/** * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2015, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved. * For licensing, see LICENSE.md or http://ckeditor.com/license */ /* global CKCONSOLE */ 'use strict'; ( function() { CKCONSOLE.add( 'widget', { panels: [ { type: 'box', content: '<ul class="ckconsole_list ckconsole_value" data-value="instances"></ul>', refresh: function( editor ) { var instances = obj2Array( editor.widgets.instances ); return { header: 'Instances (' + instances.length + ')', instances: generateInstancesList( instances ) }; }, refreshOn: function( editor, refresh ) { editor.widgets.on( 'instanceCreated', function( evt ) { refresh(); evt.data.on( 'data', refresh ); } ); editor.widgets.on( 'instanceDestroyed', refresh ); } }, { type: 'box', content: '<ul class="ckconsole_list">' + '<li>focused: <span class="ckconsole_value" data-value="focused"></span></li>' + '<li>selected: <span class="ckconsole_value" data-value="selected"></span></li>' + '</ul>', refresh: function( editor ) { var focused = editor.widgets.focused, selected = editor.widgets.selected, selectedIds = []; for ( var i = 0; i < selected.length; ++i ) selectedIds.push( selected[ i ].id ); return { header: 'Focus & selection', focused: focused ? 'id: ' + focused.id : '-', selected: selectedIds.length ? 'id: ' + selectedIds.join( ', id: ' ) : '-' }; }, refreshOn: function( editor, refresh ) { editor.on( 'selectionCheck', refresh, null, null, 999 ); } }, { type: 'log', on: function( editor, log, logFn ) { // Add all listeners with high priorities to log // messages in the correct order when one event depends on another. // E.g. selectionChange triggers widget selection - if this listener // for selectionChange will be executed later than that one, then order // will be incorrect. editor.on( 'selectionChange', function( evt ) { var msg = 'selection change', sel = evt.data.selection, el = sel.getSelectedElement(), widget; if ( el && ( widget = editor.widgets.getByElement( el, true ) ) ) msg += ' (id: ' + widget.id + ')'; log( msg ); }, null, null, 1 ); editor.widgets.on( 'instanceDestroyed', function( evt ) { log( 'instance destroyed (id: ' + evt.data.id + ')' ); }, null, null, 1 ); editor.widgets.on( 'instanceCreated', function( evt ) { log( 'instance created (id: ' + evt.data.id + ')' ); }, null, null, 1 ); editor.widgets.on( 'widgetFocused', function( evt ) { log( 'widget focused (id: ' + evt.data.widget.id + ')' ); }, null, null, 1 ); editor.widgets.on( 'widgetBlurred', function( evt ) { log( 'widget blurred (id: ' + evt.data.widget.id + ')' ); }, null, null, 1 ); editor.widgets.on( 'checkWidgets', logFn( 'checking widgets' ), null, null, 1 ); editor.widgets.on( 'checkSelection', logFn( 'checking selection' ), null, null, 1 ); } } ] } ); function generateInstancesList( instances ) { var html = '', instance; for ( var i = 0; i < instances.length; ++i ) { instance = instances[ i ]; html += itemTpl.output( { id: instance.id, name: instance.name, data: JSON.stringify( instance.data ) } ); } return html; } function obj2Array( obj ) { var arr = []; for ( var id in obj ) arr.push( obj[ id ] ); return arr; } var itemTpl = new CKEDITOR.template( '<li>id: <code>{id}</code>, name: <code>{name}</code>, data: <code>{data}</code></li>' ); } )();