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        function back() {
            var whereCuz1 = "";
            var startDate = "";
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                if (startDate.length > 0 && endDate.length > 0) {
                    var strStartDate = convertDate(__condition$startDate.value);
                    var strEndDate = convertDate(__condition$endDate.value);
//                    whereCuz1 += "(dateid between '" + strStartDate + "' and '" + strEndDate + "')";
                    whereCuz1 += "employeeid IN (select employeeid from mempl_pvf where registerdate BETWEEN '" + strStartDate + "' and '" +  strEndDate + "')"
                } else {
                    alert(" กรุณากรอกวันที่ ...");

            with (window.opener.document.cscform) {
                if (startDate.length > 0) {
                    __startDate.value = startDate;
                    __endDate.value = endDate;
                    __fixfiltermemployee.value = whereCuz1;


        function convertDate(date) {
            var tempDate = date.split("-");
            return tempDate[2] + "-" + tempDate[1] + "-" + tempDate[0];


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                                               onKeyUp="formatDate(this)" maxlength="10" size="10"
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