/*! * Angular Material Design * https://github.com/angular/material * @license MIT * v1.0.6 */ goog.provide('ng.material.components.datepicker'); goog.require('ng.material.components.icon'); goog.require('ng.material.components.virtualRepeat'); goog.require('ng.material.core'); (function() { 'use strict'; /** * @ngdoc module * @name material.components.datepicker * @description Datepicker */ angular.module('material.components.datepicker', [ 'material.core', 'material.components.icon', 'material.components.virtualRepeat' ]).directive('mdCalendar', calendarDirective); // POST RELEASE // TODO(jelbourn): Mac Cmd + left / right == Home / End // TODO(jelbourn): Clicking on the month label opens the month-picker. // TODO(jelbourn): Minimum and maximum date // TODO(jelbourn): Refactor month element creation to use cloneNode (performance). // TODO(jelbourn): Define virtual scrolling constants (compactness) users can override. // TODO(jelbourn): Animated month transition on ng-model change (virtual-repeat) // TODO(jelbourn): Scroll snapping (virtual repeat) // TODO(jelbourn): Remove superfluous row from short months (virtual-repeat) // TODO(jelbourn): Month headers stick to top when scrolling. // TODO(jelbourn): Previous month opacity is lowered when partially scrolled out of view. // TODO(jelbourn): Support md-calendar standalone on a page (as a tabstop w/ aria-live // announcement and key handling). // Read-only calendar (not just date-picker). /** * Height of one calendar month tbody. This must be made known to the virtual-repeat and is * subsequently used for scrolling to specific months. */ var TBODY_HEIGHT = 265; /** * Height of a calendar month with a single row. This is needed to calculate the offset for * rendering an extra month in virtual-repeat that only contains one row. */ var TBODY_SINGLE_ROW_HEIGHT = 45; function calendarDirective() { return { template: '<table aria-hidden="true" class="md-calendar-day-header"><thead></thead></table>' + '<div class="md-calendar-scroll-mask">' + '<md-virtual-repeat-container class="md-calendar-scroll-container" ' + 'md-offset-size="' + (TBODY_SINGLE_ROW_HEIGHT - TBODY_HEIGHT) + '">' + '<table role="grid" tabindex="0" class="md-calendar" aria-readonly="true">' + '<tbody role="rowgroup" md-virtual-repeat="i in ctrl.items" md-calendar-month ' + 'md-month-offset="$index" class="md-calendar-month" ' + 'md-start-index="ctrl.getSelectedMonthIndex()" ' + 'md-item-size="' + TBODY_HEIGHT + '"></tbody>' + '</table>' + '</md-virtual-repeat-container>' + '</div>', scope: { minDate: '=mdMinDate', maxDate: '=mdMaxDate', dateFilter: '=mdDateFilter', }, require: ['ngModel', 'mdCalendar'], controller: CalendarCtrl, controllerAs: 'ctrl', bindToController: true, link: function(scope, element, attrs, controllers) { var ngModelCtrl = controllers[0]; var mdCalendarCtrl = controllers[1]; mdCalendarCtrl.configureNgModel(ngModelCtrl); } }; } /** Class applied to the selected date cell/. */ var SELECTED_DATE_CLASS = 'md-calendar-selected-date'; /** Class applied to the focused date cell/. */ var FOCUSED_DATE_CLASS = 'md-focus'; /** Next identifier for calendar instance. */ var nextUniqueId = 0; /** The first renderable date in the virtual-scrolling calendar (for all instances). */ var firstRenderableDate = null; /** * Controller for the mdCalendar component. * ngInject @constructor */ function CalendarCtrl($element, $attrs, $scope, $animate, $q, $mdConstant, $mdTheming, $$mdDateUtil, $mdDateLocale, $mdInkRipple, $mdUtil) { $mdTheming($element); /** * Dummy array-like object for virtual-repeat to iterate over. The length is the total * number of months that can be viewed. This is shorter than ideal because of (potential) * Firefox bug https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1181658. */ this.items = {length: 2000}; if (this.maxDate && this.minDate) { // Limit the number of months if min and max dates are set. var numMonths = $$mdDateUtil.getMonthDistance(this.minDate, this.maxDate) + 1; numMonths = Math.max(numMonths, 1); // Add an additional month as the final dummy month for rendering purposes. numMonths += 1; this.items.length = numMonths; } /** @final {!angular.$animate} */ this.$animate = $animate; /** @final {!angular.$q} */ this.$q = $q; /** @final */ this.$mdInkRipple = $mdInkRipple; /** @final */ this.$mdUtil = $mdUtil; /** @final */ this.keyCode = $mdConstant.KEY_CODE; /** @final */ this.dateUtil = $$mdDateUtil; /** @final */ this.dateLocale = $mdDateLocale; /** @final {!angular.JQLite} */ this.$element = $element; /** @final {!angular.Scope} */ this.$scope = $scope; /** @final {HTMLElement} */ this.calendarElement = $element[0].querySelector('.md-calendar'); /** @final {HTMLElement} */ this.calendarScroller = $element[0].querySelector('.md-virtual-repeat-scroller'); /** @final {Date} */ this.today = this.dateUtil.createDateAtMidnight(); /** @type {Date} */ this.firstRenderableDate = this.dateUtil.incrementMonths(this.today, -this.items.length / 2); if (this.minDate && this.minDate > this.firstRenderableDate) { this.firstRenderableDate = this.minDate; } else if (this.maxDate) { // Calculate the difference between the start date and max date. // Subtract 1 because it's an inclusive difference and 1 for the final dummy month. // var monthDifference = this.items.length - 2; this.firstRenderableDate = this.dateUtil.incrementMonths(this.maxDate, -(this.items.length - 2)); } /** @final {number} Unique ID for this calendar instance. */ this.id = nextUniqueId++; /** @type {!angular.NgModelController} */ this.ngModelCtrl = null; /** * The selected date. Keep track of this separately from the ng-model value so that we * can know, when the ng-model value changes, what the previous value was before it's updated * in the component's UI. * * @type {Date} */ this.selectedDate = null; /** * The date that is currently focused or showing in the calendar. This will initially be set * to the ng-model value if set, otherwise to today. It will be updated as the user navigates * to other months. The cell corresponding to the displayDate does not necesarily always have * focus in the document (such as for cases when the user is scrolling the calendar). * @type {Date} */ this.displayDate = null; /** * The date that has or should have focus. * @type {Date} */ this.focusDate = null; /** @type {boolean} */ this.isInitialized = false; /** @type {boolean} */ this.isMonthTransitionInProgress = false; // Unless the user specifies so, the calendar should not be a tab stop. // This is necessary because ngAria might add a tabindex to anything with an ng-model // (based on whether or not the user has turned that particular feature on/off). if (!$attrs['tabindex']) { $element.attr('tabindex', '-1'); } var self = this; /** * Handles a click event on a date cell. * Created here so that every cell can use the same function instance. * @this {HTMLTableCellElement} The cell that was clicked. */ this.cellClickHandler = function() { var cellElement = this; if (this.hasAttribute('data-timestamp')) { $scope.$apply(function() { var timestamp = Number(cellElement.getAttribute('data-timestamp')); self.setNgModelValue(self.dateUtil.createDateAtMidnight(timestamp)); }); } }; this.attachCalendarEventListeners(); } CalendarCtrl.$inject = ["$element", "$attrs", "$scope", "$animate", "$q", "$mdConstant", "$mdTheming", "$$mdDateUtil", "$mdDateLocale", "$mdInkRipple", "$mdUtil"]; /*** Initialization ***/ /** * Sets up the controller's reference to ngModelController. * @param {!angular.NgModelController} ngModelCtrl */ CalendarCtrl.prototype.configureNgModel = function(ngModelCtrl) { this.ngModelCtrl = ngModelCtrl; var self = this; ngModelCtrl.$render = function() { self.changeSelectedDate(self.ngModelCtrl.