 * @license Highcharts JS v6.0.4 (2017-12-15)
 * Drag-panes module
 * (c) 2010-2017 Highsoft AS
 * Author: Kacper Madej
 * License: www.highcharts.com/license
'use strict';
(function(factory) {
    if (typeof module === 'object' && module.exports) {
        module.exports = factory;
    } else {
}(function(Highcharts) {
    (function(H) {
         * Plugin for resizing axes / panes in a chart.
         * (c) 2010-2017 Highsoft AS
         * Author: Kacper Madej
         * License: www.highcharts.com/license

        var hasTouch = H.hasTouch,
            merge = H.merge,
            wrap = H.wrap,
            each = H.each,
            isNumber = H.isNumber,
            addEvent = H.addEvent,
            relativeLength = H.relativeLength,
            objectEach = H.objectEach,
            Axis = H.Axis,
            Pointer = H.Pointer,

             * Default options for AxisResizer.
            resizerOptions = {
                 * Minimal size of a resizable axis. Could be set as a percent
                 * of plot area or pixel size.
                 * This feature requires the `drag-panes.js` module.
                 * @product highstock
                 * @default 10%
                 * @type {Number|String}
                 * @sample {highstock} stock/yaxis/resize-min-max-length minLength and maxLength
                 * @apioption yAxis.minLength
                minLength: '10%',

                 * Maximal size of a resizable axis. Could be set as a percent
                 * of plot area or pixel size.
                 * This feature requires the `drag-panes.js` module.
                 * @product highstock
                 * @default 100%
                 * @type {String|Number}
                 * @sample {highstock} stock/yaxis/resize-min-max-length minLength and maxLength
                 * @apioption yAxis.maxLength
                maxLength: '100%',

                 * Options for axis resizing for Drag Panes module.
                 * This feature requires the `drag-panes.js` module.
                 * @product highstock
                 * @optionparent yAxis.resize
                resize: {

                     * Contains two arrays of axes that are controlled by control line
                     * of the axis.
                     * This feature requires the `drag-panes.js` module.
                    controlledAxis: {

                         * Array of axes that should move out of the way of resizing
                         * being done for the current axis. If not set, the next axis
                         * will be used.
                         * This feature requires the `drag-panes.js` module.
                         * @type {Array.<String|Number>}
                         * @default []
                         * @sample {highstock} stock/yaxis/multiple-resizers Three panes with resizers
                         * @sample {highstock} stock/yaxis/resize-multiple-axes One resizer controlling multiple axes
                        next: [],

                         * Array of axes that should move with the current axis
                         * while resizing.
                         * This feature requires the `drag-panes.js` module.
                         * @type {Array.<String|Number>}
                         * @default []
                         * @sample {highstock} stock/yaxis/multiple-resizers Three panes with resizers
                         * @sample {highstock} stock/yaxis/resize-multiple-axes One resizer controlling multiple axes
                        prev: []

                     * Enable or disable resize by drag for the axis.
                     * This feature requires the `drag-panes.js` module.
                     * @sample {highstock} stock/demo/candlestick-and-volume Enabled resizer
                    enabled: false,

                     * Horizontal offset of the control line.
                     * This feature requires the `drag-panes.js` module.
                     * @sample {highstock} stock/yaxis/styled-resizer Styled resizer
                    x: 0,

                     * Vertical offset of the control line.
                     * This feature requires the `drag-panes.js` module.
                     * @sample {highstock} stock/yaxis/styled-resizer Styled resizer
                    y: 0
        merge(true, Axis.prototype.defaultYAxisOptions, resizerOptions);

         * The AxisResizer class.
         * @param {Object} axis - main axis for the AxisResizer.
         * @class
        H.AxisResizer = function(axis) {

        H.AxisResizer.prototype = {
             * Initiate the AxisResizer object.
             * @param {Object} axis - main axis for the AxisResizer.
            init: function(axis, update) {
                this.axis = axis;
                this.options = axis.options.resize;

                if (!update) {
                    // Add mouse events.

