
  <!-- The values within <properties> are passed directly to the JavaMail API.
       For a list of valid properties see http://java.sun.com/products/javamail/javadocs/index.html -->
		<!-- This is the address of your SMTP email server for sending email. e.g. smtp.pentaho.org -->

		<!--  This is the port of your SMTP email server. Usually this is 25. For GMail this is 587 -->
		<!--  The transport for accessing the email server. Usually this is smtp. For GMail this is smtps -->
		<!--  Usually this is 'false'. For GMail it is 'true' -->
		<!-- Set to true if the email server requires the sender to authenticate -->
		<!--  This is true if the email server requires an SSL connection. Usually 'false'. For GMail this is 'true' -->

   	<!--  Output debug information from the JavaMail API -->

    <!-- For GMail this is 'false' -->


	<!-- The is the address of your POP3 email server for receiving email. e.g. pop.pentaho.org -->
	<!-- It is currently not used -->

	<!-- This is the default 'from' address that emails from the Pentaho BI Platform will appear to come from e.g. joe.pentaho@pentaho.org -->

	<!-- This is the user id used to connect to the email server for sending email
       It is only required if email-authenticate is set to true
       This is never sent or shown to anyone -->
	<!-- This is the password used to connect to the email server for sending email 
       It is only required if email-authenticate is set to true
       This is never sent or shown to anyone -->