$viewValue); }; }; /** * Initialize the calendar by building the months that are initially visible. * Initialization should occur after the ngModel value is known. */ CalendarCtrl.prototype.buildInitialCalendarDisplay = function() { this.buildWeekHeader(); this.hideVerticalScrollbar(); this.displayDate = this.selectedDate || this.today; this.isInitialized = true; }; /** * Hides the vertical scrollbar on the calendar scroller by setting the width on the * calendar scroller and the `overflow: hidden` wrapper around the scroller, and then setting * a padding-right on the scroller equal to the width of the browser's scrollbar. * * This will cause a reflow. */ CalendarCtrl.prototype.hideVerticalScrollbar = function() { var element = this.$element[0]; var scrollMask = element.querySelector('.md-calendar-scroll-mask'); var scroller = this.calendarScroller; var headerWidth = element.querySelector('.md-calendar-day-header').clientWidth; var scrollbarWidth = scroller.offsetWidth - scroller.clientWidth; scrollMask.style.width = headerWidth + 'px'; scroller.style.width = (headerWidth + scrollbarWidth) + 'px'; scroller.style.paddingRight = scrollbarWidth + 'px'; }; /** Attach event listeners for the calendar. */ CalendarCtrl.prototype.attachCalendarEventListeners = function() { // Keyboard interaction. this.$element.on('keydown', angular.bind(this, this.handleKeyEvent)); }; /*** User input handling ***/ /** * Handles a key event in the calendar with the appropriate action. The action will either * be to select the focused date or to navigate to focus a new date. * @param {KeyboardEvent} event */ CalendarCtrl.prototype.handleKeyEvent = function(event) { var self = this; this.$scope.$apply(function() { // Capture escape and emit back up so that a wrapping component // (such as a date-picker) can decide to close. if (event.which == self.keyCode.ESCAPE || event.which == self.keyCode.TAB) { self.$scope.$emit('md-calendar-close'); if (event.which == self.keyCode.TAB) { event.preventDefault(); } return; } // Remaining key events fall into two categories: selection and navigation. // Start by checking if this is a selection event. if (event.which === self.keyCode.ENTER) { self.setNgModelValue(self.displayDate); event.preventDefault(); return; } // Selection isn't occuring, so the key event is either navigation or nothing. var date = self.getFocusDateFromKeyEvent(event); if (date) { date = self.boundDateByMinAndMax(date); event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); // Since this is a keyboard interaction, actually give the newly focused date keyboard // focus after the been brought into view. self.changeDisplayDate(date).then(function () { self.focus(date); }); } }); }; /** * Gets the date to focus as the result of a key event. * @param {KeyboardEvent} event * @returns {Date} Date to navigate to, or null if the key does not match a calendar shortcut. */ CalendarCtrl.prototype.getFocusDateFromKeyEvent = function(event) { var dateUtil = this.dateUtil; var keyCode = this.keyCode; switch (event.which) { case keyCode.RIGHT_ARROW: return dateUtil.incrementDays(this.displayDate, 1); case keyCode.LEFT_ARROW: return dateUtil.incrementDays(this.displayDate, -1); case keyCode.DOWN_ARROW: return event.metaKey ? dateUtil.incrementMonths(this.displayDate, 1) : dateUtil.incrementDays(this.displayDate, 7); case keyCode.UP_ARROW: return event.metaKey ? dateUtil.incrementMonths(this.displayDate, -1) : dateUtil.incrementDays(this.displayDate, -7); case keyCode.PAGE_DOWN: return dateUtil.incrementMonths(this.displayDate, 1); case keyCode.PAGE_UP: return dateUtil.incrementMonths(this.displayDate, -1); case keyCode.HOME: return dateUtil.getFirstDateOfMonth(this.displayDate); case keyCode.END: return dateUtil.getLastDateOfMonth(this.displayDate); default: return null; } }; /** * Gets the "index" of the currently selected date as it would be in the virtual-repeat. * @returns {number} */ CalendarCtrl.prototype.getSelectedMonthIndex = function() { return this.dateUtil.getMonthDistance(this.firstRenderableDate, this.selectedDate || this.today); }; /** * Scrolls to the month of the given date. * @param {Date} date */ CalendarCtrl.prototype.scrollToMonth = function(date) { if (!this.dateUtil.isValidDate(date)) { return; } var monthDistance = this.dateUtil.getMonthDistance(this.firstRenderableDate, date); this.calendarScroller.scrollTop = monthDistance * TBODY_HEIGHT; }; /** * Sets the ng-model value for the calendar and emits a change event. * @param {Date} date */ CalendarCtrl.prototype.setNgModelValue = function(date) { this.$scope.$emit('md-calendar-change', date); this.ngModelCtrl.$setViewValue(date); this.ngModelCtrl.$render(); }; /** * Focus the cell corresponding to the given date. * @param {Date=} opt_date */ CalendarCtrl.prototype.focus = function(opt_date) { var date = opt_date || this.selectedDate || this.today; var previousFocus = this.calendarElement.querySelector('.md-focus'); if (previousFocus) { previousFocus.classList.remove(FOCUSED_DATE_CLASS); } var cellId = this.getDateId(date); var cell = document.getElementById(cellId); if (cell) { cell.classList.add(FOCUSED_DATE_CLASS); cell.focus(); } else { this.focusDate = date; } }; /** * If a date exceeds minDate or maxDate, returns date matching minDate or maxDate, respectively. * Otherwise, returns the date. * @param {Date} date * @return {Date} */ CalendarCtrl.prototype.boundDateByMinAndMax = function(date) { var boundDate = date; if (this.minDate && date < this.minDate) { boundDate = new Date(this.minDate.getTime()); } if (this.maxDate && date > this.maxDate) { boundDate = new Date(this.maxDate.getTime()); } return boundDate; }; /*** Updating the displayed / selected date ***/ /** * Change the selected date in the calendar (ngModel value has already been changed). * @param {Date} date */ CalendarCtrl.prototype.changeSelectedDate = function(date) { var self = this; var previousSelectedDate = this.selectedDate; this.selectedDate = date; this.changeDisplayDate(date).then(function() { // Remove the selected class from the previously selected date, if any. if (previousSelectedDate) { var prevDateCell = document.getElementById(self.getDateId(previousSelectedDate)); if (prevDateCell) { prevDateCell.classList.remove(SELECTED_DATE_CLASS); prevDateCell.setAttribute('aria-selected', 'false'); } } // Apply the select class to the new selected date if it is set. if (date) { var dateCell = document.getElementById(self.getDateId(date)); if (dateCell) { dateCell.classList.add(SELECTED_DATE_CLASS); dateCell.setAttribute('aria-selected', 'true'); } } }); }; /** * Change the date that is being shown in the calendar. If the given date is in a different * month, the displayed month will be transitioned. * @param {Date} date */ CalendarCtrl.prototype.changeDisplayDate = function(date) { // Initialization is deferred until this function is called because we want to reflect // the starting value of ngModel. if (!this.isInitialized) { this.buildInitialCalendarDisplay(); return this.$q.when(); } // If trying to show an invalid date or a transition is in progress, do nothing. if (!this.dateUtil.isValidDate(date) || this.isMonthTransitionInProgress) { return this.$q.when(); } this.isMonthTransitionInProgress = true; var animationPromise = this.animateDateChange(date); this.displayDate = date; var self = this; animationPromise.then(function() { self.isMonthTransitionInProgress = false; }); return animationPromise; }; /** * Animates the transition from the calendar's current month to the given month. * @param {Date} date * @returns {angular.$q.Promise} The animation promise. */ CalendarCtrl.prototype.animateDateChange = function(date) { this.scrollToMonth(date); return this.$q.when(); }; /*** Constructing the calendar table ***/ /** * Builds and appends a day-of-the-week header to the calendar. * This should only need to be called once during initialization. */ CalendarCtrl.prototype.buildWeekHeader = function() { var firstDayOfWeek = this.dateLocale.firstDayOfWeek; var shortDays = this.dateLocale.shortDays; var row = document.createElement('tr'); for (var i = 0; i < 7; i++) { var th = document.createElement('th'); th.textContent = shortDays[(i + firstDayOfWeek) % 7]; row.appendChild(th); } this.