/** * @license Highcharts JS v6.0.4 (2017-12-15) * Client side exporting module * * (c) 2015 Torstein Honsi / Oystein Moseng * * License: www.highcharts.com/license */ 'use strict'; (function(factory) { if (typeof module === 'object' && module.exports) { module.exports = factory; } else { factory(Highcharts); } }(function(Highcharts) { (function(Highcharts) { /** * Client side exporting module * * (c) 2015 Torstein Honsi / Oystein Moseng * * License: www.highcharts.com/license */ /* global MSBlobBuilder */ var merge = Highcharts.merge, win = Highcharts.win, nav = win.navigator, doc = win.document, each = Highcharts.each, domurl = win.URL || win.webkitURL || win, isMSBrowser = /Edge\/|Trident\/|MSIE /.test(nav.userAgent), isEdgeBrowser = /Edge\/\d+/.test(nav.userAgent), // Milliseconds to defer image load event handlers to offset IE bug loadEventDeferDelay = isMSBrowser ? 150 : 0; // Dummy object so we can reuse our canvas-tools.js without errors Highcharts.CanVGRenderer = {}; /** * Downloads a script and executes a callback when done. * @param {String} scriptLocation * @param {Function} callback */ function getScript(scriptLocation, callback) { var head = doc.getElementsByTagName('head')[0], script = doc.createElement('script'); script.type = 'text/javascript'; script.src = scriptLocation; script.onload = callback; script.onerror = function() { Highcharts.error('Error loading script ' + scriptLocation); }; head.appendChild(script); } // Convert dataURL to Blob if supported, otherwise returns undefined Highcharts.dataURLtoBlob = function(dataURL) { if ( win.atob && win.ArrayBuffer && win.Uint8Array && win.Blob && domurl.createObjectURL ) { // Try to convert data URL to Blob var parts = dataURL.match(/data:([^;]*)(;base64)?,([0-9A-Za-z+/]+)/), binStr = win.atob(parts[3]), // Assume base64 encoding buf = new win.ArrayBuffer(binStr.length), binary = new win.Uint8Array(buf), blob; for (var i = 0; i < binary.length; ++i) { binary[i] = binStr.charCodeAt(i); } blob = new win.Blob([binary], { 'type': parts[1] }); return domurl.createObjectURL(blob); } }; // Download contents by dataURL/blob Highcharts.downloadURL = function(dataURL, filename) { var a = doc.createElement('a'), windowRef; // IE specific blob implementation // Don't use for normal dataURLs if ( typeof dataURL !== 'string' && !(dataURL instanceof String) && nav.msSaveOrOpenBlob ) { nav.msSaveOrOpenBlob(dataURL, filename); return; } // Some browsers have limitations for data URL lengths. Try to convert to // Blob or fall back. Edge always needs that blob. if (isEdgeBrowser || dataURL.length > 2000000) { dataURL = Highcharts.dataURLtoBlob(dataURL); if (!dataURL) { throw 'Data URL length limit reached'; } } // Try HTML5 download attr if supported if (a.download !== undefined) { a.href = dataURL; a.download = filename; // HTML5 download attribute doc.body.appendChild(a); a.click(); doc.body.removeChild(a); } else { // No download attr, just opening data URI try { windowRef = win.open(dataURL, 'chart'); if (windowRef === undefined || windowRef === null) { throw 'Failed to open window'; } } catch (e) { // window.open failed, trying location.href win.location.href = dataURL; } } }; // Get blob URL from SVG code. Falls back to normal data URI. Highcharts.svgToDataUrl = function(svg) { // Webkit and not chrome var webKit = ( nav.userAgent.indexOf('WebKit') > -1 && nav.userAgent.indexOf('Chrome') < 0 ); try { // Safari requires data URI since it doesn't allow navigation to blob // URLs. Firefox has an issue with Blobs and internal references, // leading to gradients not working using Blobs (#4550) if (!webKit && nav.