 * File:        jquery.dataTables.js
 * Version:     1.5.0 beta
 * CVS:         $Id$
 * Description: Paginate, search and sort HTML tables
 * Author:      Allan Jardine (www.sprymedia.co.uk)
 * Created:     28/3/2008
 * Modified:    $Date$ by $Author$
 * Language:    Javascript
 * License:     GPL v2 or BSD 3 point style
 * Project:     Mtaala
 * Contact:     allan.jardine@sprymedia.co.uk
 * Copyright 2008-2009 Allan Jardine, all rights reserved.
 * This source file is free software, under either the GPL v2 license or a
 * BSD style license, as supplied with this software.
 * This source file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but 
 * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY 
 * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the license files for details.
 * For details pleease refer to: http://sprymedia.co.uk/article/DataTables

 * When considering jsLint, we need to allow eval() as it it is used for reading cookies and 
 * building the dynamic multi-column sort functions.
/*jslint evil: true */

(function($) {
	/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
	 * DataTables variables
	 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
	 * Variable: dataTableSettings
	 * Purpose:  Store the settings for each dataTables instance
	 * Scope:    jQuery.fn
	$.fn.dataTableSettings = [];
	 * Variable: dataTableExt
	 * Purpose:  Container for customisable parts of DataTables
	 * Scope:    jQuery.fn
	$.fn.dataTableExt = {};
	/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
	 * DataTables extensible objects
	 * The $.fn.dataTableExt object is used to provide an area where user dfined plugins can be 
	 * added to DataTables. The following properties of the object are used:
	 *   oApi - Plug-in API functions
	 *   aTypes - Auto-detection of types
	 *   oSort - Sorting functions used by DataTables (based on the type)
	 *   oPagination - Pagination functions for different input styles
	 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
	 * Variable: oApi
	 * Purpose:  Container for plugin API functions
	 * Scope:    jQuery.fn.dataTableExt
	$.fn.dataTableExt.oApi = { };
	 * Variable: oPagination
	 * Purpose:  Container for the various type of pagination that dataTables supports
	 * Scope:    jQuery.fn.dataTableExt
	$.fn.dataTableExt.oPagination = {
		 * Variable: two_button
		 * Purpose:  Standard two button (forward/back) pagination
	 	 * Scope:    jQuery.fn.dataTableExt.oPagination
		"two_button": {
			 * Function: oPagination.two_button.fnInit
			 * Purpose:  Initalise dom elements required for pagination with forward/back buttons only
			 * Returns:  -
	 		 * Inputs:   object:oSettings - dataTables settings object
			 *           function:fnCallbackDraw - draw function which must be called on update
			"fnInit": function ( oSettings, fnCallbackDraw )
				oSettings.nPrevious = document.createElement( 'div' );
				oSettings.nNext = document.createElement( 'div' );
				if ( oSettings.sTableId !== '' )
					oSettings.nPaginate.setAttribute( 'id', oSettings.sTableId+'_paginate' );
					oSettings.nPrevious.setAttribute( 'id', oSettings.sTableId+'_previous' );
					oSettings.nNext.setAttribute( 'id', oSettings.sTableId+'_next' );
				oSettings.nPrevious.className = "paginate_disabled_previous";
				oSettings.nNext.className = "paginate_disabled_next";
				oSettings.nPaginate.appendChild( oSettings.nPrevious );
				oSettings.nPaginate.appendChild( oSettings.nNext );
				$(oSettings.nPaginate).insertAfter( oSettings.nTable );
				$(oSettings.nPrevious).click( function() {
					oSettings._iDisplayStart -= oSettings._iDisplayLength;
					/* Correct for underrun */
					if ( oSettings._iDisplayStart < 0 )
					  oSettings._iDisplayStart = 0;
					fnCallbackDraw( oSettings );
				} );
				$(oSettings.nNext).click( function() {
					/* Make sure we are not over running the display array */
					if ( oSettings._iDisplayStart + oSettings._iDisplayLength < oSettings.fnRecordsDisplay() )
						oSettings._iDisplayStart += oSettings._iDisplayLength;
					fnCallbackDraw( oSettings );
				} );
			 * Function: oPagination.two_button.fnUpdate
			 * Purpose:  Update the two button pagination at the end of the draw
			 * Returns:  -
	 		 * Inputs:   object:oSettings - dataTables settings object
			 *           function:fnCallbackDraw - draw function which must be called on update
			"fnUpdate": function ( oSettings, fnCallbackDraw )
				oSettings.nPrevious.className = 
					( oSettings._iDisplayStart === 0 ) ? 
					"paginate_disabled_previous" : "paginate_enabled_previous";
				oSettings.nNext.className = 
					( oSettings.fnDisplayEnd() == oSettings.fnRecordsDisplay() ) ? 
					"paginate_disabled_next" : "paginate_enabled_next";
		 * Variable: iFullNumbersShowPages
		 * Purpose:  Change the number of pages which can be seen
	 	 * Scope:    jQuery.fn.dataTableExt.oPagination
		"iFullNumbersShowPages": 5,
		 * Variable: full_numbers
		 * Purpose:  Full numbers pagination
	 	 * Scope:    jQuery.fn.dataTableExt.oPagination
		"full_numbers": {
			 * Function: oPagination.full_numbers.fnInit
			 * Purpose:  Initalise dom elements required for pagination with a list of the pages
			 * Returns:  -
	 		 * Inputs:   object:oSettings - dataTables settings object
			 *           function:fnCallbackDraw - draw function which must be called on update
			"fnInit": function ( oSettings, fnCallbackDraw )
				var nFirst = document.createElement( 'span' );
				var nPrevious = document.createElement( 'span' );
				var nList = document.createElement( 'span' );
				var nNext = document.createElement( 'span' );
				var nLast = document.createElement( 'span' );
				nFirst.innerHTML = oSettings.oLanguage.oPaginate.sFirst;
				nPrevious.innerHTML = oSettings.oLanguage.oPaginate.sPrevious;
				nNext.innerHTML = oSettings.oLanguage.oPaginate.sNext;
				nLast.innerHTML = oSettings.oLanguage.oPaginate.sLast;
				nFirst.className = "paginate_button first";
				nPrevious.className = "paginate_button previous";
				nNext.className="paginate_button next";
				nLast.className = "paginate_button last";
				oSettings.nPaginate.appendChild( nFirst );
				oSettings.nPaginate.appendChild( nPrevious );
				oSettings.nPaginate.appendChild( nList );
				oSettings.nPaginate.appendChild( nNext );
				oSettings.nPaginate.appendChild( nLast );
				$(nFirst).click( function () {
					oSettings._iDisplayStart = 0;
					fnCallbackDraw( oSettings );
				} );
				$(nPrevious).click( function() {
					oSettings._iDisplayStart -= oSettings._iDisplayLength;
					/* Correct for underrun */
					if ( oSettings._iDisplayStart < 0 )
					  oSettings._iDisplayStart = 0;
					fnCallbackDraw( oSettings );
				} );
				$(nNext).click( function() {
					/* Make sure we are not over running the display array */
					if ( oSettings._iDisplayStart + oSettings._iDisplayLength < oSettings.fnRecordsDisplay() )
						oSettings._iDisplayStart += oSettings._iDisplayLength;
					fnCallbackDraw( oSettings );
				} );
				$(nLast).click( function() {
					var iPages = parseInt( (oSettings.fnRecordsDisplay()-1) / oSettings._iDisplayLength, 10 ) + 1;
					oSettings._iDisplayStart = (iPages-1) * oSettings._iDisplayLength;
					fnCallbackDraw( oSettings );
				} );
				/* Take the brutal approach to cancelling text selection */
				$('span', oSettings.nPaginate).bind( 'mousedown', function () { return false; } );
				$('span', oSettings.nPaginate).bind( 'selectstart', function () { return false; } );
				oSettings.nPaginateList = nList;
			 * Function: oPagination.full_numbers.fnUpdate
			 * Purpose:  Update the list of page buttons shows
			 * Returns:  -
	 		 * Inputs:   object:oSettings - dataTables settings object
			 *           function:fnCallbackDraw - draw function which must be called on update
			"fnUpdate": function ( oSettings, fnCallbackDraw )
				var iPageCount = jQuery.fn.dataTableExt.oPagination.iFullNumbersShowPages;
				var iPageCountHalf = Math.floor(iPageCount / 2);
				var iPages = parseInt( (oSettings.fnRecordsDisplay()-1) / oSettings._iDisplayLength, 10 ) + 1;
				var iCurrentPage = parseInt( oSettings._iDisplayStart / oSettings._iDisplayLength, 10 ) + 1;
				var sList = "";
				var iStartButton;
				var iEndButton;
				if (iPages < iPageCount)
					iStartButton = 1;
					iEndButton = iPages;
					if (iCurrentPage <= iPageCountHalf)
						iStartButton = 1;
						iEndButton = iPageCount;
						if (iCurrentPage >= (iPages - iPageCountHalf))
							iStartButton = iPages - iPageCount + 1;
							iEndButton = iPages;
							iStartButton = iCurrentPage - Math.ceil(iPageCount / 2) + 1;
							iEndButton = iStartButton + iPageCount - 1;
				for ( var i=iStartButton ; i<=iEndButton ; i++ )
					if ( iCurrentPage != i )
						sList += '<span class="paginate_button">'+i+'</span>';
						sList += '<span class="paginate_active">'+i+'</span>';
				oSettings.nPaginateList.innerHTML = sList;
				/* Take the brutal approach to cancelling text selection */
				$('span', oSettings.nPaginateList).bind( 'mousedown', function () { return false; } );
				$('span', oSettings.nPaginateList).bind( 'selectstart', function () { return false; } );
				$('span', oSettings.nPaginateList).click( function() {
					var iTarget = (this.innerHTML * 1) - 1;
					oSettings._iDisplayStart = iTarget * oSettings._iDisplayLength;
					fnCallbackDraw( oSettings );
					return false;
				} );
	 * Variable: oSort
	 * Purpose:  Wrapper for the sorting functions that can be used in DataTables
	 * Scope:    jQuery.fn.dataTableExt
	 * Notes:    The functions provided in this object are basically standard javascript sort
	 *   functions - they expect two inputs which they then compare and then return a priority
	 *   result. For each sort method added, two functions need to be defined, an ascending sort and
	 *   a descending sort.
	$.fn.dataTableExt.oSort = {
		 * text sorting
		"string-asc": function ( a, b )
			var x = a.toLowerCase();
			var y = b.toLowerCase();
			return ((x < y) ? -1 : ((x > y) ? 1 : 0));
		"string-desc": function ( a, b )
			var x = a.toLowerCase();
			var y = b.toLowerCase();
			return ((x < y) ? 1 : ((x > y) ? -1 : 0));
		 * html sorting (ignore html tags)
		"html-asc": function ( a, b )
			var x = a.replace( /<.*?>/g, "" ).toLowerCase();
			var y = b.replace( /<.*?>/g, "" ).toLowerCase();
			return ((x < y) ? -1 : ((x > y) ? 1 : 0));
		"html-desc": function ( a, b )
			var x = a.replace( /<.*?>/g, "" ).toLowerCase();
			var y = b.replace( /<.*?>/g, "" ).toLowerCase();
			return ((x < y) ? 1 : ((x > y) ? -1 : 0));
		 * date sorting
		"date-asc": function ( a, b )
			var x = Date.parse( a );
			var y = Date.parse( b );
			if ( isNaN( x ) )
    		x = Date.parse( "01/01/1970 00:00:00" );
			if ( isNaN( y ) )
				y =	Date.parse( "01/01/1970 00:00:00" );
			return x - y;
		"date-desc": function ( a, b )
			var x = Date.parse( a );
			var y = Date.parse( b );
			if ( isNaN( x ) )
    		x = Date.parse( "01/01/1970 00:00:00" );
			if ( isNaN( y ) )
				y =	Date.parse( "01/01/1970 00:00:00" );
			return y - x;
		 * numerical sorting
		"numeric-asc": function ( a, b )
			var x = a == "-" ? 0 : a;
			var y = b == "-" ? 0 : b;
			return x - y;
		"numeric-desc": function ( a, b )
			var x = a == "-" ? 0 : a;
			var y = b == "-" ? 0 : b;
			return y - x;
	 * Variable: aTypes
	 * Purpose:  Container for the various type of type detection that dataTables supports
	 * Scope:    jQuery.fn.dataTableExt
	 * Notes:    The functions in this array are expected to parse a string to see if it is a data
	 *   type that it recognises. If so then the function should return the name of the type (a
	 *   corresponding sort function should be defined!), if the type is not recognised then the
	 *   function should return null such that the parser and move on to check the next type.
	 *   Note that ordering is important in this array - the functions are processed linearly,
	 *   starting at index 0.
