<?xml version='1.0' encoding='iso-8859-1'?> <!-- ********************* common attributes *************************** --> <!ENTITY % boolean "(true|false)"> <!ENTITY % HtmlAttrs "title CDATA #IMPLIED size CDATA #IMPLIED onclick CDATA #IMPLIED tabindex CDATA #IMPLIED accesskey CDATA #IMPLIED onclick CDATA #IMPLIED ondblclick CDATA #IMPLIED onchange CDATA #IMPLIED onfocus CDATA #IMPLIED onblur CDATA #IMPLIED"> <!-- Common attributes for all xoplon controls id identifies the element within a dom tree and http request. If absent, an id is generated by the framework. label for display only disabled user input will be ignored handler class name of a com.tonbeller.wcf.component.NodeHandler that will be instantiated and associated with this element --> <!ENTITY % XoplonCtrlAttrs "%HtmlAttrs; id ID #IMPLIED label CDATA #IMPLIED disabled %boolean; 'false' handler CDATA #IMPLIED"> <!-- attributes for controls that have a data type. These attributes are used to identify and configure a FormatHandler format format string for the FormatHandler type data type that identifies the FormatHandler. If absent, "string" is assumed modelReference name of a bean property. May contain jakarta bean-utils expressions. If absent, values are not read/written from the bean --> <!ENTITY % TypedCtrlAttrs "%XoplonCtrlAttrs; format CDATA #IMPLIED type CDATA #IMPLIED modelReference CDATA #IMPLIED"> <!-- attributes for TextField, TextArea and Password value contains the user input --> <!ENTITY % EditCtrlAttrs "%TypedCtrlAttrs; value CDATA #IMPLIED cols CDATA #IMPLIED"> <!-- selectable items (checkBox, listItem, radioButton) selected whether or not this item is selected value if the parent(!) has a modelReference attribute (and an optional type attribute), then this value will be stored in the bean modelReference if present, must point to a boolean bean property that will be set to the selected state of this item --> <!ENTITY % ItemAttrs "%XoplonCtrlAttrs; selected %boolean; #IMPLIED value CDATA #IMPLIED modelReference CDATA #IMPLIED"> <!-- ********************* elements definitions *************************** --> <!ELEMENT label EMPTY> <!ATTLIST label %XoplonCtrlAttrs;> <!-- used to render a group of buttons in a twocolumn form --> <!ELEMENT buttons (button)*> <!-- a single submit button of a form forward forward to this uri (after optional validation). The uri is relative to the servlet context action default behaviour: "validate" = validate user input and write back to the bean. "revert" = initialize form with values from bean --> <!ELEMENT button EMPTY> <!ATTLIST button %XoplonCtrlAttrs; forward CDATA #IMPLIED action (validate|revert) #IMPLIED> <!ELEMENT xform ANY> <!ATTLIST xform style (twocolumn|manual) #IMPLIED action CDATA #IMPLIED> <!ELEMENT textField EMPTY> <!ATTLIST textField %EditCtrlAttrs;> <!ELEMENT password EMPTY> <!ATTLIST password %EditCtrlAttrs;> <!ELEMENT textArea EMPTY> <!ATTLIST textArea %EditCtrlAttrs; rows CDATA #IMPLIED> <!ELEMENT listBox1 (listItem)*> <!ATTLIST listBox1 %TypedCtrlAttrs; rows CDATA #IMPLIED> <!ELEMENT listBoxN (listItem)*> <!ATTLIST listBoxN %TypedCtrlAttrs; rows CDATA #IMPLIED> <!ELEMENT listItem EMPTY> <!ATTLIST listItem %ItemAttrs;> <!ELEMENT radioButtons (radioButton)*> <!ELEMENT radioButton EMPTY> <!ATTLIST radioButton %ItemAttrs; group-id CDATA #REQUIRED> <!ELEMENT checkBoxes (checkBox)*> <!ELEMENT checkBox EMPTY> <!ATTLIST checkBox %ItemAttrs;>