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf('firefox') < 0) { return domurl.createObjectURL(new win.Blob([svg], { type: 'image/svg+xml;charset-utf-16' })); } } catch (e) { // Ignore } return 'data:image/svg+xml;charset=UTF-8,' + encodeURIComponent(svg); }; // Get data:URL from image URL // Pass in callbacks to handle results. finallyCallback is always called at the // end of the process. Supplying this callback is optional. All callbacks // receive four arguments: imageURL, imageType, callbackArgs and scale. // callbackArgs is used only by callbacks and can contain whatever. Highcharts.imageToDataUrl = function( imageURL, imageType, callbackArgs, scale, successCallback, taintedCallback, noCanvasSupportCallback, failedLoadCallback, finallyCallback ) { var img = new win.Image(), taintedHandler, loadHandler = function() { setTimeout(function() { var canvas = doc.createElement('canvas'), ctx = canvas.getContext && canvas.getContext('2d'), dataURL; try { if (!ctx) { noCanvasSupportCallback( imageURL, imageType, callbackArgs, scale ); } else { canvas.height = img.height * scale; canvas.width = img.width * scale; ctx.drawImage(img, 0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height); // Now we try to get the contents of the canvas. try { dataURL = canvas.toDataURL(imageType); successCallback( dataURL, imageType, callbackArgs, scale ); } catch (e) { taintedHandler( imageURL, imageType, callbackArgs, scale ); } } } finally { if (finallyCallback) { finallyCallback( imageURL, imageType, callbackArgs, scale ); } } // IE bug where image is not always ready despite calling load // event. }, loadEventDeferDelay); }, // Image load failed (e.g. invalid URL) errorHandler = function() { failedLoadCallback(imageURL, imageType, callbackArgs, scale); if (finallyCallback) { finallyCallback(imageURL, imageType, callbackArgs, scale); } }; // This is called on load if the image drawing to canvas failed with a // security error. We retry the drawing with crossOrigin set to Anonymous. taintedHandler = function() { img = new win.Image(); taintedHandler = taintedCallback; // Must be set prior to loading image source img.crossOrigin = 'Anonymous'; img.onload = loadHandler; img.onerror = errorHandler; img.src = imageURL; }; img.onload = loadHandler; img.onerror = errorHandler; img.src = imageURL; }; /** * Get data URL to an image of an SVG and call download on it * * options object: * - filename: Name of resulting downloaded file without extension * - type: File type of resulting download * - scale: Scaling factor of downloaded image compared to source * - libURL: URL pointing to location of dependency scripts to download on * demand */ Highcharts.downloadSVGLocal = function( svg, options, failCallback, successCallback ) { var svgurl, blob, objectURLRevoke = true, finallyHandler, libURL = options.libURL || Highcharts.getOptions().exporting.libURL, dummySVGContainer = doc.createElement('div'), imageType = options.type || 'image/png', filename = ( (options.filename || 'chart') + '.' + (imageType === 'image/svg+xml' ? 'svg' : imageType.split('/')[1]) ), scale = options.scale || 1; // Allow libURL to end with or without fordward slash libURL = libURL.slice(-1) !== '/' ? libURL + '/' : libURL; function svgToPdf(svgElement, margin) { var width = svgElement.width.baseVal.value + 2 * margin, height = svgElement.height.baseVal.value + 2 * margin, pdf = new win.jsPDF( // eslint-disable-line new-cap 'l', 'pt', [width, height] ); // Workaround for #7090, hidden elements were drawn anyway. It comes // down to https://github.com/yWorks/svg2pdf.js/issues/28. Check this // later. each( svgElement.querySelectorAll('*[visibility="hidden"]'), function(node) { node.parentNode.removeChild(node); } ); win.svg2pdf(svgElement, pdf, { removeInvalid: true }); return pdf.output('datauristring'); } function downloadPDF() { dummySVGContainer.innerHTML = svg; var textElements = dummySVGContainer.getElementsByTagName('text'), titleElements, svgData, svgElementStyle = dummySVGContainer .getElementsByTagName('svg')[0].style; // Workaround for the text styling. Making sure it does pick up the root // element each(textElements, function(el) { // Workaround for the text styling. making sure it does pick up the // root element each(['font-family', 'font-size'], function(property) { if (!el.style[property] && svgElementStyle[property]) { el.style[property] = svgElementStyle[property]; } }); el.style['font-family'] = ( el.style['font-family'] && el.style['font-family'].split(' ').splice(-1) ); // Workaround for plotband with width, removing title from text // nodes titleElements = el.getElementsByTagName('title'); each(titleElements, function(titleElement) { el.removeChild(titleElement); }); }); svgData = svgToPdf(dummySVGContainer.firstChild, 0); try { Highcharts.downloadURL(svgData, filename); if (successCallback) { successCallback(); } } catch (e) { failCallback(); } } // Initiate download depending on file type if (imageType === 'image/svg+xml') { // SVG download. In this case, we want to use Microsoft specific Blob if // available try { if (nav.msSaveOrOpenBlob) { blob = new MSBlobBuilder(); blob.append(svg); svgurl = blob.getBlob('image/svg+xml'); } else { svgurl = Highcharts.svgToDataUrl(svg); } Highcharts.downloadURL(svgurl, filename); if (successCallback) { successCallback(); } } catch (e) { failCallback(); } } else if (imageType === 'application/pdf') { if (win.jsPDF && win.svg2pdf) { downloadPDF(); } else { // Must load pdf libraries first. // Don't destroy the object URL // yet since we are doing things asynchronously. A cleaner solution // would be nice, but this will do for now. objectURLRevoke = true; getScript(libURL + 'jspdf.js', function() { getScript(libURL + 'svg2pdf.js', function() { downloadPDF(); }); }); } } else { // PNG/JPEG download - create bitmap from SVG svgurl = Highcharts.svgToDataUrl(svg); finallyHandler = function() { try { domurl.revokeObjectURL(svgurl); } catch (e) { // Ignore } }; // First, try to get PNG by rendering on canvas Highcharts.imageToDataUrl( svgurl, imageType, { /* args */ }, scale, function(imageURL) { // Success try { Highcharts.downloadURL(imageURL, filename); if (successCallback) { successCallback(); } } catch (e) { failCallback(); } }, function() { // Failed due to tainted canvas // Create new and untainted canvas var canvas = doc.createElement('canvas'), ctx = canvas.getContext('2d'), imageWidth = svg.match( /^<svg[^>]*width\s*=\s*\"?(\d+)\"?[^>]*>/ )[1] * scale, imageHeight = svg.match( /^<svg[^>]*height\s*=\s*\"?(\d+)\"?[^>]*>/ )[1] * scale, downloadWithCanVG = function() { ctx.drawSvg(svg, 0, 0, imageWidth, imageHeight); try { Highcharts.downloadURL( nav.msSaveOrOpenBlob ? canvas.msToBlob() : canvas.toDataURL(imageType), filename ); if (successCallback) { successCallback(); } } catch (e) { failCallback(); } finally { finallyHandler(); } }; canvas.width = imageWidth; canvas.height = imageHeight; if (win.canvg) { // Use preloaded canvg downloadWithCanVG(); } else { // Must load canVG first. // Don't destroy the object URL // yet since we are doing things asynchronously. A cleaner // solution would be nice, but this will do for now. objectURLRevoke = true; // Get RGBColor.js first, then canvg getScript(libURL + 'rgbcolor.js', function() { getScript(libURL + 'canvg.js', function() { downloadWithCanVG(); }); }); } }, // No canvas support failCallback, // Failed to load image failCallback, // Finally function() { if (objectURLRevoke) { finallyHandler(); } } ); } }; // Get SVG of chart prepared for client side export. This converts embedded // images in the SVG to data URIs. The options and chartOptions arguments are // passed to the getSVGForExport function. Highcharts.Chart.prototype.getSVGForLocalExport = function( options, chartOptions, failCallback, successCallback ) { var chart = this, images, imagesEmbedded = 0, chartCopyContainer, chartCopyOptions, el, i, l, // After grabbing the SVG of the chart's copy container we need to do // sanitation on the SVG sanitize = function(svg) { return chart.sanitizeSVG(svg, chartCopyOptions); }, // Success handler, we converted image to base64! embeddedSuccess = function(imageURL, imageType, callbackArgs) { ++imagesEmbedded; // Change image href in chart copy