$element.find('thead').append(row); }; /** * Gets an identifier for a date unique to the calendar instance for internal * purposes. Not to be displayed. * @param {Date} date * @returns {string} */ CalendarCtrl.prototype.getDateId = function(date) { return [ 'md', this.id, date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth(), date.getDate() ].join('-'); }; })(); (function() { 'use strict'; angular.module('material.components.datepicker') .directive('mdCalendarMonth', mdCalendarMonthDirective); /** * Private directive consumed by md-calendar. Having this directive lets the calender use * md-virtual-repeat and also cleanly separates the month DOM construction functions from * the rest of the calendar controller logic. */ function mdCalendarMonthDirective() { return { require: ['^^mdCalendar', 'mdCalendarMonth'], scope: {offset: '=mdMonthOffset'}, controller: CalendarMonthCtrl, controllerAs: 'mdMonthCtrl', bindToController: true, link: function(scope, element, attrs, controllers) { var calendarCtrl = controllers[0]; var monthCtrl = controllers[1]; monthCtrl.calendarCtrl = calendarCtrl; monthCtrl.generateContent(); // The virtual-repeat re-uses the same DOM elements, so there are only a limited number // of repeated items that are linked, and then those elements have their bindings updataed. // Since the months are not generated by bindings, we simply regenerate the entire thing // when the binding (offset) changes. scope.$watch(function() { return monthCtrl.offset; }, function(offset, oldOffset) { if (offset != oldOffset) { monthCtrl.generateContent(); } }); } }; } /** Class applied to the cell for today. */ var TODAY_CLASS = 'md-calendar-date-today'; /** Class applied to the selected date cell/. */ var SELECTED_DATE_CLASS = 'md-calendar-selected-date'; /** Class applied to the focused date cell/. */ var FOCUSED_DATE_CLASS = 'md-focus'; /** * Controller for a single calendar month. * ngInject @constructor */ function CalendarMonthCtrl($element, $$mdDateUtil, $mdDateLocale) { this.dateUtil = $$mdDateUtil; this.dateLocale = $mdDateLocale; this.$element = $element; this.calendarCtrl = null; /** * Number of months from the start of the month "items" that the currently rendered month * occurs. Set via angular data binding. * @type {number} */ this.offset; /** * Date cell to focus after appending the month to the document. * @type {HTMLElement} */ this.focusAfterAppend = null; } CalendarMonthCtrl.$inject = ["$element", "$$mdDateUtil", "$mdDateLocale"]; /** Generate and append the content for this month to the directive element. */ CalendarMonthCtrl.prototype.generateContent = function() { var calendarCtrl = this.calendarCtrl; var date = this.dateUtil.incrementMonths(calendarCtrl.firstRenderableDate, this.offset); this.$element.empty(); this.$element.append(this.buildCalendarForMonth(date)); if (this.focusAfterAppend) { this.focusAfterAppend.classList.add(FOCUSED_DATE_CLASS); this.focusAfterAppend.focus(); this.focusAfterAppend = null; } }; /** * Creates a single cell to contain a date in the calendar with all appropriate * attributes and classes added. If a date is given, the cell content will be set * based on the date. * @param {Date=} opt_date * @returns {HTMLElement} */ CalendarMonthCtrl.prototype.buildDateCell = function(opt_date) { var calendarCtrl = this.calendarCtrl; // TODO(jelbourn): cloneNode is likely a faster way of doing this. var cell = document.createElement('td'); cell.tabIndex = -1; cell.classList.add('md-calendar-date'); cell.setAttribute('role', 'gridcell'); if (opt_date) { cell.setAttribute('tabindex', '-1'); cell.setAttribute('aria-label', this.dateLocale.longDateFormatter(opt_date)); cell.id = calendarCtrl.getDateId(opt_date); // Use `data-timestamp` attribute because IE10 does not support the `dataset` property. cell.setAttribute('data-timestamp', opt_date.getTime()); // TODO(jelourn): Doing these comparisons for class addition during generation might be slow. // It may be better to finish the construction and then query the node and add the class. if (this.dateUtil.isSameDay(opt_date, calendarCtrl.today)) { cell.classList.add(TODAY_CLASS); } if (this.dateUtil.isValidDate(calendarCtrl.selectedDate) && this.dateUtil.isSameDay(opt_date, calendarCtrl.selectedDate)) { cell.classList.add(SELECTED_DATE_CLASS); cell.setAttribute('aria-selected', 'true'); } var cellText = this.dateLocale.dates[opt_date.getDate()]; if (this.isDateEnabled(opt_date)) { // Add a indicator for select, hover, and focus states. var selectionIndicator = document.createElement('span'); cell.appendChild(selectionIndicator); selectionIndicator.classList.add('md-calendar-date-selection-indicator'); selectionIndicator.textContent = cellText; cell.addEventListener('click', calendarCtrl.cellClickHandler); if (calendarCtrl.focusDate && this.dateUtil.isSameDay(opt_date, calendarCtrl.focusDate)) { this.focusAfterAppend = cell; } } else { cell.classList.add('md-calendar-date-disabled'); cell.textContent = cellText; } } return cell; }; /** * Check whether date is in range and enabled * @param {Date=} opt_date * @return {boolean} Whether the date is enabled. */ CalendarMonthCtrl.prototype.isDateEnabled = function(opt_date) { return this.dateUtil.isDateWithinRange(opt_date, this.calendarCtrl.minDate, this.calendarCtrl.maxDate) && (!angular.isFunction(this.calendarCtrl.dateFilter) || this.calendarCtrl.dateFilter(opt_date)); } /** * Builds a `tr` element for the calendar grid. * @param rowNumber The week number within the month. * @returns {HTMLElement} */ CalendarMonthCtrl.prototype.buildDateRow = function(rowNumber) { var row = document.createElement('tr'); row.setAttribute('role', 'row'); // Because of an NVDA bug (with Firefox), the row needs an aria-label in order // to prevent the entire row being read aloud when the user moves between rows. // See http://community.nvda-project.org/ticket/4643. row.setAttribute('aria-label', this.dateLocale.weekNumberFormatter(rowNumber)); return row; }; /** * Builds the <tbody> content for the given date's month. * @param {Date=} opt_dateInMonth * @returns {DocumentFragment} A document fragment containing the <tr> elements. */ CalendarMonthCtrl.prototype.buildCalendarForMonth = function(opt_dateInMonth) { var date = this.dateUtil.isValidDate(opt_dateInMonth) ? opt_dateInMonth : new Date(); var firstDayOfMonth = this.dateUtil.getFirstDateOfMonth(date); var firstDayOfTheWeek = this.getLocaleDay_(firstDayOfMonth); var numberOfDaysInMonth = this.dateUtil.getNumberOfDaysInMonth(date); // Store rows for the month in a document fragment so that we can append them all at once. var monthBody = document.createDocumentFragment(); var rowNumber = 1; var row = this.buildDateRow(rowNumber); monthBody.appendChild(row); // If this is the final month in the list of items, only the first week should render, // so we should return immediately after the first row is complete and has been // attached to the body. var isFinalMonth = this.offset === this.calendarCtrl.items.length - 1; // Add a label for the month. If the month starts on a Sun/Mon/Tues, the month label // goes on a row above the first of the month. Otherwise, the month label takes up the first // two cells of the first row. var blankCellOffset = 0; var monthLabelCell = document.createElement('td'); monthLabelCell.classList.add('md-calendar-month-label'); // If the entire month is after the max date, render the label as a disabled state. if (this.calendarCtrl.maxDate && firstDayOfMonth > this.calendarCtrl.maxDate) { monthLabelCell.classList.add('md-calendar-month-label-disabled'); } monthLabelCell.textContent = this.dateLocale.monthHeaderFormatter(date); if (firstDayOfTheWeek <= 2) { monthLabelCell.setAttribute('colspan', '7'); var monthLabelRow = this.buildDateRow(); monthLabelRow.appendChild(monthLabelCell); monthBody.insertBefore(monthLabelRow, row); if (isFinalMonth) { return monthBody; } } else { blankCellOffset = 2; monthLabelCell.setAttribute('colspan', '2'); row.appendChild(monthLabelCell); } // Add a blank cell for each day of the week that occurs before the first of the month. // For example, if the first day of the month is a Tuesday, add blank cells for Sun and Mon. // The blankCellOffset is needed in cases where the first N cells are used by the month label. for (var i = blankCellOffset; i < firstDayOfTheWeek; i++) { row.appendChild(this.buildDateCell()); } // Add a cell for each day of the month, keeping track of the day of the week so that // we know when to start a new row. var dayOfWeek = firstDayOfTheWeek; var iterationDate = firstDayOfMonth; for (var d = 1; d <= numberOfDaysInMonth; d++) { // If we've reached the end of the week, start a new row. if (dayOfWeek === 7) { // We've finished the first row, so we're done if this is the final month. if (isFinalMonth) { return monthBody; } dayOfWeek = 0; rowNumber++; row = this.buildDateRow(rowNumber); monthBody.appendChild(row); } iterationDate.setDate(d); var cell = this.buildDateCell(iterationDate); row.appendChild(cell); dayOfWeek++; } // Ensure that the last row of the month has 7 cells. while (row.childNodes.length < 7) { row.appendChild(this.buildDateCell()); } // Ensure that all months have 6 rows. This is necessary for now because the virtual-repeat // requires that all items have exactly the same height. while (monthBody.childNodes.length < 6) { var whitespaceRow = this.buildDateRow(); for (var i = 0; i < 7; i++) { whitespaceRow.appendChild(this.buildDateCell()); } monthBody.appendChild(whitespaceRow); } return monthBody; }; /** * Gets the day-of-the-week index for a date for the current locale. * @private * @param {Date} date * @returns {number} The column index of the date in the calendar. */ CalendarMonthCtrl.prototype.getLocaleDay_ = function(date) { return (date.getDay() + (7 - this.dateLocale.firstDayOfWeek)) % 7 }; })(); (function() { 'use strict'; /** * @ngdoc service * @name $mdDateLocaleProvider * @module material.components.datepicker * * @description * The `$mdDateLocaleProvider` is the provider that creates the `$mdDateLocale` service. * This provider that allows the user to specify messages, formatters, and parsers for date * internationalization. The `$mdDateLocale` service itself is consumed by Angular Material * components that deal with dates. * * @property {(Array<string>)=} months Array of month names (in order). * @property {(Array<string>)=} shortMonths Array of abbreviated month names. * @property {(Array<string>)=} days Array of the days of the week (in order). * @property {(Array<string>)=} shortDays Array of abbreviated dayes of the week. * @property {(Array<string>)=} dates Array of dates of the month. Only necessary for locales * using a numeral system other than [1, 2, 3...]. * @property {(Array<string>)=} firstDayOfWeek The first day of the week. Sunday = 0, Monday = 1, * etc. * @property {(function(string): Date)=} parseDate Function to parse a date object from a string. * @property {(function(Date): string)=} formatDate Function to format a date object to a string. * @property {(function(Date): string)=} monthHeaderFormatter Function that returns the label for * a month given a date. * @property {(function(number): string)=} weekNumberFormatter Function that returns a label for * a week given the week number. * @property {(string)=} msgCalendar Translation of the label "Calendar" for the current locale. * @property {(string)=} msgOpenCalendar Translation of the button label "Open calendar" for the * current locale. * * @usage * <hljs lang="js"> * myAppModule.config(function($mdDateLocaleProvider) { * * // Example of a French localization. * $mdDateLocaleProvider.months = ['janvier', 'février', 'mars', ...]; * $mdDateLocaleProvider.shortMonths = ['janv', 'févr', 'mars', ...]; * $mdDateLocaleProvider.days = ['dimanche', 'lundi', 'mardi', ...]; * $mdDateLocaleProvider.shortDays = ['Di', 'Lu', 'Ma', ...]; * * // Can change week display to start on Monday. * $mdDateLocaleProvider.firstDayOfWeek = 1; * * // Optional. * $mdDateLocaleProvider.dates = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, ...]; * * // Example uses moment.js to parse and format dates. * $mdDateLocaleProvider.parseDate = function(dateString) { * var m = moment(dateString, 'L', true); * return m.isValid() ? m.toDate() : new Date(NaN); * }; * * $mdDateLocaleProvider.formatDate = function(date) { * return moment(date).format('L'); * }; * * $mdDateLocaleProvider.monthHeaderFormatter = function(date) { * return myShortMonths[date.getMonth()] + ' ' + date.getFullYear(); * }; * * // In addition to date display, date components also need localized messages * // for aria-labels for screen-reader users. * * $mdDateLocaleProvider.weekNumberFormatter = function(weekNumber) { * return 'Semaine ' + weekNumber; * }; * * $mdDateLocaleProvider.msgCalendar = 'Calendrier'; * $mdDateLocaleProvider.msgOpenCalendar = 'Ouvrir le calendrier'; * * }); * </hljs> * */ angular.module('material.components.datepicker').config(["$provide", function($provide) { // TODO(jelbourn): Assert provided values are correctly formatted. Need assertions. /** @constructor */ function DateLocaleProvider() { /** Array of full month names. E.g., ['January', 'Febuary', ...] */ this.months = null; /** Array of abbreviated month names. E.g., ['Jan', 'Feb', ...] */ this.shortMonths = null; /** Array of full day of the week names. E.g., ['Monday', 'Tuesday', ...] */ this.days = null; /** Array of abbreviated dat of the week names. E.g., ['M', 'T', ...] */ this.shortDays = null; /** Array of dates of a month (1 - 31). Characters might be different in some locales. */ this.dates = null; /** Index of the first day of the week. 0 = Sunday, 1 = Monday, etc. */ this.firstDayOfWeek = 0; /** * Function that converts the date portion of a Date to a string. * @type {(function(Date): string)} */ this.formatDate = null; /** * Function that converts a date string to a Date object (the date portion) * @type {function(string): Date} */ this.parseDate = null; /** * Function that formats a Date into a month header string. * @type {function(Date): string} */ this.monthHeaderFormatter = null; /** * Function that formats a week number into a label for the week. * @type {function(number): string} */ this.weekNumberFormatter = null; /** * Function that formats a date into a long aria-label that is read * when the focused date changes. * @type {function(Date): string} */ this.longDateFormatter = null; /** * ARIA label for the calendar "dialog" used in the datepicker. * @type {string} */ this.msgCalendar = ''; /** * ARIA label for the datepicker's "Open calendar" buttons. * @type {string} */ this.msgOpenCalendar = ''; } /** * Factory function that returns an instance of the dateLocale service. * ngInject * @param $locale * @returns {DateLocale} */ DateLocaleProvider.prototype.$get = function($locale) { /** * Default date-to-string formatting function. * @param {!Date} date * @returns {string} */ function defaultFormatDate(date) { if (!date) { return ''; } // All of the dates created through ng-material *should* be set to midnight. // If we encounter a date where the localeTime shows at 11pm instead of midnight, // we have run into an issue with DST where we need to increment the hour by one: // var d = new Date(1992, 9, 8, 0, 0, 0); // d.toLocaleString(); // == "10/7/1992, 11:00:00 PM" var localeTime = date.toLocaleTimeString(); var formatDate = date; if (date.getHours() == 0 && (localeTime.indexOf('11:') !== -1 || localeTime.indexOf('23:') !