	$.fn.dataTableExt.aTypes = [
		 * Function: -
		 * Purpose:  Check to see if a string is numeric
		 * Returns:  string:'numeric' or null
		 * Inputs:   string:sText - string to check
		function ( sData )
			var sValidChars = "0123456789.-";
			var Char;
			var bDecimal = false;
			for ( i=0 ; i<sData.length ; i++ ) 
				Char = sData.charAt(i); 
				if (sValidChars.indexOf(Char) == -1) 
					return null;
				/* Only allowed one decimal place... */
				if ( Char == "." )
					if ( bDecimal )
						return null;
					bDecimal = true;
			return 'numeric';
		 * Function: -
		 * Purpose:  Check to see if a string is actually a formatted date
		 * Returns:  string:'date' or null
		 * Inputs:   string:sText - string to check
		function ( sData )
			if ( ! isNaN(Date.parse(sData) ) )
				return 'date';
			return null;
	 * Variable: _oExternConfig
	 * Purpose:  Store information for DataTables to access globally about other instances
	 * Scope:    jQuery.fn.dataTableExt
	$.fn.dataTableExt._oExternConfig = {
		/* int:iNextUnique - next unique number for an instance */
		"iNextUnique": 0
	/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
	 * DataTables prototype
	 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
	 * Function: dataTable
	 * Purpose:  DataTables information
	 * Returns:  -
	 * Inputs:   object:oInit - initalisation options for the table
	$.fn.dataTable = function( oInit )
		 * Variable: _aoSettings
		 * Purpose:  Easy reference to data table settings
		 * Scope:    jQuery.dataTable
		var _aoSettings = $.fn.dataTableSettings;
		 * Function: classSettings
		 * Purpose:  Settings container function for all 'class' properties which are required
		 *   by dataTables
		 * Returns:  -
		 * Inputs:   -
		function classSettings ()
			this.fnRecordsTotal = function ()
				if ( this.oFeatures.bServerSide ) {
					return this._iRecordsTotal;
				} else {
					return this.aiDisplayMaster.length;
			this.fnRecordsDisplay = function ()
				if ( this.oFeatures.bServerSide ) {
					return this._iRecordsDisplay;
				} else {
					return this.aiDisplay.length;
			this.fnDisplayEnd = function ()
				if ( this.oFeatures.bServerSide ) {
					return this._iDisplayStart + this.aiDisplay.length;
				} else {
					return this._iDisplayEnd;
			 * Variable: sInstance
			 * Purpose:  Unique idendifier for each instance of the DataTables object
			 * Scope:    jQuery.dataTable.classSettings 
			this.sInstance = null;
			 * Variable: oFeatures
			 * Purpose:  Indicate the enablement of key dataTable features
			 * Scope:    jQuery.dataTable.classSettings 
			this.oFeatures = {
				"bPaginate": true,
				"bLengthChange": true,
				"bFilter": true,
				"bSort": true,
				"bInfo": true,
				"bAutoWidth": true,
				"bProcessing": false,
				"bSortClasses": true,
				"bStateSave": false,
				"bServerSide": false
			 * Variable: oLanguage
			 * Purpose:  Store the language strings used by dataTables
			 * Scope:    jQuery.dataTable.classSettings
			 * Notes:    The words in the format _VAR_ are variables which are dynamically replaced
			 *   by javascript
			this.oLanguage = {
				"sProcessing": "Processing...",
				"sLengthMenu": "show _MENU_ record",
				"sZeroRecords": "No matching records found",
				"sInfo": "present _START_ to _END_ from _TOTAL_ records",
				"sInfoEmpty": "present 0 to 0 record from 0 record",
				"sInfoFiltered": "(filtered from _MAX_ total entries)",
				"sInfoPostFix": "",
				"sSearch": "Search:",
				"sUrl": "",
				"oPaginate": {
					"sFirst":    "First",
					"sPrevious": "Previous",
					"sNext":     "Next",
					"sLast":     "Last"
			 * Variable: aoData
			 * Purpose:  Store data information
			 * Scope:    jQuery.dataTable.classSettings 
			 * Notes:    This is an array of objects with the following parameters:
			 *   int: _iId - internal id for tracking
			 *   array: _aData - internal data - used for sorting / filtering etc
			 *   node: nTr - display node
			 *   array node: _anHidden - hidden TD nodes
			this.aoData = [];
			 * Variable: aiDisplay
			 * Purpose:  Array of indexes which are in the current display (after filtering etc)
			 * Scope:    jQuery.dataTable.classSettings
			this.aiDisplay = [];
			 * Variable: aiDisplayMaster
			 * Purpose:  Array of indexes for display - no filtering
			 * Scope:    jQuery.dataTable.classSettings
			this.aiDisplayMaster = [];
			 * Variable: aoColumns
			 * Purpose:  Store information about each column that is in use
			 * Scope:    jQuery.dataTable.classSettings 
			this.aoColumns = [];
			 * Variable: iNextId
			 * Purpose:  Store the next unique id to be used for a new row
			 * Scope:    jQuery.dataTable.classSettings 
			this.iNextId = 0;
			 * Variable: asDataSearch
			 * Purpose:  Search data array for regular expression searching
			 * Scope:    jQuery.dataTable.classSettings
			this.asDataSearch = [];
			 * Variable: oPreviousSearch
			 * Purpose:  Store the previous search incase we want to force a re-search
			 *   or compare the old search to a new one
			 * Scope:    jQuery.dataTable.classSettings
			this.oPreviousSearch = {
				"sSearch": "",
				"bEscapeRegex": true
			 * Variable: aoPreSearchCols
			 * Purpose:  Store the previous search for each column
			 * Scope:    jQuery.dataTable.classSettings
			this.aoPreSearchCols = [];
			 * Variable: nInfo
			 * Purpose:  Info display for user to see what records are displayed
			 * Scope:    jQuery.dataTable.classSettings
			this.nInfo = null;
			 * Variable: nProcessing
			 * Purpose:  Processing indicator div
			 * Scope:    jQuery.dataTable.classSettings
			this.nProcessing = null;
			 * Variable: aaSorting
			 * Purpose:  Sorting information
			 * Scope:    jQuery.dataTable.classSettings
			this.aaSorting = [ [0, 'asc'] ];
			 * Variable: asStripClasses
			 * Purpose:  Classes to use for the striping of a table
			 * Scope:    jQuery.dataTable.classSettings
			this.asStripClasses = [ 'odd', 'even' ];
			 * Variable: fnRowCallback
			 * Purpose:  Call this function every time a row is inserted (draw)
			 * Scope:    jQuery.dataTable.classSettings
			this.fnRowCallback = null;
			 * Variable: fnHeaderCallback
			 * Purpose:  Callback function for the header on each draw
			 * Scope:    jQuery.dataTable.classSettings
			this.fnHeaderCallback = null;
			 * Variable: fnFooterCallback
			 * Purpose:  Callback function for the footer on each draw
			 * Scope:    jQuery.dataTable.classSettings
			this.fnFooterCallback = null;
			 * Variable: fnDrawCallback
			 * Purpose:  Callback function for the whole table on each draw
			 * Scope:    jQuery.dataTable.classSettings
			this.fnDrawCallback = null;
			 * Variable: fnInitComplete
			 * Purpose:  Callback function for when the table has been initalised
			 * Scope:    jQuery.dataTable.classSettings
			this.fnInitComplete = null;
			 * Variable: sTableId
			 * Purpose:  Cache the table ID for quick access
			 * Scope:    jQuery.dataTable.classSettings
			this.sTableId = "";
			 * Variable: nTable
			 * Purpose:  Cache the table node for quick access
			 * Scope:    jQuery.dataTable.classSettings
			this.nTable = null;
			 * Variable: iDefaultSortIndex
			 * Purpose:  Sorting index which will be used by default
			 * Scope:    jQuery.dataTable.classSettings
			this.iDefaultSortIndex = 0;
			 * Variable: bInitialised
			 * Purpose:  Indicate if all required information has been read in
			 * Scope:    jQuery.dataTable.classSettings
			this.bInitialised = false;
			 * Variable: nOpenRow
			 * Purpose:  Cache the open row node
			 * Scope:    jQuery.dataTable.classSettings
			this.nOpenRow = null;
			 * Variable: nPaginate, nPrevious, nNext
			 * Purpose:  Cache nodes for pagination
			 * Scope:    jQuery.dataTable.classSettings
			this.nPaginate = null;
			this.nPrevious = null;
			this.nNext = null;
			 * Variable: sDomPositioning
			 * Purpose:  Dictate the positioning that the created elements will take
			 * Scope:    jQuery.dataTable.classSettings
			 * Notes:    The following syntax is expected:
			 *   'l' - Length changing
			 *   'f' - Filtering input
			 *   't' - The table!
			 *   'i' - Information
			 *   'p' - Pagination
			 *   'r' - pRocessing
			 *   '<' and '>' - div elements
			 *   '<"class" and '>' - div with a class
			 *    Examples: '<"wrapper"flipt>', '<lf<t>ip>'
			this.sDomPositioning = 'lfrtip';
			 * Variable: sPaginationType
			 * Purpose:  Note which type of sorting should be used
			 * Scope:    jQuery.dataTable.classSettings
			this.sPaginationType = "two_button";
			 * Variable: iCookieDuration
			 * Purpose:  The cookie duration (for bStateSave) in seconds - default 2 hours
			 * Scope:    jQuery.dataTable.classSettings
			this.iCookieDuration = 60 * 60 * 2;
			 * Variable: anTheadTh and anTfootTh
			 * Purpose:  Cache the nodes in the header and footer
			 * Scope:    jQuery.dataTable.classSettings
			this.anTheadTh = [];
			this.anTfootTh = [];
			 * Variable: sAjaxSource
			 * Purpose:  Source url for AJAX data for the table
			 * Scope:    jQuery.dataTable.classSettings
			this.sAjaxSource = null;
			 * Variable: bAjaxDataGet
			 * Purpose:  Note if draw should be blocked while getting data
			 * Scope:    jQuery.dataTable.classSettings
			this.bAjaxDataGet = true;
			 * Variable: fnServerData
			 * Purpose:  Function to get the server-side data - can be overruled by the developer
			 * Scope:    jQuery.dataTable.classSettings
			this.fnServerData = $.getJSON;
			 * Variable: _iDisplayLength, _iDisplayStart, _iDisplayEnd
			 * Purpose:  Display length variables
			 * Scope:    jQuery.dataTable.classSettings
			 * Notes:    These variable must NOT be used externally to get the data length. Rather, use
			 *   the fnRecordsTotal() (etc) functions.
			this._iDisplayLength = 10;
			this._iDisplayStart = 0;
			this._iDisplayEnd = 10;
			 * Variable: _iRecordsTotal, _iRecordsDisplay
			 * Purpose:  Display length variables used for server side processing
			 * Scope:    jQuery.dataTable.classSettings
			 * Notes:    These variable must NOT be used externally to get the data length. Rather, use
			 *   the fnRecordsTotal() (etc) functions.
			this._iRecordsTotal = 0;
			this._iRecordsDisplay = 0;
		 * Variable: oApi
		 * Purpose:  Container for publicly exposed 'private' functions
		 * Scope:    jQuery.dataTable
		this.oApi = {};
		/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
		 * API functions
		 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
		 * Function: fnDraw
		 * Purpose:  Redraw the table
		 * Returns:  -
		 * Inputs:   -
		this.fnDraw = function()
			_fnReDraw( _fnSettingsFromNode( this[0] ) );
		 * Function: fnFilter
		 * Purpose:  Filter the input based on data
		 * Returns:  -
		 * Inputs:   string:sInput - string to filter the table on
		 *           int:iColumn - optional - column to limit filtering to
		 *           bool:bEscapeRegex - optional - escape regex characters or not - default true
		this.fnFilter = function( sInput, iColumn, bEscapeRegex )
			var oSettings = _fnSettingsFromNode( this[0] );
			if ( typeof bEscapeRegex == 'undefined' )
				bEscapeRegex = true;
			if ( typeof iColumn == "undefined" || iColumn === null )
				/* Global filter */
				_fnFilterComplete( oSettings, {"sSearch":sInput, "bEscapeRegex": bEscapeRegex}, 1 );
				/* Single column filter */
				oSettings.aoPreSearchCols[ iColumn ].sSearch = sInput;
				oSettings.aoPreSearchCols[ iColumn ].bEscapeRegex = bEscapeRegex;
				_fnFilterComplete( oSettings, oSettings.oPreviousSearch, 1 );
		 * Function: fnSettings
		 * Purpose:  Get the settings for a particular table for extern. manipulation
		 * Returns:  -
		 * Inputs:   -
		this.fnSettings = function( nNode  )
			return _fnSettingsFromNode( this[0] );
		 * Function: fnSort
		 * Purpose:  Sort the table by a particular row
		 * Returns:  -
		 * Inputs:   int:iCol - the data index to sort on. Note that this will
		 *   not match the 'display index' if you have hidden data entries
		this.fnSort = function( aaSort )
			var oSettings = _fnSettingsFromNode( this[0] );
			oSettings.aaSorting = aaSort;
			_fnSort( oSettings );
		 * Function: fnAddData
		 * Purpose:  Add new row(s) into the table
		 * Returns:  array int: array of indexes (aoData) which have been added (zero length on error)
		 * Inputs:   array:mData - the data to be added. The length must match
		 *               the original data from the DOM
		 *             or
		 *             array array:mData - 2D array of data to be added
		 *           bool:bRedraw - redraw the table or not - default true
		 * Notes:    Warning - the refilter here will cause the table to redraw
		 *             starting at zero
		 * Notes:    Thanks to Yekimov Denis for contributing the basis for this function!
		this.fnAddData = function( mData, bRedraw )
			var aiReturn = [];
			var iTest;
			if ( typeof bRedraw == 'undefined' )
				bRedraw = true;
			/* Find settings from table node */
			var oSettings = _fnSettingsFromNode( this[0] );
			/* Check if we want to add multiple rows or not */
			if ( typeof mData[0] == "object" )
				for ( var i=0 ; i<mData.length ; i++ )
					iTest = _fnAddData( oSettings, mData[i] );
					if ( iTest == -1 )
						return aiReturn;
					aiReturn.push( iTest );
				iTest = _fnAddData( oSettings, mData );
				if ( iTest == -1 )
					return aiReturn;
				aiReturn.push( iTest );
			oSettings.aiDisplay = oSettings.aiDisplayMaster.slice();
			/* Rebuild the search */
			_fnBuildSearchArray( oSettings, 1 );
			if ( bRedraw )
				_fnReDraw( oSettings );
			return aiReturn;
		 * Function: fnDeleteRow
		 * Purpose:  Remove a row for the table
		 * Returns:  array:aReturn - the row that was deleted
		 * Inputs:   int:iIndex - index of aoData to be deleted
		 * Notes:    This function requires a little explanation - we don't actually delete the data
		 *   from aoData - rather we remove it's references from aiDisplayMastr and aiDisplay. This
		 *   in effect prevnts DataTables from drawing it (hence deleting it) - it could be restored
		 *   if you really wanted. The reason for this is that actually removing the aoData object
		 *   would mess up all the subsequent indexes in the display arrays (they could be ajusted - 
		 *   but this appears to do what is required).