             * Render the AxisResizer
            render: function() {
                var resizer = this,
                    axis = resizer.axis,
                    chart = axis.chart,
                    options = resizer.options,
                    x = options.x,
                    y = options.y,
                    // Normalize control line position according to the plot area
                    pos = Math.min(
                            axis.top + axis.height + y,
                        chart.plotTop + chart.plotHeight
                    attr = {},

                // Register current position for future reference.
                resizer.lastPos = pos - y;

                if (!resizer.controlLine) {
                    resizer.controlLine = chart.renderer.path()

                // Add to axisGroup after axis update, because the group is recreated

                // Do .add() before path is calculated because strokeWidth() needs it.


                lineWidth = resizer.controlLine.strokeWidth();

                attr.d = chart.renderer.crispLine(
                        'M', axis.left + x, pos,
                        'L', axis.left + axis.width + x, pos


             * Set up the mouse and touch events for the control line.
            addMouseEvents: function() {
                var resizer = this,
                    ctrlLineElem = resizer.controlLine.element,
                    container = resizer.axis.chart.container,
                    eventsToUnbind = [],

                 * Create mouse events' handlers.
                 * Make them as separate functions to enable wrapping them:
                resizer.mouseMoveHandler = mouseMoveHandler = function(e) {
                resizer.mouseUpHandler = mouseUpHandler = function(e) {
                resizer.mouseDownHandler = mouseDownHandler = function(e) {

                 * Add mouse move and mouseup events. These are bind to doc/container,
                 * because resizer.grabbed flag is stored in mousedown events.
                    addEvent(container, 'mousemove', mouseMoveHandler),
                    addEvent(container.ownerDocument, 'mouseup', mouseUpHandler),
                    addEvent(ctrlLineElem, 'mousedown', mouseDownHandler)

                // Touch events.
                if (hasTouch) {
                        addEvent(container, 'touchmove', mouseMoveHandler),
                        addEvent(container.ownerDocument, 'touchend', mouseUpHandler),
                        addEvent(ctrlLineElem, 'touchstart', mouseDownHandler)

                resizer.eventsToUnbind = eventsToUnbind;

             * Mouse move event based on x/y mouse position.
             * @param {Object} e  - mouse event.
            onMouseMove: function(e) {
                 * In iOS, a mousemove event with e.pageX === 0 is fired when holding
                 * the finger down in the center of the scrollbar. This should
                 * be ignored. Borrowed from Navigator.
                if (!e.touches || e.touches[0].pageX !== 0) {
                    // Drag the control line
                    if (this.grabbed) {
                        this.hasDragged = true;
                        this.updateAxes(this.axis.chart.pointer.normalize(e).chartY -

             * Mouse up event based on x/y mouse position.
             * @param {Object} e - mouse event.
            onMouseUp: function(e) {
                if (this.hasDragged) {
                    this.updateAxes(this.axis.chart.pointer.normalize(e).chartY -

                // Restore runPointActions.
                this.grabbed = this.hasDragged = this.axis.chart.activeResizer = null;

             * Mousedown on a control line.
             * Will store necessary information for drag&drop.
            onMouseDown: function() {
                // Clear all hover effects.
                this.axis.chart.pointer.reset(false, 0);

                // Disable runPointActions.
                this.grabbed = this.axis.chart.activeResizer = true;

             * Update all connected axes after a change of control line position
            updateAxes: function(chartY) {
                var resizer = this,
                    chart = resizer.axis.chart,
                    axes = resizer.options.controlledAxis,
                    nextAxes = axes.next.length === 0 ? [H.inArray(resizer.axis, chart.yAxis) + 1] : axes.next,
                    // Main axis is included in the prev array by default
                    prevAxes = [resizer.axis].concat(axes.prev),
                    axesConfigs = [], // prev and next configs
                    stopDrag = false,
                    plotTop = chart.plotTop,
                    plotHeight = chart.plotHeight,
                    plotBottom = plotTop + plotHeight,
                    normalize = function(val, min, max) {
                        return Math.round(Math.min(Math.max(val, min), max));

                // Normalize chartY to plot area limits
                chartY = Math.max(Math.min(chartY, plotBottom), plotTop);

                yDelta = chartY - resizer.lastPos;

