 * Angular Material Design
 * https://github.com/angular/material
 * @license MIT
 * v1.0.6
 * @ngdoc module
 * @name material.components.tooltip
    .module('material.components.tooltip', [ 'material.core' ])
    .directive('mdTooltip', MdTooltipDirective);

 * @ngdoc directive
 * @name mdTooltip
 * @module material.components.tooltip
 * @description
 * Tooltips are used to describe elements that are interactive and primarily graphical (not textual).
 * Place a `<md-tooltip>` as a child of the element it describes.
 * A tooltip will activate when the user focuses, hovers over, or touches the parent.
 * @usage
 * <hljs lang="html">
 * <md-button class="md-fab md-accent" aria-label="Play">
 *   <md-tooltip>
 *     Play Music
 *   </md-tooltip>
 *   <md-icon icon="img/icons/ic_play_arrow_24px.svg"></md-icon>
 * </md-button>
 * </hljs>
 * @param {expression=} md-visible Boolean bound to whether the tooltip is currently visible.
 * @param {number=} md-delay How many milliseconds to wait to show the tooltip after the user focuses, hovers, or touches the parent. Defaults to 300ms.
 * @param {boolean=} md-autohide If present or provided with a boolean value, the tooltip will hide on mouse leave, regardless of focus
 * @param {string=} md-direction Which direction would you like the tooltip to go?  Supports left, right, top, and bottom.  Defaults to bottom.
function MdTooltipDirective($timeout, $window, $$rAF, $document, $mdUtil, $mdTheming, $rootElement,
                            $animate, $q) {


  return {
    restrict: 'E',
    transclude: true,
    priority:210, // Before ngAria
    template: '<div class="md-content" ng-transclude></div>',
    scope: {
      delay: '=?mdDelay',
      visible: '=?mdVisible',
      autohide: '=?mdAutohide',
      direction: '@?mdDirection'    // only expect raw or interpolated string value; not expression
    link: postLink

  function postLink(scope, element, attr) {


    var parent        = $mdUtil.getParentWithPointerEvents(element),
        content       = angular.element(element[0].getElementsByClassName('md-content')[0]),
        tooltipParent = angular.element(document.body),
        debouncedOnResize = $$rAF.throttle(function () { updatePosition(); });

    if ($animate.pin) $animate.pin(element, parent);

    // Initialize element


    // Default origin transform point is 'center top'
    // positionTooltip() is always relative to center top


    function setDefaults () {
      if (!angular.isDefined(attr.mdDelay)) scope.delay = TOOLTIP_SHOW_DELAY;

    function updateContentOrigin() {
      var origin = 'center top';
      switch (scope.direction) {
        case 'left'  : origin =  'right center';  break;
        case 'right' : origin =  'left center';   break;
        case 'top'   : origin =  'center bottom'; break;
        case 'bottom': origin =  'center top';    break;
      content.css('transform-origin', origin);

    function configureWatchers () {
      scope.$on('$destroy', function() {
        scope.visible = false;
        angular.element($window).off('resize', debouncedOnResize);

      scope.$watch('visible', function (isVisible) {
        if (isVisible) showTooltip();
        else hideTooltip();

      scope.$watch('direction', updatePosition );

    function addAriaLabel () {
      if (!parent.attr('aria-label') && !parent.text().trim()) {
        parent.attr('aria-label', element.text().trim());

    function manipulateElement () {
      element.attr('role', 'tooltip');

    function bindEvents () {
      var mouseActive = false;

      var ngWindow = angular.element($window);

      // add an mutationObserver when there is support for it
      // and the need for it in the form of viable host(parent[0])
      if (parent[0] && 'MutationObserver' in $window) {
        // use an mutationObserver to tackle #2602
        var attributeObserver = new MutationObserver(function(mutations) {
            .forEach(function (mutation) {
              if (mutation.attributeName === 'disabled' && parent[0].disabled) {
                scope.$digest(); // make sure the elements gets updated

        attributeObserver.observe(parent[0], { attributes: true});

