'use strict'; module.exports = function(Chart) { var defaultConfig = { hover: { mode: 'single' }, scales: { xAxes: [{ type: 'linear', // scatter should not use a category axis position: 'bottom', id: 'x-axis-1' // need an ID so datasets can reference the scale }], yAxes: [{ type: 'linear', position: 'left', id: 'y-axis-1' }] }, tooltips: { callbacks: { title: function() { // Title doesn't make sense for scatter since we format the data as a point return ''; }, label: function(tooltipItem) { return '(' + tooltipItem.xLabel + ', ' + tooltipItem.yLabel + ')'; } } } }; // Register the default config for this type Chart.defaults.scatter = defaultConfig; // Scatter charts use line controllers Chart.controllers.scatter = Chart.controllers.line; Chart.Scatter = function(context, config) { config.type = 'scatter'; return new Chart(context, config); }; };