/*jshint globalstrict:true*/ /*global angular:false*/ 'use strict'; var isDefined = angular.isDefined, isFunction = angular.isFunction, isString = angular.isString, isObject = angular.isObject, isArray = angular.isArray, forEach = angular.forEach, extend = angular.extend, copy = angular.copy; function inherit(parent, extra) { return extend(new (extend(function() {}, { prototype: parent }))(), extra); } function merge(dst) { forEach(arguments, function(obj) { if (obj !== dst) { forEach(obj, function(value, key) { if (!dst.hasOwnProperty(key)) dst[key] = value; }); } }); return dst; } /** * Finds the common ancestor path between two states. * * @param {Object} first The first state. * @param {Object} second The second state. * @return {Array} Returns an array of state names in descending order, not including the root. */ function ancestors(first, second) { var path = []; for (var n in first.path) { if (first.path[n] !== second.path[n]) break; path.push(first.path[n]); } return path; } /** * IE8-safe wrapper for `Object.keys()`. * * @param {Object} object A JavaScript object. * @return {Array} Returns the keys of the object as an array. */ function objectKeys(object) { if (Object.keys) { return Object.keys(object); } var result = []; forEach(object, function(val, key) { result.push(key); }); return result; } /** * IE8-safe wrapper for `Array.prototype.indexOf()`. * * @param {Array} array A JavaScript array. * @param {*} value A value to search the array for. * @return {Number} Returns the array index value of `value`, or `-1` if not present. */ function indexOf(array, value) { if (Array.prototype.indexOf) { return array.indexOf(value, Number(arguments[2]) || 0); } var len = array.length >>> 0, from = Number(arguments[2]) || 0; from = (from < 0) ? Math.ceil(from) : Math.floor(from); if (from < 0) from += len; for (; from < len; from++) { if (from in array && array[from] === value) return from; } return -1; } /** * Merges a set of parameters with all parameters inherited between the common parents of the * current state and a given destination state. * * @param {Object} currentParams The value of the current state parameters ($stateParams). * @param {Object} newParams The set of parameters which will be composited with inherited params. * @param {Object} $current Internal definition of object representing the current state. * @param {Object} $to Internal definition of object representing state to transition to. */ function inheritParams(currentParams, newParams, $current, $to) { var parents = ancestors($current, $to), parentParams, inherited = {}, inheritList = []; for (var i in parents) { if (!parents[i].params) continue; parentParams = objectKeys(parents[i].params); if (!parentParams.length) continue; for (var j in parentParams) { if (indexOf(inheritList, parentParams[j]) >= 0) continue; inheritList.push(parentParams[j]); inherited[parentParams[j]] = currentParams[parentParams[j]]; } } return extend({}, inherited, newParams); } /** * Performs a non-strict comparison of the subset of two objects, defined by a list of keys. * * @param {Object} a The first object. * @param {Object} b The second object. * @param {Array} keys The list of keys within each object to compare. If the list is empty or not specified, * it defaults to the list of keys in `a`. * @return {Boolean} Returns `true` if the keys match, otherwise `false`. */ function equalForKeys(a, b, keys) { if (!keys) { keys = []; for (var n in a) keys.push(n); // Used instead of Object.keys() for IE8 compatibility } for (var i=0; i<keys.length; i++) { var k = keys[i]; if (a[k] != b[k]) return false; // Not '===', values aren't necessarily normalized } return true; } /** * Returns the subset of an object, based on a list of keys. * * @param {Array} keys * @param {Object} values * @return {Boolean} Returns a subset of `values`. */ function filterByKeys(keys, values) { var filtered = {}; forEach(keys, function (name) { filtered[name] = values[name]; }); return filtered; } // like _.indexBy // when you know that your index values will be unique, or you want last-one-in to win function indexBy(array, propName) { var result = {}; forEach(array, function(item) { result[item[propName]] = item; }); return result; } // extracted from underscore.js // Return a copy of the object only containing the whitelisted properties. function pick(obj) { var copy = {}; var keys = Array.prototype.concat.apply(Array.prototype, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1)); forEach(keys, function(key) { if (key in obj) copy[key] = obj[key]; }); return copy; } // extracted from underscore.js // Return a copy of the object omitting the blacklisted properties. function omit(obj) { var copy = {}; var keys = Array.prototype.concat.apply(Array.prototype, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1)); for (var key in obj) { if (indexOf(keys, key) == -1) copy[key] = obj[key]; } return copy; } function pluck(collection, key) { var result = isArray(collection) ? [] : {}; forEach(collection, function(val, i) { result[i] = isFunction(key) ? key(val) : val[key]; }); return result; } function filter(collection, callback) { var array = isArray(collection); var result = array ? [] : {}; forEach(collection, function(val, i) { if (callback(val, i)) { result[array ? result.length : i] = val; } }); return result; } function map(collection, callback) { var result = isArray(collection) ? [] : {}; forEach(collection, function(val, i) { result[i] = callback(val, i); }); return result; } /** * @ngdoc overview * @name ui.router.util * * @description * # ui.router.util sub-module * * This module is a dependency of other sub-modules. Do not include this module as a dependency * in your angular app (use {@link ui.router} module instead). * */ angular.module('ui.router.util', ['ng']); /** * @ngdoc overview * @name ui.router.router * * @requires ui.router.util * * @description * # ui.router.router sub-module * * This module is a dependency of other sub-modules. Do not include this module as a dependency * in your angular app (use {@link ui.router} module instead). */ angular.module('ui.router.router', ['ui.router.util']); /** * @ngdoc overview * @name ui.router.state * * @requires ui.router.router * @requires ui.router.util * * @description * # ui.router.state sub-module * * This module is a dependency of the main ui.router module. Do not include this module as a dependency * in your angular app (use {@link ui.router} module instead). * */ angular.module('ui.router.state', ['ui.router.router', 'ui.router.util']); /** * @ngdoc overview * @name ui.router * * @requires ui.router.state * * @description * # ui.router * * ## The main module for ui.router * There are several sub-modules included with the ui.router module, however only this module is needed * as a dependency within your angular app. The other modules are for organization purposes. * * The modules are: * * ui.router - the main "umbrella" module * * ui.router.router - * * *You'll need to include **only** this module as the dependency within your angular app.* * * <pre> * <!doctype html> * <html ng-app="myApp"> * <head> * <script src="js/angular.js"></script> * <!-- Include the ui-router script --> * <script src="js/angular-ui-router.min.js"></script> * <script> * // ...and add 'ui.router' as a dependency * var myApp = angular.module('myApp', ['ui.router']); * </script> * </head> * <body> * </body> * </html> * </pre> */ angular.module('ui.router', ['ui.router.state']); angular.module('ui.router.compat', ['ui.router']);