== -1)) { formatDate = new Date(date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth(), date.getDate(), 1, 0, 0); } return formatDate.toLocaleDateString(); } /** * Default string-to-date parsing function. * @param {string} dateString * @returns {!Date} */ function defaultParseDate(dateString) { return new Date(dateString); } /** * Default function to determine whether a string makes sense to be * parsed to a Date object. * * This is very permissive and is just a basic sanity check to ensure that * things like single integers aren't able to be parsed into dates. * @param {string} dateString * @returns {boolean} */ function defaultIsDateComplete(dateString) { dateString = dateString.trim(); // Looks for three chunks of content (either numbers or text) separated // by delimiters. var re = /^(([a-zA-Z]{3,}|[0-9]{1,4})([ \.,]+|[\/\-])){2}([a-zA-Z]{3,}|[0-9]{1,4})$/; return re.test(dateString); } /** * Default date-to-string formatter to get a month header. * @param {!Date} date * @returns {string} */ function defaultMonthHeaderFormatter(date) { return service.shortMonths[date.getMonth()] + ' ' + date.getFullYear(); } /** * Default week number formatter. * @param number * @returns {string} */ function defaultWeekNumberFormatter(number) { return 'Week ' + number; } /** * Default formatter for date cell aria-labels. * @param {!Date} date * @returns {string} */ function defaultLongDateFormatter(date) { // Example: 'Thursday June 18 2015' return [ service.days[date.getDay()], service.months[date.getMonth()], service.dates[date.getDate()], date.getFullYear() ].join(' '); } // The default "short" day strings are the first character of each day, // e.g., "Monday" => "M". var defaultShortDays = $locale.DATETIME_FORMATS.DAY.map(function(day) { return day[0]; }); // The default dates are simply the numbers 1 through 31. var defaultDates = Array(32); for (var i = 1; i <= 31; i++) { defaultDates[i] = i; } // Default ARIA messages are in English (US). var defaultMsgCalendar = 'Calendar'; var defaultMsgOpenCalendar = 'Open calendar'; var service = { months: this.months || $locale.DATETIME_FORMATS.MONTH, shortMonths: this.shortMonths || $locale.DATETIME_FORMATS.SHORTMONTH, days: this.days || $locale.DATETIME_FORMATS.DAY, shortDays: this.shortDays || defaultShortDays, dates: this.dates || defaultDates, firstDayOfWeek: this.firstDayOfWeek || 0, formatDate: this.formatDate || defaultFormatDate, parseDate: this.parseDate || defaultParseDate, isDateComplete: this.isDateComplete || defaultIsDateComplete, monthHeaderFormatter: this.monthHeaderFormatter || defaultMonthHeaderFormatter, weekNumberFormatter: this.weekNumberFormatter || defaultWeekNumberFormatter, longDateFormatter: this.longDateFormatter || defaultLongDateFormatter, msgCalendar: this.msgCalendar || defaultMsgCalendar, msgOpenCalendar: this.msgOpenCalendar || defaultMsgOpenCalendar }; return service; }; DateLocaleProvider.prototype.$get.$inject = ["$locale"]; $provide.provider('$mdDateLocale', new DateLocaleProvider()); }]); })(); (function() { 'use strict'; // POST RELEASE // TODO(jelbourn): Demo that uses moment.js // TODO(jelbourn): make sure this plays well with validation and ngMessages. // TODO(jelbourn): calendar pane doesn't open up outside of visible viewport. // TODO(jelbourn): forward more attributes to the internal input (required, autofocus, etc.) // TODO(jelbourn): something better for mobile (calendar panel takes up entire screen?) // TODO(jelbourn): input behavior (masking? auto-complete?) // TODO(jelbourn): UTC mode // TODO(jelbourn): RTL angular.module('material.components.datepicker') .directive('mdDatepicker', datePickerDirective); /** * @ngdoc directive * @name mdDatepicker * @module material.components.datepicker * * @param {Date} ng-model The component's model. Expects a JavaScript Date object. * @param {expression=} ng-change Expression evaluated when the model value changes. * @param {Date=} md-min-date Expression representing a min date (inclusive). * @param {Date=} md-max-date Expression representing a max date (inclusive). * @param {(function(Date): boolean)=} md-date-filter Function expecting a date and returning a boolean whether it can be selected or not. * @param {String=} md-placeholder The date input placeholder value. * @param {boolean=} ng-disabled Whether the datepicker is disabled. * @param {boolean=} ng-required Whether a value is required for the datepicker. * * @description * `<md-datepicker>` is a component used to select a single date. * For information on how to configure internationalization for the date picker, * see `$mdDateLocaleProvider`. * * This component supports [ngMessages](https://docs.angularjs.org/api/ngMessages/directive/ngMessages). * Supported attributes are: * * `required`: whether a required date is not set. * * `mindate`: whether the selected date is before the minimum allowed date. * * `maxdate`: whether the selected date is after the maximum allowed date. * * @usage * <hljs lang="html"> * <md-datepicker ng-model="birthday"></md-datepicker> * </hljs> * */ function datePickerDirective() { return { template: // Buttons are not in the tab order because users can open the calendar via keyboard // interaction on the text input, and multiple tab stops for one component (picker) // may be confusing. '<md-button class="md-datepicker-button md-icon-button" type="button" ' + 'tabindex="-1" aria-hidden="true" ' + 'ng-click="ctrl.openCalendarPane($event)">' + '<md-icon class="md-datepicker-calendar-icon" md-svg-icon="md-calendar"></md-icon>' + '</md-button>' + '<div class="md-datepicker-input-container" ' + 'ng-class="{\'md-datepicker-focused\': ctrl.isFocused}">' + '<input class="md-datepicker-input" aria-haspopup="true" ' + 'ng-focus="ctrl.setFocused(true)" ng-blur="ctrl.setFocused(false)">' + '<md-button type="button" md-no-ink ' + 'class="md-datepicker-triangle-button md-icon-button" ' + 'ng-click="ctrl.openCalendarPane($event)" ' + 'aria-label="{{::ctrl.dateLocale.msgOpenCalendar}}">' + '<div class="md-datepicker-expand-triangle"></div>' + '</md-button>' + '</div>' + // This pane will be detached from here and re-attached to the document body. '<div class="md-datepicker-calendar-pane md-whiteframe-z1">' + '<div class="md-datepicker-input-mask">' + '<div class="md-datepicker-input-mask-opaque"></div>' + '</div>' + '<div class="md-datepicker-calendar">' + '<md-calendar role="dialog" aria-label="{{::ctrl.dateLocale.msgCalendar}}" ' + 'md-min-date="ctrl.minDate" md-max-date="ctrl.maxDate"' + 'md-date-filter="ctrl.dateFilter"' + 'ng-model="ctrl.date" ng-if="ctrl.isCalendarOpen">' + '</md-calendar>' + '</div>' + '</div>', require: ['ngModel', 'mdDatepicker', '?^mdInputContainer'], scope: { minDate: '=mdMinDate', maxDate: '=mdMaxDate', placeholder: '@mdPlaceholder', dateFilter: '=mdDateFilter' }, controller: DatePickerCtrl, controllerAs: 'ctrl', bindToController: true, link: function(scope, element, attr, controllers) { var ngModelCtrl = controllers[0]; var mdDatePickerCtrl = controllers[1]; var mdInputContainer = controllers[2]; if (mdInputContainer) { throw Error('md-datepicker should not be placed inside md-input-container.'); } mdDatePickerCtrl.configureNgModel(ngModelCtrl); } }; } /** Additional offset for the input's `size` attribute, which is updated based on its content. */ var EXTRA_INPUT_SIZE = 3; /** Class applied to the container if the date is invalid. */ var INVALID_CLASS = 'md-datepicker-invalid'; /** Default time in ms to debounce input event by. */ var DEFAULT_DEBOUNCE_INTERVAL = 500; /** * Height of the calendar pane used to check if the pane is going outside the boundary of * the viewport. See calendar.scss for how $md-calendar-height is computed; an extra 20px is * also added to space the pane away from the exact edge of the screen. * * This is computed statically now, but can be changed to be measured if the circumstances * of calendar sizing are changed. */ var CALENDAR_PANE_HEIGHT = 368; /** * Width of the calendar pane used to check if the pane is going outside the boundary of * the viewport. See calendar.scss for how $md-calendar-width is computed; an extra 20px is * also added to space the pane away from the exact edge of the screen. * * This is computed statically now, but can be changed to be measured if the circumstances * of calendar sizing are changed. */ var CALENDAR_PANE_WIDTH = 360; /** * Controller for md-datepicker. * * ngInject @constructor */ function DatePickerCtrl($scope, $element, $attrs, $compile, $timeout, $window, $mdConstant, $mdTheming, $mdUtil, $mdDateLocale, $$mdDateUtil, $$rAF) { /** @final */ this.