<%@ page language="java" %> <%-- // $Id: //open/mondrian/webapp/MD-TAGLIB.jsp#5 $ // This software is subject to the terms of the Common Public License // Agreement, available at the following URL: // http://www.opensource.org/licenses/cpl.html. // (C) Copyright 2002-2005 Kana Software, Inc. and others. // All Rights Reserved. // You must accept the terms of that agreement to use this software. // // Andreas Voss, 27 March, 2002 --%> <%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/mdxtable.tld" prefix="mdx" %> <html> <head> <title>Mondrian MDX Table Taglib Demo</title> </head> <body> <a href=".">back to index</a><p/> <mdx:query name="query1" resultCache="true"> select {[Measures].[Unit Sales], [Measures].[Store Cost], [Measures].[Store Sales]} on columns, CrossJoin( { [Promotion Media].[All Media].[Radio], [Promotion Media].[All Media].[TV], [Promotion Media].[All Media].[Sunday Paper], [Promotion Media].[All Media].[Street Handout] }, [Product].[All Products].[Drink].children) on rows from Sales where ([Time].[1997]) </mdx:query> <mdx:query name="query2" resultCache="true"> select [Product].[All Products].[Drink].children on rows, CrossJoin( {[Measures].[Unit Sales], [Measures].[Store Sales]}, { [Promotion Media].[All Media].[Radio], [Promotion Media].[All Media].[TV], [Promotion Media].[All Media].[Sunday Paper], [Promotion Media].[All Media].[Street Handout] } ) on columns from Sales where ([Time].[1997]) </mdx:query> <mdx:query name="query3" resultCache="true"> select {[Measures].[Unit Sales], [Measures].[Store Sales]} on columns, Order([Product].[Product Department].members, [Measures].[Store Sales], DESC) on rows from Sales </mdx:query> <mdx:query name="query4" resultCache="true"> select [Product].[All Products].[Drink].children on columns from Sales where ([Measures].[Unit Sales], [Promotion Media].[All Media].[Street Handout], [Time].[1997]) </mdx:query> <mdx:query name="query5" resultCache="true"> select NON EMPTY CrossJoin([Product].[All Products].[Drink].children, [Customers].[All Customers].[USA].[WA].Children) on rows, CrossJoin( {[Measures].[Unit Sales], [Measures].[Store Sales]}, { [Promotion Media].[All Media].[Radio], [Promotion Media].[All Media].[TV], [Promotion Media].[All Media].[Sunday Paper], [Promotion Media].[All Media].[Street Handout] } ) on columns from Sales where ([Time].[1997]) </mdx:query> <mdx:query name="query6" resultCache="true"> select from Sales where ([Measures].[Store Sales], [Time].[1997], [Promotion Media].[All Media].[TV]) </mdx:query> <h1>Mondrian Taglib Examples</h1> <h3>CrossJoin Example 1</h3> The current slicer is <strong><mdx:transform query="query1" xsltURI="/WEB-INF/mdxslicer.xsl" xsltCache="true"/></strong>. <p> <mdx:transform query="query1" xsltURI="/WEB-INF/mdxtable.xsl" xsltCache="false"/> <h3>CrossJoin Example 2</h3> The same thing the other way round. The current slicer is <strong><mdx:transform query="query2" xsltURI="/WEB-INF/mdxslicer.xsl" xsltCache="true"/></strong>. <p> <mdx:transform query="query2" xsltURI="/WEB-INF/mdxtable.xsl" xsltCache="false"/> <h3>Simple Table</h3> <mdx:transform query="query3" xsltURI="/WEB-INF/mdxtable.xsl" xsltCache="false"/> <p> <h3>1-dim Table</h3> A One dimensional table. Slicer is <strong>"<mdx:transform query="query4" xsltURI="/WEB-INF/mdxslicer.xsl" xsltCache="false"/>"</strong> <p> <mdx:transform query="query4" xsltURI="/WEB-INF/mdxtable.xsl" xsltCache="false"/> <h3>CrossJoin on both axes</h3> Here is the slicer: <strong>"<mdx:transform query="query5" xsltURI="/WEB-INF/mdxslicer.xsl" xsltCache="false"/>"</strong> <p> <mdx:transform query="query5" xsltURI="/WEB-INF/mdxtable.xsl" xsltCache="false"/> <h3>0-dim example</h3> 0-dim "tables" may be useful, if you want to display calculated numbers in a form or text. For example, the Store Sales were <b> <mdx:transform query="query6" xsltURI="/WEB-INF/mdxvalue.xsl" xsltCache="false"/></b> in 1997 for TV promoted products. <p> <a href=".">back to index</a><p/> </body> </head>