/** * @license Highcharts JS v6.0.4 (2017-12-15) * Boost module * * (c) 2010-2017 Highsoft AS * Author: Torstein Honsi * * License: www.highcharts.com/license */ 'use strict'; (function(factory) { if (typeof module === 'object' && module.exports) { module.exports = factory; } else { factory(Highcharts); } }(function(Highcharts) { (function(H) { /** * License: www.highcharts.com/license * Author: Torstein Honsi, Christer Vasseng * * This module serves as a fallback for the Boost module in IE9 and IE10. Newer * browsers support WebGL which is faster. * * It is recommended to include this module in conditional comments targeting * IE9 and IE10. */ var win = H.win, doc = win.document, noop = function() {}, Color = H.Color, Series = H.Series, seriesTypes = H.seriesTypes, each = H.each, extend = H.extend, addEvent = H.addEvent, fireEvent = H.fireEvent, isNumber = H.isNumber, merge = H.merge, pick = H.pick, wrap = H.wrap, CHUNK_SIZE = 50000, destroyLoadingDiv; H.initCanvasBoost = function() { if (H.seriesTypes.heatmap) { H.wrap(H.seriesTypes.heatmap.prototype, 'drawPoints', function() { var ctx = this.getContext(); if (ctx) { // draw the columns each(this.points, function(point) { var plotY = point.plotY, shapeArgs, pointAttr; if (plotY !== undefined && !isNaN(plotY) && point.y !== null) { shapeArgs = point.shapeArgs; pointAttr = point.series.colorAttribs(point); ctx.fillStyle = pointAttr.fill; ctx.fillRect(shapeArgs.x, shapeArgs.y, shapeArgs.width, shapeArgs.height); } }); this.canvasToSVG(); } else { this.chart.showLoading('Your browser doesn\'t support HTML5 canvas, <br>please use a modern browser'); // Uncomment this to provide low-level (slow) support in oldIE. It will cause script errors on // charts with more than a few thousand points. // arguments[0].call(this); } }); } H.extend(Series.prototype, { /** * Create a hidden canvas to draw the graph on. The contents is later copied over * to an SVG image element. */ getContext: function() { var chart = this.chart, width = chart.chartWidth, height = chart.chartHeight, targetGroup = chart.seriesGroup || this.group, target = this, ctx, swapXY = function(proceed, x, y, a, b, c, d) { proceed.call(this, y, x, a, b, c, d); }; if (chart.isChartSeriesBoosting()) { target = chart; targetGroup = chart.seriesGroup; } ctx = target.ctx; if (!target.canvas) { target.canvas = doc.createElement('canvas'); target.renderTarget = chart.renderer.image( '', 0, 0, width, height ) .addClass('highcharts-boost-canvas') .add(targetGroup); target.ctx = ctx = target.canvas.getContext('2d'); if (chart.inverted) { each(['moveTo', 'lineTo', 'rect', 'arc'], function(fn) { wrap(ctx, fn, swapXY); }); } target.boostClear = function() { ctx.clearRect(0, 0, target.canvas.width, target.canvas.height); if (target.renderTarget) { target.renderTarget.attr({ href: '' }); } }; target.boostClipRect = chart.renderer.clipRect(); target.renderTarget.clip(target.boostClipRect); } else if (!(target instanceof H.Chart)) { // ctx.clearRect(0, 0, width, height); } if (target.canvas.width !== width) { target.canvas.width = width; } if (target.canvas.height !== height) { target.canvas.height = height; } target.renderTarget.attr({ x: 0, y: 0, width: width, height: height, style: 'pointer-events: none', href: '' }); target.boostClipRect.attr(chart.getBoostClipRect(target)); return ctx; }, /** * Draw the canvas image inside an SVG image */ canvasToSVG: function() { if (!this.chart.isChartSeriesBoosting()) { this.renderTarget.attr({ href: this.canvas.toDataURL('image/png') }); } else { this.boostClear(); } }, cvsLineTo: function(ctx, clientX, plotY) { ctx.lineTo(clientX, plotY); }, renderCanvas: function() { var series = this, options = series.options, chart = series.chart, xAxis = this.xAxis, yAxis = this.yAxis, activeBoostSettings = chart.options.boost || {}, boostSettings = { timeRendering: activeBoostSettings.timeRendering || false, timeSeriesProcessing: activeBoostSettings.timeSeriesProcessing || false, timeSetup: activeBoostSettings.timeSetup || false }, ctx, c = 0, xData = series.processedXData, yData = series.processedYData, rawData = options.data, xExtremes = xAxis.getExtremes(), xMin = xExtremes.min, xMax = xExtremes.max, yExtremes = yAxis.getExtremes(), yMin = yExtremes.min, yMax = yExtremes.max, pointTaken = {}, lastClientX, sampling = !!series.sampling, points, r = options.marker && options.marker.radius, cvsDrawPoint = this.cvsDrawPoint, cvsLineTo = options.lineWidth ? this.cvsLineTo : false, cvsMarker = r && r <= 1 ? this.cvsMarkerSquare : this.cvsMarkerCircle, strokeBatch = this.cvsStrokeBatch || 1000, enableMouseTracking = options.enableMouseTracking !