("uprofile"); }catch(Exception ex){} = data; } /** * ��㹨ѧ��з�� Process ��ͧ��ùӤ�� Condition �ҡ˹�Ҩ� ������ * Initial ��Һҧ���ҧ * @param data ��� Condition �ҡ˹�Ҩ� */ public void initData(HashMap data) throws Exception { } public String getMessage() { return this.msg; } public String getFullMessage() { return this.full_msg; } public void setXmlLog(String processId, String pName, String subIndex) { this.processId = processId; this.pName = pName; this.subIndex = subIndex; this.xmlName = this.processId + "_" + subIndex; // this.createXmlLog(); } /** * Sets the msg. * @param msg The msg to set */ public void setMessage(String msg) { this.msg = msg; } public void setFullMessage(String msg) { this.full_msg = msg; } public void setXmlLog(String processId, String subIndex) { this.processId = processId; this.subIndex = subIndex; this.xmlName = this.processId + "_" + subIndex; this.createXmlLog(); } private void createXmlLog() { Element root = new Element("PROCESS_LOG"); root.addAttribute("id", this.processId); root.addAttribute("name", this.pName); root.addAttribute("subindex", this.subIndex); root.addAttribute("start_time", new CscCalendar().getDDMMYYYYHHMMSS()); root.addAttribute("end_time", ""); root.addAttribute("status", "R"); String path = new InitialEnvironment("GLOBAL").getValue("temp-dir") + "/logxml/" + this.xmlName; wx = new WriteXml(root, path); wx.output(); } /** * Returns the upf. * @return UProfile */ public UProfile getUProfile() { return upf; } /** * Sets the upf. * @param upf The upf to set */ public void setUProfile(UProfile upf) { this.upf = upf; } public void alive(String result) { StaticProperties.serverManager.aliveProcess(this.processId, result); } public boolean isCancle() { boolean result = false; if (StaticProperties.serverManager.isCancle(this.processId)) { result = true; } return result; } public String saveCondition() { String process_id = new GenId(this.upf).getId(this.path)+ ".ser"; String FileName = this.path + process_id ; try { FileOutputStream fu = new FileOutputStream(FileName); ObjectOutputStream ou = new ObjectOutputStream(fu); ou.writeObject(this.param); ou.close(); return process_id; } catch (IOException ex) { MyLog.error(this, this.upf, ex); } return ""; } public int createQuque(UProfile up, HashMap condition) throws RemoteException { DbRecord db = new InitialRecord(upf).getDbRecord(""); this.param = condition; this.param.put("UProfile", up); CscCalendar d = new CscCalendar(); db.clearField(); db.set("ename","Send Email"); db.set("tname","��������ùԤ����"); db.set("class_name","MailProcess"); db.set("process_status","W"); db.set("process_type","N"); db.set("process_group","P"); db.set("owner", (String) upf.get("appname")); db.set("remote_ip", (String) upf.get("remote_ip")); db.set("employeeid", (String) upf.getEmployee()); db.set("companyid", (String) upf.getComCode()); db.set("user_name", (String) upf.getUserName()); // db.set("screen_name", screenName); db.set("server_name", "NONE"); db.set("next_time", d.getYYYYMMDDHHMMSS()); db.set("start_time", "waiting"); db.set("end_time", "waiting"); // db.set("remark",remark); // db.set("process_priority", priority); db.set("condition",this.saveCondition()); db.set("parentid",db.getString("condition").substring(0,db.getString("condition").indexOf(".ser"))); db.set("ptype", "PR0");; StaticProperties.serverManager.inviteServerCheckQuque(); return 1; } public String getFileType() { return fileType; } public void setFileType(String fileType) { this.fileType = fileType; } public void postProcessTrigger() { } public String getRemark() { return remark.toString(); } public void appendRemark(String remark) { this.remark.append(remark); } public void setRemark(StringBuffer remark) { this.remark=remark; } public String getParentId() { return parentId; } public void setParentId(String parentId) { this.parentId = parentId; } public String getProcessId() { return processId; } public String getExportFileName() { return expName; } public void setExportFileName(String expName) { this.expName = expName; } public String getSubFolder() { return subFolder; } public void setSubFolder(String folder) { this.subFolder = folder; } public void closeConnection(){ try{ if(this.processId!=null &&this.processId.length()>0){ ConnectionPools cp = (ConnectionPools) StaticProperties.connectionMap.get(this.getUProfile().getDbName().toLowerCase()); cp.removeConnectionProcess(this.processId); this.processId=""; } }catch(Exception ex){ MyLog.error(this, ex); } } }