'use strict';

module.exports = function(Chart) {

	var helpers = Chart.helpers;

	var defaultConfig = {
		position: 'left',
		ticks: {
			callback: function(tickValue, index, ticks) {
				// If we have lots of ticks, don't use the ones
				var delta = ticks.length > 3 ? ticks[2] - ticks[1] : ticks[1] - ticks[0];

				// If we have a number like 2.5 as the delta, figure out how many decimal places we need
				if (Math.abs(delta) > 1) {
					if (tickValue !== Math.floor(tickValue)) {
						// not an integer
						delta = tickValue - Math.floor(tickValue);

				var logDelta = helpers.log10(Math.abs(delta));
				var tickString = '';

				if (tickValue !== 0) {
					var numDecimal = -1 * Math.floor(logDelta);
					numDecimal = Math.max(Math.min(numDecimal, 20), 0); // toFixed has a max of 20 decimal places
					tickString = tickValue.toFixed(numDecimal);
				} else {
					tickString = '0'; // never show decimal places for 0

				return tickString;

	var LinearScale = Chart.LinearScaleBase.extend({
		determineDataLimits: function() {
			var me = this;
			var opts = me.options;
			var chart = me.chart;
			var data = chart.data;
			var datasets = data.datasets;
			var isHorizontal = me.isHorizontal();

			function IDMatches(meta) {
				return isHorizontal ? meta.xAxisID === me.id : meta.yAxisID === me.id;

			// First Calculate the range
			me.min = null;
			me.max = null;

			if (opts.stacked) {
				var valuesPerType = {};

				helpers.each(datasets, function(dataset, datasetIndex) {
					var meta = chart.getDatasetMeta(datasetIndex);
					if (valuesPerType[meta.type] === undefined) {
						valuesPerType[meta.type] = {
							positiveValues: [],
							negativeValues: []

					// Store these per type
					var positiveValues = valuesPerType[meta.type].positiveValues;
					var negativeValues = valuesPerType[meta.type].negativeValues;

					if (chart.isDatasetVisible(datasetIndex) && IDMatches(meta)) {
						helpers.each(dataset.data, function(rawValue, index) {
							var value = +me.getRightValue(rawValue);
							if (isNaN(value) || meta.data[index].hidden) {

							positiveValues[index] = positiveValues[index] || 0;
							negativeValues[index] = negativeValues[index] || 0;

							if (opts.relativePoints) {
								positiveValues[index] = 100;
							} else if (value < 0) {
								negativeValues[index] += value;
							} else {
								positiveValues[index] += value;

				helpers.each(valuesPerType, function(valuesForType) {
					var values = valuesForType.positiveValues.concat(valuesForType.negativeValues);
					var minVal = helpers.min(values);
					var maxVal = helpers.max(values);
					me.min = me.min === null ? minVal : Math.min(me.min, minVal);
					me.max = me.max === null ? maxVal : Math.max(me.max, maxVal);

			} else {
				helpers.each(datasets, function(dataset, datasetIndex) {
					var meta = chart.getDatasetMeta(datasetIndex);
					if (chart.isDatasetVisible(datasetIndex) && IDMatches(meta)) {
						helpers.each(dataset.data, function(rawValue, index) {
							var value = +me.getRightValue(rawValue);
							if (isNaN(value) || meta.data[index].hidden) {

							if (me.min === null) {
								me.min = value;
							} else if (value < me.min) {
								me.min = value;

							if (me.max === null) {
								me.max = value;
							} else if (value > me.max) {
								me.max = value;

			// Common base implementation to handle ticks.min, ticks.max, ticks.beginAtZero
		getTickLimit: function() {
			var maxTicks;
			var me = this;
			var tickOpts = me.options.ticks;

			if (me.isHorizontal()) {
				maxTicks = Math.min(tickOpts.maxTicksLimit ? tickOpts.maxTicksLimit : 11, Math.ceil(me.width / 50));
			} else {
				// The factor of 2 used to scale the font size has been experimentally determined.
				var tickFontSize = helpers.getValueOrDefault(tickOpts.fontSize, Chart.defaults.global.defaultFontSize);
				maxTicks = Math.min(tickOpts.maxTicksLimit ? tickOpts.maxTicksLimit : 11, Math.ceil(me.height / (2 * tickFontSize)));

			return maxTicks;
		// Called after the ticks are built. We need
		handleDirectionalChanges: function() {
			if (!this.isHorizontal()) {
				// We are in a vertical orientation. The top value is the highest. So reverse the array
		getLabelForIndex: function(index, datasetIndex) {
			return +this.getRightValue(this.chart.data.datasets[datasetIndex].data[index]);
		// Utils
		getPixelForValue: function(value) {
			// This must be called after fit has been run so that
			// this.left, this.top, this.right, and this.bottom have been defined
			var me = this;
			var paddingLeft = me.paddingLeft;
			var paddingBottom = me.paddingBottom;
			var start = me.start;

			var rightValue = +me.getRightValue(value);
			var pixel;
			var innerDimension;
			var range = me.end - start;

			if (me.isHorizontal()) {
				innerDimension = me.width - (paddingLeft + me.paddingRight);
				pixel = me.left + (innerDimension / range * (rightValue - start));
				return Math.round(pixel + paddingLeft);
			innerDimension = me.height - (me.paddingTop + paddingBottom);
			pixel = (me.bottom - paddingBottom) - (innerDimension / range * (rightValue - start));
			return Math.round(pixel);
		getValueForPixel: function(pixel) {
			var me = this;
			var isHorizontal = me.isHorizontal();
			var paddingLeft = me.paddingLeft;
			var paddingBottom = me.paddingBottom;
			var innerDimension = isHorizontal ? me.width - (paddingLeft + me.paddingRight) : me.height - (me.paddingTop + paddingBottom);
			var offset = (isHorizontal ? pixel - me.left - paddingLeft : me.bottom - paddingBottom - pixel) / innerDimension;
			return me.start + ((me.end - me.start) * offset);
		getPixelForTick: function(index) {
			return this.getPixelForValue(this.ticksAsNumbers[index]);
	Chart.scaleService.registerScaleType('linear', LinearScale, defaultConfig);