		this.fnDeleteRow = function( iAODataIndex, fnCallBack )
			/* Find settings from table node */
			var oSettings = _fnSettingsFromNode( this[0] );
			var i;
			/* Delete from the display master */
			for ( i=0 ; i<oSettings.aiDisplayMaster.length ; i++ )
				if ( oSettings.aiDisplayMaster[i] == iAODataIndex )
					oSettings.aiDisplayMaster.splice( i, 1 );
			/* Delete from the current display index */
			for ( i=0 ; i<oSettings.aiDisplay.length ; i++ )
				if ( oSettings.aiDisplay[i] == iAODataIndex )
					oSettings.aiDisplay.splice( i, 1 );
			/* Rebuild the search */
			_fnBuildSearchArray( oSettings, 1 );
			/* If there is a user callback function - call it */
			if ( typeof fnCallBack == "function" )
				fnCallBack.call( this );
			/* Check for an 'overflow' they case for dislaying the table */
			if ( oSettings._iDisplayStart > oSettings.aiDisplay.length )
				oSettings._iDisplayStart -= oSettings._iDisplayLength;
				if ( oSettings._iDisplayStart < 0 )
					oSettings._iDisplayStart = 0;
			_fnCalculateEnd( oSettings );
			_fnDraw( oSettings );
			return oSettings.aoData[iAODataIndex]._aData.slice();
		 * Function: fnClearTable
		 * Purpose:  Quickly and simply clear a table
		 * Returns:  -
		 * Inputs:   bool:bRedraw - redraw the table or not - default true
		 * Notes:    Thanks to Yekimov Denis for contributing the basis for this function!
		this.fnClearTable = function( bRedraw )
			/* Find settings from table node */
			var oSettings = _fnSettingsFromNode( this[0] );
			_fnClearTable( oSettings );
			if ( typeof bRedraw == 'undefined' || bRedraw )
				_fnDraw( oSettings );
		 * Function: fnOpen
		 * Purpose:  Open a display row (append a row after the row in question)
		 * Returns:  -
		 * Inputs:   node:nTr - the table row to 'open'
		 *           string:sHtml - the HTML to put into the row
		 *           string:sClass - class to give the new row
		this.fnOpen = function( nTr, sHtml, sClass )
			/* Find settings from table node */
			var oSettings = _fnSettingsFromNode( this[0] );
			/* Remove an old open row if there is one */
			if ( oSettings.nOpenRow !== null )
			var nNewRow = document.createElement("tr");
			var nNewCell = document.createElement("td");
			nNewRow.appendChild( nNewCell );
			nNewRow.className = sClass;
			nNewCell.colSpan = _fnVisbleColumns( oSettings );
			nNewCell.innerHTML = sHtml;
			oSettings.nOpenRow = nNewRow;
		 * Function: fnClose
		 * Purpose:  Close a display row
		 * Returns:  -
		 * Inputs:   -
		this.fnClose = function()
			/* Find settings from table node */
			var oSettings = _fnSettingsFromNode( this[0] );
			oSettings.nOpenRow = null;
		 * Function: fnGetData
		 * Purpose:  Return an array with the data which is used to make up the table
		 * Returns:  array array string: 2d data array ([row][column]) or array string: 1d data array
		 *           or
		 *           array string (if iRow specified)
		 * Inputs:   int:iRow - optional - if present then the array returned will be the data for
		 *             the row with the index 'iRow'
		this.fnGetData = function( iRow )
			var oSettings = _fnSettingsFromNode( this[0] );
			if ( typeof iRow != 'undefined' )
				return oSettings.aoData[iRow]._aData;
			return _fnGetDataMaster( oSettings );
		 * Function: fnGetNodes
		 * Purpose:  Return an array with the TR nodes used for drawing the table
		 * Returns:  array node: TR elements
		 *           or
		 *           node (if iRow specified)
		 * Inputs:   int:iRow - optional - if present then the array returned will be the node for
		 *             the row with the index 'iRow'
		this.fnGetNodes = function( iRow )
			var oSettings = _fnSettingsFromNode( this[0] );
			if ( typeof iRow != 'undefined' )
				return oSettings.aoData[iRow].nTr;
			return _fnGetTrNodes( oSettings );
		 * Function: fnGetPosition
		 * Purpose:  Get the array indexes of a particular cell from it's DOM element
		 * Returns:  int: - row index, or array[ int, int ]: - row index and column index
		 * Inputs:   node:nNode - this can either be a TR or a TD in the table, the return is
		 *             dependent on this input
		this.fnGetPosition = function( nNode )
			var oSettings = _fnSettingsFromNode( this[0] );
			var i;
			if ( nNode.nodeName == "TR" )
				for ( i=0 ; i<oSettings.aoData.length ; i++ )
					if ( oSettings.aoData[i].nTr == nNode )
						return i;
			else if ( nNode.nodeName == "TD" )
				for ( i=0 ; i<oSettings.aoData.length ; i++ )
					var iCorrector = 0;
					for ( var j=0 ; j<oSettings.aoColumns.length ; j++ )
						if ( oSettings.aoColumns[j].bVisible )
							if ( oSettings.aoData[i].nTr.getElementsByTagName('td')[j-iCorrector] == nNode )
								return [ i, j-iCorrector, j ];
			return null;
		 * Function: fnUpdate
		 * Purpose:  Update a table cell or row
		 * Returns:  int: 0 okay, 1 error
		 * Inputs:   array string 'or' string:mData - data to update the cell/row with
		 *           int:iRow - the row (from aoData) to update
		 *           int:iColumn - the column to update
		 *           bool:bRedraw - redraw the table or not - default true
		this.fnUpdate = function( mData, iRow, iColumn, bRedraw )
			var oSettings = _fnSettingsFromNode( this[0] );
			var iVisibleColumn;
			var sRendered;
			if ( typeof bRedraw == 'undefined' )
				bRedraw = true;
			if ( typeof mData != 'object' )
				oSettings.aoData[iRow]._aData[iColumn] = mData;
				if ( oSettings.aoColumns[iColumn].fnRender !== null )
					sRendered = oSettings.aoColumns[iColumn].fnRender( {
							"iDataRow": iRow,
							"iDataColumn": iColumn,
							"aData": oSettings.aoData[iRow]._aData
						} );
					oSettings.aoData[iRow]._aData[iColumn] = sRendered;
				iVisibleColumn = _fnColumnIndexToVisible( oSettings, iColumn );
				if ( iVisibleColumn !== null )
					oSettings.aoData[iRow].nTr.getElementsByTagName('td')[iVisibleColumn].innerHTML = 
				if ( mData.length != oSettings.aoColumns.length )
					alert( 'Warning: An array passed to fnUpdate must have the same number of columns as '+
						'the table in question - in this case '+oSettings.aoColumns.length );
					return 1;
				for ( var i=0 ; i<mData.length ; i++ )
					oSettings.aoData[iRow]._aData[i] = mData[i];
					if ( oSettings.aoColumns[i].fnRender !== null )
						sRendered = oSettings.aoColumns[i].fnRender( {
								"iDataRow": iRow,
								"iDataColumn": i,
								"aData": oSettings.aoData[iRow]._aData
							} );
						oSettings.aoData[iRow]._aData[i] = sRendered;
					iVisibleColumn = _fnColumnIndexToVisible( oSettings, i );
					if ( iVisibleColumn !== null )
						oSettings.aoData[iRow].nTr.getElementsByTagName('td')[iVisibleColumn].innerHTML = 
			/* Update the search array */
			_fnBuildSearchArray( oSettings, 1 );
			/* Redraw the table */
			if ( bRedraw )
				_fnReDraw( oSettings );
			return 0;
		 * Function: fnShowColoumn
		 * Purpose:  Show a particular column
		 * Returns:  -
		 * Inputs:   int:iCol - the column whose display should be changed
		 *           bool:bShow - show (true) or hide (false) the column
		this.fnSetColumnVis = function ( iCol, bShow )
			var i;
			var iLen;
			var nTd;
			var oSettings = _fnSettingsFromNode( this[0] );
			/* No point in doing anything if we are requesting what is already true */
			if ( oSettings.aoColumns[iCol].bVisible == bShow )
			var nTrHead = $('thead tr', oSettings.nTable)[0];
			var nTrFoot = $('tfoot tr', oSettings.nTable)[0];
			/* Show the column */
			if ( bShow )
				var iInsert = 0;
				for ( i=0 ; i<iCol ; i++ )
					if ( oSettings.aoColumns[i].bVisible )
				/* Need to decide if we should use appendChild or insertBefore */
				if ( iInsert >= _fnVisbleColumns( oSettings ) )
					nTrHead.appendChild( oSettings.anTheadTh[iCol] );
					nTrFoot.appendChild( oSettings.anTfootTh[iCol] );
					for ( i=0, iLen=oSettings.aoData.length ; i<iLen ; i++ )
						nTd = oSettings.aoData[i]._anHidden[iCol];
						oSettings.aoData[i].nTr.appendChild( nTd );
					/* Which coloumn should we be inserting before? */
					var iBefore;
					for ( i=iCol, iLen=oSettings.aoColumns.length ; i<iLen ; i++ )
						iBefore = _fnColumnIndexToVisible( oSettings, i );
						if ( iBefore !== null )
					nTrHead.insertBefore( oSettings.anTheadTh[iCol], nTrHead.getElementsByTagName('th')[iBefore] );
					nTrFoot.insertBefore( oSettings.anTfootTh[iCol], nTrFoot.getElementsByTagName('th')[iBefore] );
					for ( i=0, iLen=oSettings.aoData.length ; i<iLen ; i++ )
						nTd = oSettings.aoData[i]._anHidden[iCol];
						oSettings.aoData[i].nTr.insertBefore( nTd, oSettings.aoData[i].nTr.getElementsByTagName('td')[iBefore] );
				oSettings.aoColumns[iCol].bVisible = true;
				/* Remove a column from display */
				nTrHead.removeChild( oSettings.anTheadTh[iCol] );
				nTrFoot.removeChild( oSettings.anTfootTh[iCol] );
				var iVisCol = _fnColumnIndexToVisible(oSettings, iCol);
				for ( i=0, iLen=oSettings.aoData.length ; i<iLen ; i++ )
					nTd = oSettings.aoData[i].nTr.getElementsByTagName('td')[ iVisCol ];
					oSettings.aoData[i]._anHidden[iCol] = nTd;
					nTd.parentNode.removeChild( nTd );
				oSettings.aoColumns[iCol].bVisible = false;
		 * Plugin API functions
		 * This call will add the functions which are defined in $.fn.dataTableExt.oApi to the
		 * DataTables object, providing a rather nice way to allow plug-in API functions. Note that
		 * this is done here, so that API function can actually override the built in API functions if
		 * required for a particular purpose. Also the local bApi flag is used for allowing DataTables
		 * to decide (later on) if it should expose it's private functions or not.
		 * Function: _fnExternApiFunc
		 * Purpose:  Create a wrapper function for exporting an internal func to an external API func
		 * Returns:  function: - wrapped function
		 * Inputs:   string:sFunc - API function name
		function _fnExternApiFunc (sFunc)
			return function() {
					var aArgs = [_fnSettingsFromNode(this[0])].concat( Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments) );
					return $.fn.dataTableExt.oApi[sFunc].apply( this, aArgs );
		var bApi = false;
		for ( var sFunc in $.fn.dataTableExt.oApi )
			if ( sFunc )
				 * Function: anon
				 * Purpose:  Wrap the plug-in API functions in order to provide the settings as 1st arg 
				 *   and execute in this scope
				 * Returns:  -
				 * Inputs:   -
				this[sFunc] = _fnExternApiFunc(sFunc);
				bApi = true;
		/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
		 * Local functions
		 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
		/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
		 * Initalisation
		 * Function: _fnInitalise
		 * Purpose:  Draw the table for the first time, adding all required features
		 * Returns:  -
		 * Inputs:   object:oSettings - dataTables settings object
		function _fnInitalise ( oSettings )
			/* Ensure that the table data is fully initialised */
			if ( oSettings.bInitialised === false )
				setTimeout( function(){ _fnInitalise( oSettings ); }, 200 );
			/* Show the display HTML options */
			_fnAddOptionsHtml( oSettings );
			/* Draw the headers for the table */
			_fnDrawHead( oSettings );
			/* If there is default sorting required - let's do it. The sort function
			 * will do the drawing for us. Otherwise we draw the table
			if ( oSettings.oFeatures.bSort )
				_fnSort( oSettings, false );
				 * Add the sorting classes to the header and the body (if needed).
				 * Reason for doing it here after the first draw is to stop classes being applied to the
				 * 'static' table.