$compile = $compile; /** @final */ this.$timeout = $timeout; /** @final */ this.$window = $window; /** @final */ this.dateLocale = $mdDateLocale; /** @final */ this.dateUtil = $$mdDateUtil; /** @final */ this.$mdConstant = $mdConstant; /* @final */ this.$mdUtil = $mdUtil; /** @final */ this.$$rAF = $$rAF; /** * The root document element. This is used for attaching a top-level click handler to * close the calendar panel when a click outside said panel occurs. We use `documentElement` * instead of body because, when scrolling is disabled, some browsers consider the body element * to be completely off the screen and propagate events directly to the html element. * @type {!angular.JQLite} */ this.documentElement = angular.element(document.documentElement); /** @type {!angular.NgModelController} */ this.ngModelCtrl = null; /** @type {HTMLInputElement} */ this.inputElement = $element[0].querySelector('input'); /** @final {!angular.JQLite} */ this.ngInputElement = angular.element(this.inputElement); /** @type {HTMLElement} */ this.inputContainer = $element[0].querySelector('.md-datepicker-input-container'); /** @type {HTMLElement} Floating calendar pane. */ this.calendarPane = $element[0].querySelector('.md-datepicker-calendar-pane'); /** @type {HTMLElement} Calendar icon button. */ this.calendarButton = $element[0].querySelector('.md-datepicker-button'); /** * Element covering everything but the input in the top of the floating calendar pane. * @type {HTMLElement} */ this.inputMask = $element[0].querySelector('.md-datepicker-input-mask-opaque'); /** @final {!angular.JQLite} */ this.$element = $element; /** @final {!angular.Attributes} */ this.$attrs = $attrs; /** @final {!angular.Scope} */ this.$scope = $scope; /** @type {Date} */ this.date = null; /** @type {boolean} */ this.isFocused = false; /** @type {boolean} */ this.isDisabled; this.setDisabled($element[0].disabled || angular.isString($attrs['disabled'])); /** @type {boolean} Whether the date-picker's calendar pane is open. */ this.isCalendarOpen = false; /** * Element from which the calendar pane was opened. Keep track of this so that we can return * focus to it when the pane is closed. * @type {HTMLElement} */ this.calendarPaneOpenedFrom = null; this.calendarPane.id = 'md-date-pane' + $mdUtil.nextUid(); $mdTheming($element); /** Pre-bound click handler is saved so that the event listener can be removed. */ this.bodyClickHandler = angular.bind(this, this.handleBodyClick); /** Pre-bound resize handler so that the event listener can be removed. */ this.windowResizeHandler = $mdUtil.debounce(angular.bind(this, this.closeCalendarPane), 100); // Unless the user specifies so, the datepicker should not be a tab stop. // This is necessary because ngAria might add a tabindex to anything with an ng-model // (based on whether or not the user has turned that particular feature on/off). if (!$attrs['tabindex']) { $element.attr('tabindex', '-1'); } this.installPropertyInterceptors(); this.attachChangeListeners(); this.attachInteractionListeners(); var self = this; $scope.$on('$destroy', function() { self.detachCalendarPane(); }); } DatePickerCtrl.$inject = ["$scope", "$element", "$attrs", "$compile", "$timeout", "$window", "$mdConstant", "$mdTheming", "$mdUtil", "$mdDateLocale", "$$mdDateUtil", "$$rAF"]; /** * Sets up the controller's reference to ngModelController. * @param {!angular.NgModelController} ngModelCtrl */ DatePickerCtrl.prototype.configureNgModel = function(ngModelCtrl) { this.ngModelCtrl = ngModelCtrl; var self = this; ngModelCtrl.$render = function() { var value = self.ngModelCtrl.$viewValue; if (value && !(value instanceof Date)) { throw Error('The ng-model for md-datepicker must be a Date instance. ' + 'Currently the model is a: ' + (typeof value)); } self.date = value; self.inputElement.value = self.dateLocale.formatDate(value); self.resizeInputElement(); self.updateErrorState(); }; }; /** * Attach event listeners for both the text input and the md-calendar. * Events are used instead of ng-model so that updates don't infinitely update the other * on a change. This should also be more performant than using a $watch. */ DatePickerCtrl.prototype.attachChangeListeners = function() { var self = this; self.$scope.$on('md-calendar-change', function(event, date) { self.ngModelCtrl.$setViewValue(date); self.date = date; self.inputElement.value = self.dateLocale.formatDate(date); self.closeCalendarPane(); self.resizeInputElement(); self.updateErrorState(); }); self.ngInputElement.on('input', angular.bind(self, self.resizeInputElement)); // TODO(chenmike): Add ability for users to specify this interval. self.ngInputElement.on('input', self.$mdUtil.debounce(self.handleInputEvent, DEFAULT_DEBOUNCE_INTERVAL, self)); }; /** Attach event listeners for user interaction. */ DatePickerCtrl.prototype.attachInteractionListeners = function() { var self = this; var $scope = this.$scope; var keyCodes = this.$mdConstant.KEY_CODE; // Add event listener through angular so that we can triggerHandler in unit tests. self.ngInputElement.on('keydown', function(event) { if (event.altKey && event.keyCode == keyCodes.DOWN_ARROW) { self.openCalendarPane(event); $scope.$digest(); } }); $scope.$on('md-calendar-close', function() { self.closeCalendarPane(); }); }; /** * Capture properties set to the date-picker and imperitively handle internal changes. * This is done to avoid setting up additional $watches. */ DatePickerCtrl.prototype.installPropertyInterceptors = function() { var self = this; if (this.$attrs['ngDisabled']) { // The expression is to be evaluated against the directive element's scope and not // the directive's isolate scope. var scope = this.$scope.$parent; if (scope) { scope.$watch(this.$attrs['ngDisabled'], function(isDisabled) { self.setDisabled(isDisabled); }); } } Object.defineProperty(this, 'placeholder', { get: function() { return self.inputElement.placeholder; }, set: function(value) { self.inputElement.placeholder = value || ''; } }); }; /** * Sets whether the date-picker is disabled. * @param {boolean} isDisabled */ DatePickerCtrl.prototype.setDisabled = function(isDisabled) { this.isDisabled = isDisabled; this.inputElement.disabled = isDisabled; this.calendarButton.disabled = isDisabled; }; /** * Sets the custom ngModel.$error flags to be consumed by ngMessages. Flags are: * - mindate: whether the selected date is before the minimum date. * - maxdate: whether the selected flag is after the maximum date. * - filtered: whether the selected date is allowed by the custom filtering function. * - valid: whether the entered text input is a valid date * * The 'required' flag is handled automatically by ngModel. * * @param {Date=} opt_date Date to check. If not given, defaults to the datepicker's model value. */ DatePickerCtrl.prototype.updateErrorState = function(opt_date) { var date = opt_date || this.date; // Clear any existing errors to get rid of anything that's no longer relevant. this.clearErrorState(); if (this.dateUtil.isValidDate(date)) { // Force all dates to midnight in order to ignore the time portion. date = this.dateUtil.createDateAtMidnight(date); if (this.dateUtil.isValidDate(this.minDate)) { var minDate = this.dateUtil.createDateAtMidnight(this.minDate); this.ngModelCtrl.$setValidity('mindate', date >= minDate); } if (this.dateUtil.isValidDate(this.maxDate)) { var maxDate = this.dateUtil.createDateAtMidnight(this.maxDate); this.ngModelCtrl.$setValidity('maxdate', date <= maxDate); } if (angular.isFunction(this.dateFilter)) { this.ngModelCtrl.