                // Update on changes of at least 1 pixel in the desired direction
                if (yDelta * yDelta < 1) {

                // First gather info how axes should behave
                each([prevAxes, nextAxes], function(axesGroup, isNext) {
                    each(axesGroup, function(axisInfo, i) {
                        // Axes given as array index, axis object or axis id
                        var axis = isNumber(axisInfo) ?
                            // If it's a number - it's an index
                            chart.yAxis[axisInfo] :
                                // If it's first elem. in first group
                                (!isNext && !i) ?
                                // then it's an Axis object
                                axisInfo :
                                // else it should be an id
                            axisOptions = axis && axis.options,
                            optionsToUpdate = {},
                            hDelta = 0,
                            height, top,
                            minLength, maxLength;

                        // Skip if axis is not found
                        if (!axisOptions) {

                        top = axis.top;

                        minLength = Math.round(
                        maxLength = Math.round(

                        if (isNext) {
                            // Try to change height first. yDelta could had changed
                            yDelta = chartY - resizer.lastPos;

                            // Normalize height to option limits
                            height = normalize(axis.len - yDelta, minLength, maxLength);

                            // Adjust top, so the axis looks like shrinked from top
                            top = axis.top + yDelta;

                            // Check for plot area limits
                            if (top + height > plotBottom) {
                                hDelta = plotBottom - height - top;
                                chartY += hDelta;
                                top += hDelta;

                            // Fit to plot - when overflowing on top
                            if (top < plotTop) {
                                top = plotTop;
                                if (top + height > plotBottom) {
                                    height = plotHeight;

                            // If next axis meets min length, stop dragging:
                            if (height === minLength) {
                                stopDrag = true;

                                axis: axis,
                                options: {
                                    top: Math.round(top),
                                    height: height
                        } else {
                            // Normalize height to option limits
                            height = normalize(chartY - top, minLength, maxLength);

                            // If prev axis meets max length, stop dragging:
                            if (height === maxLength) {
                                stopDrag = true;

                            // Check axis size limits
                            chartY = top + height;
                                axis: axis,
                                options: {
                                    height: height

                        optionsToUpdate.height = height;

                // If we hit the min/maxLength with dragging, don't do anything:
                if (!stopDrag) {
                    // Now update axes:
                    each(axesConfigs, function(config) {
                        config.axis.update(config.options, false);


             * Destroy AxisResizer. Clear outside references, clear events,
             * destroy elements, nullify properties.
            destroy: function() {
                var resizer = this,
                    axis = resizer.axis;

                // Clear resizer in axis
                delete axis.resizer;

                // Clear control line events
                if (this.eventsToUnbind) {
                    each(this.eventsToUnbind, function(unbind) {

                // Destroy AxisResizer elements

                // Nullify properties
                objectEach(resizer, function(val, key) {
                    resizer[key] = null;

        // Keep resizer reference on axis update

        // Add new AxisResizer, update or remove it
        wrap(Axis.prototype, 'render', function(proceed) {
            proceed.apply(this, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1));

            var axis = this,
                resizer = axis.resizer,
                resizerOptions = axis.options.resize,

            if (resizerOptions) {
                enabled = resizerOptions.enabled !== false;

                if (resizer) {
                    // Resizer present and enabled
                    if (enabled) {
                        // Update options
                        resizer.init(axis, true);

                        // Resizer present, but disabled
                    } else {
                        // Destroy the resizer
                } else {
                    // Resizer not present and enabled
                    if (enabled) {
                        // Add new resizer
                        axis.resizer = new H.AxisResizer(axis);
                    // Resizer not present and disabled, so do nothing

        // Clear resizer on axis remove.
        wrap(Axis.prototype, 'destroy', function(proceed, keepEvents) {
            if (!keepEvents && this.resizer) {
            proceed.apply(this, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1));

        // Prevent any hover effects while dragging a control line of AxisResizer.
        wrap(Pointer.prototype, 'runPointActions', function(proceed) {
            if (!this.chart.activeResizer) {
                proceed.apply(this, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1));
