<action-sequence> <name>europemap.xaction</name> <version>1</version> <title>%title</title> <title>Community growth from December 2005 to January 2006</title> <logging-level>debug</logging-level> <documentation> <author>James Dixon</author> <description><![CDATA[%description]]></description> <help></help> <result-type>rule</result-type> <icon>svg.png</icon> </documentation> <inputs> </inputs> <outputs> <svg type="content"> <destinations> <response>content</response> </destinations> </svg> </outputs> <resources> <template> <solution-file> <location>map_of_europe_jarno_vasa_02.svg</location> <mime-type>text/xml</mime-type> </solution-file> </template> </resources> <actions> <action-definition> <component-name>JavascriptRule</component-name> <action-inputs> </action-inputs> <action-outputs> <regions type="list"/> <title type="string"/> <index1 type="string"/> <color1 type="string"/> <index2 type="string"/> <color2 type="string"/> <index3 type="string"/> <color3 type="string"/> <index4 type="string"/> <color4 type="string"/> <index5 type="string"/> <color5 type="string"/> <index6 type="string"/> <color6 type="string"/> </action-outputs> <action-type>rule</action-type> <component-definition> <script><![CDATA[ regions = new JavaScriptResultSet(); regions.setColumnHeaders( new Array( 'country', 'country_style' ) ); var data = new Array( 'france', 'spain', 'germany', 'norway', 'sweden', 'united kingdom', 'luxembourg', 'netherlands', 'italy', 'portugal', 'czech republic', 'bulgaria', 'turkey', 'ireland', 'finland' ); var nRows = data.length; var n; for( row=0; row<nRows; row++ ) { var countryName = data[ row ]; var value = countryName.length*10; var color = "fill:#00ff00"; if( value < 45 ) { color = "fill:#ff0000"; } else if ( value < 55 ) { color = "fill:#ff8000"; } else if ( value < 65 ) { color = "fill:#ffff00"; } else if ( value < 75 ) { color = "fill:#80ff00"; } else if ( value < 85 ) { color = "fill:#40ff00"; } else { color = "fill:#00ff00"; } regions.addRow( new Array( countryName, color ) ); } title = 'Metric by Country'; index1 = '85% or more'; color1 = '#00ff00'; index2 = '75% to 84%'; color2 = '#40ff00'; index3 = '65% to 74%'; color3 = '#80ff00'; index4 = '55% to 64%'; color4 = '#ffff00'; index5 = '45% to 54%'; color5 = '#ff8000' index6 = '44% or less'; color6 = '#ff0000'; ]]> </script> </component-definition> </action-definition> <action-definition> <action-inputs> <regions type="list"/> <title type="string"/> <index1 type="string"/> <color1 type="string"/> <index2 type="string"/> <color2 type="string"/> <index3 type="string"/> <color3 type="string"/> <index4 type="string"/> <color4 type="string"/> <index5 type="string"/> <color5 type="string"/> <index6 type="string"/> <color6 type="string"/> </action-inputs> <action-outputs> <svg type="content"/> </action-outputs> <component-name>TemplateComponent</component-name> <action-type>rule</action-type> <component-definition> <mime-type>image/svg+xml</mime-type> </component-definition> </action-definition> </actions> </action-sequence>