
	<!-- This file defines the bar chart that shows the actual-to-budget variance for each department -->

	<!-- Define the chart type -->	

	<!-- Specify the title of the chart -->
	<title>Headcount Variance</title>

	<!-- Specify the location of the title -->

	<!-- Specify the font of the title -->

	<chart-background type="color">#FFFFFF</chart-background>
	<plot-background type="color">#EEEEEE</plot-background>

	<!-- Specify the orientation of the bars -->

	<!-- Specify the 3D-ness of the bars -->

	<!-- Specify if the bars are stacked -->

	<!-- Specify if the chart has a border and the border color -->

	<!-- Specify is the chart legend should be shown -->

	<!-- Specify the color palette for the chart -->

	<!-- Specify where the data for the chart comes from -->
		<!-- Specify the path to the action sequence that provides the data -->

		<!-- Specify the output of the action sequence that contains the data -->
		<!-- Specify whether to get the chart series from the rows or columns -->