 * @license  Highcharts JS v6.0.4 (2017-12-15)
 * Wind barb series module
 * (c) 2010-2017 Torstein Honsi
 * License: www.highcharts.com/license
'use strict';
(function(factory) {
    if (typeof module === 'object' && module.exports) {
        module.exports = factory;
    } else {
}(function(Highcharts) {
    var onSeriesMixin = (function(H) {
         * (c) 2010-2017 Torstein Honsi
         * License: www.highcharts.com/license

        var each = H.each,
            seriesTypes = H.seriesTypes,
            stableSort = H.stableSort;

        var onSeriesMixin = {
             * Extend the translate method by placing the point on the related series
            translate: function() {


                var series = this,
                    options = series.options,
                    chart = series.chart,
                    points = series.points,
                    cursor = points.length - 1,
                    optionsOnSeries = options.onSeries,
                    onSeries = optionsOnSeries && chart.get(optionsOnSeries),
                    onKey = options.onKey || 'y',
                    step = onSeries && onSeries.options.step,
                    onData = onSeries && onSeries.points,
                    i = onData && onData.length,
                    xAxis = series.xAxis,
                    yAxis = series.yAxis,
                    xAxisExt = xAxis.getExtremes(),
                    xOffset = 0,

                // relate to a master series
                if (onSeries && onSeries.visible && i) {
                    xOffset = (onSeries.pointXOffset || 0) + (onSeries.barW || 0) / 2;
                    currentDataGrouping = onSeries.currentDataGrouping;
                    lastX = (
                        onData[i - 1].x +
                        (currentDataGrouping ? currentDataGrouping.totalRange : 0)
                    ); // #2374

                    // sort the data points
                    stableSort(points, function(a, b) {
                        return (a.x - b.x);

                    onKey = 'plot' + onKey[0].toUpperCase() + onKey.substr(1);
                    while (i-- && points[cursor]) {
                        leftPoint = onData[i];
                        point = points[cursor];
                        point.y = leftPoint.y;

                        if (leftPoint.x <= point.x && leftPoint[onKey] !== undefined) {
                            if (point.x <= lastX) { // #803

                                point.plotY = leftPoint[onKey];

                                // interpolate between points, #666
                                if (leftPoint.x < point.x && !step) {
                                    rightPoint = onData[i + 1];
                                    if (rightPoint && rightPoint[onKey] !== undefined) {
                                        // the distance ratio, between 0 and 1
                                        distanceRatio = (point.x - leftPoint.x) /
                                            (rightPoint.x - leftPoint.x);
                                        point.plotY +=
                                            distanceRatio *
                                            // the plotY distance
                                            (rightPoint[onKey] - leftPoint[onKey]);
                                        point.y +=
                                            distanceRatio *
                                            (rightPoint.y - leftPoint.y);
                            i++; // check again for points in the same x position
                            if (cursor < 0) {

                // Add plotY position and handle stacking
                each(points, function(point, i) {

                    var stackIndex;

                    // Undefined plotY means the point is either on axis, outside series
                    // range or hidden series. If the series is outside the range of the
                    // x axis it should fall through with an undefined plotY, but then
                    // we must remove the shapeArgs (#847).
                    if (point.plotY === undefined) {
                        if (point.x >= xAxisExt.min && point.x <= xAxisExt.max) {
                            // we're inside xAxis range
                            point.plotY = chart.chartHeight - xAxis.bottom -
                                (xAxis.opposite ? xAxis.height : 0) +
                                xAxis.offset - yAxis.top; // #3517
                        } else {
                            point.shapeArgs = {}; // 847
                    point.plotX += xOffset; // #2049
                    // if multiple flags appear at the same x, order them into a stack
                    lastPoint = points[i - 1];
                    if (lastPoint && lastPoint.plotX === point.plotX) {
                        if (lastPoint.stackIndex === undefined) {
                            lastPoint.stackIndex = 0;
                        stackIndex = lastPoint.stackIndex + 1;
                    point.stackIndex = stackIndex; // #3639

        return onSeriesMixin;
    (function(H, onSeriesMixin) {
         * Wind barb series module
         * (c) 2010-2017 Torstein Honsi
         * License: www.highcharts.com/license

        var each = H.each,
            seriesType = H.seriesType;