				_fnSortingClasses( oSettings );
				oSettings.aiDisplay = oSettings.aiDisplayMaster.slice();
				_fnCalculateEnd( oSettings );
				_fnDraw( oSettings );
			/* if there is an ajax source */
			if ( oSettings.sAjaxSource !== null && !oSettings.oFeatures.bServerSide )
				_fnProcessingDisplay( oSettings, true );
				$.getJSON( oSettings.sAjaxSource, null, function(json) {
					/* Got the data - add it to the table */
					for ( var i=0 ; i<json.aaData.length ; i++ )
						_fnAddData( oSettings, json.aaData[i] );
					if ( oSettings.oFeatures.bSort )
						_fnSort( oSettings );
						oSettings.aiDisplay = oSettings.aiDisplayMaster.slice();
						_fnCalculateEnd( oSettings );
						_fnDraw( oSettings );
					_fnProcessingDisplay( oSettings, false );
					/* Run the init callback if there is one */
					if ( typeof oSettings.fnInitComplete == 'function' )
						oSettings.fnInitComplete( oSettings );
				} );
			/* Run the init callback if there is one */
			if ( typeof oSettings.fnInitComplete == 'function' )
				oSettings.fnInitComplete( oSettings );
		 * Function: _fnLanguageProcess
		 * Purpose:  Copy language variables from remote object to a local one
		 * Returns:  -
		 * Inputs:   object:oSettings - dataTables settings object
		 *           object:oLanguage - Language information
		 *           bool:bInit - init once complete
		function _fnLanguageProcess( oSettings, oLanguage, bInit )
			if ( typeof oLanguage.sProcessing != 'undefined' ) {
				oSettings.oLanguage.sProcessing = oLanguage.sProcessing;
			if ( typeof oLanguage.sLengthMenu != 'undefined' ) {
				oSettings.oLanguage.sLengthMenu = oLanguage.sLengthMenu;
			if ( typeof oLanguage.sZeroRecords != 'undefined' ) {
				oSettings.oLanguage.sZeroRecords = oLanguage.sZeroRecords;
			if ( typeof oLanguage.sInfo != 'undefined' ) {
				oSettings.oLanguage.sInfo = oLanguage.sInfo;
			if ( typeof oLanguage.sInfoEmpty != 'undefined' ) {
				oSettings.oLanguage.sInfoEmpty = oLanguage.sInfoEmpty;
			if ( typeof oLanguage.sInfoFiltered != 'undefined' ) {
				oSettings.oLanguage.sInfoFiltered = oLanguage.sInfoFiltered;
			if ( typeof oLanguage.sInfoPostFix != 'undefined' ) {
				oSettings.oLanguage.sInfoPostFix = oLanguage.sInfoPostFix;
			if ( typeof oLanguage.sSearch != 'undefined' ) {
				oSettings.oLanguage.sSearch = oLanguage.sSearch;
			if ( typeof oLanguage.oPaginate != 'undefined' )
				if ( typeof oLanguage.oPaginate != 'undefined' ) {
					oSettings.oLanguage.oPaginate.sFirst = oLanguage.oPaginate.sFirst;
				if ( typeof oLanguage.oPaginate != 'undefined' ) {
					oSettings.oLanguage.oPaginate.sPrevious = oLanguage.oPaginate.sPrevious;
				if ( typeof oLanguage.oPaginate != 'undefined' ) {
					oSettings.oLanguage.oPaginate.sNext = oLanguage.oPaginate.sNext;
				if ( typeof oLanguage.oPaginate != 'undefined' ) {
					oSettings.oLanguage.oPaginate.sLast = oLanguage.oPaginate.sLast;
			if ( bInit )
				_fnInitalise( oSettings );
		 * Function: _fnAddColumn
		 * Purpose:  Add a column to the list used for the table
		 * Returns:  -
		 * Inputs:   object:oSettings - dataTables settings object
		 *           oOptions - object with sType, bVisible and bSearchable
		 * Notes:    All options in enter column can be over-ridden by the user
		 *   initialisation of dataTables
		function _fnAddColumn( oSettings, oOptions )
			oSettings.aoColumns[ oSettings.aoColumns.length++ ] = {
				"sType": null,
				"_bAutoType": true,
				"bVisible": true,
				"bSearchable": true,
				"bSortable": true,
				"sTitle": null,
				"sWidth": null,
				"sClass": null,
				"fnRender": null,
				"iDataSort": oSettings.aoColumns.length-1
			/* User specified column options */
			if ( typeof oOptions != 'undefined' && oOptions !== null )
				var iLength = oSettings.aoColumns.length-1;
				if ( typeof oOptions.sType != 'undefined' )
					oSettings.aoColumns[ iLength ].sType = oOptions.sType;
					oSettings.aoColumns[ iLength ]._bAutoType = false;
				if ( typeof oOptions.bVisible != 'undefined' ) {
					oSettings.aoColumns[ iLength ].bVisible = oOptions.bVisible;
				if ( typeof oOptions.bSearchable != 'undefined' ) {
					oSettings.aoColumns[ iLength ].bSearchable = oOptions.bSearchable;
				if ( typeof oOptions.bSortable != 'undefined' ) {
					oSettings.aoColumns[ iLength ].bSortable = oOptions.bSortable;
				if ( typeof oOptions.sTitle != 'undefined' ) {
					oSettings.aoColumns[ iLength ].sTitle = oOptions.sTitle;
				if ( typeof oOptions.sWidth != 'undefined' ) {
					oSettings.aoColumns[ iLength ].sWidth = oOptions.sWidth;
				if ( typeof oOptions.sClass != 'undefined' ) {
					oSettings.aoColumns[ iLength ].sClass = oOptions.sClass;
				if ( typeof oOptions.fnRender != 'undefined' ) {
					oSettings.aoColumns[ iLength ].fnRender = oOptions.fnRender;
				if ( typeof oOptions.iDataSort != 'undefined' ) {
					oSettings.aoColumns[ iLength ].iDataSort = oOptions.iDataSort;
			/* Add a column specific filter */
			oSettings.aoPreSearchCols[ oSettings.aoPreSearchCols.length++ ] = {
				"sSearch": "",
				"bEscapeRegex": true
		 * Function: _fnAddData
		 * Purpose:  Add a data array to the table, creating DOM node etc
		 * Returns:  int: - >=0 if successful (index of new aoData entry), -1 if failed
		 * Inputs:   object:oSettings - dataTables settings object
		 *           array:aData - data array to be added
		function _fnAddData ( oSettings, aData )
			/* Sanity check the length of the new array */
			if ( aData.length != oSettings.aoColumns.length )
				return -1;
			/* Create the object for storing information about this new row */
			var iThisIndex = oSettings.aoData.length;
			oSettings.aoData.push( {
				"_iId": oSettings.iNextId++,
				"_aData": aData.slice(),
				"nTr": document.createElement('tr'),
				"_anHidden": []
			} );
			/* Create the cells */
			var nTd;
			for ( var i=0 ; i<aData.length ; i++ )
				nTd = document.createElement('td');
				if ( typeof oSettings.aoColumns[i].fnRender == 'function' )
					var sRendered = oSettings.aoColumns[i].fnRender( {
							"iDataRow": iThisIndex,
							"iDataColumn": i,
							"aData": aData
						} );
					nTd.innerHTML = sRendered;
					oSettings.aoData[iThisIndex]._aData[i] = sRendered;
					nTd.innerHTML = aData[i];
				if ( oSettings.aoColumns[i].sClass !== null )
					nTd.className = oSettings.aoColumns[i].sClass;
				/* See if we should auto-detect the column type */
				if ( oSettings.aoColumns[i]._bAutoType && oSettings.aoColumns[i].sType != 'string' )
					/* Attempt to auto detect the type - same as _fnGatherData() */
					if ( oSettings.aoColumns[i].sType === null )
						oSettings.aoColumns[i].sType = _fnDetectType( aData[i] );
					else if ( oSettings.aoColumns[i].sType == "date" || 
					          oSettings.aoColumns[i].sType == "numeric" )
						oSettings.aoColumns[i].sType = _fnDetectType( aData[i] );
				if ( oSettings.aoColumns[i].bVisible )
					oSettings.aoData[iThisIndex].nTr.appendChild( nTd );
					oSettings.aoData[iThisIndex]._anHidden[i] = nTd;
			/* Add to the display array */
			oSettings.aiDisplayMaster.push( iThisIndex );
			return iThisIndex;
		 * Function: _fnGatherData
		 * Purpose:  Read in the data from the target table
		 * Returns:  -
		 * Inputs:   object:oSettings - dataTables settings object
		function _fnGatherData( oSettings )
			var nDataNodes;
			var iDataLength = $('tbody tr').length;
			var iLoop;
			var i, j;
			/* Sanity check the number of columns and cells */
			if ( $('thead th', oSettings.nTable).length != oSettings.aoColumns.length )
				alert( 'Warning - columns do not match' );
			 * Process by row first
			 * Add the data object for the whole table - storing the tr node. Note - no point in getting
			 * DOM based data if we are going to go and replace it with Ajax source data.
			if ( oSettings.sAjaxSource === null )
				$('tbody tr', oSettings.nTable).each( function() {
					var iThisIndex = oSettings.aoData.length;
					oSettings.aoData.push( {
						"_iId": oSettings.iNextId++,
						"_aData": [],
						"nTr": this,
						"_anHidden": []
					} );
					oSettings.aiDisplayMaster.push( iThisIndex );
					/* Add the data for this column */
					var aLocalData = oSettings.aoData[iThisIndex]._aData;
					$('td', this).each( function( i ) {
						aLocalData[i] = this.innerHTML;
					} );
				} );
			 * Now process by column
			var iCorrector = 0;
			for ( i=0 ; i<oSettings.aoColumns.length ; i++ )
				/* Get the title of the column - unless there is a user set one */
				if ( oSettings.aoColumns[i].sTitle === null )
					oSettings.aoColumns[i].sTitle = $('thead th:nth-child('+(i+1)+')', oSettings.nTable).html();
				var bAutoType = oSettings.aoColumns[i]._bAutoType;
				var bRender = typeof oSettings.aoColumns[i].fnRender == 'function';
				var bClass = oSettings.aoColumns[i].sClass !== null;
				var bVisible = oSettings.aoColumns[i].bVisible;
				/* A single loop to rule them all (and be more efficient) */
				if ( bAutoType || bRender || bClass || !bVisible )
					iLoop = oSettings.aoData.length;
					for ( j=0 ; j<iLoop ; j++ )
						var nCellNode = oSettings.aoData[j].nTr.getElementsByTagName('td')[ i-iCorrector ];
						if ( bAutoType )
							if ( oSettings.aoColumns[i].sType === null )
								oSettings.aoColumns[i].sType = _fnDetectType( oSettings.aoData[j]._aData[i] );
							else if ( oSettings.aoColumns[i].sType == "date" || 
							          oSettings.aoColumns[i].sType == "numeric" )
								/* If type is date or numeric - ensure that all collected data
								 * in the column is of the same type
								oSettings.aoColumns[i].sType = _fnDetectType( oSettings.aoData[j]._aData[i] );
							/* The else would be 'type = string' we don't want to do anything
							 * if that is the case
						if ( bRender )
							var sRendered = oSettings.aoColumns[i].fnRender( {
									"iDataRow": j,
									"iDataColumn": i,
									"aData": oSettings.aoData[j]._aData
								} );
							nCellNode.innerHTML = sRendered;
							oSettings.aoData[j]._aData[i] = sRendered;
						if ( bClass )
							nCellNode.className += ' '+oSettings.aoColumns[i].sClass;
						if ( !bVisible )
							oSettings.aoData[j]._anHidden[i] = nCellNode;
							nCellNode.parentNode.removeChild( nCellNode );
					/* Keep an index corrector for the next loop */
					if ( !bVisible )
		/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
		 * Drawing functions
		 * Function: _fnDrawHead
		 * Purpose:  Create the HTML header for the table
		 * Returns:  -
		 * Inputs:   object:oSettings - dataTables settings object
		function _fnDrawHead( oSettings )
			var i;
			var nThs = oSettings.nTable.getElementsByTagName('thead')[0].getElementsByTagName('th');
			/* If there is a header in place and it's the right size - then use it */
			if ( nThs.length == oSettings.aoColumns.length )
				/* We've got a thead from the DOM, so remove hidden columns and apply width to vis cols */
				for ( i=0 ; i<oSettings.aoColumns.length ; i++ )
					/* Cache a pointer to the header TH nodes */
					oSettings.anTheadTh.push( nThs[i] );
					if ( oSettings.aoColumns[i].bVisible )
						/* Set width */
						if ( oSettings.aoColumns[i].sWidth !== null )
							nThs[i].style.width = oSettings.aoColumns[i].sWidth;
						/* Set the title of the column if it is user defined (not what was auto detected) */
						if ( oSettings.aoColumns[i].sTitle != nThs[i].innerHTML )
							nThs[i].innerHTML = oSettings.aoColumns[i].sTitle;
						nThs[i].parentNode.removeChild( nThs[i] );
				/* We don't have a header in the DOM - so we are going to have to create one */
				var nTh;
				var nTr = document.createElement( "tr" );
				for ( i=0 ; i<oSettings.aoColumns.length ; i++ )
					if ( oSettings.aoColumns[i].bVisible )
						nTh = document.createElement( "th" );
						oSettings.anTheadTh.push( nTh );
						if ( typeof nThs[i] != "undefined" && nThs[i].className !== '' )
							nTh.className = nThs[i].className;
						if ( oSettings.aoColumns[i].sWidth !== null )
							nTh.style.width = oSettings.aoColumns[i].sWidth;
						nTh.innerHTML = oSettings.aoColumns[i].sTitle;
						nTr.appendChild( nTh );
				$('thead', oSettings.nTable).html( '' )[0].appendChild( nTr );
			/* Add sort listener */
			if ( oSettings.oFeatures.bSort )
				$('thead th', oSettings.nTable).click( function( e ) {
					/* Convert the column index to data index */
					var iDataIndex = $("thead th", oSettings.nTable).index(this);
					/* Take account of hidden columns */
					iDataIndex = _fnVisibleToColumnIndex( oSettings, iDataIndex );
					/* If the column is not sortable - don't to anything */
					if ( oSettings.aoColumns[iDataIndex].bSortable === false )
					 * This is a little bit odd I admit... I declare a temporary function inside the scope of
					 * _fnDrawHead and the click handler in order that the code presented here can be used 
					 * twice - once for when bProcessing is enabled, and another time for when it is 
					 * disabled, as we need to perform slightly different actions.
