<table width="400"><tr><td> <span class="portlet-section-header">Welcome to the Pentaho Portal Demo</span> <span class="portlet-font"> <p/> This Pentaho Portal Demo uses the JBoss Portal to show how <br/> Pentaho components can be used in portal pages. <p/> The Pentaho BI Platform includes these sample JSR-168 <br/> compliant portlets to show how our BI components can be<br/> embedded into another application's web pages. <p/> Use the options on the menu above to try the samples<br/> That we have provided. <p/> Read the <a href="http://wiki.pentaho.org/display/PentahoDoc/Creating+Pentaho+Solutions" target="wiki">'Creating Pentaho Solutions'</a> document for information on how to modify the examples or build your own system. </span> <span class="portlet-section-header">Links</span> <span class="portlet-font"> <p/> Try the <a href="/pentaho/Home">JSP User Interface</a> <p/> Visit <a href="http://www.pentaho.org" target="pentaho">Pentaho.org</a> <p/> Check the <a href="http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=140317" target="pentaho">downloads page</a> <p/> </span> </td></tr></table>