== false, lastPoint, threshold = options.threshold, yBottom = yAxis.getThreshold(threshold), hasThreshold = isNumber(threshold), translatedThreshold = yBottom, doFill = this.fill, isRange = series.pointArrayMap && series.pointArrayMap.join(',') === 'low,high', isStacked = !!options.stacking, cropStart = series.cropStart || 0, loadingOptions = chart.options.loading, requireSorting = series.requireSorting, wasNull, connectNulls = options.connectNulls, useRaw = !xData, minVal, maxVal, minI, maxI, kdIndex, sdata = isStacked ? series.data : (xData || rawData), fillColor = series.fillOpacity ? new Color(series.color).setOpacity(pick(options.fillOpacity, 0.75)).get() : series.color, stroke = function() { if (doFill) { ctx.fillStyle = fillColor; ctx.fill(); } else { ctx.strokeStyle = series.color; ctx.lineWidth = options.lineWidth; ctx.stroke(); } }, drawPoint = function(clientX, plotY, yBottom, i) { if (c === 0) { ctx.beginPath(); if (cvsLineTo) { ctx.lineJoin = 'round'; } } if (chart.scroller && series.options.className === 'highcharts-navigator-series') { plotY += chart.scroller.top; if (yBottom) { yBottom += chart.scroller.top; } } else { plotY += chart.plotTop; } clientX += chart.plotLeft; if (wasNull) { ctx.moveTo(clientX, plotY); } else { if (cvsDrawPoint) { cvsDrawPoint(ctx, clientX, plotY, yBottom, lastPoint); } else if (cvsLineTo) { cvsLineTo(ctx, clientX, plotY); } else if (cvsMarker) { cvsMarker.call(series, ctx, clientX, plotY, r, i); } } // We need to stroke the line for every 1000 pixels. It will crash the browser // memory use if we stroke too infrequently. c = c + 1; if (c === strokeBatch) { stroke(); c = 0; } // Area charts need to keep track of the last point lastPoint = { clientX: clientX, plotY: plotY, yBottom: yBottom }; }, addKDPoint = function(clientX, plotY, i) { // Avoid more string concatination than required kdIndex = clientX + ',' + plotY; // The k-d tree requires series points. Reduce the amount of points, since the time to build the // tree increases exponentially. if (enableMouseTracking && !pointTaken[kdIndex]) { pointTaken[kdIndex] = true; if (chart.inverted) { clientX = xAxis.len - clientX; plotY = yAxis.len - plotY; } points.push({ clientX: clientX, plotX: clientX, plotY: plotY, i: cropStart + i }); } }; // If we are zooming out from SVG mode, destroy the graphics if (this.points || this.graph) { this.destroyGraphics(); } // The group series.plotGroup( 'group', 'series', series.visible ? 'visible' : 'hidden', options.zIndex, chart.seriesGroup ); series.markerGroup = series.group; addEvent(series, 'destroy', function() { // Prevent destroy twice series.markerGroup = null; }); points = this.points = []; ctx = this.getContext(); series.buildKDTree = noop; // Do not start building while drawing ctx.clearRect(0, 0, this.canvas.width, this.canvas.height); if (!this.visible) { return; } // Display a loading indicator if (rawData.length > 99999) { chart.options.loading = merge(loadingOptions, { labelStyle: { backgroundColor: H.color('#ffffff').setOpacity(0.75).get(), padding: '1em', borderRadius: '0.5em' }, style: { backgroundColor: 'none', opacity: 1 } }); clearTimeout(destroyLoadingDiv); chart.showLoading('Drawing...'); chart.options.loading = loadingOptions; // reset } if (boostSettings.timeRendering) { console.time('canvas rendering'); // eslint-disable-line no-console } // Loop over the points H.eachAsync(sdata, function(d, i) { var x, y, clientX, plotY, isNull, low, isNextInside = false, isPrevInside = false, nx = false, px = false, chartDestroyed = typeof chart.index === 'undefined', isYInside = true; if (!chartDestroyed) { if (useRaw) { x = d[0]; y = d[1]; if (sdata[i + 1]) { nx = sdata[i + 1][0]; } if (sdata[i - 1]) { px = sdata[i - 1][0]; } } else { x = d; y = yData[i]; if (sdata[i + 1]) { nx = sdata[i + 1]; } if (sdata[i - 1]) { px = sdata[i - 1]; } } if (nx && nx >= xMin && nx <= xMax) { isNextInside = true; } if (px && px >= xMin && px <= xMax) { isPrevInside = true; } // Resolve low and high for range series if (isRange) { if (useRaw) { y = d.slice(1, 3); } low = y[0]; y = y[1]; } else if (isStacked) { x = d.x; y = d.stackY; low = y - d.y; } isNull = y === null; // Optimize for scatter zooming if (!requireSorting) { isYInside = y >= yMin && y <= yMax; } if (!isNull && ( (x >= xMin && x <= xMax && isYInside) || (isNextInside || isPrevInside) )) { clientX = Math.round(xAxis.toPixels(x, true)); if (sampling) { if (minI === undefined || clientX === lastClientX) { if (!isRange) { low = y; } if (maxI === undefined || y > maxVal) { maxVal = y; maxI = i; } if (minI === undefined || low < minVal) { minVal = low; minI = i; } } if (clientX !