$setValidity('filtered', this.dateFilter(date)); } } else { // The date is seen as "not a valid date" if there is *something* set // (i.e.., not null or undefined), but that something isn't a valid date. this.ngModelCtrl.$setValidity('valid', date == null); } // TODO(jelbourn): Change this to classList.toggle when we stop using PhantomJS in unit tests // because it doesn't conform to the DOMTokenList spec. // See https://github.com/ariya/phantomjs/issues/12782. if (!this.ngModelCtrl.$valid) { this.inputContainer.classList.add(INVALID_CLASS); } }; /** Clears any error flags set by `updateErrorState`. */ DatePickerCtrl.prototype.clearErrorState = function() { this.inputContainer.classList.remove(INVALID_CLASS); ['mindate', 'maxdate', 'filtered', 'valid'].forEach(function(field) { this.ngModelCtrl.$setValidity(field, true); }, this); }; /** Resizes the input element based on the size of its content. */ DatePickerCtrl.prototype.resizeInputElement = function() { this.inputElement.size = this.inputElement.value.length + EXTRA_INPUT_SIZE; }; /** * Sets the model value if the user input is a valid date. * Adds an invalid class to the input element if not. */ DatePickerCtrl.prototype.handleInputEvent = function() { var inputString = this.inputElement.value; var parsedDate = inputString ? this.dateLocale.parseDate(inputString) : null; this.dateUtil.setDateTimeToMidnight(parsedDate); // An input string is valid if it is either empty (representing no date) // or if it parses to a valid date that the user is allowed to select. var isValidInput = inputString == '' || ( this.dateUtil.isValidDate(parsedDate) && this.dateLocale.isDateComplete(inputString) && this.isDateEnabled(parsedDate) ); // The datepicker's model is only updated when there is a valid input. if (isValidInput) { this.ngModelCtrl.$setViewValue(parsedDate); this.date = parsedDate; } this.updateErrorState(parsedDate); }; /** * Check whether date is in range and enabled * @param {Date=} opt_date * @return {boolean} Whether the date is enabled. */ DatePickerCtrl.prototype.isDateEnabled = function(opt_date) { return this.dateUtil.isDateWithinRange(opt_date, this.minDate, this.maxDate) && (!angular.isFunction(this.dateFilter) || this.dateFilter(opt_date)); }; /** Position and attach the floating calendar to the document. */ DatePickerCtrl.prototype.attachCalendarPane = function() { var calendarPane = this.calendarPane; calendarPane.style.transform = ''; this.$element.addClass('md-datepicker-open'); var elementRect = this.inputContainer.getBoundingClientRect(); var bodyRect = document.body.getBoundingClientRect(); // Check to see if the calendar pane would go off the screen. If so, adjust position // accordingly to keep it within the viewport. var paneTop = elementRect.top - bodyRect.top; var paneLeft = elementRect.left - bodyRect.left; // If ng-material has disabled body scrolling (for example, if a dialog is open), // then it's possible that the already-scrolled body has a negative top/left. In this case, // we want to treat the "real" top as (0 - bodyRect.top). In a normal scrolling situation, // though, the top of the viewport should just be the body's scroll position. var viewportTop = (bodyRect.top < 0 && document.body.scrollTop == 0) ? -bodyRect.top : document.body.scrollTop; var viewportLeft = (bodyRect.left < 0 && document.body.scrollLeft == 0) ? -bodyRect.left : document.body.scrollLeft; var viewportBottom = viewportTop + this.$window.innerHeight; var viewportRight = viewportLeft + this.$window.innerWidth; // If the right edge of the pane would be off the screen and shifting it left by the // difference would not go past the left edge of the screen. If the calendar pane is too // big to fit on the screen at all, move it to the left of the screen and scale the entire // element down to fit. if (paneLeft + CALENDAR_PANE_WIDTH > viewportRight) { if (viewportRight - CALENDAR_PANE_WIDTH > 0) { paneLeft = viewportRight - CALENDAR_PANE_WIDTH; } else { paneLeft = viewportLeft; var scale = this.$window.innerWidth / CALENDAR_PANE_WIDTH; calendarPane.style.transform = 'scale(' + scale + ')'; } calendarPane.classList.add('md-datepicker-pos-adjusted'); } // If the bottom edge of the pane would be off the screen and shifting it up by the // difference would not go past the top edge of the screen. if (paneTop + CALENDAR_PANE_HEIGHT > viewportBottom && viewportBottom - CALENDAR_PANE_HEIGHT > viewportTop) { paneTop = viewportBottom - CALENDAR_PANE_HEIGHT; calendarPane.classList.add('md-datepicker-pos-adjusted'); } calendarPane.style.left = paneLeft + 'px'; calendarPane.style.top = paneTop + 'px'; document.body.appendChild(calendarPane); // The top of the calendar pane is a transparent box that shows the text input underneath. // Since the pane is floating, though, the page underneath the pane *adjacent* to the input is // also shown unless we cover it up. The inputMask does this by filling up the remaining space // based on the width of the input. this.inputMask.style.left = elementRect.width + 'px'; // Add CSS class after one frame to trigger open animation. this.$$rAF(function() { calendarPane.classList.add('md-pane-open'); }); }; /** Detach the floating calendar pane from the document. */ DatePickerCtrl.prototype.detachCalendarPane = function() { this.$element.removeClass('md-datepicker-open'); this.calendarPane.classList.remove('md-pane-open'); this.calendarPane.classList.remove('md-datepicker-pos-adjusted'); if (this.calendarPane.parentNode) { // Use native DOM removal because we do not want any of the angular state of this element // to be disposed. this.calendarPane.parentNode.removeChild(this.calendarPane); } }; /** * Open the floating calendar pane. * @param {Event} event */ DatePickerCtrl.prototype.openCalendarPane = function(event) { if (!this.isCalendarOpen && !this.isDisabled) { this.isCalendarOpen = true; this.calendarPaneOpenedFrom = event.target; // Because the calendar pane is attached directly to the body, it is possible that the // rest of the component (input, etc) is in a different scrolling container, such as // an md-content. This means that, if the container is scrolled, the pane would remain // stationary. To remedy this, we disable scrolling while the calendar pane is open, which // also matches the native behavior for things like `<select>` on Mac and Windows. this.$mdUtil.disableScrollAround(this.calendarPane); this.attachCalendarPane(); this.focusCalendar(); // Attach click listener inside of a timeout because, if this open call was triggered by a // click, we don't want it to be immediately propogated up to the body and handled. var self = this; this.$mdUtil.nextTick(function() { // Use 'touchstart` in addition to click in order to work on iOS Safari, where click // events aren't propogated under most circumstances. // See http://www.quirksmode.org/blog/archives/2014/02/mouse_event_bub.html self.documentElement.on('click touchstart', self.bodyClickHandler); }, false); window.addEventListener('resize', this.windowResizeHandler); } }; /** Close the floating calendar pane. */ DatePickerCtrl.prototype.closeCalendarPane = function() { if (this.isCalendarOpen) { this.isCalendarOpen = false; this.detachCalendarPane(); this.calendarPaneOpenedFrom.focus(); this.calendarPaneOpenedFrom = null; this.$mdUtil.enableScrolling(); this.ngModelCtrl.$setTouched(); this.documentElement.off('click touchstart', this.bodyClickHandler); window.removeEventListener('resize', this.windowResizeHandler); } }; /** Gets the controller instance for the calendar in the floating pane. */ DatePickerCtrl.prototype.getCalendarCtrl = function() { return angular.element(this.calendarPane.querySelector('md-calendar')).controller('mdCalendar'); }; /** Focus the calendar in the floating pane. */ DatePickerCtrl.prototype.focusCalendar = function() { // Use a timeout in order to allow the calendar to be rendered, as it is gated behind an ng-if. var self = this; this.