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a:hover {
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/* main-slide */
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#Event {
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.table-responsive {
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#Event .row {
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.media:first-child {
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.dateed-detail {
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.detail {
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.read-news {
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/* news*/
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.news-wrap h3 {
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.news-wrap .detail {
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/* feature */
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/* all-menu*/
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#top-button .top-word {
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.emp {
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.emp .row {
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  margin-right: -15px; }

.clients-comments {
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.clients-comments h3 {
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/* service-with-media */
.service-with-media {
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  float: left;
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  background: #ECECEC;
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.emp-detail {
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.clients-comments .detail {
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  margin-bottom: 0px;
  padding-top: 1px; }

/* Awarding */
#Awarding {
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#Awarding .services-wrap {
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#Awarding .img-resize {
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#Awarding .img-responsive {
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#Awarding .pull-left {
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#Awarding .detail {
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  padding-top: 2px; }

#Awarding .media-body {
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#Anniversary {
  background: #FFFFFF; }

#Anniversary .img-resize {
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  height: 90%;
  overflow: hidden; }

#Anniversary .pull-left {
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  height: 90%; }

#Anniversary .img-responsive {
  height: 100%; }

#Anniversary .detail {
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  margin-bottom: 0px;
  padding-top: 2px; }

#Anniversary .services-wrap {
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  border-radius: 5px; }

#Anniversary .media-body {
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#Birthday {
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#Birthday .services-wrap {
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#Birthday h3 {
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  margin-top: 0px;
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#today {
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#Birthday .img-resize {
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  overflow: hidden; }

#Birthday .pull-left {
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#Birthday .img-responsive {
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#Birthday .detail {
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#Birthday .media-body {
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.img-topic {
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.publish-by, .publish-date {
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.a-event, .a-event:hover {
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.read-event {
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.date-event {
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.center-detail {
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.service-item-all .services-wrap {
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section {
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section.pm {
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td.head {
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td .list {
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