<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <title>IPreparedComponent Test Temp Tables</title>
    <author>Will Gorman</author>  
    <description>This tests the SQLBaseComponent's implementation of the IPreparedComponent interface, verifying that sql connections are shared across components</description>  




      <!-- first create a connection -->

      <action-type>Get Connection</action-type>
        <prepared_component mapping="connObj"/>

      <!-- second, create temporary table w/ connection and add data -->

          <prepared_component mapping="connObj"/>
        <action-type>Create a temp table</action-type>
            drop table tmptbl;
            create temp table tmptbl(val int) ON COMMIT PRESERVE ROWS;
            insert into tmptbl values (1)

      <!-- third, extract inserted data from temporary table -->

      <action-type>Check for Data</action-type>
         <prepared_component mapping="connObj"/>
        <query-result mapping="a_result"/>
        <query>SELECT * FROM tmptbl</query>

    <!-- fourth, with another connection, tmptbl should contain zero results. -->
    <!-- note, in hsqldb, temp tables are available to all, but there data is per session -->
    <!-- http://hsqldb.org/doc/guide/ch09.html#create_table-section -->
      <action-type>Check for Data</action-type>
        <query-result mapping="no_results"/>
        <query>SELECT count(*) FROM tmptbl</query>

    <!-- fifth, drop the table -->
          <prepared_component mapping="connObj"/>
        <action-type>Drop the Table</action-type>
            drop table tmptbl