/*! * Angular Material Design * https://github.com/angular/material * @license MIT * v1.0.6 */ (function( window, angular, undefined ){ "use strict"; /** * @ngdoc module * @name material.components.menu-bar */ angular.module('material.components.menuBar', [ 'material.core', 'material.components.menu' ]); angular .module('material.components.menuBar') .controller('MenuBarController', MenuBarController); var BOUND_MENU_METHODS = ['handleKeyDown', 'handleMenuHover', 'scheduleOpenHoveredMenu', 'cancelScheduledOpen']; /** * ngInject */ function MenuBarController($scope, $rootScope, $element, $attrs, $mdConstant, $document, $mdUtil, $timeout) { this.$element = $element; this.$attrs = $attrs; this.$mdConstant = $mdConstant; this.$mdUtil = $mdUtil; this.$document = $document; this.$scope = $scope; this.$rootScope = $rootScope; this.$timeout = $timeout; var self = this; angular.forEach(BOUND_MENU_METHODS, function(methodName) { self[methodName] = angular.bind(self, self[methodName]); }); } MenuBarController.$inject = ["$scope", "$rootScope", "$element", "$attrs", "$mdConstant", "$document", "$mdUtil", "$timeout"]; MenuBarController.prototype.init = function() { var $element = this.$element; var $mdUtil = this.$mdUtil; var $scope = this.$scope; var self = this; var deregisterFns = []; $element.on('keydown', this.handleKeyDown); this.parentToolbar = $mdUtil.getClosest($element, 'MD-TOOLBAR'); deregisterFns.push(this.$rootScope.$on('$mdMenuOpen', function(event, el) { if (self.getMenus().indexOf(el[0]) != -1) { $element[0].classList.add('md-open'); el[0].classList.add('md-open'); self.currentlyOpenMenu = el.controller('mdMenu'); self.currentlyOpenMenu.registerContainerProxy(self.handleKeyDown); self.enableOpenOnHover(); } })); deregisterFns.push(this.$rootScope.$on('$mdMenuClose', function(event, el, opts) { var rootMenus = self.getMenus(); if (rootMenus.indexOf(el[0]) != -1) { $element[0].classList.remove('md-open'); el[0].classList.remove('md-open'); } if ($element[0].contains(el[0])) { var parentMenu = el[0]; while (parentMenu && rootMenus.indexOf(parentMenu) == -1) { parentMenu = $mdUtil.getClosest(parentMenu, 'MD-MENU', true); } if (parentMenu) { if (!opts.skipFocus) parentMenu.querySelector('button:not([disabled])').focus(); self.currentlyOpenMenu = undefined; self.disableOpenOnHover(); self.setKeyboardMode(true); } } })); $scope.$on('$destroy', function() { while (deregisterFns.length) { deregisterFns.shift()(); } }); this.setKeyboardMode(true); }; MenuBarController.prototype.setKeyboardMode = function(enabled) { if (enabled) this.$element[0].classList.add('md-keyboard-mode'); else this.$element[0].classList.remove('md-keyboard-mode'); }; MenuBarController.prototype.enableOpenOnHover = function() { if (this.openOnHoverEnabled) return; this.openOnHoverEnabled = true; var parentToolbar; if (parentToolbar = this.parentToolbar) { parentToolbar.dataset.mdRestoreStyle = parentToolbar.getAttribute('style'); parentToolbar.style.position = 'relative'; parentToolbar.style.zIndex = 100; } angular .element(this.getMenus()) .on('mouseenter', this.handleMenuHover); }; MenuBarController.prototype.handleMenuHover = function(e) { this.setKeyboardMode(false); if (this.openOnHoverEnabled) { this.scheduleOpenHoveredMenu(e); } }; MenuBarController.prototype.disableOpenOnHover = function() { if (!this.openOnHoverEnabled) return; this.openOnHoverEnabled = false; var parentToolbar; if (parentToolbar = this.parentToolbar) { parentToolbar.style.cssText = parentToolbar.dataset.mdRestoreStyle || ''; } angular .element(this.getMenus()) .off('mouseenter', this.handleMenuHover); }; MenuBarController.prototype.scheduleOpenHoveredMenu = function(e) { var menuEl = angular.element(e.currentTarget); var menuCtrl = menuEl.controller('mdMenu'); this.setKeyboardMode(false); this.scheduleOpenMenu(menuCtrl); }; MenuBarController.prototype.scheduleOpenMenu = function(menuCtrl) { var self = this; var $timeout = this.