<!-- /************************************************************************/ // Helper Functions // By... // Zico - Internet Solutions, MWEB /************************************************************************/ /*************************** String Helper functions ***************************/ function IsEmailCorrect(szEmail) { var i, j; szEmail = Trim(szEmail); if((i=szEmail.indexOf("@")) <= 0) return false; if((j=szEmail.substring(i + 1).indexOf(".")) == -1) return false; j += i + 1; if(szEmail.substring(i + 1, j).length <= 0) return false; if(szEmail.substring(j + 1).length <= 0) return false; for(i=0; i<szEmail.length; i++) { if(szEmail.charAt(i) > 'z' || szEmail.charAt(i) < '-' || ("/:;<=>?[\\]^`".indexOf(szEmail.charAt(i)) != -1)) return false; } return true; } function IsEmpty(szStr) { for(var i=0; i<szStr.length; i++) { if(szStr.charAt(i) == ' ') szStr = szStr.substring(i-- + 1, szStr.length); else break; } if(szStr.length) return false; else return true; } function IsAlphaNumeric(szStr) { szStr = szStr.toLowerCase(); for(var i=0; i<szStr.length; i++) { if(!((szStr.charAt(i) >= 'a' && szStr.charAt(i) <= 'z') || (szStr.charAt(i) >= '0' && szStr.charAt(i) <= '9'))) return false; } return true; } function IsNumber(szStr) { for(var i=0; i<szStr.length; i++) { if("0123456789+-.".indexOf(szStr.charAt(i)) == -1) return false; } return true; } function Trim(szStr) { return TrimLeft(TrimRight(szStr)); } function TrimLeft(szStr) { for(var i=0; i<szStr.length; i++) { if(szStr.charAt(i) == ' ') szStr = szStr.substring(i-- + 1, szStr.length); else break; } return szStr; } function TrimRight(szStr) { for(var i=szStr.length - 1; i>=0; i--) { if(szStr.charAt(i) == ' ') szStr = szStr.substring(0, i); else break; } return szStr; } /*************************** Day Month and Year Helper functions ***************************/ /* Initialize Day, Month and Year comboboxes with Thai or English style and display the current day, month and year if necessary. Ex 1.. fill-up the day month and year comboboxes with the english style - InitDate(document.frm.cmbMonth, document.frm.cmbDay, document.frm.cmbYear, false, null); Ex 2.. fill-up the day month and year comboboxes with the thai style and display the current day month and year - InitDate(document.frm.cmbMonth, document.frm.cmbDay, document.frm.cmbYear, true, new Date()); */ function InitDate(cmbMonth, cmbDay, cmbYear, bThai, dtDefault) { var i; var dt = new Date(); var arrThMonth = new Array("มกราคม", "กุมภาพันธ์", "มีนาคม", "เมษายน", "พฤษภาคม", "มิถุนายน", "กรกฎาคม", "สิงหาคม", "กันยายน", "ตุลาคม", "พฤศจิกายน", "ธันวาคม"); var arrEnMonth = new Array("January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "Jun", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"); cmbMonth.options[0] = new Option(" -- ", 0); for(i=0; i<arrThMonth.length; i++) { cmbMonth.options[i + 1] = new Option((bThai)? arrThMonth[i]:arrEnMonth[i], i + 1); if(dtDefault != null) if(dtDefault.getMonth() + 1 == i) cmbMonth.selectedIndex = i; } cmbDay.options[0] = new Option(" -- ", 0); for(i=1; i<=31; i++) { cmbDay.options[i] = new Option(i, i); if(dtDefault != null) if(dtDefault.getDate() == i) cmbDay.selectedIndex = i; } cmbYear.options[0] = new Option(" -- ", 0); for(i=dt.getYear()-3; i<dt.getYear() + 3; i++) { cmbYear.options[cmbYear.options.length] = new Option((bThai)? i + 543:i, (bThai)? i + 543:i); if(dtDefault != null) if(dtDefault.getYear() == i) cmbYear.selectedIndex = cmbYear.options.length - 1; } } /* Validate the selected day month and year for leap year, worng date and correct them if necessary. Ex 1.. - <select name="cmbDay" onChange="dateValidation(this, this.form.cmbMonth, this.form.cmbYear);"></select> */ function dateValidation(cmbDay, cmbMonth, cmbYear) { if(cmbDay.options.selectedIndex == 0 || cmbMonth.options.selectedIndex == 0 || cmbYear.options.selectedIndex == 0) return; var nDay = cmbDay.options[cmbDay.options.selectedIndex].value; var nMonth = cmbMonth.options[cmbMonth.options.selectedIndex].value; var nYear = cmbYear.options[cmbYear.options.selectedIndex].value; var nMaxDay = 0; if(nMonth == 4 || nMonth == 6 || nMonth == 9 || nMonth == 11) nMaxDay = 30; else if(nMonth == 2) { if(nYear % 4 == 0 && (nYear % 100 != 0 || nYear % 400 == 0)) nMaxDay = 29; else nMaxDay = 28; } else nMaxDay = 31; if(nDay > nMaxDay) { cmbDay.options.selectedIndex = nMaxDay; } } /*generage string for sql syntax */ /* input "abc'def' output "abc''def''" */ function chkSingleQuote(szString) { var szTemp = ""; var nLength = 0; szString = Trim(szString); nLength = Trim(szString).length; if(szString.lastIndexOf("'")<0){ szTemp = szString; } else { for (i=0;i<=nLength;i++){ if(szString.charAt(i)=="'"){ szTemp = szTemp + szString.substring(0,i+1) + "'"; szString = szString.substring(i+1,szString.length); nLength = Trim(szString).length; i=0; } } } return szTemp; } /*generate currency format */ function GetCurrency(szInput) { var sztmp; var szSubfix; var i, n; var bDot; if(szInput.length <= 3 || szInput.indexOf(",") != -1) return szInput; szSubfix = ""; if((i = szInput.indexOf(".")) != -1) { bDot = true; szSubfix = szInput.substring(i + 1); szInput = szInput.substring(0, i); if(szSubfix.length >= 2) szSubfix = szSubfix.substring(0, 2); else szSubfix += "0"; } else bDot = false; sztmp = ""; n = szInput.length - 1; i = 0; while(n >= 0) { sztmp += szInput.charAt(n--); if(++i >= 3 && n >= 0) { sztmp += ","; i = 0; } } if(bDot) sztmp = ReverseString(sztmp) + "." + szSubfix; else sztmp = ReverseString(sztmp); return sztmp; } function ReverseString(szInput) { var sztmp; var i; i = 0; sztmp = ""; for(i = szInput.length; i>=0; i--) sztmp += szInput.substring(i - 1, i); return sztmp; } function Chk_DeleteId_char(frm,chkname) { var del_id = ""; for (var i = 0; i < frm.elements.length; i++) { if(frm.elements[i].name == chkname ) { if (frm.elements[i].checked == true ) { if(frm.elements[i].value.length > 0) { del_id = del_id+"'"+frm.elements[i].value+"',"; } } } } return del_id; } function Chk_DeleteId(frm,chkname) { var del_id = ""; var nCount = 0; for (var i = 0; i < frm.elements.length; i++) { if(frm.elements[i].name == chkname ) { if (frm.elements[i].checked == true ) { if(frm.elements[i].value.length > 0) { if(nCount > 0) { del_id = del_id+ ","; } del_id = del_id+frm.elements[i].value; nCount++; } } } } return del_id; } function Chk_Count(frm,chkname) { var count = 0; for (var i = 0; i < frm.elements.length; i++) { if(frm.elements[i].name == chkname ) { if (frm.elements[i].checked == true ) { if(frm.elements[i].value.length > 0) { count++; } } } } return count; } function searchStock(frm) { frm.submit(); } function setSelectObject(obj){ with(document.cscform){ obj.select(); } } function setFocusObject(obj){ with(document.cscform){ obj.focus(); } } function setTextValue(obj){ with(document.cscform){ obj.value = " "; } } function setTextValue(obj,replace){ if(replace == undefined){ replace = " "; } with(document.cscform){ obj.value = replace; } } function Replace(source,oldword,newword){ var index = 0; var first = ""; var last = ""; while(source.indexOf(oldword) > -1){ index = source.indexOf(oldword); first = source.substring(0,index); last = source.substring(index+oldword.length,source.length); source = first + newword + last; } return source; } function addDate(olddate,delim,oldform,type,amount){ var tempFormat = oldform.split(delim); var tempDate = olddate.split(delim); var newDate = ""; for(i=0;i<tempFormat.length;i++){ if(type == tempFormat[i]){ tempDate[i] = parseInt(tempDate[i]) + parseInt(amount); } newDate += tempDate[i] + "/"; } newDate = newDate.substring(0,newDate.length-1); return newDate; } function subDate(olddate,delim,oldform,type,amount){ var tempFormat = oldform.split(delim); var tempDate = olddate.split(delim); var newDate = ""; for(i=0;i<tempFormat.length;i++){ if(type == tempFormat[i]){ tempDate[i] = parseInt(tempDate[i]) - parseInt(amount); } newDate += tempDate[i] + "/"; } newDate = newDate.substring(0,newDate.length-1); return newDate; } function changDateFormat(olddate,delim,oldform,newform){ var tempFormat = oldform.split(delim); var tempDate = olddate.split(delim); for(i=0;i<tempFormat.length;i++){ alert(tempFormat[i] + "-->" + tempDate[i]); newform = Replace(newform,tempFormat[i],tempDate[i]); } return newform; } function checkDateFormat(DateObj){ var day,month,year; var cur = new Date(); var curyear = String.valueOf(cur.getYear()); alert(curyear); if(DateObj.value.length != 6){ alert("กรุณากรอกวันที่ให้ถูกต้อง (ddmmyy)"); return ; } else { day = DateObj.value.substring(0,2); month = DateObj.value.substring(2,4); year = DateObj.value.substring(4,6); alert(day+"/"+month+"/"+curyear.substring(0,2)+year); } } //-->