package; // files are imported exjava // connectDB, DBTest, fieldAutonum, fieldDate, fieldTimestamp, myDB, myField // myInquiry, myRecord, myRecordGroup, myReport, pwautonum, cscCalendar, myInquiry // interface // childmanager, fieldManager, tableManager, recordManager // delete exjava classes import; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import java.util.Vector; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class MyDB implements Serializable , keepLog{ private String tableName=""; protected String comp, user = "", pwd = ""; private Hashtable compHash = new Hashtable(); protected int stmtType = 0; protected boolean foundData = false; protected Connection inqCon1 = null; protected boolean autoCommit = false; protected ConnectManager connectCon = null; protected boolean requiredFound = false; protected boolean isChild = false; protected java.sql.PreparedStatement stmt = null; protected UProfile userPro = new UProfile(); protected RSecurityManager rm = null; protected String databaseName = ""; protected String uid = "system"; // private String dataSourceName = ""; protected HashMap param = new HashMap(); protected boolean isSave = true; protected boolean requireTransaction = false; //For Field Group protected HashMap groupField = new HashMap(); protected String groupActive = "all"; /***********ball edit 19-03-04**********/ protected boolean referLang = false; /***********************/ // add for RequireFound Follow Table protected Vector childRequire = null; protected String aliasname=""; protected String dbtype=""; protected String schemaName = ""; public void MyDB() { this.userPro.set("lang", "tha"); this.userPro.setDbName(StaticProperties.serverManager.getDatabaseQuque()); this.userPro.setUserName("Initial"); } public void setParam(HashMap param) { this.param = param; } public void isSave(boolean issave){ this.isSave=issave; } public boolean isSave(){ return this.isSave; } public HashMap getParam() { return this.param; } public void setParam(String key, String value) { this.param.put(key, value); } public String getParam(String key) { return (String) this.param.get(key); } /** * Modifiy by pas * chang String param to Vector * @param gField */ public void setGroupfield(String gField) { this.groupActive = gField.toLowerCase(); Class c = null; if (this instanceof MyInquiry) { c = MyInquiry.class; } else if (this instanceof MyRecord) { c = MyRecord.class; }else if(this instanceof MyTable){ c = MyTable.class; } boolean type = true; if (this.groupActive.equalsIgnoreCase("all")) { type = true; } else { if (!this.groupField.containsKey(this.groupActive)) { type = true; MyLog.debug(this, "Can't not get FieldGroup >> " + this.groupActive); } else { type = false; // gField = (Vector) this.groupField.get(this.groupActive); } } if (type) { try { String vcolumn = "*"; Method m = c.getDeclaredMethod("setColumn", new Class[] { String.class }); m.invoke(this, new Object[] { vcolumn }); } catch (Exception e) { MyLog.error(this, this.userPro, e); } } else { Vector param = (Vector) this.groupField.get(this.groupActive); // if not have field group if (param == null) { param=new Vector(); param.add("*"); MyLog.debug(this, "Can't not get FieldGroup >> " + gField); } try { Method m = c.getDeclaredMethod("setColumn", new Class[] { Vector.class }); m.invoke(this, new Object[] { param }); } catch (Exception e) { MyLog.error(this, this.userPro, e); } } } public HashMap getGroupField() { return this.groupField; } public MyDB() { } protected int setTableDB(String table) { return 0; } public void setDataSource(String dataSourceName) { // this.dataSourceName = dataSourceName; } public void setPropDB(String comp, String user, String pwd) { this.comp = comp; this.user = user; this.pwd = pwd; } protected void initConnection() { if (this.inqCon1 == null) { // this.inqCon1 = new ConnectDB(this.databaseName).getConnection(); } } public Connection getUpdateConnection() { return null; } protected void getStatement(String statement) { try { stmt = this.inqCon1.prepareStatement(statement); } catch (SQLException sqlex) { MyLog.error(this, this.getUProfile(), sqlex); } } public String charCode(String point, String dataCon) { String convert = dataCon; ThaiUtilities thaicode = new ThaiUtilities(); //convert=thaicode.ASCII2Unicode(dataCon); return convert; } public void setConnectControl(ConnectManager con) { this.connectCon = con; } public ConnectManager getConnectControl() { return