function chkDateTime1(valueSearch){ var tmpval=""; with(document.cscform){ var valueSearch1=valueSearch.split("-"); if(valueSearch1.length==3){ if(valueSearch1[1].length==1){ valueSearch1[1]="0"+valueSearch1[1]; } if(valueSearch1[0].length==1){ valueSearch1[0]="0"+valueSearch1[0]; } valueSearch1[2]=parseInt(valueSearch1[2]); return valueSearch=valueSearch1[2]+"-"+valueSearch1[1]+"-"+valueSearch1[0]; } } } function addOption(objOption,objList) { //alert(">>>>>"+objOption+":"+objList); addToOption(objOption,objList) ; } // End of addOption() function addToOption(objOption,destList) { //alert(objOption+":"+destList); var lengthAll = parseInt(objOption.length)+parseInt(destList.options.length); newDestList = new Array(lengthAll); var clen=0; for(len=0; len<destList.options.length; len++) { if (destList.options[len] != null) { newDestList[ len ] = new Option( destList.options[ len ].text, destList.options[ len ].value, destList.options[ len ].defaultSelected, destList.options[ len ].selected ); clen++; } } for ( var j = 0 ; j < objOption.length; j++ ) { if ( objOption[ j ] != null ) { newDestList[ clen ] = objOption[ j ]; clen++; } } //newDestList.sort( compareOptionValues ); for( var i = destList.options.length - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) { if ( destList.options[i] != null ) { destList.options[i] = null; } } for ( var j = 0; j < newDestList.length; j++ ) { if ( newDestList[ j ] != null ) { destList.options[ j ] =new Option(newDestList[ j ].text,newDestList[ j ].value); } } } // End of addToOption() function findKey(objOption,myList){ //alert("in findKey:>"+objOption+":"+myList); for ( var j = 0 ; j < objOption.length; j++ ) { for(var i=0;i < myList.length;i++){ if(objOption[j].value == myList.options[i].value){ alert(myList.options[i].value+" "+MyCode[83]); return true; }//if }//for } //for return false; } function goHelp(helpName,inputName,listName){ var helpReturn; var key; var tdesc="tdesc",edesc="edesc"; if (listName=='') { helpReturn = inputName+":employeeid" linkHelp_Return(helpName,helpReturn,""); } else { if (inputName=="bu1" ) { helpReturn="bu1"; key="bu1id"; } else if (inputName=="bu2" ) { helpReturn="bu2"; key="bu2id"; } else if (inputName=="bu3" ) { helpReturn="bu3"; key="bu3id"; } else if (inputName=="bu4" ) { helpReturn="bu4"; key="bu4id"; } else if (inputName=="bu5" ) { helpReturn="bu5"; key="bu5id"; } else if (inputName=="branch" ) { helpReturn="branch"; key="branchid"; } else if (inputName=="position" ) { helpReturn="position"; key="positionid"; } else if (inputName=="salatype" ) { helpReturn="salatype"; key="codeid"; } else if (inputName=="workarea" ) { helpReturn="workarea"; key="workareaid"; } else if (inputName=="emp_level" ) { helpReturn="emp_level"; key="levelid"; } else if (inputName=="time0" ) { helpReturn="time0"; key="time0id"; } else if (inputName=="employee" ) { helpReturn="employeeid"; key="employeeid"; tdesc="fullname"; edesc="efullname"; }else if (inputName=="pl" ) { helpReturn="pl"; key="plid"; }else if (inputName=="aps" ) { helpReturn="aps"; key="apsid"; } with(document.cscform){ if (__fixCon.value!="") __fixCon.value=__fixCon.value; var param="PRU086.jsp?__helpName="+helpName+"&__helpReturn="+helpReturn +"&__pageCall="+__screen.value+"&__fixCon="+__fixCon.value+"&__checkVerify=off" +"&__listName="+listName+"&__key="+key+"&__tdesc="+tdesc+"&__edesc="+edesc+"&__astype="+__astype.value;,"Help","left=50,top=70,width=920,height=680,toolbar=no,status=yes,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes"); } } } function listDblClick(objmyList){ for(i=objmyList.length;i > 0;i--){ if(objmyList.options[i-1].selected==true){ bCon=confirm(MyCode[84]+" "+objmyList.options[i-1].text+" ?"); if (bCon==true){ objmyList.options[i-1] = null; } } } } // Ref : TA/JS/PROCESS.js