<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <dodsConf> <!-- ======================================================================================= DODS MSQL database vendor configuration file. ======================================================================================== --> <!-- The Database type and JDBC type used to store ObjectId's --> <OidDbType>DECIMAL (19,0)</OidDbType> <OidJdbcType>BigDecimal</OidJdbcType> <!-- The OidDbColumnName, VersionDbColumnName are used for generating the SQL CREATE TABLE statements in the create_tables.sql and <classname>SQL.sql files --> <OidDbColumnName>oid</OidDbColumnName> <VersionDbColumnName>version</VersionDbColumnName> <!-- Some vendors support the ON DELETE CASCADE row attribute. So if DODS generates .sql files containing the following table definitions: create table dept ( deptid INT ); create table employee ( deptid INT REFERENCES(dept) ON DELETE CASCADE ); then deleting a dept row will cause the deletion of employee rows which refer to that dept. This saves having to write the most common of database triggers. --> <DeleteCascade>false</DeleteCascade> <!-- Some vendors support named referential constraints. So if DODS generates .sql files containing the following table definitions: create table dept ( deptid INT ); create table employee ( deptid INT CONSTRAINT emp_refs_dept REFERENCES(dept) ); then if an employee row is committed with an invalid deptid the error will report a problem with constraint 'emp_refs_dept' rather than some unhelpful constraint name chosen by the database. --> <NamedConstraint>false</NamedConstraint> <!-- ConstraintNameLength is maximux lengt of Constraint Name supported by database engine. --> <ConstraintNameLength></ConstraintNameLength> <!-- The StringQuoteCharacter was added by Chris Ryan (cryan@plugged.net.au). There does not appear to be a standard string quote character amongst the DB vendors. Most appear to support ["] but Sybase really objects to this. It requires [']. --> <StringQuoteCharacter>'</StringQuoteCharacter> <CommentStart>/*</CommentStart> <CommentEnd>*/</CommentEnd> <!-- Like and Wildcard support. Note: To disable adding wildcard escape clause in generated SQL query statments set <WildcardEscapeClause>none</WildcardEscapeClause> --> <LikeKeyword>LIKE</LikeKeyword> <Wildcard>%</Wildcard> <SingleWildcard>_</SingleWildcard> <SingleWildcardEscape>§</SingleWildcardEscape> <WildcardEscape>§</WildcardEscape> <WildcardEscapeClause>ESCAPE '§'</WildcardEscapeClause> <!-- Driver specific propertys For msjdbc driver: - UseCursorName (true/false) enable/disable cursor naming - OrderedResultSet (oldStyle/withPrefix/noPrefix) disable/prefixColumnWithTable/onlyColumnName reading column ordering - DisableFetchSizeWithMaxRows (true/false) - ResultSetType - a result set type; one of TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY, TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE, or TYPE_SCROLL_SENSITIVE - ResultSetConcurrency - a concurrency type; one of CONCUR_READ_ONLY or CONCUR_UPDATABLE --> <Drivers> <com.microsoft.jdbc.sqlserver.SQLServerDriver> <UseCursorName>false</UseCursorName> <OrderedResultSet>withPrefix</OrderedResultSet> <ResultSetType>TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY</ResultSetType> <ResultSetConcurrency>CONCUR_READ_ONLY</ResultSetConcurrency> </com.microsoft.jdbc.sqlserver.SQLServerDriver> <com.newatlanta.jturbo.driver.Driver> <DisableFetchSizeWithMaxRows>true</DisableFetchSizeWithMaxRows> </com.newatlanta.jturbo.driver.Driver> </Drivers> <!-- Here we map JDBC types to vendor-specific data types. For almost all vendors, the JDBC types BIT, TINYINT, SMALLINT and BIGINT are mapped to the data type INTEGER. For most vendors, these types are actually INTEGER. The following entries can be changed to impose size restrictions. For example, to specify an actual size for a TINYINT, make the change: Database.JDBCtype.TINYINT.Oracle= "DECIMAL(4,0)" Note that the "set" methods in the DO classes generated by DODS do not test for size restrictions on integer values. So, altering the mappings here requires additional range checking in the business logic of the classes using the DOs. --> <JDBCtype> <BIT>tinyint</BIT> <TINYINT>tinyint</TINYINT> <SMALLINT>smallint</SMALLINT> <INTEGER>INTEGER</INTEGER> <BIGINT>INTEGER</BIGINT> <REAL>REAL</REAL> <FLOAT>FLOAT</FLOAT> <DOUBLE>FLOAT</DOUBLE> <NUMERIC>NUMERIC</NUMERIC> <DECIMAL>DECIMAL</DECIMAL> <CHAR>CHAR</CHAR> <VARCHAR>VARCHAR</VARCHAR> <LONGVARCHAR>TEXT</LONGVARCHAR> <BINARY>BINARY</BINARY> <VARBINARY>VARBINARY</VARBINARY> <LONGVARBINARY>IMAGE</LONGVARBINARY> <DATE>smalldatetime</DATE> <TIME>DATETIME</TIME> <TIMESTAMP>DATETIME</TIMESTAMP> </JDBCtype> </dodsConf>