this.connectCon; } public void setRequiredFound(boolean require) { this.requiredFound = require; } public boolean getRequiredFound() { return this.requiredFound; } public void release() { try { if (this.connectCon == null) { if (this.inqCon1 == null) { this.inqCon1.close(); } } else { if (this.inqCon1 == null) { this.inqCon1.close(); } } } catch (SQLException ex) { MyLog.error(this, this.getUProfile(), ex); } } /** * set User Profile * @param uPro User Profile (User Detail) */ public void setUProfile(UProfile uPro) { this.userPro = uPro; this.databaseName = uPro.getDbName(); this.schemaName = uPro.getSchemaName(); this.dbtype = new InitialEnvironment(this.userPro.getDbName()).getValue("datasource-dbtype"); } /** * get User Profile * @return UProfile */ public UProfile getUProfile() { return this.userPro; } /** * set Error Message * @param mess */ public void setErrMess(String mess) { } /** * set Class Security for Record * @param rm Record Security Manager */ public void setSecurity(RSecurityManager rm) { this.rm = rm; } public void isChild() { this.isChild = true; } // public void setTranSaction(javax.transaction.UserTransaction transaction) { // //this.transaction = transaction; // //this.requireTransaction = true; // } // protected void beginTransaction() { // if (this.requireTransaction) { // //" BeginTransaction...."); // try { // this.transaction.begin(); // } catch (Exception e) { // e.printStackTrace(); // } // } // } // protected void commitTransaction() { // if (this.requireTransaction) { // //" CommitTransaction...."); // try { // this.transaction.commit(); // } catch (Exception e) { // e.printStackTrace(); // } // } // } // /* // protected void commitTransaction(){ // if(this.requireTransaction){ // System.out.println(" CommitTransaction...."); // try { // this.transaction.commit(); // } catch (Exception e) { // e.printStackTrace(); // } // // } // } // */ // protected void rollbackTransaction() { // if (this.requireTransaction) { // //" RollbackTransaction...."); // try { // this.transaction.rollback(); // } catch (Exception e) { // e.printStackTrace(); // } // } // } public RSecurityManager getSecurity(){ return this.rm; } protected String tfSql(String s) { // String dbtype = new InitialEnvironment(this.userPro.getDbName()).getValue("datasource-dbtype"); String sr = new TransformSQL(this.getUProfile()).tfSql(this,s); // if (s != null) sr = new String(s); // if (dbtype != null && dbtype.equalsIgnoreCase("oracle")) { // while (sr.indexOf("''") > 0) { // int spindex = sr.indexOf("''"); // if (sr.indexOf("=",spindex-4)>0) { // int opindex = sr.indexOf("=",spindex-4); // sr = sr.substring(0,opindex) + " is null" + sr.substring(spindex+2); // } else if (sr.indexOf("<>",spindex-4)>0) { // int opindex = sr.indexOf("<>",spindex-4); // sr = sr.substring(0,opindex) + " is not null" + sr.substring(spindex+2); // } // } // while (sr.indexOf("month(") > -1) { // int spindex = sr.indexOf("month("); // int lastopindex = sr.indexOf(")",spindex); // String data = sr.substring(spindex+6,lastopindex); // sr = sr.substring(0,spindex) + "to_char(" + data.trim() + ",'MM')" + sr.substring(lastopindex+1); // } // while (sr.indexOf("year(") > -1) { // int spindex = sr.indexOf("year("); // int lastopindex = sr.indexOf(")",spindex); // String data = sr.substring(spindex+6,lastopindex-1); // sr = sr.substring(0,spindex) + "to_char(" + data.trim() + ",'YYYY'))" + sr.substring(lastopindex+1); // } // } return sr; } /** * Start RequireFound Table */ public void setRequireFoundTable(String tablenames) { if (tablenames.trim().length() > 0) { this.childRequire = new Vector(); } StringTokenizer stn = new StringTokenizer(tablenames,","); while (stn.hasMoreTokens()) { String tablename = stn.nextToken(); this.childRequire.add(tablename); } } public void setRequireFoundTable(Vector childRequire) { this.childRequire = childRequire; } public Vector getRequireFoundTable() { return this.childRequire; } /** * End RequireFound Table */ public String getDataBaseName() { return this.databaseName; } public String getTableName() { return this.tableName; } public String getDataFormat(String fieldName){return "";} public String getStringHTML(String fieldName) { return ConvertHTML.convert(this.getDataFormat(fieldName)); } public void setAliasName(String aliasname){ this.aliasname=aliasname; } public String getAliasName(){ return this.aliasname; } public String getDbType(){ return this.dbtype; } }