					 *   Basically the issue here is that the Javascript engine in modern browsers don't 
					 * appear to allow the rendering engine to update the display while it is still excuting
					 * it's thread (well - it does but only after long intervals). This means that the 
					 * 'processing' display doesn't appear for a table sort. To break the js thread up a bit
					 * I force an execution break by using setTimeout - but this breaks the expected 
					 * thread continuation for the end-developer's point of view (their code would execute
					 * too early), so we on;y do it when we absolutely have to.
					fnInnerSorting = function () {
						if ( e.shiftKey )
							/* If the shift key is pressed then we are multipe column sorting */
							var bFound = false;
							for ( var i=0 ; i<oSettings.aaSorting.length ; i++ )
								if ( oSettings.aaSorting[i][0] == iDataIndex )
									if ( oSettings.aaSorting[i][1] == "asc" )
										oSettings.aaSorting[i][1] = "desc";
										oSettings.aaSorting.splice( i, 1 );
									bFound = true;
							if ( bFound === false )
								oSettings.aaSorting.push( [ iDataIndex, "asc" ] );
							/* If no shift key then single column sort */
							if ( oSettings.aaSorting.length == 1 && oSettings.aaSorting[0][0] == iDataIndex )
								oSettings.aaSorting[0][1] = oSettings.aaSorting[0][1]=="asc" ? "desc" : "asc";
								oSettings.aaSorting.splice( 0, oSettings.aaSorting.length );
								oSettings.aaSorting.push( [ iDataIndex, "asc" ] );
						/* Run the sort */
						_fnSort( oSettings );
					}; /* /fnInnerSorting */
					if ( !oSettings.oFeatures.bProcessing )
						_fnProcessingDisplay( oSettings, true );
						setTimeout( function() {
							_fnProcessingDisplay( oSettings, false );
						}, 0 );
				} ); /* /click */
				/* Take the brutal approach to cancelling text selection due to the shift key */
				$('thead th', oSettings.nTable).mousedown( function () {
					this.onselectstart = function() { return false; };
					return false;
				} );
			} /* /if feature sort */
			/* Set an absolute width for the table such that pagination doesn't
			 * cause the table to resize
			if ( oSettings.oFeatures.bAutoWidth )
				oSettings.nTable.style.width = oSettings.nTable.offsetWidth+"px";
			/* Cache the footer elements */
			var nTfoot = oSettings.nTable.getElementsByTagName('tfoot');
			if ( nTfoot.length !== 0 )
				nTfs = nTfoot[0].getElementsByTagName('th');
				for ( i=0, iLen=nTfs.length ; i<iLen ; i++ )
					oSettings.anTfootTh.push( nTfs[i] );
		 * Function: _fnDraw
		 * Purpose:  Insert the required TR nodes into the table for display
		 * Returns:  -
		 * Inputs:   object:oSettings - dataTables settings object
		function _fnDraw( oSettings )
			var i;
			var anRows = [];
			var iRowCount = 0;
			var iStrips = oSettings.asStripClasses.length;
			/* If we are dealing with Ajax - do it here */
			if ( oSettings.oFeatures.bServerSide && 
			     !_fnAjaxUpdate( oSettings ) )
			if ( oSettings.aiDisplay.length !== 0 )
				var iStart = oSettings._iDisplayStart;
				var iEnd = oSettings._iDisplayEnd;
				if ( oSettings.oFeatures.bServerSide )
					iStart = 0;
					iEnd = oSettings.aoData.length;
				for ( var j=iStart ; j<iEnd ; j++ )
					var nRow = oSettings.aoData[ oSettings.aiDisplay[j] ].nTr;
					/* Remove any old stripping classes and then add the new one */
					$(nRow).removeClass( oSettings.asStripClasses.join(' ') );
					$(nRow).addClass( oSettings.asStripClasses[ iRowCount % iStrips ] );
					/* Custom row callback function - might want to manipule the row */
					if ( typeof oSettings.fnRowCallback == "function" )
						anRows[ iRowCount ] = oSettings.fnRowCallback( nRow, 
							oSettings.aoData[ oSettings.aiDisplay[j] ]._aData, iRowCount, j );
					anRows.push( nRow );
				/* Table is empty - create a row with an empty message in it */
				anRows[ 0 ] = document.createElement( 'tr' );
				if ( typeof oSettings.asStripClasses[0] != 'undefined' )
					anRows[ 0 ].className = oSettings.asStripClasses[0];
				var nTd = document.createElement( 'td' );
				nTd.setAttribute( 'valign', "top" );
				nTd.colSpan = oSettings.aoColumns.length;
				nTd.className = 'dataTables_empty';
				nTd.innerHTML = oSettings.oLanguage.sZeroRecords;
				anRows[ iRowCount ].appendChild( nTd );
			/* Callback the header and footer custom funcation if there is one */
			if ( typeof oSettings.fnHeaderCallback == 'function' )
				oSettings.fnHeaderCallback( $('thead tr', oSettings.nTable)[0], 
					_fnGetDataMaster( oSettings ), oSettings._iDisplayStart, oSettings._iDisplayEnd,
					oSettings.aiDisplay );
			if ( typeof oSettings.fnFooterCallback == 'function' )
				oSettings.fnFooterCallback( $('tfoot tr', oSettings.nTable)[0], 
					_fnGetDataMaster( oSettings ), oSettings._iDisplayStart, oSettings._iDisplayEnd,
					oSettings.aiDisplay );
			 * Need to remove any old row from the display - note we can't just empty the tbody using
			 * .html('') since this will unbind the jQuery event handlers (even although the node still
			 * exists!) - note the initially odd ':eq(0)>tr' expression. This basically ensures that we
			 * only get tr elements of the tbody that the data table has been initialised on. If there
			 * are nested tables then we don't want to remove those elements.
			var nTrs = $('tbody:eq(0)>tr', oSettings.nTable);
			for ( i=0 ; i<nTrs.length ; i++ )
				nTrs[i].parentNode.removeChild( nTrs[i] );
			/* Put the draw table into the dom */
			var nBody = $('tbody:eq(0)', oSettings.nTable);
			for ( i=0 ; i<anRows.length ; i++ )
				nBody[0].appendChild( anRows[i] );
			/* Update the pagination display buttons */
			if ( oSettings.oFeatures.bPaginate )
				$.fn.dataTableExt.oPagination[ oSettings.sPaginationType ].fnUpdate( oSettings, function( oSettings ) {
					_fnCalculateEnd( oSettings );
					_fnDraw( oSettings );
				} );
			/* Show information about the table */
			if ( oSettings.oFeatures.bInfo )
				/* Update the information */
				if ( oSettings.aiDisplay.length === 0 && 
					   oSettings.aiDisplay.length == oSettings.aiDisplayMaster.length )
					oSettings.nInfo.innerHTML = 
						oSettings.oLanguage.sInfoEmpty +' '+ oSettings.oLanguage.sInfoPostFix;
				else if ( oSettings.aiDisplay.length === 0 )
					oSettings.nInfo.innerHTML = oSettings.oLanguage.sInfoEmpty +' '+ 
							oSettings.fnRecordsTotal()) +' '+ oSettings.oLanguage.sInfoPostFix;
				else if ( oSettings.aiDisplay.length == oSettings.aiDisplayMaster.length )
					oSettings.nInfo.innerHTML = 
							replace('_TOTAL_',oSettings.fnRecordsDisplay()) +' '+ 
					oSettings.nInfo.innerHTML = 
							replace('_TOTAL_',oSettings.fnRecordsDisplay()) +' '+ 
						oSettings.oLanguage.sInfoFiltered.replace('_MAX_', oSettings.fnRecordsDisplay()) +' '+ 
			/* Alter the sorting classes to take account of the changes */
			if ( oSettings.oFeatures.bServerSide )
				_fnSortingClasses( oSettings );
			/* Save the table state on each draw */
			_fnSaveState( oSettings );
			/* Drawing is finished - call the callback if there is one */
			if ( typeof oSettings.fnDrawCallback == 'function' )
		 * Function: _fnReDraw
		 * Purpose:  Redraw the table - taking account of the various features which are enabled
		 * Returns:  -
		 * Inputs:   object:oSettings - dataTables settings object
		function _fnReDraw( oSettings )
			if ( oSettings.oFeatures.bSort )
				/* Sorting will refilter and draw for us */
				_fnSort( oSettings, oSettings.oPreviousSearch );
			else if ( oSettings.oFeatures.bFilter )
				/* Filtering will redraw for us */
				_fnFilterComplete( oSettings, oSettings.oPreviousSearch );
				_fnCalculateEnd( oSettings );
				_fnDraw( oSettings );
		 * Function: _fnAjaxUpdate
		 * Purpose:  Update the table using an Ajax call
		 * Returns:  bool: block the table drawing or not
		 * Inputs:   object:oSettings - dataTables settings object
		function _fnAjaxUpdate( oSettings )
			if ( oSettings.bAjaxDataGet )
				_fnProcessingDisplay( oSettings, true );
				var iColumns = oSettings.aoColumns.length;
				var aoData = [];
				var i;
				/* Paging and general */
				aoData.push( { "name": "iColumns",       "value": iColumns } );
				aoData.push( { "name": "iDisplayLength", "value": oSettings._iDisplayLength } );
				aoData.push( { "name": "iDisplayStart",  "value": oSettings._iDisplayStart } );
				/* Filtering */
				aoData.push( { "name": "sSearch",        "value": oSettings.oPreviousSearch.sSearch } );
				aoData.push( { "name": "bEscapeRegex",   "value": oSettings.oPreviousSearch.bEscapeRegex } );
				for ( i=0 ; i<iColumns ; i++ )
					aoData.push( { "name": "sSearch_"+i,      "value": oSettings.aoPreSearchCols[i].sSearch } );
					aoData.push( { "name": "bEscapeRegex_"+i, "value": oSettings.aoPreSearchCols[i].bEscapeRegex } );
				/* Sorting */
				aoData.push( { "name": "iSortingCols",  "value": oSettings.aaSorting.length } );
				for ( i=0 ; i<oSettings.aaSorting.length ; i++ )
					aoData.push( { "name": "iSortCol_"+i, "value": oSettings.aaSorting[i][0] } );
					aoData.push( { "name": "iSortDir_"+i, "value": oSettings.aaSorting[i][1] } );
				oSettings.fnServerData( oSettings.sAjaxSource, aoData, function(json) {
					_fnAjaxUpdateDraw( oSettings, json );
				} );
				return false;
				return true;
		 * Function: _fnAjaxUpdateDraw
		 * Purpose:  Data the data from the server (nuking the old) and redraw the table
		 * Returns:  -
		 * Inputs:   object:oSettings - dataTables settings object
		 *           object:json - json data return from the server. The following must be defined:
		 *  iTotalRecords, iTotalDisplayRecords, aaData
		function _fnAjaxUpdateDraw ( oSettings, json )
			_fnClearTable( oSettings );
			oSettings._iRecordsTotal = json.iTotalRecords;
			oSettings._iRecordsDisplay = json.iTotalDisplayRecords;
			for ( var i=0, iLen=json.aaData.length ; i<iLen ; i++ )
				_fnAddData( oSettings, json.aaData[i] );
			oSettings.aiDisplay = oSettings.aiDisplayMaster.slice();
			oSettings.bAjaxDataGet = false;
			_fnDraw( oSettings );
			oSettings.bAjaxDataGet = true;
			_fnProcessingDisplay( oSettings, false );
		/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
		 * Options (features) HTML
		 * Function: _fnAddOptionsHtml
		 * Purpose:  Add the options to the page HTML for the table
		 * Returns:  -
		 * Inputs:   object:oSettings - dataTables settings object
		function _fnAddOptionsHtml ( oSettings )
			 * Create a temporary, empty, div which we can later on replace with what we have generated
			 * we do it this way to rendering the 'options' html offline - speed :-)
			var nHolding = document.createElement( 'div' );
			oSettings.nTable.parentNode.insertBefore( nHolding, oSettings.nTable );
			 * All DataTables are wrapped in a div - this is not currently optional - backwards 
			 * compatability. It can be removed if you don't want it.