callbackArgs.imageElement.setAttributeNS( 'http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink', 'href', imageURL ); // When done with last image we have our SVG if (imagesEmbedded === images.length) { successCallback(sanitize(chartCopyContainer.innerHTML)); } }; // Hook into getSVG to get a copy of the chart copy's container Highcharts.wrap( Highcharts.Chart.prototype, 'getChartHTML', function(proceed) { var ret = proceed.apply( this, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1) ); chartCopyOptions = this.options; chartCopyContainer = this.container.cloneNode(true); return ret; } ); // Trigger hook to get chart copy chart.getSVGForExport(options, chartOptions); images = chartCopyContainer.getElementsByTagName('image'); try { // If there are no images to embed, the SVG is okay now. if (!images.length) { // Use SVG of chart copy successCallback(sanitize(chartCopyContainer.innerHTML)); return; } // Go through the images we want to embed for (i = 0, l = images.length; i < l; ++i) { el = images[i]; Highcharts.imageToDataUrl(el.getAttributeNS( 'http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink', 'href' ), 'image/png', { imageElement: el }, options.scale, embeddedSuccess, // Tainted canvas failCallback, // No canvas support failCallback, // Failed to load source failCallback ); } } catch (e) { failCallback(); } }; /** * Exporting and offline-exporting modules required. Export a chart to an image * locally in the user's browser. * * @param {Object} exportingOptions * Exporting options, the same as in {@link * Highcharts.Chart#exportChart}. * @param {Options} chartOptions * Additional chart options for the exported chart. For example a * different background color can be added here, or `dataLabels` * for export only. */ Highcharts.Chart.prototype.exportChartLocal = function( exportingOptions, chartOptions ) { var chart = this, options = Highcharts.merge(chart.options.exporting, exportingOptions), fallbackToExportServer = function() { if (options.fallbackToExportServer === false) { if (options.error) { options.error(options); } else { throw 'Fallback to export server disabled'; } } else { chart.exportChart(options); } }, svgSuccess = function(svg) { // If SVG contains foreignObjects all exports except SVG will fail, // as both CanVG and svg2pdf choke on this. Gracefully fall back. if ( svg.indexOf('<foreignObject') > -1 && options.type !== 'image/svg+xml' ) { fallbackToExportServer(); } else { Highcharts.downloadSVGLocal( svg, options, fallbackToExportServer ); } }; // If we are on IE and in styled mode, add a whitelist to the renderer for // inline styles that we want to pass through. There are so many styles by // default in IE that we don't want to blacklist them all. // Always fall back on: // - MS browsers: Embedded images JPEG/PNG, or any PDF // - Embedded images and PDF if ( ( isMSBrowser && ( options.type === 'application/pdf' || chart.container.getElementsByTagName('image').length && options.type !== 'image/svg+xml' ) ) || ( options.type === 'application/pdf' && chart.container.getElementsByTagName('image').length ) ) { fallbackToExportServer(); return; } chart.getSVGForLocalExport( options, chartOptions, fallbackToExportServer, svgSuccess ); }; // Extend the default options to use the local exporter logic merge(true, Highcharts.getOptions().exporting, { libURL: 'https://code.highcharts.com/6.0.4/lib/', // When offline-exporting is loaded, redefine the menu item definitions // related to download. menuItemDefinitions: { downloadPNG: { textKey: 'downloadPNG', onclick: function() { this.exportChartLocal(); } }, downloadJPEG: { textKey: 'downloadJPEG', onclick: function() { this.exportChartLocal({ type: 'image/jpeg' }); } }, downloadSVG: { textKey: 'downloadSVG', onclick: function() { this.exportChartLocal({ type: 'image/svg+xml' }); } }, downloadPDF: { textKey: 'downloadPDF', onclick: function() { this.exportChartLocal({ type: 'application/pdf' }); } } } }); }(Highcharts)); }));