<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <action-sequence> <title>Barchart Data</title> <version>1</version> <logging-level>debug</logging-level> <documentation> <author>Gretchen Moran</author> <description>Return the variance between headcount actual and budget for every department</description> <help/> </documentation> <inputs/> <outputs> <rule-result type="result-set"/> </outputs> <resources/> <!-- Define an input called 'REGION'. This will be passed in when the user clicks on a slice of the pie chart --> <!-- Define an output called 'rule-result' --> <!-- This action sequence does not require any external resources --> <actions> <action-definition> <!-- Define a local input called 'REGION' --> <component-name>SQLLookupRule</component-name> <action-type>Query For Variance Data</action-type> <action-inputs/> <action-outputs> <query-result type="result-set" mapping="rule-result"/> </action-outputs> <component-definition> <!-- Define the datasource for the query --> <jndi>SampleData</jndi> <source>sql</source> <!-- Define the query to execute. Note the parameter {REGION} in the query --> <query><![CDATA[SELECT CONCAT(CONCAT(CONCAT('Q', QUARTER(ORDERS.ORDERDATE)),'-'),YEAR(ORDERS.ORDERDATE)) AS TIME, SUM(ORDERDETAILS.QUANTITYORDERED*ORDERDETAILS.PRICEEACH) SOLD_PRICE FROM ORDERS INNER JOIN ORDERDETAILS ON ORDERS.ORDERNUMBER = ORDERDETAILS.ORDERNUMBER INNER JOIN PRODUCTS ON ORDERDETAILS.PRODUCTCODE =PRODUCTS.PRODUCTCODE INNER JOIN CUSTOMERS ON ORDERS.CUSTOMERNUMBER =CUSTOMERS.CUSTOMERNUMBER INNER JOIN EMPLOYEES ON CUSTOMERS.SALESREPEMPLOYEENUMBER = EMPLOYEES.EMPLOYEENUMBER INNER JOIN OFFICES ON EMPLOYEES.OFFICECODE=OFFICES.OFFICECODE GROUP BY CONCAT( YEAR(ORDERS.ORDERDATE), QUARTER(ORDERS.ORDERDATE))]]></query> </component-definition> <!-- Define a local output called 'rule-result' --> <!-- Specify the component to execute --> <!-- Define the settings for the component --> </action-definition> </actions> </action-sequence>