         * Wind barbs are a convenient way to represent wind speed and direction in one
         * graphical form. Wind direction is given by the stem direction, and wind speed
         * by the number and shape of barbs.  
         * @extends {plotOptions.column}
         * @excluding boostThreshold,marker,connectEnds,connectNulls,cropThreshold,
         *            dashStyle,gapSize,gapUnit,dataGrouping,linecap,shadow,stacking,
         *            step
         * @product highcharts highstock
         * @sample {highcharts|highstock} highcharts/demo/windbarb-series/
         *         Wind barb series
         * @since 6.0.0
         * @optionparent plotOptions.windbarb
        seriesType('windbarb', 'column', {
             * The line width of the wind barb symbols.
            lineWidth: 2,
             * The id of another series in the chart that the wind barbs are projected
             * on. When `null`, the wind symbols are drawn on the X axis, but offset
             * up or down by the `yOffset` setting.
             * @sample {highcharts|highstock} highcharts/plotoptions/windbarb-onseries
             *         Projected on area series
             * @type {String|null}
            onSeries: null,
            states: {
                hover: {
                    lineWidthPlus: 0
            tooltip: {
                 * The default point format for the wind barb tooltip. Note the 
                 * `point.beaufort` property that refers to the Beaufort wind scale. The
                 * names can be internationalized by modifying
                 * `Highcharts.seriesTypes.windbarb.prototype.beaufortNames`.
                pointFormat: '<b>{series.name}</b>: {point.value} ({point.beaufort})<br/>'
             * Pixel length of the stems.
            vectorLength: 20,
             * Vertical offset from the cartesian position, in pixels. The default value
             * makes sure the symbols don't overlap the X axis when `onSeries` is
             * `null`, and that they don't overlap the linked series when `onSeries` is
             * given.
            yOffset: -20
        }, {
            pointArrayMap: ['value', 'direction'],
            parallelArrays: ['x', 'value', 'direction'],
            beaufortName: ['Calm', 'Light air', 'Light breeze',
                'Gentle breeze', 'Moderate breeze', 'Fresh breeze',
                'Strong breeze', 'Near gale', 'Gale', 'Strong gale', 'Storm',
                'Violent storm', 'Hurricane'
            beaufortFloor: [0, 0.3, 1.6, 3.4, 5.5, 8.0, 10.8, 13.9, 17.2, 20.8,
                24.5, 28.5, 32.7
            trackerGroups: ['markerGroup'],

             * Get presentational attributes.
            pointAttribs: function(point, state) {
                var options = this.options,
                    stroke = this.color,
                    strokeWidth = this.options.lineWidth;

                if (state) {
                    stroke = options.states[state].color || stroke;
                    strokeWidth =
                        (options.states[state].lineWidth || strokeWidth) +
                        (options.states[state].lineWidthPlus || 0);

                return {
                    'stroke': stroke,
                    'stroke-width': strokeWidth
            markerAttribs: function() {
                return undefined;
             * Create a single wind arrow. It is later rotated around the zero
             * centerpoint.
            windArrow: function(point) {
                var knots = point.value * 1.943844,
                    level = point.beaufortLevel,
                    u = this.options.vectorLength / 20,
                    pos = -10;

                if (point.isNull) {
                    return [];

                if (level === 0) {
                    return this.chart.renderer.symbols.circle(-10 * u, -10 * u,
                        20 * u,
                        20 * u

                // The stem and the arrow head
                path = [
                    'M', 0, 7 * u, // base of arrow
                    'L', -1.5 * u, 7 * u,
                    0, 10 * u,
                    1.5 * u, 7 * u,
                    0, 7 * u,
                    0, -10 * u // top

                // For each full 50 knots, add a pennant
                barbs = (knots - knots % 50) / 50; // pennants
                if (barbs > 0) {
                    while (barbs--) {
                            pos === -10 ? 'L' : 'M',
                            pos * u,
                            5 * u,
                            pos * u + 2,
                            pos * u + 4


                        // Substract from the rest and move position for next
                        knots -= 50;
                        pos += 7;

                // For each full 10 knots, add a full barb
                barbs = (knots - knots % 10) / 10;
                if (barbs > 0) {
                    while (barbs--) {
                            pos === -10 ? 'L' : 'M',
                            pos * u,
                            7 * u,
                            pos * u
                        knots -= 10;
                        pos += 3;

