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Acknowledgement Letter (for Candidate - outside company) function setMailMsg(){ with(document.cscform){ var msg=""; msg = "Dear sir,\n\n"+ "\t EASY BUY Public Company Limited, Human Resource Department would like to\n"+ " invite you to attend an interview session in postion "+__position.value+" as you may see the details below.\n\n"+ "\t"+__interviewdate.value+", "+__interviewtime.value+" at Ramaland Building ( Next to Robinson Silom) Floor 11,\n"+ " Silom Road, Bangkok (BTS - Saladaeng Statio or MRTA - Silom Station)\n"+ "\t All candidate must dress and groom properly, for any enquiry, please kindly contact Human Resource department\n"+ " 02-6329800 ext. 1922 - 1926.\n\n"+ "\nBest regards,\n\n"+ "Human Resource Department\n\n" __textMailApp.value = msg; } } // 1. Acknowledgement Letter (for Manager - inside company) function setMailAppointComm(){ with(document.cscform){ var msg=""; msg = "Dear sir,\n\n"+ "\t Human Resource Department would like to inform you about the interview arragement position \n"+ __position.value+" as you may see the details below.\n\n"+ __interviewdate.value+", "+__interviewtime.value+" at "+__interviewroom.value+" \n\n"+ "\t for any enquiry, please kindly contact Human Resource department 02-6329800 ext. 1922 - 1926.\n\n"+ "Best regards,\n\n"+ "Human Resource Department\n\n"; __textMailComm.value = msg; } } // email message for Result of Candidate (for Candidate - outside company) function setMailResultCand(){ with(document.cscform){ var msg=""; var result = __result.value; if(result=='1' || result=='3'){ // Pass or Pending msg = "Dear sir,\n"+ "\t EASY BUY Public Company Limited, Human Resource Department, we are gratify to \n"+ " inform that you have "+__resultmsg.value+" interview in the position "+__positionname.value+"., Please kindly check the detail\n"+ " the details of confirmation below.\n"+ "Position Name : "+__positionname.value+"\n"+ "Start Date : "+__start_to_work.value+"\n"+ "Working Place : "+__room.value+"\n"+ "\t For any enquiry, please kindly contract Human Resource Department 02-6329800 ext. 1922 - 1926.\n\n"+ "Best regards,\n"+ "Human Resource Department\n\n" } else if(result=='2' || result=='4'){ // Not Pass or Blacklist msg = "Dear sir,\n"+ "\t EASY BUY Public Company Limited, Human Resource Department, we are appreciated for your\n"+ " presence on .............................. However your qualification has not match with our current job requirement.\n"+ "We would like to thank you for your precious time and we wish you all success in the next coming future.\n\n"+ "Thank You,\n"+ "Human Resource Department\n\n"; } __textMailApp.value = msg; } } // email message for Result of Candidate (for Manager - inside company) function setMailMsgComm(){ with(document.cscform){ var msg=""; var result = __result.value; if(result=='1' || result=='3'){ // Pass or Pending msg = "Dear sir,\n"+ "\t Please be confirmed for a new staff in the position "+__positionname.value+".,"+__candidatename.value+" He/She will start with us on\n"+ __start_to_work.value+"\n"+ "\t For any enquiry, please kindly contact Human Resource Department 02-6329800 ext. 1922 - 1926.\n"+ "Best regards,\n"+ "Human Resource Department\n\n"; } __textMailComm.value = msg; } } // shortlist candidates resume -- notification letter ( from HR to Line Manager) function setMailSesumeToDept(){ with(document.cscform){ var msg=""; msg = "Dear sir,\n"+ "\tEnclosed herewith is the list of the candidates in position "+__position.value+".\n"+ "\tPlease kindly screening for a shortlist and return to HR Dept. to make a further interview arrangement\n"+ "Best regards,\n"+ "Human Resource Department"; __textMailApp.value = msg; } } //shortlist candidates resume -- notification letter ( from Manager to HR) function setMailSesumeToHR(){ with(document.cscform){ var msg=""; msg = "Dear Human Resource Department,\n"+ "\tEnclosed herewith is the list of the candidates in position "+__position.value+",\n"+ "which has been selected by us. Please kindly arrange the interview session following by a \n"+ " schedule that has been given.\n"+ "Best regards,\n"; __textMailApp.value = msg; } } // Reschedule Letter ( to inform a candidate for interview re-arrangement/detail) function setRecheMail(){ with(document.cscform){ var msg=""; msg = "Dear "+__recreive.value+",\n"+ "\t EASY BUY Public Company Limited, Human Resource Department would like to\n"+ "postpone our interview session in position "+__position.value+". Please see the new\n"+ "schedule below.\n"+ "\t On "+__interviewdate.value+", "+__interviewtime.value+" at Ramaland Building\n"+ "(Next to Robinson Silom) Floor 11, Silom Road, Bangkok(BTS-Saladaeng Station or MRTA-Silom Station)\n"+ "\t All candidates must dress and groom properly, for any enquiry, please kindly contract\n"+ "Human Resource department 02-6329800 ext.1922-1926.\n"+ "Best regards,\n"+ "Human Resource Department"; __textMailComm.value = msg; } }