      // Store whether the element was focused when the window loses focus.
      var windowBlurHandler = function() {
        elementFocusedOnWindowBlur = document.activeElement === parent[0];
      var elementFocusedOnWindowBlur = false;

      function windowScrollHandler() {
      ngWindow.on('blur', windowBlurHandler);
      ngWindow.on('resize', debouncedOnResize);
      document.addEventListener('scroll', windowScrollHandler, true);
      scope.$on('$destroy', function() {
        ngWindow.off('blur', windowBlurHandler);
        ngWindow.off('resize', debouncedOnResize);
        document.removeEventListener('scroll', windowScrollHandler, true);
        attributeObserver && attributeObserver.disconnect();

      var enterHandler = function(e) {
        // Prevent the tooltip from showing when the window is receiving focus.
        if (e.type === 'focus' && elementFocusedOnWindowBlur) {
          elementFocusedOnWindowBlur = false;
        parent.on('blur mouseleave touchend touchcancel', leaveHandler );
      var leaveHandler = function () {
        var autohide = scope.hasOwnProperty('autohide') ? scope.autohide : attr.hasOwnProperty('mdAutohide');
        if (autohide || mouseActive || ($document[0].activeElement !== parent[0]) ) {
          parent.off('blur mouseleave touchend touchcancel', leaveHandler );
        mouseActive = false;

      // to avoid `synthetic clicks` we listen to mousedown instead of `click`
      parent.on('mousedown', function() { mouseActive = true; });
      parent.on('focus mouseenter touchstart', enterHandler );


    function setVisible (value) {
      setVisible.value = !!value;
      if (!setVisible.queued) {
        if (value) {
          setVisible.queued = true;
          $timeout(function() {
            scope.visible = setVisible.value;
            setVisible.queued = false;
          }, scope.delay);
        } else {
          $mdUtil.nextTick(function() { scope.visible = false; });

    function showTooltip() {
      // Insert the element before positioning it, so we can get the position
      // and check if we should display it

      // Check if we should display it or not.
      // This handles hide-* and show-* along with any user defined css
      if ( $mdUtil.hasComputedStyle(element, 'display', 'none')) {
        scope.visible = false;


      angular.forEach([element, content], function (element) {
        $animate.addClass(element, 'md-show');

    function hideTooltip() {
        var promises = [];
        angular.forEach([element, content], function (it) {
          if (it.parent() && it.hasClass('md-show')) {
            promises.push($animate.removeClass(it, 'md-show'));

          .then(function () {
            if (!scope.visible) element.detach();

    function updatePosition() {
      if ( !scope.visible ) return;


    function positionTooltip() {
      var tipRect = $mdUtil.offsetRect(element, tooltipParent);
      var parentRect = $mdUtil.offsetRect(parent, tooltipParent);
      var newPosition = getPosition(scope.direction);
      var offsetParent = element.prop('offsetParent');

      // If the user provided a direction, just nudge the tooltip onto the screen
      // Otherwise, recalculate based on 'top' since default is 'bottom'
      if (scope.direction) {
        newPosition = fitInParent(newPosition);
      } else if (offsetParent && newPosition.top > offsetParent.scrollHeight - tipRect.height - TOOLTIP_WINDOW_EDGE_SPACE) {
        newPosition = fitInParent(getPosition('top'));

        left: newPosition.left + 'px',
        top: newPosition.top + 'px'

      function fitInParent (pos) {
        var newPosition = { left: pos.left, top: pos.top };
        newPosition.left = Math.min( newPosition.left, tooltipParent.prop('scrollWidth') - tipRect.width - TOOLTIP_WINDOW_EDGE_SPACE );
        newPosition.left = Math.max( newPosition.left, TOOLTIP_WINDOW_EDGE_SPACE );
        newPosition.top  = Math.min( newPosition.top,  tooltipParent.prop('scrollHeight') - tipRect.height - TOOLTIP_WINDOW_EDGE_SPACE );
        newPosition.top  = Math.max( newPosition.top,  TOOLTIP_WINDOW_EDGE_SPACE );
        return newPosition;

      function getPosition (dir) {
        return dir === 'left'
          ? { left: parentRect.left - tipRect.width - TOOLTIP_WINDOW_EDGE_SPACE,
              top: parentRect.top + parentRect.height / 2 - tipRect.height / 2 }
          : dir === 'right'
          ? { left: parentRect.left + parentRect.width + TOOLTIP_WINDOW_EDGE_SPACE,
              top: parentRect.top + parentRect.height / 2 - tipRect.height / 2 }
          : dir === 'top'
          ? { left: parentRect.left + parentRect.width / 2 - tipRect.width / 2,
              top: parentRect.top - tipRect.height - TOOLTIP_WINDOW_EDGE_SPACE }
          : { left: parentRect.left + parentRect.width / 2 - tipRect.width / 2,
              top: parentRect.top + parentRect.height + TOOLTIP_WINDOW_EDGE_SPACE };


MdTooltipDirective.$inject = ["$timeout", "$window", "$$rAF", "$document", "$mdUtil", "$mdTheming", "$rootElement", "$animate", "$q"];

ng.material.components.tooltip = angular.module("material.components.tooltip");