                // For each full 5 knots, add a half barb
                barbs = (knots - knots % 5) / 5; // half barbs
                if (barbs > 0) {
                    while (barbs--) {
                            pos === -10 ? 'L' : 'M',
                            pos * u,
                            4 * u,
                            pos * u
                        knots -= 5;
                        pos += 3;
                return path;

            translate: function() {
                var beaufortFloor = this.beaufortFloor,
                    beaufortName = this.beaufortName;


                each(this.points, function(point) {
                    var level = 0;
                    // Find the beaufort level (zero based)
                    for (; level < beaufortFloor.length; level++) {
                        if (beaufortFloor[level] > point.value) {
                    point.beaufortLevel = level - 1;
                    point.beaufort = beaufortName[level - 1];



            drawPoints: function() {
                var chart = this.chart,
                    yAxis = this.yAxis;
                each(this.points, function(point) {
                    var plotX = point.plotX,
                        plotY = point.plotY;

                    // Check if it's inside the plot area, but only for the X dimension.
                    if (chart.isInsidePlot(plotX, 0, chart.inverted)) {

                        // Create the graphic the first time
                        if (!point.graphic) {
                            point.graphic = this.chart.renderer

                        // Position the graphic
                                d: this.windArrow(point),
                                translateX: plotX,
                                translateY: plotY + this.options.yOffset,
                                rotation: point.direction

                    } else if (point.graphic) {
                        point.graphic = point.graphic.destroy();

                    // Set the tooltip anchor position
                    point.tooltipPos = chart.inverted ? [
                        yAxis.len + yAxis.pos - chart.plotLeft - plotY,
                        this.xAxis.len - plotX
                    ] : [
                        plotY + yAxis.pos - chart.plotTop + this.options.yOffset -
                        this.options.vectorLength / 2
                    ]; // #6327
                }, this);

             * Fade in the arrows on initiating series.
            animate: function(init) {
                if (init) {
                        opacity: 0.01
                } else {
                        opacity: 1
                    }, H.animObject(this.options.animation));

                    this.animate = null;
        }, {
            isValid: function() {
                return H.isNumber(this.value) && this.value >= 0;

         * A `windbarb` series. If the [type](#series.windbarb.type) option is not
         * specified, it is inherited from [chart.type](#chart.type).
         * For options that apply to multiple series, it is recommended to add
         * them to the [plotOptions.series](#plotOptions.series) options structure.
         * To apply to all series of this specific type, apply it to [plotOptions.
         * windbarb](#plotOptions.windbarb).
         * @type {Object}
         * @extends series,plotOptions.windbarb
         * @excluding dataParser,dataURL
         * @product highcharts highstock
         * @apioption series.windbarb

         * An array of data points for the series. For the `windbarb` series type,
         * points can be given in the following ways:
         * 1.  An array of arrays with 3 values. In this case, the values correspond
         * to `x,value,direction`. If the first value is a string, it is applied as
         * the name of the point, and the `x` value is inferred.
         *  ```js
         *     data: [
         *         [Date.UTC(2017, 0, 1, 0), 3.3, 90],
         *         [Date.UTC(2017, 0, 1, 1), 12.1, 180],
         *         [Date.UTC(2017, 0, 1, 2), 11.1, 270]
         *     ]
         *  ```
         * 2.  An array of objects with named values. The objects are point
         * configuration objects as seen below. If the total number of data
         * points exceeds the series' [turboThreshold](#series.area.turboThreshold),
         * this option is not available.
         *  ```js
         *     data: [{
         *         x: Date.UTC(2017, 0, 1, 0),
         *         value: 12.1,
         *         direction: 90
         *     }, {
         *         x: Date.UTC(2017, 0, 1, 1),
         *         value: 11.1,
         *         direction: 270
         *     }]
         *  ```
         * @type {Array<Object|Array|Number>}
         * @extends series.line.data
         * @sample {highcharts} highcharts/chart/reflow-true/ Numerical values
         * @sample {highcharts} highcharts/series/data-array-of-arrays/ Arrays of numeric x and y
         * @sample {highcharts} highcharts/series/data-array-of-arrays-datetime/ Arrays of datetime x and y
         * @sample {highcharts} highcharts/series/data-array-of-name-value/ Arrays of point.name and y
         * @sample {highcharts} highcharts/series/data-array-of-objects/ Config objects
         * @product highcharts highstock
         * @apioption series.windbarb.data

         * The wind speed in meters per second.
         * @type {Number}
         * @product highcharts highstock
         * @apioption series.windbarb.data.value

         * The wind direction in degrees, where 0 is north (pointing towards south).
         * @type {Number}
         * @product highcharts highstock
         * @apioption series.windbarb.data.direction

    }(Highcharts, onSeriesMixin));