			var nWrapper = document.createElement( 'div' );
			nWrapper.className = "dataTables_wrapper";
			if ( oSettings.sTableId !== '' )
				nWrapper.setAttribute( 'id', oSettings.sTableId+'_wrapper' );
			/* Track where we want to insert the option */
			var nInsertNode = nWrapper;
			/* IE don't treat strings as arrays */
			var sDom = oSettings.sDomPositioning.split('');
			/* Loop over the user set positioning and place the elements as needed */
			for ( var i=0 ; i<sDom.length ; i++ )
				var cOption = sDom[i];
				if ( cOption == '<' )
					/* New container div */
					var nNewNode = document.createElement( 'div' );
					/* Check to see if we should append a class name to the container */
					var cNext = sDom[i+1];
					if ( cNext == "'" || cNext == '"' )
						var sClass = "";
						var j = 2;
						while ( sDom[i+j] != cNext )
							sClass += sDom[i+j];
						nNewNode.className = sClass;
						i += j; /* Move along the position array */
					nInsertNode.appendChild( nNewNode );
					nInsertNode = nNewNode;
				else if ( cOption == '>' )
					/* End container div */
					nInsertNode = nInsertNode.parentNode;
				else if ( cOption == 'l' && oSettings.oFeatures.bPaginate && oSettings.oFeatures.bLengthChange )
					/* Length */
					nInsertNode.appendChild( _fnFeatureHtmlLength( oSettings ) );
				else if ( cOption == 'f' && oSettings.oFeatures.bFilter )
					/* Filter */
					nInsertNode.appendChild( _fnFeatureHtmlFilter( oSettings ) );
				else if ( cOption == 'r' && oSettings.oFeatures.bProcessing )
					/* pRocessing */
					nInsertNode.appendChild( _fnFeatureHtmlProcessing( oSettings ) );
				else if ( cOption == 't' )
					/* Table */
					nInsertNode.appendChild( oSettings.nTable );
				else if ( cOption ==  'i' && oSettings.oFeatures.bInfo )
					/* Info */
					nInsertNode.appendChild( _fnFeatureHtmlInfo( oSettings ) );
				else if ( cOption == 'p' && oSettings.oFeatures.bPaginate )
					/* Pagination */
					nInsertNode.appendChild( _fnFeatureHtmlPaginate( oSettings ) );
			/* Built our DOM structure - replace the holding div with what we want */
			nHolding.parentNode.replaceChild( nWrapper, nHolding );
		 * Function: _fnFeatureHtmlFilter
		 * Purpose:  Generate the node required for filtering text
		 * Returns:  node
		 * Inputs:   object:oSettings - dataTables settings object
		function _fnFeatureHtmlFilter ( oSettings )
			var nFilter = document.createElement( 'div' );
			if ( oSettings.sTableId !== '' )
				nFilter.setAttribute( 'id', oSettings.sTableId+'_filter' );
			nFilter.className = "dataTables_filter";
			nFilter.innerHTML = oSettings.oLanguage.sSearch+' <input type="text" value="'+
				oSettings.oPreviousSearch.sSearch.replace('"','&quot;')+'" />';
			$("input", nFilter).keyup( function(e) {
				_fnFilterComplete( oSettings, { 
					"sSearch": this.value, 
					"bEscapeRegex": oSettings.oPreviousSearch.bEscapeRegex 
				} );
			} );
			return nFilter;
		 * Function: _fnFeatureHtmlInfo
		 * Purpose:  Generate the node required for the info display
		 * Returns:  node
		 * Inputs:   object:oSettings - dataTables settings object
		function _fnFeatureHtmlInfo ( oSettings )
			var nInfo = document.createElement( 'div' );
			oSettings.nInfo = nInfo;
			if ( oSettings.sTableId !== '' )
				oSettings.nInfo.setAttribute( 'id', oSettings.sTableId+'_info' );
			oSettings.nInfo.className = "dataTables_info";
			return nInfo;
		 * Function: _fnFeatureHtmlPaginate
		 * Purpose:  Generate the node required for default pagination
		 * Returns:  node
		 * Inputs:   object:oSettings - dataTables settings object
		function _fnFeatureHtmlPaginate ( oSettings )
			var nPaginate = document.createElement( 'div' );
			nPaginate.className = "dataTables_paginate";
			oSettings.nPaginate = nPaginate;
			$.fn.dataTableExt.oPagination[ oSettings.sPaginationType ].fnInit( oSettings, function( oSettings ) {
				_fnCalculateEnd( oSettings );
				_fnDraw( oSettings );
			} );
			return nPaginate;
		 * Function: _fnFeatureHtmlLength
		 * Purpose:  Generate the node required for user display length changing
		 * Returns:  node
		 * Inputs:   object:oSettings - dataTables settings object
		function _fnFeatureHtmlLength ( oSettings )
			/* This can be overruled by not using the _MENU_ var/macro in the language variable */
			var sName = (oSettings.sTableId === "") ? "" : 'name="'+oSettings.sTableId+'_length"';
			var sStdMenu = 
				'<select size="1" '+sName+'>'+
					'<option value="10">10</option>'+
					'<option value="25">25</option>'+
					'<option value="50">50</option>'+
					'<option value="100">100</option>'+
			var nLength = document.createElement( 'div' );
			if ( oSettings.sTableId !== '' )
				nLength.setAttribute( 'id', oSettings.sTableId+'_length' );
			nLength.className = "dataTables_length";
			nLength.innerHTML = oSettings.oLanguage.sLengthMenu.replace( '_MENU_', sStdMenu );
			 * Set the length to the current display length - thanks to Andrea Pavlovic for this fix,
			 * and Stefan Skopnik for fixing the fix!
			$('select option[value="'+oSettings._iDisplayLength+'"]',nLength).attr("selected",true);
			$('select', nLength).change( function(e) {
				oSettings._iDisplayLength = parseInt($(this).val(), 10);
				_fnCalculateEnd( oSettings );
				/* If we have space to show extra rows (backing up from the end point - then do so */
				if ( oSettings._iDisplayEnd == oSettings.aiDisplay.length )
					oSettings._iDisplayStart = oSettings._iDisplayEnd - oSettings._iDisplayLength;
					if ( oSettings._iDisplayStart < 0 )
						oSettings._iDisplayStart = 0;
				_fnDraw( oSettings );
			} );
			return nLength;
		 * Function: _fnFeatureHtmlProcessing
		 * Purpose:  Generate the node required for the processing node
		 * Returns:  node
		 * Inputs:   object:oSettings - dataTables settings object
		function _fnFeatureHtmlProcessing ( oSettings )
			var nProcessing = document.createElement( 'div' );
			oSettings.nProcessing = nProcessing;
			if ( oSettings.sTableId !== '' )
				oSettings.nProcessing.setAttribute( 'id', oSettings.sTableId+'_processing' );
			oSettings.nProcessing.appendChild( document.createTextNode( oSettings.oLanguage.sProcessing ) );
			oSettings.nProcessing.className = "dataTables_processing";
			oSettings.nProcessing.style.visibility = "hidden";
			oSettings.nTable.parentNode.insertBefore( oSettings.nProcessing, oSettings.nTable );
			return nProcessing;
		 * Function: _fnProcessingDisplay
		 * Purpose:  Display or hide the processing indicator
		 * Returns:  -
		 * Inputs:   object:oSettings - dataTables settings object
		 *           bool:
		 *   true - show the processing indicator
		 *   false - don't show
		function _fnProcessingDisplay ( oSettings, bShow )
			if ( oSettings.oFeatures.bProcessing )
				oSettings.nProcessing.style.visibility = bShow ? "visible" : "hidden";
		/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
		 * Filtering
		 * Function: _fnFilterComplete
		 * Purpose:  Filter the table using both the global filter and column based filtering
		 * Returns:  -
		 * Inputs:   object:oSettings - dataTables settings object
		 *           object:oSearch: search information
		 *           int:iForce - optional - force a research of the master array (1) or not (undefined or 0)
		function _fnFilterComplete ( oSettings, oInput, iForce )
			/* Filter on everything */
			_fnFilter( oSettings, oInput.sSearch, iForce, oInput.bEscapeRegex );
			/* Now do the individual column filter */
			for ( var i=0 ; i<oSettings.aoPreSearchCols.length ; i++ )
				_fnFilterColumn( oSettings, oSettings.aoPreSearchCols[i].sSearch, i, 
					oSettings.aoPreSearchCols[i].bEscapeRegex );
			/* Redraw the table */
			if ( typeof oSettings.iInitDisplayStart != 'undefined' && oSettings.iInitDisplayStart != -1 )
				oSettings._iDisplayStart = oSettings.iInitDisplayStart;
				oSettings.iInitDisplayStart = -1;
				oSettings._iDisplayStart = 0;
			_fnCalculateEnd( oSettings );
			_fnDraw( oSettings );
			/* Rebuild search array 'offline' */
			_fnBuildSearchArray( oSettings, 0 );
		 * Function: _fnFilterColumn
		 * Purpose:  Filter the table on a per-column basis
		 * Returns:  -
		 * Inputs:   object:oSettings - dataTables settings object
		 *           string:sInput - string to filter on
		 *           int:iColumn - column to filter
		 *           bool:bEscapeRegex - escape regex or not
		function _fnFilterColumn ( oSettings, sInput, iColumn, bEscapeRegex )
			if ( sInput === "" )
			var iIndexCorrector = 0;
			var sRegexMatch = bEscapeRegex ? _fnEscapeRegex( sInput ) : sInput;
			var rpSearch = new RegExp( sRegexMatch, "i" );
			for ( i=oSettings.aiDisplay.length-1 ; i>=0 ; i-- )
				if ( ! rpSearch.test( oSettings.aoData[ oSettings.aiDisplay[i] ]._aData[iColumn] ) )
					oSettings.aiDisplay.splice( i, 1 );
		 * Function: _fnFilter
		 * Purpose:  Filter the data table based on user input and draw the table
		 * Returns:  -
		 * Inputs:   object:oSettings - dataTables settings object
		 *           string:sInput - string to filter on
		 *           int:iForce - optional - force a research of the master array (1) or not (undefined or 0)
		 *           bool:bEscapeRegex - escape regex or not
		function _fnFilter( oSettings, sInput, iForce, bEscapeRegex )
			var flag, i, j;
			/* Check if we are forcing or not - optional parameter */
			if ( typeof iForce == 'undefined' || iForce === null )
				iForce = 0;
			/* Check if we are re-drawing or not - optional parameter */
			if ( typeof bRedraw == 'undefined' || bRedraw === null )
				bRedraw = true;
			/* Generate the regular expression to use. Something along the lines of:
			 * ^(?=.*?\bone\b)(?=.*?\btwo\b)(?=.*?\bthree\b).*$
			var asSearch = bEscapeRegex ?
				_fnEscapeRegex( sInput ).split( ' ' ) :
				sInput.split( ' ' );
			var sRegExpString = '^(?=.*?'+asSearch.join( ')(?=.*?' )+').*$';
			var rpSearch = new RegExp( sRegExpString, "i" ); /* case insensitive */
			 * If the input is blank - we want the full data set
			if ( sInput.length <= 0 )
				oSettings.aiDisplay.splice( 0, oSettings.aiDisplay.length);
				oSettings.aiDisplay = oSettings.aiDisplayMaster.slice();
				 * We are starting a new search or the new search string is smaller 
				 * then the old one (i.e. delete). Search from the master array
				if ( oSettings.aiDisplay.length == oSettings.aiDisplayMaster.length ||
					   oSettings.oPreviousSearch.sSearch.length > sInput.length || iForce == 1 )
					/* Nuke the old display array - we are going to rebuild it */
					oSettings.aiDisplay.splice( 0, oSettings.aiDisplay.length);
					/* Force a rebuild of the search array */
					_fnBuildSearchArray( oSettings, 1 );
					/* Search through all records to populate the search array
					 * The the oSettings.aiDisplayMaster and asDataSearch arrays have 1 to 1 
					 * mapping
					for ( i=0 ; i<oSettings.aiDisplayMaster.length ; i++ )
						if ( rpSearch.test(oSettings.asDataSearch[i]) )
							oSettings.aiDisplay.push( oSettings.aiDisplayMaster[i] );
			  	/* Using old search array - refine it - do it this way for speed
			  	 * Don't have to search the whole master array again
			  	var iIndexCorrector = 0;
			  	/* Search the current results */
			  	for ( i=0 ; i<oSettings.asDataSearch.length ; i++ )
			  		if ( ! rpSearch.test(oSettings.asDataSearch[i]) )
			  			oSettings.aiDisplay.splice( i-iIndexCorrector, 1 );
			oSettings.oPreviousSearch.sSearch = sInput;
			oSettings.oPreviousSearch.bEscapeRegex = bEscapeRegex;
		/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
		 * Sorting
	 	 * Function: _fnSort
		 * Purpose:  Change the order of the table
		 * Returns:  -
		 * Inputs:   object:oSettings - dataTables settings object
		 *           bool:bApplyClasses - optional - should we apply classes or not
		 * Notes:    We always sort the master array and then apply a filter again
		 *   if it is needed. This probably isn't optimal - but atm I can't think
		 *   of any other way which is (each has disadvantages)
		function _fnSort ( oSettings, bApplyClasses )
			 * Funny one this - we want to sort aiDisplayMaster - but according to aoData[]._aData
			 * function _fnSortText ( a, b )
			 * {
			 * 	var iTest;
			 * 	var oSort = $.fn.dataTableExt.oSort;
			 * 	iTest = oSort['string-asc']( aoData[ a ]._aData[ COL ], aoData[ b ]._aData[ COL ] );
			 * 	if ( iTest === 0 )
			 * 		...
			 * }
			/* Here is what we are looking to achieve here (custom sort functions add complication...)
			 * function _fnSortText ( a, b )
			 * {
			 * 	var iTest;
			 *  var oSort = $.fn.dataTableExt.oSort;
			 * 	iTest = oSort['string-asc']( a[0], b[0] );
			 * 	if ( iTest === 0 )
			 * 		iTest = oSort['string-asc']( a[1], b[1] );
			 * 		if ( iTest === 0 )
			 * 			iTest = oSort['string-asc']( a[2], b[2] );
			 * 	return iTest;
			 * }
			var sDynamicSort = "var fnLocalSorting = function(a,b){"+
				"var iTest;"+
				"var oSort = $.fn.dataTableExt.oSort;"+
				"var aoData = oSettings.aoData;";
			var aaSort = oSettings.aaSorting;
			var iDataSort;
			var iDataType;
			if ( aaSort.length !== 0 )
				if ( !window.runtime )
					for ( var i=0 ; i<aaSort.length-1 ; i++ )
						iDataSort = oSettings.aoColumns[ aaSort[i][0] ].iDataSort;
						iDataType = oSettings.aoColumns[ iDataSort ].sType;
						sDynamicSort += "iTest = oSort['"+iDataType+"-"+aaSort[i][1]+"']"+
							"( aoData[a]._aData["+iDataSort+"], aoData[b]._aData["+iDataSort+"] ); if ( iTest === 0 )";
					iDataSort = oSettings.aoColumns[ aaSort[aaSort.length-1][0] ].iDataSort;
					iDataType = oSettings.aoColumns[ iDataSort ].sType;
					sDynamicSort += "iTest = oSort['"+iDataType+"-"+aaSort[aaSort.length-1][1]+"']"+
						"( aoData[a]._aData["+iDataSort+"], aoData[b]._aData["+iDataSort+"] ); return iTest;}";
					/* The eval has to be done to a variable for IE */
					eval( sDynamicSort );
					oSettings.aiDisplayMaster.sort( fnLocalSorting );
					/* Support for Adobe AIR - AIR doesn't allow eval with a function */
			 		var oSort = $.fn.dataTableExt.oSort;
					iDataSort = oSettings.aoColumns[ aaSort[0][0] ].iDataSort;
					var sSort = oSettings.aoColumns[ iDataSort ].sType+'-'+aaSort[0][1];
					oSettings.aiDisplayMaster.sort( function (a,b) {
						return oSort[ sSort ]( oSettings.aoData[a]._aData[iDataSort], oSettings.aoData[b]._aData[iDataSort] );
					} );
			/* Alter the sorting classes to take account of the changes */
			if ( typeof bApplyClasses == 'undefined' || bApplyClasses )
				_fnSortingClasses( oSettings );
			/* Copy the master data into the draw array and re-draw */
			if ( oSettings.oFeatures.bFilter )
				/* _fnFilter() will redraw the table for us */
				_fnFilterComplete( oSettings, oSettings.oPreviousSearch, 1 );
				oSettings.aiDisplay = oSettings.aiDisplayMaster.slice();
				_fnCalculateEnd( oSettings );
				_fnDraw( oSettings );
		 * Function: _fnSortingClasses
		 * Purpose:  Set the sortting classes on the header
		 * Returns:  -
		 * Inputs:   object:oSettings - dataTables settings object
		function _fnSortingClasses( oSettings )
			$("thead th", oSettings.nTable).removeClass( "sorting_asc sorting_desc sorting" );
			var iCorrector = 0;
			var i;
			/* Apply the required classes to the header */
			for ( i=0 ; i<oSettings.aoColumns.length ; i++ )
				if ( oSettings.aoColumns[i].bSortable && oSettings.aoColumns[i].bVisible )
					var sClass = "sorting";
					for ( var j=0 ; j<oSettings.aaSorting.length ; j++ )
						if ( oSettings.aaSorting[j][0] == i )
							sClass = ( oSettings.aaSorting[j][1] == "asc" ) ?