== lastClientX) { // Add points and reset if (minI !== undefined) { // then maxI is also a number plotY = yAxis.toPixels(maxVal, true); yBottom = yAxis.toPixels(minVal, true); drawPoint( clientX, hasThreshold ? Math.min(plotY, translatedThreshold) : plotY, hasThreshold ? Math.max(yBottom, translatedThreshold) : yBottom, i ); addKDPoint(clientX, plotY, maxI); if (yBottom !== plotY) { addKDPoint(clientX, yBottom, minI); } } minI = maxI = undefined; lastClientX = clientX; } } else { plotY = Math.round(yAxis.toPixels(y, true)); drawPoint(clientX, plotY, yBottom, i); addKDPoint(clientX, plotY, i); } } wasNull = isNull && !connectNulls; if (i % CHUNK_SIZE === 0) { series.canvasToSVG(); } } return !chartDestroyed; }, function() { var loadingDiv = chart.loadingDiv, loadingShown = chart.loadingShown; stroke(); series.canvasToSVG(); if (boostSettings.timeRendering) { console.timeEnd('canvas rendering'); // eslint-disable-line no-console } fireEvent(series, 'renderedCanvas'); // Do not use chart.hideLoading, as it runs JS animation and will be blocked by buildKDTree. // CSS animation looks good, but then it must be deleted in timeout. If we add the module to core, // change hideLoading so we can skip this block. if (loadingShown) { extend(loadingDiv.style, { transition: 'opacity 250ms', opacity: 0 }); chart.loadingShown = false; destroyLoadingDiv = setTimeout(function() { if (loadingDiv.parentNode) { // In exporting it is falsy loadingDiv.parentNode.removeChild(loadingDiv); } chart.loadingDiv = chart.loadingSpan = null; }, 250); } delete series.buildKDTree; // Go back to prototype, ready to build series.buildKDTree(); // Don't do async on export, the exportChart, getSVGForExport and getSVG methods are not chained for it. }, chart.renderer.forExport ? Number.MAX_VALUE : undefined); } }); /* wrap(Series.prototype, 'setData', function (proceed) { if (!this.hasExtremes || !this.hasExtremes(true) || this.type === 'heatmap') { proceed.apply(this, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1)); } }); */ seriesTypes.scatter.prototype.cvsMarkerCircle = function(ctx, clientX, plotY, r) { ctx.moveTo(clientX, plotY); ctx.arc(clientX, plotY, r, 0, 2 * Math.PI, false); }; // Rect is twice as fast as arc, should be used for small markers seriesTypes.scatter.prototype.cvsMarkerSquare = function(ctx, clientX, plotY, r) { ctx.rect(clientX - r, plotY - r, r * 2, r * 2); }; seriesTypes.scatter.prototype.fill = true; if (seriesTypes.bubble) { seriesTypes.bubble.prototype.cvsMarkerCircle = function(ctx, clientX, plotY, r, i) { ctx.moveTo(clientX, plotY); ctx.arc(clientX, plotY, this.radii && this.radii[i], 0, 2 * Math.PI, false); }; seriesTypes.bubble.prototype.cvsStrokeBatch = 1; } extend(seriesTypes.area.prototype, { cvsDrawPoint: function(ctx, clientX, plotY, yBottom, lastPoint) { if (lastPoint && clientX !== lastPoint.clientX) { ctx.moveTo(lastPoint.clientX, lastPoint.yBottom); ctx.lineTo(lastPoint.clientX, lastPoint.plotY); ctx.lineTo(clientX, plotY); ctx.lineTo(clientX, yBottom); } }, fill: true, fillOpacity: true, sampling: true }); extend(seriesTypes.column.prototype, { cvsDrawPoint: function(ctx, clientX, plotY, yBottom) { ctx.rect(clientX - 1, plotY, 1, yBottom - plotY); }, fill: true, sampling: true }); H.Chart.prototype.callbacks.push(function(chart) { function canvasToSVG() { if (chart.renderTarget && chart.canvas) { chart.renderTarget.attr({ href: chart.canvas.toDataURL('image/png') }); } } function clear() { if (chart.renderTarget) { chart.renderTarget.attr({ href: '' }); } if (chart.canvas) { chart.canvas.getContext('2d').clearRect( 0, 0, chart.canvas.width, chart.canvas.height ); } } addEvent(chart, 'predraw', clear); addEvent(chart, 'render', canvasToSVG); }); }; }(Highcharts)); }));