$mdUtil.nextTick(function() { self.getCalendarCtrl().focus(); }, false); }; /** * Sets whether the input is currently focused. * @param {boolean} isFocused */ DatePickerCtrl.prototype.setFocused = function(isFocused) { if (!isFocused) { this.ngModelCtrl.$setTouched(); } this.isFocused = isFocused; }; /** * Handles a click on the document body when the floating calendar pane is open. * Closes the floating calendar pane if the click is not inside of it. * @param {MouseEvent} event */ DatePickerCtrl.prototype.handleBodyClick = function(event) { if (this.isCalendarOpen) { // TODO(jelbourn): way want to also include the md-datepicker itself in this check. var isInCalendar = this.$mdUtil.getClosest(event.target, 'md-calendar'); if (!isInCalendar) { this.closeCalendarPane(); } this.$scope.$digest(); } }; })(); (function() { 'use strict'; /** * Utility for performing date calculations to facilitate operation of the calendar and * datepicker. */ angular.module('material.components.datepicker').factory('$$mdDateUtil', function() { return { getFirstDateOfMonth: getFirstDateOfMonth, getNumberOfDaysInMonth: getNumberOfDaysInMonth, getDateInNextMonth: getDateInNextMonth, getDateInPreviousMonth: getDateInPreviousMonth, isInNextMonth: isInNextMonth, isInPreviousMonth: isInPreviousMonth, getDateMidpoint: getDateMidpoint, isSameMonthAndYear: isSameMonthAndYear, getWeekOfMonth: getWeekOfMonth, incrementDays: incrementDays, incrementMonths: incrementMonths, getLastDateOfMonth: getLastDateOfMonth, isSameDay: isSameDay, getMonthDistance: getMonthDistance, isValidDate: isValidDate, setDateTimeToMidnight: setDateTimeToMidnight, createDateAtMidnight: createDateAtMidnight, isDateWithinRange: isDateWithinRange }; /** * Gets the first day of the month for the given date's month. * @param {Date} date * @returns {Date} */ function getFirstDateOfMonth(date) { return new Date(date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth(), 1); } /** * Gets the number of days in the month for the given date's month. * @param date * @returns {number} */ function getNumberOfDaysInMonth(date) { return new Date(date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth() + 1, 0).getDate(); } /** * Get an arbitrary date in the month after the given date's month. * @param date * @returns {Date} */ function getDateInNextMonth(date) { return new Date(date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth() + 1, 1); } /** * Get an arbitrary date in the month before the given date's month. * @param date * @returns {Date} */ function getDateInPreviousMonth(date) { return new Date(date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth() - 1, 1); } /** * Gets whether two dates have the same month and year. * @param {Date} d1 * @param {Date} d2 * @returns {boolean} */ function isSameMonthAndYear(d1, d2) { return d1.getFullYear() === d2.getFullYear() && d1.getMonth() === d2.getMonth(); } /** * Gets whether two dates are the same day (not not necesarily the same time). * @param {Date} d1 * @param {Date} d2 * @returns {boolean} */ function isSameDay(d1, d2) { return d1.getDate() == d2.getDate() && isSameMonthAndYear(d1, d2); } /** * Gets whether a date is in the month immediately after some date. * @param {Date} startDate The date from which to compare. * @param {Date} endDate The date to check. * @returns {boolean} */ function isInNextMonth(startDate, endDate) { var nextMonth = getDateInNextMonth(startDate); return isSameMonthAndYear(nextMonth, endDate); } /** * Gets whether a date is in the month immediately before some date. * @param {Date} startDate The date from which to compare. * @param {Date} endDate The date to check. * @returns {boolean} */ function isInPreviousMonth(startDate, endDate) { var previousMonth = getDateInPreviousMonth(startDate); return isSameMonthAndYear(endDate, previousMonth); } /** * Gets the midpoint between two dates. * @param {Date} d1 * @param {Date} d2 * @returns {Date} */ function getDateMidpoint(d1, d2) { return createDateAtMidnight((d1.getTime() + d2.getTime()) / 2); } /** * Gets the week of the month that a given date occurs in. * @param {Date} date * @returns {number} Index of the week of the month (zero-based). */ function getWeekOfMonth(date) { var firstDayOfMonth = getFirstDateOfMonth(date); return Math.floor((firstDayOfMonth.getDay() + date.getDate() - 1) / 7); } /** * Gets a new date incremented by the given number of days. Number of days can be negative. * @param {Date} date * @param {number} numberOfDays * @returns {Date} */ function incrementDays(date, numberOfDays) { return new Date(date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth(), date.getDate() + numberOfDays); } /** * Gets a new date incremented by the given number of months. Number of months can be negative. * If the date of the given month does not match the target month, the date will be set to the * last day of the month. * @param {Date} date * @param {number} numberOfMonths * @returns {Date} */ function incrementMonths(date, numberOfMonths) { // If the same date in the target month does not actually exist, the Date object will // automatically advance *another* month by the number of missing days. // For example, if you try to go from Jan. 30 to Feb. 30, you'll end up on March 2. // So, we check if the month overflowed and go to the last day of the target month instead. var dateInTargetMonth = new Date(date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth() + numberOfMonths, 1); var numberOfDaysInMonth = getNumberOfDaysInMonth(dateInTargetMonth); if (numberOfDaysInMonth < date.getDate()) { dateInTargetMonth.setDate(numberOfDaysInMonth); } else { dateInTargetMonth.setDate(date.getDate()); } return dateInTargetMonth; } /** * Get the integer distance between two months. This *only* considers the month and year * portion of the Date instances. * * @param {Date} start * @param {Date} end * @returns {number} Number of months between `start` and `end`. If `end` is before `start` * chronologically, this number will be negative. */ function getMonthDistance(start, end) { return (12 * (end.getFullYear() - start.getFullYear())) + (end.getMonth() - start.getMonth()); } /** * Gets the last day of the month for the given date. * @param {Date} date * @returns {Date} */ function getLastDateOfMonth(date) { return new Date(date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth(), getNumberOfDaysInMonth(date)); } /** * Checks whether a date is valid. * @param {Date} date * @return {boolean} Whether the date is a valid Date. */ function isValidDate(date) { return date != null && date.getTime && !isNaN(date.getTime()); } /** * Sets a date's time to midnight. * @param {Date} date */ function setDateTimeToMidnight(date) { if (isValidDate(date)) { date.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); } } /** * Creates a date with the time set to midnight. * Drop-in replacement for two forms of the Date constructor: * 1. No argument for Date representing now. * 2. Single-argument value representing number of seconds since Unix Epoch * or a Date object. * @param {number|Date=} opt_value * @return {Date} New date with time set to midnight. */ function createDateAtMidnight(opt_value) { var date; if (angular.isUndefined(opt_value)) { date = new Date(); } else { date = new Date(opt_value); } setDateTimeToMidnight(date); return date; } /** * Checks if a date is within a min and max range, ignoring the time component. * If minDate or maxDate are not dates, they are ignored. * @param {Date} date * @param {Date} minDate * @param {Date} maxDate */ function isDateWithinRange(date, minDate, maxDate) { var dateAtMidnight = createDateAtMidnight(date); var minDateAtMidnight = isValidDate(minDate) ? createDateAtMidnight(minDate) : null; var maxDateAtMidnight = isValidDate(maxDate) ? createDateAtMidnight(maxDate) : null; return (!minDateAtMidnight || minDateAtMidnight <= dateAtMidnight) && (!maxDateAtMidnight || maxDateAtMidnight >= dateAtMidnight); } }); })(); ng.material.components.datepicker = angular.module("material.components.datepicker");