$timeout; if (menuCtrl != self.currentlyOpenMenu) { $timeout.cancel(self.pendingMenuOpen); self.pendingMenuOpen = $timeout(function() { self.pendingMenuOpen = undefined; if (self.currentlyOpenMenu) { self.currentlyOpenMenu.close(true, { closeAll: true }); } menuCtrl.open(); }, 200, false); } }; MenuBarController.prototype.handleKeyDown = function(e) { var keyCodes = this.$mdConstant.KEY_CODE; var currentMenu = this.currentlyOpenMenu; var wasOpen = currentMenu && currentMenu.isOpen; this.setKeyboardMode(true); var handled, newMenu, newMenuCtrl; switch (e.keyCode) { case keyCodes.DOWN_ARROW: if (currentMenu) { currentMenu.focusMenuContainer(); } else { this.openFocusedMenu(); } handled = true; break; case keyCodes.UP_ARROW: currentMenu && currentMenu.close(); handled = true; break; case keyCodes.LEFT_ARROW: newMenu = this.focusMenu(-1); if (wasOpen) { newMenuCtrl = angular.element(newMenu).controller('mdMenu'); this.scheduleOpenMenu(newMenuCtrl); } handled = true; break; case keyCodes.RIGHT_ARROW: newMenu = this.focusMenu(+1); if (wasOpen) { newMenuCtrl = angular.element(newMenu).controller('mdMenu'); this.scheduleOpenMenu(newMenuCtrl); } handled = true; break; } if (handled) { e && e.preventDefault && e.preventDefault(); e && e.stopImmediatePropagation && e.stopImmediatePropagation(); } }; MenuBarController.prototype.focusMenu = function(direction) { var menus = this.getMenus(); var focusedIndex = this.getFocusedMenuIndex(); if (focusedIndex == -1) { focusedIndex = this.getOpenMenuIndex(); } var changed = false; if (focusedIndex == -1) { focusedIndex = 0; } else if ( direction < 0 && focusedIndex > 0 || direction > 0 && focusedIndex < menus.length - direction ) { focusedIndex += direction; changed = true; } if (changed) { menus[focusedIndex].querySelector('button').focus(); return menus[focusedIndex]; } }; MenuBarController.prototype.openFocusedMenu = function() { var menu = this.getFocusedMenu(); menu && angular.element(menu).controller('mdMenu').open(); }; MenuBarController.prototype.getMenus = function() { var $element = this.$element; return this.$mdUtil.nodesToArray($element[0].children) .filter(function(el) { return el.nodeName == 'MD-MENU'; }); }; MenuBarController.prototype.getFocusedMenu = function() { return this.getMenus()[this.getFocusedMenuIndex()]; }; MenuBarController.prototype.getFocusedMenuIndex = function() { var $mdUtil = this.$mdUtil; var focusedEl = $mdUtil.getClosest( this.$document[0].activeElement, 'MD-MENU' ); if (!focusedEl) return -1; var focusedIndex = this.getMenus().indexOf(focusedEl); return focusedIndex; }; MenuBarController.prototype.getOpenMenuIndex = function() { var menus = this.getMenus(); for (var i = 0; i < menus.length; ++i) { if (menus[i].classList.contains('md-open')) return i; } return -1; }; /** * @ngdoc directive * @name mdMenuBar * @module material.components.menu-bar * @restrict E * @description * * Menu bars are containers that hold multiple menus. They change the behavior and appearence * of the `md-menu` directive to behave similar to an operating system provided menu. * * @usage * <hljs lang="html"> * <md-menu-bar> * <md-menu> * <button ng-click="$mdOpenMenu()"> * File * </button> * <md-menu-content> * <md-menu-item> * <md-button ng-click="ctrl.sampleAction('share', $event)"> * Share... * </md-button> * </md-menu-item> * <md-menu-divider></md-menu-divider> * <md-menu-item> * <md-menu-item> * <md-menu> * <md-button ng-click="$mdOpenMenu()">New</md-button> * <md-menu-content> * <md-menu-item><md-button ng-click="ctrl.sampleAction('New Document', $event)">Document</md-button></md-menu-item> * <md-menu-item><md-button ng-click="ctrl.sampleAction('New Spreadsheet', $event)">Spreadsheet</md-button></md-menu-item> * <md-menu-item><md-button ng-click="ctrl.sampleAction('New Presentation', $event)">Presentation</md-button></md-menu-item> * <md-menu-item><md-button ng-click="ctrl.sampleAction('New