<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <author>Michael D'Amour</author>  

    <chart-type type="string"> 
    <low type="string"> 
    <high type="string"> 
    <max type="string"> 
    <value type="string"> 

    <chart_url type="string"/> 

        <max type="String"/>  
        <value type="String"/> 
        <data type="list"/> 
			      	data = new JavaScriptResultSet();
			      	data.setColumnHeaders( new Array( 'actual', 'min', 'max' ) );
		      		data.addRow( new Array( parseInt(value), 0, parseInt(max) ) );
		      ]]> </script> 
      <action-type>Create The Chart</action-type>
        <output-type type="string" mapping="chart-type"/>  
        <chart-data type="result-set" mapping="data"/>  
        <low type="String"/>  
        <high type="String"/>  
        <max type="String"/> 
        <chart-filename type="string"/>  
        <base-url type="string"/> 
          <chart-background type="color">#cccccc</chart-background>  
          <plot-background type="color">#ffffff</plot-background>  
          <!-- orientation>Horizontal</orientation>  
          <category-label-rotation>90</category-label-rotation -->  
	            <!-- this is the value that the range starts at -->  
	            <!-- this is the value that the range stops at -->  
	            <!--  this is the color of the range -->  
	            <!-- color>#ff8080</color -->  
	            <interval-background type="gradient"> 
	            <!--  this is the color of the text for the range value and tick marks -->  
	            <!-- this is the value that the range starts at -->  
	            <!-- this is the value that the range stops at -->  
	            <!--  this is the color of the range -->  
	            <!-- color>#ff8080</color -->  
	            <interval-background type="gradient"> 
	            <!--  this is the color of the text for the range value and tick marks -->  
	            <!-- this is the value that the range starts at -->  
	            <!-- this is the value that the range stops at -->  
	            <!--  this is the color of the range -->  
	            <!-- color>#ff8080</color -->  
	            <interval-background type="gradient"> 
	            <!--  this is the color of the text for the range value and tick marks -->  
      <action-type>Get The Chart URL</action-type>
        <CHARTOUTPUT type="string" mapping="chart-filename"/>  
        <BASEURL type="string" mapping="base-url"/> 
        <chart_url type="string"/> 
        <script><![CDATA[chart_url =  '<img src="' + BASEURL + "getImage?image=" + CHARTOUTPUT + '" />';]]></script> 