var DEFAULT_WIN_WIDTH = 600; var DEFAULT_WIN_HEIGHT = 400; function resizeImg(obj, max_width, max_height) { var x, y; var width = obj.naturalWidth; var height = obj.naturalHeight; if(!width && !height) { var img = new Image(); img.src = obj.src; width = img.width; height = img.height; } if( !max_width && !max_height) { max_width = 300; max_height = 300; } if((width/height)< (max_width/max_height)) { // old image ratio < new image ratio x = "auto"; y = max_height +"px"; } else { // old image ratio >= new image ratio y = "auto"; x = max_width +"px"; } = x; = y; = "visible"; } function setPageTitle( title ) { document.title = title; } function openWindow( url, winName, features) { var OpenWindow; OpenWindow = url, winName, features); OpenWindow.focus(); return OpenWindow; } // set properties for the editace window function PopupCenter( url, winName, w, h) { var width = w || DEFAULT_WIN_WIDTH; var height = h || DEFAULT_WIN_HEIGHT; var left = ( screen.width ) ? ( screen.width-width )/2 : 0; var top = ( screen.height ) ? ( screen.height-height )/2 : 0; var OpenWindow; features = 'height=' + height + ',width=' + width + ',top=' + top + ',left=' + left + ', resizable=yes, toolbar=no , scrollbars=yes , status=yes'; OpenWindow = url , winName , features); OpenWindow.focus(); return OpenWindow; } function PopupCenterTop( url, winName, w, h) { var width = w || DEFAULT_WIN_WIDTH; var height = h || DEFAULT_WIN_HEIGHT; var left = ( screen.width ) ? ( screen.width-width )/2 : 0; var OpenWindow; features = 'height=' + height + ',width=' + width + ',top=30,left=' + left + ', resizable=yes, toolbar=no , scrollbars=yes , status=yes'; OpenWindow = url , winName , features); OpenWindow.focus(); return OpenWindow; } /* function Tabs() { } Tabs.init = function( tabListId ) { Tabs.tabLinks = document.getElementById(tabListId).getElementsByTagName("LI"); var tabLink, tabId, tab; for (var i = 0; i < Tabs.tabLinks.length; i++) { tabLink = Tabs.tabLinks[i]; tabId = tabLink.getAttribute("tabId"); if (!tabId) { // tabId ไม่มี alert("Expand link does not have a tabId element: " + tabLink.innerHTML); } tab = document.getElementById(tabId); if (!tab) { // ไม่มี tabContent alert("tabId does not exist: " + tabId); } if (i == 0) { = "block"; // for tab content tabLink.className = "current" ; // for tab bar }else { = "none"; // for tab content tabLink.className = "" ; // for tab bar } tabLink.onclick = function() { var tabId = this.getAttribute("tabId"); for (var i = 0; i < Tabs.tabLinks.length; i++) { var tabLink = Tabs.tabLinks[i]; var loopId = tabLink.getAttribute("tabId"); if (loopId == tabId) { document.getElementById(loopId).style.display = "block"; tabLink.className = "current" ; }else { document.getElementById(loopId).style.display = "none"; tabLink.className = "" ; } } if (this.blur) { this.blur(); } return false; } } }*/ // Example: // value1 = 3; value2 = 4; // format("text message %s and %s", value1, value2); // this function will return the text "text message 3 and 4" function format() { var msg = ""; var argNum = 0; var startPos; var args = arguments; var numArgs = args.length; if(numArgs) { theStr = args[argNum++]; startPos = 0; endPos = theStr.indexOf("%s", startPos); if(endPos == -1) { endPos = theStr.length; } while(startPos < theStr.length) { msg += theStr.substring(startPos, endPos); if (argNum < numArgs) { msg += args[argNum++]; } startPos = endPos+2; endPos = theStr.indexOf("%s", startPos); if (endPos == -1) { endPos = theStr.length; } } if (!msg) { msg = args[0]; } } return msg; } function preloadImages() { var allImgs = []; var imgs = document.getElementsByTagName("IMG"); if(imgs) { for(k=0; k<imgs.length; k++) { var url = imgs[k]; allImgs[k] = new Image(); allImgs[k].src = url.src; } } return allImgs; }