Form', $event)">Form</md-button></md-menu-item> * <md-menu-item><md-button ng-click="ctrl.sampleAction('New Drawing', $event)">Drawing</md-button></md-menu-item> * </md-menu-content> * </md-menu> * </md-menu-item> * </md-menu-content> * </md-menu> * </md-menu-bar> * </hljs> * * ## Menu Bar Controls * * You may place `md-menu-items` that function as controls within menu bars. * There are two modes that are exposed via the `type` attribute of the `md-menu-item`. * `type="checkbox"` will function as a boolean control for the `ng-model` attribute of the * `md-menu-item`. `type="radio"` will function like a radio button, setting the `ngModel` * to the `string` value of the `value` attribute. If you need non-string values, you can use * `ng-value` to provide an expression (this is similar to how angular's native `input[type=radio]` works. * * <hljs lang="html"> * <md-menu-bar> * <md-menu> * <button ng-click="$mdOpenMenu()"> * Sample Menu * </button> * <md-menu-content> * <md-menu-item type="checkbox" ng-model="settings.allowChanges">Allow changes</md-menu-item> * <md-menu-divider></md-menu-divider> * <md-menu-item type="radio" ng-model="settings.mode" ng-value="1">Mode 1</md-menu-item> * <md-menu-item type="radio" ng-model="settings.mode" ng-value="1">Mode 2</md-menu-item> * <md-menu-item type="radio" ng-model="settings.mode" ng-value="1">Mode 3</md-menu-item> * </md-menu-content> * </md-menu> * </md-menu-bar> * </hljs> * * * ### Nesting Menus * * Menus may be nested within menu bars. This is commonly called cascading menus. * To nest a menu place the nested menu inside the content of the `md-menu-item`. * <hljs lang="html"> * <md-menu-item> * <md-menu> * <button ng-click="$mdOpenMenu()">New</md-button> * <md-menu-content> * <md-menu-item><md-button ng-click="ctrl.sampleAction('New Document', $event)">Document</md-button></md-menu-item> * <md-menu-item><md-button ng-click="ctrl.sampleAction('New Spreadsheet', $event)">Spreadsheet</md-button></md-menu-item> * <md-menu-item><md-button ng-click="ctrl.sampleAction('New Presentation', $event)">Presentation</md-button></md-menu-item> * <md-menu-item><md-button ng-click="ctrl.sampleAction('New Form', $event)">Form</md-button></md-menu-item> * <md-menu-item><md-button ng-click="ctrl.sampleAction('New Drawing', $event)">Drawing</md-button></md-menu-item> * </md-menu-content> * </md-menu> * </md-menu-item> * </hljs> * */ angular .module('material.components.menuBar') .directive('mdMenuBar', MenuBarDirective); /** * * @ngInjdect */ function MenuBarDirective($mdUtil, $mdTheming) { return { restrict: 'E', require: 'mdMenuBar', controller: 'MenuBarController', compile: function compile(templateEl, templateAttrs) { if (!templateAttrs.ariaRole) { templateEl[0].setAttribute('role', 'menubar'); } angular.forEach(templateEl[0].children, function(menuEl) { if (menuEl.nodeName == 'MD-MENU') { if (!menuEl.hasAttribute('md-position-mode')) { menuEl.setAttribute('md-position-mode', 'left bottom'); menuEl.querySelector('button,a').setAttribute('role', 'menuitem'); } var contentEls = $mdUtil.nodesToArray(menuEl.querySelectorAll('md-menu-content')); angular.forEach(contentEls, function(contentEl) { contentEl.classList.add('md-menu-bar-menu'); contentEl.classList.add('md-dense'); if (!contentEl.hasAttribute('width')) { contentEl.setAttribute('width', 5); } }); } }); return function postLink(scope, el, attrs, ctrl) { $mdTheming(scope, el); ctrl.init(); }; } }; } MenuBarDirective.$inject = ["$mdUtil", "$mdTheming"]; angular .module('material.components.menuBar') .directive('mdMenuDivider', MenuDividerDirective); function MenuDividerDirective() { return { restrict: 'E', compile: function(templateEl, templateAttrs) { if (!templateAttrs.role) { templateEl[0].setAttribute('role', 'separator'); } } }; } angular .module('material.components.menuBar') .controller('MenuItemController', MenuItemController); /** * ngInject */ function MenuItemController($scope, $element, $attrs) { this.