								"sorting_asc" : "sorting_desc";
					$("thead th:eq("+_fnColumnIndexToVisible(oSettings, i)+")", oSettings.nTable).addClass( sClass );
			 * Apply the required classes to the table body
			 * Note that this is given as a feature switch since it can significantly slow down a sort
			 * on large data sets (adding and removing of classes is always slow at the best of times..)
			if ( oSettings.oFeatures.bSortClasses )
				var nTrs = _fnGetTrNodes( oSettings );
				$('td', nTrs).removeClass( 'sorting_1 sorting_2 sorting_3' );
				for ( i=0 ; i<oSettings.aaSorting.length ; i++ )
					/* Limit the number of classes to three */
					if ( i <= 1 )
						$('td:eq('+_fnColumnIndexToVisible(oSettings, oSettings.aaSorting[i][0])+')', 
							nTrs).addClass( 'sorting_'+(i+1) );
						$('td:eq('+_fnColumnIndexToVisible(oSettings, oSettings.aaSorting[i][0])+')', 
							nTrs).addClass( 'sorting_3' );
		 * Function: _fnVisibleToColumnIndex
		 * Purpose:  Covert the index of a visible column to the index in the data array (take account
		 *   of hidden columns)
		 * Returns:  int:i - the data index
		 * Inputs:   object:oSettings - dataTables settings object
		function _fnVisibleToColumnIndex( oSettings, iMatch )
			var iColumn = -1;
			for ( var i=0 ; i<oSettings.aoColumns.length ; i++ )
				if ( oSettings.aoColumns[i].bVisible === true )
				if ( iColumn == iMatch )
					return i;
			return null;
		 * Function: _fnColumnIndexToVisible
		 * Purpose:  Covert the index of an index in the data array and convert it to the visible
		 *   column index (take account of hidden columns)
		 * Returns:  int:i - the data index
		 * Inputs:   object:oSettings - dataTables settings object
		function _fnColumnIndexToVisible( oSettings, iMatch )
			var iVisible = -1;
			for ( var i=0 ; i<oSettings.aoColumns.length ; i++ )
				if ( oSettings.aoColumns[i].bVisible === true )
				if ( i == iMatch )
					return oSettings.aoColumns[i].bVisible === true ? iVisible : null;
			return null;
		 * Function: _fnVisbleColumns
		 * Purpose:  Get the number of visible columns
		 * Returns:  int:i - the number of visible columns
		 * Inputs:   object:oS - dataTables settings object
		function _fnVisbleColumns( oS )
			var iVis = 0;
			for ( var i=0 ; i<oS.aoColumns.length ; i++ )
				if ( oS.aoColumns[i].bVisible === true )
			return iVis;
		/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
		 * Support functions
		 * Function: _fnBuildSearchArray
		 * Purpose:  Create an array which can be quickly search through
		 * Returns:  -
		 * Inputs:   object:oSettings - dataTables settings object
		 *           int:iMaster - use the master data array - optional
		function _fnBuildSearchArray ( oSettings, iMaster )
			/* Clear out the old data */
			oSettings.asDataSearch.splice( 0, oSettings.asDataSearch.length );
			var aArray = (typeof iMaster != 'undefined' && iMaster == 1) ?
			 	oSettings.aiDisplayMaster : oSettings.aiDisplay;
			for ( i=0 ; i<aArray.length ; i++ )
				oSettings.asDataSearch[i] = '';
				for ( j=0 ; j<oSettings.aoColumns.length ; j++ )
					if ( oSettings.aoColumns[j].bSearchable )
						var sData = oSettings.aoData[ aArray[i] ]._aData[j];
						if ( oSettings.aoColumns[j].sType == "html" )
							oSettings.asDataSearch[i] += sData.replace(/\n/g," ").replace( /<.*?>/g, "" )+' ';
						else if ( typeof sData == "string" )
							oSettings.asDataSearch[i] += sData.replace(/\n/g," ")+' ';
							oSettings.asDataSearch[i] += sData+' ';
		 * Function: _fnCalculateEnd
		 * Purpose:  Rcalculate the end point based on the start point
		 * Returns:  -
		 * Inputs:   object:oSettings - dataTables settings object
		function _fnCalculateEnd( oSettings )
			if ( oSettings.oFeatures.bPaginate === false )
				oSettings._iDisplayEnd = oSettings.aiDisplay.length;
				/* Set the end point of the display - based on how many elements there are
				 * still to display
				if ( oSettings._iDisplayStart + oSettings._iDisplayLength > oSettings.aiDisplay.length )
					oSettings._iDisplayEnd = oSettings.aiDisplay.length;
					oSettings._iDisplayEnd = oSettings._iDisplayStart + oSettings._iDisplayLength;
		 * Function: _fnConvertToWidth
		 * Purpose:  Convert a CSS unit width to pixels (e.g. 2em)
		 * Returns:  int:iWidth - width in pixels
		 * Inputs:   string:sWidth - width to be converted
		 *           node:nParent - parent to get the with for (required for
		 *             relative widths) - optional
		function _fnConvertToWidth ( sWidth, nParent )
			if ( !sWidth || sWidth === null || sWidth === '' )
				return 0;
			if ( typeof nParent == "undefined" )
				nParent = document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0];
			var iWidth;
			var nTmp = document.createElement( "div" );
			nTmp.style.width = sWidth;
			nParent.appendChild( nTmp );
			iWidth = nTmp.offsetWidth;
			nParent.removeChild( nTmp );
			return ( iWidth );
		 * Function: _fnCalculateColumnWidths
		 * Purpose:  Calculate the width of columns for the table
		 * Returns:  -
		 * Inputs:   object:oSettings - dataTables settings object
		function _fnCalculateColumnWidths ( oSettings )
			var iTableWidth = oSettings.nTable.offsetWidth;
			var iTotalUserIpSize = 0;
			var iTmpWidth;
			var iVisibleColumns = 0;
			var i;
			var oHeaders = $('thead th', oSettings.nTable);
			/* Convert any user input sizes into pixel sizes */
			for ( i=0 ; i<oSettings.aoColumns.length ; i++ )
				if ( oSettings.aoColumns[i].bVisible )
					if ( oSettings.aoColumns[i].sWidth !== null )
						iTmpWidth = _fnConvertToWidth( oSettings.aoColumns[i].sWidth, 
							oSettings.nTable.parentNode );
						/* Total up the user defined widths for later calculations */
						iTotalUserIpSize += iTmpWidth;
						oSettings.aoColumns[i].sWidth = iTmpWidth+"px";
			/* If the number of columns in the DOM equals the number that we
			 * have to process in dataTables, then we can use the offsets that are
			 * created by the web-browser. No custom sizes can be set in order for
			 * this to happen
			if ( oSettings.aoColumns.length == oHeaders.length && iTotalUserIpSize === 0 )
				for ( i=0 ; i<oSettings.aoColumns.length ; i++ )
					oSettings.aoColumns[i].sWidth = oHeaders[i].offsetWidth+"px";
				/* Otherwise we are going to have to do some calculations to get
				 * the width of each column. Construct a 1 row table with the maximum
				 * string sizes in the data, and any user defined widths
				var nCalcTmp = oSettings.nTable.cloneNode( false );
				nCalcTmp.setAttribute( "id", '' );
				var sTableTmp = '<table class="'+nCalcTmp.className+'">';
				var sCalcHead = "<tr>";
				var sCalcHtml = "<tr>";
				/* Construct a tempory table which we will inject (invisibly) into
				 * the dom - to let the browser do all the hard word
				for ( i=0 ; i<oSettings.aoColumns.length ; i++ )
					if ( oSettings.aoColumns[i].bVisible )
						sCalcHead += '<th>'+oSettings.aoColumns[i].sTitle+'</th>';
						if ( oSettings.aoColumns[i].sWidth !== null )
							var sWidth = '';
							if ( oSettings.aoColumns[i].sWidth !== null )
								sWidth = ' style="width:'+oSettings.aoColumns[i].sWidth+';"';
							sCalcHtml += '<td'+sWidth+' tag_index="'+i+'">'+fnGetMaxLenString( oSettings, i)+'</td>';
							sCalcHtml += '<td tag_index="'+i+'">'+fnGetMaxLenString( oSettings, i)+'</td>';
				sCalcHead += "</tr>";
				sCalcHtml += "</tr>";
				/* Create the tmp table node (thank you jQuery) */
				nCalcTmp = $( sTableTmp + sCalcHead + sCalcHtml +'</table>' )[0];
				nCalcTmp.style.width = iTableWidth + "px";
				nCalcTmp.style.visibility = "hidden";
				nCalcTmp.style.position = "absolute"; /* Try to aviod scroll bar */
				oSettings.nTable.parentNode.appendChild( nCalcTmp );
				var oNodes = $("td", nCalcTmp);
				var iIndex;
				/* Gather in the browser calculated widths for the rows */
				for ( i=0 ; i<oNodes.length ; i++ )
					iIndex = oNodes[i].getAttribute('tag_index');
					oSettings.aoColumns[iIndex].sWidth = $("td", nCalcTmp)[i].offsetWidth +"px";
				oSettings.nTable.parentNode.removeChild( nCalcTmp );
		 * Function: fnGetMaxLenString
		 * Purpose:  Get the maximum strlen for each data column
		 * Returns:  string: - max strlens for each column
		 * Inputs:   object:oSettings - dataTables settings object
		 *           int:iCol - column of interest
		function fnGetMaxLenString( oSettings, iCol )
			var iMax = 0;
			var iMaxIndex = -1;
			for ( var i=0 ; i<oSettings.aoData.length ; i++ )
				if ( oSettings.aoData[i]._aData[iCol].length > iMax )
					iMax = oSettings.aoData[i]._aData[iCol].length;
					iMaxIndex = i;
			if ( iMaxIndex >= 0 )
				return oSettings.aoData[iMaxIndex]._aData[iCol];
			return '';
		 * Function: _fnArrayCmp
		 * Purpose:  Compare two arrays
		 * Returns:  0 if match, 1 if length is different, 2 if no match
		 * Inputs:   array:aArray1 - first array
		 *           array:aArray2 - second array
		function _fnArrayCmp( aArray1, aArray2 )
			if ( aArray1.length != aArray2.length )
				return 1;
			for ( var i=0 ; i<aArray1.length ; i++ )
				if ( aArray1[i] != aArray2[i] )
					return 2;
			return 0;
		 * Function: _fnDetectType
		 * Purpose:  Get the sort type based on an input string
		 * Returns:  string: - type (defaults to 'string' if no type can be detected)
		 * Inputs:   string:sData - data we wish to know the type of
		 * Notes:    This function makes use of the DataTables plugin objct $.fn.dataTableExt 
		 *   (.aTypes) such that new types can easily be added.
