<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <title>Barchart Data</title>
    <author>Gretchen Moran</author>  
    <description>Return the variance between headcount actual and budget for every department</description>  


    <query_result type="result-set"/>

  <!-- Define an input called 'REGION'. This will be passed in when the user clicks on a slice of the pie chart -->  
  <!-- Define an output called 'rule-result' -->  
  <!-- This action sequence does not require any external resources -->  
        <catalog type="resource" mapping="catalog1"/>
        <query-results type="result-set" mapping="query_result"/>
        <query><![CDATA[select {[Product].[All Products].[Classic Cars], [Product].[All Products].[Motorcycles], [Product].[All Products].[Planes], [Product].[All Products].[Ships], [Product].[All Products].[Trains], [Product].[All Products].[Trucks and Buses], [Product].[All Products].[Vintage Cars]} ON COLUMNS,
  {[Markets].[All Markets].[APAC], [Markets].[All Markets].[EMEA], [Markets].[All Markets].[Japan], [Markets].[All Markets].[NA]} ON ROWS
from [SteelWheelsSales]
where ([Measures].[Sales], [Time].[All Years])]]></query>