$element = $element; this.$attrs = $attrs; this.$scope = $scope; } MenuItemController.$inject = ["$scope", "$element", "$attrs"]; MenuItemController.prototype.init = function(ngModel) { var $element = this.$element; var $attrs = this.$attrs; this.ngModel = ngModel; if ($attrs.type == 'checkbox' || $attrs.type == 'radio') { this.mode = $attrs.type; this.iconEl = $element[0].children[0]; this.buttonEl = $element[0].children[1]; if (ngModel) { // Clear ngAria set attributes this.initClickListeners(); } } }; // ngAria auto sets attributes on a menu-item with a ngModel. // We don't want this because our content (buttons) get the focus // and set their own aria attributes appropritately. Having both // breaks NVDA / JAWS. This undeoes ngAria's attrs. MenuItemController.prototype.clearNgAria = function() { var el = this.$element[0]; var clearAttrs = ['role', 'tabindex', 'aria-invalid', 'aria-checked']; angular.forEach(clearAttrs, function(attr) { el.removeAttribute(attr); }); }; MenuItemController.prototype.initClickListeners = function() { var self = this; var ngModel = this.ngModel; var $scope = this.$scope; var $attrs = this.$attrs; var $element = this.$element; var mode = this.mode; this.handleClick = angular.bind(this, this.handleClick); var icon = this.iconEl; var button = angular.element(this.buttonEl); var handleClick = this.handleClick; $attrs.$observe('disabled', setDisabled); setDisabled($attrs.disabled); ngModel.$render = function render() { self.clearNgAria(); if (isSelected()) { icon.style.display = ''; button.attr('aria-checked', 'true'); } else { icon.style.display = 'none'; button.attr('aria-checked', 'false'); } }; $scope.$$postDigest(ngModel.$render); function isSelected() { if (mode == 'radio') { var val = $attrs.ngValue ? $scope.$eval($attrs.ngValue) : $attrs.value; return ngModel.$modelValue == val; } else { return ngModel.$modelValue; } } function setDisabled(disabled) { if (disabled) { button.off('click', handleClick); } else { button.on('click', handleClick); } } }; MenuItemController.prototype.handleClick = function(e) { var mode = this.mode; var ngModel = this.ngModel; var $attrs = this.$attrs; var newVal; if (mode == 'checkbox') { newVal = !ngModel.$modelValue; } else if (mode == 'radio') { newVal = $attrs.ngValue ? this.$scope.$eval($attrs.ngValue) : $attrs.value; } ngModel.$setViewValue(newVal); ngModel.$render(); }; angular .module('material.components.menuBar') .directive('mdMenuItem', MenuItemDirective); /** * * @ngInjdect */ function MenuItemDirective() { return { require: ['mdMenuItem', '?ngModel'], priority: 210, // ensure that our post link runs after ngAria compile: function(templateEl, templateAttrs) { if (templateAttrs.type == 'checkbox' || templateAttrs.type == 'radio') { var text = templateEl[0].textContent; var buttonEl = angular.element('<md-button type="button"></md-button>'); buttonEl.html(text); buttonEl.attr('tabindex', '0'); templateEl.html(''); templateEl.append(angular.element('<md-icon md-svg-icon="check"></md-icon>')); templateEl.append(buttonEl); templateEl[0].classList.add('md-indent'); setDefault('role', (templateAttrs.type == 'checkbox') ? 'menuitemcheckbox' : 'menuitemradio', buttonEl); angular.forEach(['ng-disabled'], moveAttrToButton); } else { setDefault('role', 'menuitem', templateEl[0].querySelector('md-button,button,a')); } return function(scope, el, attrs, ctrls) { var ctrl = ctrls[0]; var ngModel = ctrls[1]; ctrl.init(ngModel); }; function setDefault(attr, val, el) { el = el || templateEl; if (el instanceof angular.element) { el = el[0]; } if (!el.hasAttribute(attr)) { el.setAttribute(attr, val); } } function moveAttrToButton(attr) { if (templateEl[0].hasAttribute(attr)) { var val = templateEl[0].getAttribute(attr); buttonEl[0].setAttribute(attr, val); templateEl[0].removeAttribute(attr); } } }, controller: 'MenuItemController' }; } })(window, window.angular);