<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <author>James Dixon</author>  
    <help>just testing...</help>  

    <region type="string-list"> 
    <department type="string-list"> 
    <position type="string-list"> 
    <mdx type="string"> 
    <mode type="string"> 

    <model type="string"/>  
    <connection type="string"/>  
    <mdx type="string"/>  
    <options type="list"/>  
    <title type="string"/>  
    <url type="string"> 

        <region type="string"/>  
        <department type="string"/>  
        <position type="string"/> 
        <regionSelects type="string"/>  
        <departmentSelects type="string"/>  
        <positionSelects type="string"/> 
        <script><![CDATA[function getSelects( baseStr, values ) {
    rtnStr = baseStr;
    if ( values == null ) {
        // Do nothing and the baseStr will be returned
    else if ( typeof( values ) == "string" ) {
        rtnStr += values;
    else {
        rtnStr = baseStr;
        if ( (values != null) && (values.length >= 1) ) {
            rtnStr += values[0];
            for ( i = 1; i < values.length; ++i ) {
                rtnStr += ", " + baseStr + values[i];
java.lang.System.out.println( rtnStr );
    return( rtnStr );

regionSelects = getSelects( "[Region].[All Regions]", region );
departmentSelects = getSelects( "[Department].[All Departments]", department );
positionSelects = getSelects( "[Positions].[All Positions]", position );]]></script> 
        <mode type="string"/>  
        <regionSelects type="string"/>  
        <departmentSelects type="string"/>  
        <positionSelects type="string"/> 
        <model type="string"/>  
        <connection type="string"/>  
        <mdx type="string"/>  
        <options type="list"/>  
        <title type="string"/>  
        <url type="string"/> 
        <title>Drill Down to Pivot Table</title>  
        <!--  connection>jdbc/SampleData</connection -->  
        <!--  query>default</query -->  
        <query><![CDATA[with member [Measures].[Variance Percent] as '([Measures].[Variance] / [Measures].[Budget])', 
     format_string = IIf(((([Measures].[Variance] / [Measures].[Budget]) * 100.0) > 2.0), "|#.00%|style='green'", 
                               IIf(((([Measures].[Variance] / [Measures].[Budget]) * 100.0) < 0.0), "|#.00%|style='red'", "#.00%"))

select NON EMPTY {[Measures].[Actual], [Measures].[Budget], [Measures].[Variance], [Measures].[Variance Percent]} ON COLUMNS,
           NON EMPTY Crossjoin({ {regionSelects} }, 
                               Crossjoin({ {departmentSelects} }, { {positionSelects} } ) ) ON ROWS

from [Quadrant Analysis]]]></query> 
      <action-name>Pivot View</action-name>  