		function _fnDetectType( sData )
			var aTypes = $.fn.dataTableExt.aTypes;
			var iLen = aTypes.length;
			for ( var i=0 ; i<iLen ; i++ )
				var sType = aTypes[i]( sData );
				if ( sType !== null )
					return sType;
			return 'string';
		 * Function: _fnSettingsFromNode
		 * Purpose:  Return the settings object for a particular table
		 * Returns:  object: Settings object - or null if not found
		 * Inputs:   node:nTable - table we are using as a dataTable
		function _fnSettingsFromNode ( nTable )
			for ( var i=0 ; i<_aoSettings.length ; i++ )
				if ( _aoSettings[i].nTable == nTable )
					return _aoSettings[i];
			return null;
		 * Function: _fnGetDataMaster
		 * Purpose:  Return an array with the full table data
		 * Returns:  array array:aData - Master data array
		 * Inputs:   object:oSettings - dataTables settings object
		function _fnGetDataMaster ( oSettings )
			var aData = [];
			var iLen = oSettings.aoData.length;
			for ( var i=0 ; i<iLen; i++ )
				aData.push( oSettings.aoData[i]._aData );
			return aData;
		 * Function: _fnGetTrNodes
		 * Purpose:  Return an array with the TR nodes for the table
		 * Returns:  array array:aData - TR array
		 * Inputs:   object:oSettings - dataTables settings object
		function _fnGetTrNodes ( oSettings )
			var aNodes = [];
			var iLen = oSettings.aoData.length;
			for ( var i=0 ; i<iLen ; i++ )
				aNodes.push( oSettings.aoData[i].nTr );
			return aNodes;
		 * Function: _fnEscapeRegex
		 * Purpose:  scape a string stuch that it can be used in a regular expression
		 * Returns:  string: - escaped string
		 * Inputs:   string:sVal - string to escape
		function _fnEscapeRegex ( sVal )
			var acEscape = [ '/', '.', '*', '+', '?', '|', '(', ')', '[', ']', '{', '}', '\\' ];
		  var reReplace = new RegExp( '(\\' + acEscape.join('|\\') + ')', 'g' );
		  return sVal.replace(reReplace, '\\$1');
		 * Function: _fnClearTable
		 * Purpose:  Nuke the table
		 * Returns:  -
		 * Inputs:   object:oSettings - dataTables settings object
		function _fnClearTable( oSettings )
			oSettings.aoData.length = 0;
			oSettings.aiDisplayMaster.length = 0;
			oSettings.aiDisplay.length = 0;
			_fnCalculateEnd( oSettings );
		 * Function: _fnSaveState
		 * Purpose:  Save the state of a table in a cookie such that the page can be reloaded
		 * Returns:  -
		 * Inputs:   object:oSettings - dataTables settings object
		function _fnSaveState ( oSettings )
			if ( !oSettings.oFeatures.bStateSave )
			/* Store the interesting variables */
			var sValue = "{";
			sValue += '"iStart": '+oSettings._iDisplayStart+',';
			sValue += '"iEnd": '+oSettings._iDisplayEnd+',';
			sValue += '"iLength": '+oSettings._iDisplayLength+',';
			sValue += '"sFilter": "'+oSettings.oPreviousSearch.sSearch.replace('"','\\"')+'",';
			sValue += '"sFilterEsc": '+oSettings.oPreviousSearch.bEscapeRegex+',';
			sValue += '"aaSorting": [ ';
			for ( var i=0 ; i<oSettings.aaSorting.length ; i++ )
				sValue += "["+oSettings.aaSorting[i][0]+",'"+oSettings.aaSorting[i][1]+"'],";
			sValue = sValue.substring(0, sValue.length-1);
			sValue += "]}";
			_fnCreateCookie( "SpryMedia_DataTables_"+oSettings.sInstance, sValue, 
				oSettings.iCookieDuration );
		 * Function: _fnLoadState
		 * Purpose:  Attempt to load a saved table state from a cookie
		 * Returns:  -
		 * Inputs:   object:oSettings - dataTables settings object
		function _fnLoadState ( oSettings )
			if ( !oSettings.oFeatures.bStateSave )
			var sData = _fnReadCookie( "SpryMedia_DataTables_"+oSettings.sInstance );
			if ( sData !== null && sData !== '' )
				/* Try/catch the JSON eval - if it is bad then we ignore it */
					/* Use the JSON library for safety - if it is available */
					if ( typeof JSON == 'object' && typeof JSON.parse == 'function' )
						/* DT 1.4.0 used single quotes for a string - JSON.parse doesn't allow this and throws
						 * an error. So for now we can do this. This can be removed in future it is just to
						 * allow the tranfrer to 1.4.1+ to occur
						oData = JSON.parse( sData.replace(/'/g, '"') );
						oData = eval( '('+sData+')' );
				catch( e )
				/* Restore key features */
				oSettings._iDisplayStart = oData.iStart;
				oSettings.iInitDisplayStart = oData.iStart;
				oSettings._iDisplayEnd = oData.iEnd;
				oSettings._iDisplayLength = oData.iLength;
				oSettings.oPreviousSearch.sSearch = oData.sFilter;
				oSettings.aaSorting = oData.aaSorting.slice();
				/* Search filtering - global reference added in 1.4.1 */
				if ( typeof oData.sFilterEsc != 'undefined' )
					oSettings.oPreviousSearch.bEscapeRegex = oData.sFilterEsc;
		 * Function: _fnCreateCookie
		 * Purpose:  Create a new cookie with a value to store the state of a table
		 * Returns:  -
		 * Inputs:   string:sName - name of the cookie to create
		 *           string:sValue - the value the cookie should take
		 *           int:iSecs - duration of the cookie
		function _fnCreateCookie ( sName, sValue, iSecs )
			var date = new Date();
			date.setTime( date.getTime()+(iSecs*1000) );
			 * Shocking but true - it would appear IE has major issues with having the path being
			 * set to anything but root. We need the cookie to be available based on the path, so we
			 * have to append the pathname to the cookie name. Appalling.
			sName += '_'+window.location.pathname.replace(/[\/:]/g,"");
			document.cookie = sName+"="+sValue+"; expires="+date.toGMTString()+"; path=/";
		 * Function: _fnReadCookie
		 * Purpose:  Read an old cookie to get a cookie with an old table state
		 * Returns:  string: - contents of the cookie - or null if no cookie with that name found
		 * Inputs:   string:sName - name of the cookie to read
		function _fnReadCookie ( sName )
			var sNameEQ = sName +'_'+ window.location.pathname.replace(/[\/:]/g,"") + "=";
			var sCookieContents = document.cookie.split(';');
			for( var i=0 ; i<sCookieContents.length ; i++ )
				var c = sCookieContents[i];
				while (c.charAt(0)==' ')
					c = c.substring(1,c.length);
				if (c.indexOf(sNameEQ) === 0)
					return c.substring(sNameEQ.length,c.length);
			return null;
		/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
		 * API
		 * I'm not overly happy with this solution - I'd much rather that there was a way of getting
		 * a list of all the private functions and do what we need to dynamically - but that doesn't
		 * appear to be possible. Bonkers. A better solution would be to provide a 'bind' type object.
		if ( bApi )
			this.oApi._fnInitalise = _fnInitalise;
			this.oApi._fnLanguageProcess = _fnLanguageProcess;
			this.oApi._fnAddColumn = _fnAddColumn;
			this.oApi._fnAddData = _fnAddData;
			this.oApi._fnGatherData = _fnGatherData;
			this.oApi._fnDrawHead = _fnDrawHead;
			this.oApi._fnDraw = _fnDraw;
			this.oApi._fnAjaxUpdate = _fnAjaxUpdate;
			this.oApi._fnAddOptionsHtml = _fnAddOptionsHtml;
			this.oApi._fnFeatureHtmlFilter = _fnFeatureHtmlFilter;
			this.oApi._fnFeatureHtmlInfo = _fnFeatureHtmlInfo;
			this.oApi._fnFeatureHtmlPaginate = _fnFeatureHtmlPaginate;
			this.oApi._fnFeatureHtmlLength = _fnFeatureHtmlLength;
			this.oApi._fnFeatureHtmlProcessing = _fnFeatureHtmlProcessing;
			this.oApi._fnProcessingDisplay = _fnProcessingDisplay;
			this.oApi._fnFilterComplete = _fnFilterComplete;
			this.oApi._fnFilterColumn = _fnFilterColumn;
			this.oApi._fnFilter = _fnFilter;
			this.oApi._fnSortingClasses = _fnSortingClasses;
			this.oApi._fnVisibleToColumnIndex = _fnVisibleToColumnIndex;
			this.oApi._fnColumnIndexToVisible = _fnColumnIndexToVisible;
			this.oApi._fnVisbleColumns = _fnVisbleColumns;
			this.oApi._fnBuildSearchArray = _fnBuildSearchArray;
			this.oApi._fnCalculateEnd = _fnCalculateEnd;
			this.oApi._fnConvertToWidth = _fnConvertToWidth;
			this.oApi._fnCalculateColumnWidths = _fnCalculateColumnWidths;
			this.oApi._fnArrayCmp = _fnArrayCmp;
			this.oApi._fnDetectType = _fnDetectType;
			this.oApi._fnGetDataMaster = _fnGetDataMaster;
			this.oApi._fnGetTrNodes = _fnGetTrNodes;
			this.oApi._fnEscapeRegex = _fnEscapeRegex;
			this.oApi._fnClearTable = _fnClearTable;
			this.oApi._fnSaveState = _fnSaveState;
			this.oApi._fnLoadState = _fnLoadState;
			this.oApi._fnCreateCookie = _fnCreateCookie;
			this.oApi._fnReadCookie = _fnReadCookie;
		/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
		 * Constructor
		return this.each(function()
			/* Make a complete and independent copy of the settings object */
			var oSettings = new classSettings();
			_aoSettings.push( oSettings );
			var bInitHandedOff = false;
			var bUsePassedData = false;
			/* Set the id */
			var sId = this.getAttribute( 'id' );
			if ( sId !== null )
				oSettings.sTableId = sId;
				oSettings.sInstance = sId;
				oSettings.sInstance = $.fn.dataTableExt._oExternConfig.iNextUnique ++;
			/* Set the table node */
			oSettings.nTable = this;
			/* Store the features that we have available */
			if ( typeof oInit != 'undefined' && oInit !== null )
				if ( typeof oInit.bPaginate != 'undefined' ) {
					oSettings.oFeatures.bPaginate = oInit.bPaginate;
				if ( typeof oInit.bLengthChange != 'undefined' ) {
					oSettings.oFeatures.bLengthChange = oInit.bLengthChange;
				if ( typeof oInit.bFilter != 'undefined' ) {
					oSettings.oFeatures.bFilter = oInit.bFilter;
				if ( typeof oInit.bSort != 'undefined' ) {
					oSettings.oFeatures.bSort = oInit.bSort;
				if ( typeof oInit.bInfo != 'undefined' ) {
					oSettings.oFeatures.bInfo = oInit.bInfo;
				if ( typeof oInit.bProcessing != 'undefined' ) {
					oSettings.oFeatures.bProcessing = oInit.bProcessing;
				if ( typeof oInit.bAutoWidth != 'undefined' ) {
					oSettings.oFeatures.bAutoWidth = oInit.bAutoWidth;
				if ( typeof oInit.bSortClasses != 'undefined' ) {
					oSettings.oFeatures.bSortClasses = oInit.bSortClasses;
				if ( typeof oInit.bServerSide != 'undefined' ) {
					oSettings.oFeatures.bServerSide = oInit.bServerSide;
				if ( typeof oInit.aaData != 'undefined' ) {
					bUsePassedData = true;
				if ( typeof oInit._iDisplayLength != 'undefined' ) {
					oSettings._iDisplayLength = oInit._iDisplayLength;
				if ( typeof oInit.asStripClasses != 'undefined' ) {
					oSettings.asStripClasses = oInit.asStripClasses;
				if ( typeof oInit.fnRowCallback != 'undefined' ) {
					oSettings.fnRowCallback = oInit.fnRowCallback;
				if ( typeof oInit.fnHeaderCallback != 'undefined' ) {
					oSettings.fnHeaderCallback = oInit.fnHeaderCallback;
				if ( typeof oInit.fnFooterCallback != 'undefined' ) {
					oSettings.fnFooterCallback = oInit.fnFooterCallback;
				if ( typeof oInit.fnDrawCallback != 'undefined' ) {
					oSettings.fnDrawCallback = oInit.fnDrawCallback;
				if ( typeof oInit.fnInitComplete != 'undefined' ) {
					oSettings.fnInitComplete = oInit.fnInitComplete;
				if ( typeof oInit.fnServerData != 'undefined' ) {
					oSettings.fnServerData = oInit.fnServerData;
				if ( typeof oInit.aaSorting != 'undefined' ) {
					oSettings.aaSorting = oInit.aaSorting;
				if ( typeof oInit.sPaginationType != 'undefined' ) {
					oSettings.sPaginationType = oInit.sPaginationType;
				if ( typeof oInit.sDom != 'undefined' ) {
					oSettings.sDomPositioning = oInit.sDom;
				if ( typeof oInit.sAjaxSource != 'undefined' ) {
					oSettings.sAjaxSource = oInit.sAjaxSource;
				if ( typeof oInit.iCookieDuration != 'undefined' ) {
					oSettings.iCookieDuration = oInit.iCookieDuration;
				/* Must be done after everything which can be overridden by a cookie! */
				if ( typeof oInit.bStateSave != 'undefined' )
					oSettings.oFeatures.bStateSave = oInit.bStateSave;
					_fnLoadState( oSettings );
				/* Backwards compatability */
				/* aoColumns / aoData - remove at some point... */
				if ( typeof oInit != 'undefined' && typeof oInit.aoData != 'undefined' )
					oInit.aoColumns = oInit.aoData;
				/* Language definitions */
				if ( typeof oInit.oLanguage != 'undefined' )
					if ( typeof oInit.oLanguage.sUrl != 'undefined' )
						/* Get the language definitions from a file */
						oSettings.oLanguage.sUrl = oInit.oLanguage.sUrl;
						$.getJSON( oSettings.oLanguage.sUrl, null, function( json ) { 
							_fnLanguageProcess( oSettings, json, true ); } );
						bInitHandedOff = true;
						_fnLanguageProcess( oSettings, oInit.oLanguage, false );
				/* Warning: The _fnLanguageProcess function is async to the remainder of this function due
				 * to the XHR. We use _bInitialised in _fnLanguageProcess() to check this the processing 
				 * below is complete. The reason for spliting it like this is optimisation - we can fire
				 * off the XHR (if needed) and then continue processing the data.
			/* See if we should load columns automatically or use defined ones */
			if ( typeof oInit != 'undefined' && typeof oInit.aoColumns != 'undefined' )
				for ( var i=0 ; i<oInit.aoColumns.length ; i++ )
					_fnAddColumn( oSettings, oInit.aoColumns[i] );
				$('thead th', this).each( function() { _fnAddColumn( oSettings, null ); } );
			/* Sanity check that there is a thead and tfoot. If not let's just create them */
			if ( this.getElementsByTagName('thead').length === 0 )
				this.appendChild( document.createElement( 'thead' ) );
			if ( this.getElementsByTagName('tbody').length === 0 )
				this.appendChild( document.createElement( 'tbody' ) );
			/* Check if there is data passing into the constructor */
			if ( bUsePassedData )
				for ( var j=0 ; j<oInit.aaData.length ; j++ )
					_fnAddData( oSettings, oInit.aaData[ j ] );
				/* Grab the data from the page */
				_fnGatherData( oSettings );
			/* Copy the data index array */
			oSettings.aiDisplay = oSettings.aiDisplayMaster.slice();
			/* Calculate sizes for columns */
			if ( oSettings.oFeatures.bAutoWidth )
				_fnCalculateColumnWidths( oSettings );
			/* Initialisation complete - table can be drawn */
			oSettings.bInitialised = true;
			/* Check if we need to initialise the table (it might not have been handed off to the
			 * language processor)
			if ( bInitHandedOff === false )
				_fnInitalise( oSettings );